RyuHayate said:
Read the in-game files about her and you'll discover why she became a blonde.
You don't even need to do that. You can read the computer in-game on the platform where you start 5-2. It'll explain the blonde hair and slight whitening of the skin is a pigmentation abnormality resulting from the experiments she underwent. And I feel there's some implicit symbolism there; when you see a blonde Jill standing next to a blonde Wesker, the hair's a visual shortcut that shows how she's changed, and by whom.
And wow, sure are a lot of Jill avatars now! And about just as many blondes as brunettes. Maybe RE6 will reconcile the two by making her brunette with blonde highlights? ;P
the_zombie_luke said:
Right before you trigger that motorcycle QTE, if you stand at the gate and not go in, you can actually shoot explosive barrels they left in at that area. I don't get why they didn't have a fight there. I think they should have had it like Public Assembly where you had to survive for a set amount of time and then Delta team would come in for back up just when you were getting overwhelmed. They could have even had the motorcycle guys as bosses you could dodge. The QTE was just straight up lazy.
Yeah, that QTE is one of the best in the series. I <3 it. They probably scrapped an end battle because 2-1 was already a bit too long. In co-op, 2-1 can take awhile: cargo maze/tripwire traps -> Big Man/Adjule fight -> bridge fight -> tunnel fight x2 -> harbor fight -> helicopter backup -> slums -> shanty town w/ Chainsaw Majini. Plenty of fighting; anymore and it we'd have complaints of tedium.
Attack You said:
Oh, have we gotten to people complaining about being attacked by other players in Slayers? I had to hear an earful of waaaaah the other day, gunning someone down in Slayers. "WHAT THE HELL?! THAT BITCH SHOT ME?!" Next time, don't stand around in a crowd of Majini like a complete dork. I use Zero Suit Samus almost exclusively, and love to lob grenades from afar. I've had players chase me around for over a minute in Slayers, trying to kill me, all the while passing by several Majini and bosses worth far more points for far less effort. In some of those cases, I still end up winning because they become more obsessed with killing me than scoring points. It is to laugh.
I'm having an easier time filling Versus lobbies on PSN than XBL. Maybe because I tend to avoid Ranked match, and they don't even give you that option on PSN. I've gotten favorable responses for cycling through each map in Slayers then Survivors when I host, too. Try it, folks. It's fun.
Yeah, it's so much fun. I'm like you, killing human players when the opportunity presents itself and being hunted because of it. I described a page or two ago an incident in Slayers on Ship Deck where the other three players all worked together to stop me, they were so annoyed. Nearly cost them the match. And btw, I love how the guy named "Attack You" attacks other players. :lol
Blueblur1 said:
That's *every* RE ending in a nutshell.
cvxfreak said:
I still liked the ending.

If anything, the whole end boss fight was essentially the ending, IMO. I think it would have dragged on if it were more dramatic.
Rez said:
I have no complaints about the ending. It was of a comparable quality to all the other cutscenes in the game.
I agree with all three of you. The ending cutscene was short and sweet, but the real payoff to the game was the epic, epic, EPIC back-to-back-to-back showdowns with Wesker. The game was truly Chris' story (fitting, since they default you to him in single-player), and they really gave him quite the confrontation with his nemesis. That being said, I still would've liked Chris and Sheva making a Jill sandwich.
Hackable Hot Coffee mod?
On another note, it's amazing how far the character models have come since RE4. The in-game pics of Battlesuit Jill I posted at the bottom of the last page (complete with ass-ooglin' goodness) look more natural than the touched-up promo models for the last game, imo. Sometimes when I watch my brother play Versus, I realize the gameplay almost looks like a CGI movie at points. It's the way the camera pans out gracefully when you leap an edge or dive through a window, or the slight motion blur to a Haymaker or Backhand, or how seamlessly your character turns when landing a melee QTE on someone behind him, or the great plumes of earth thrust into the air by an explosion, or the air rippling from the heat of a burning oil spill. All the small touches add up on top of the broad strokes for one stunner of a game. An option to remove what little HUD is there would've been nice. Sure it'd be harder to play, but imagine how cinematic the fan videos would look!