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GuardianE said:
*gasp* Blasphemy.
Don't get me wrong, I like Jill and I mainly like her designs. But the pre-releae hype for RE5, combined with the Los Jilluminados (IE. Her ravenous fanbase)
I don't take credit for this name =P
have really put me off the character. I'll admit that I really didn't like her blonde-ness in the game either, it made her much more forgettable (although I do accept it, I don't like it =P).

I also feel that she doesn't look as similar to her Remake self. She sometimes looks cross eyed in RE5 too. >_> and it just doesn't feel like the Jill we all know and love.

Plus, Claire and Ada are under-rated and don't get as much love as they deserve =P

Oh lord, I feel so nerdy.

But seriously, BSAA Jill is what I see as being the "acceptable" evolution. =P I just wish Jill talked more in the whole game, but you can't have everything now can you.

Oh god, I'm starting to sound like one of them


Nemesis556 said:
I also feel that she doesn't look as similar to her Remake self. She sometimes looks cross eyed in RE5 too. >_> and it just doesn't feel like the Jill we all know and love.

really? she looks like they followed her RE1 remake face model pretty closely. or maybe i'm thinking of Umbrella Chronicles...


Santa May Claus
Nemesis556 said:
Don't get me wrong, I like Jill and I mainly like her designs. But the pre-releae hype for RE5, combined with the Los Jilluminados (IE. Her ravenous fanbase)
I don't take credit for this name =P
have really put me off the character. I'll admit that I really didn't like her blonde-ness in the game either, it made her much more forgettable (although I do accept it, I don't like it =P).

I also feel that she doesn't look as similar to her Remake self. She sometimes looks cross eyed in RE5 too. >_> and it just doesn't feel like the Jill we all know and love.

Plus, Claire and Ada are under-rated and don't get as much love as they deserve =P

Oh lord, I feel so nerdy.

But seriously, BSAA Jill is what I see as being the "acceptable" evolution. =P I just wish Jill talked more in the whole game, but you can't have everything now can you.

Oh god, I'm starting to sound like one of them

Eh, I never take Jill's rabid fans seriously. She plays a minor role in this tale, and as such it comes naturally that she's a more forgettable part of the cast.

I think she does look very similar to her REmake and UC incarnations, as far as her face structure goes. Her nose might be a little more pronounced now, but I think it's mostly the hair that's throwing the image off. When the first image of her eyes were leaked, I knew it was Jill. That's how faithful and consistent they've tried to be.

Ada's underrated, but Claire's sort of overrated in my opinion.


GuardianE said:
Eh, I never take Jill's rabid fans seriously. She plays a minor role in this tale, and as such it comes naturally that she's a more forgettable part of the cast.

I think she does look very similar to her REmake and UC incarnations, as far as her face structure goes. Her nose might be a little more pronounced now, but I think it's mostly the hair that's throwing the image off.

Ada's underrated, but Claire's sort of overrated in my opinion.

we def need another game with Ada. she kicks ass. i enjoyed playing her sidequest in RE4


LiK said:
really? she looks like they followed her RE1 remake face model pretty closely. or maybe i'm thinking of Umbrella Chronicles...
I know I'm being REALLY picky here, but for example, in CVXFREAKs avatar, her nose just looks retarded.

There's a scan in the guide that I think looks exactly like Jill. I will see if I can dig it up.

Here it is:


is much better than:


Although, to be honest, I really like the design of this - one of the most simplest and yet most eerie designs.



[Nintex] said:
The first Jill you posted is mercenaries Jill, she kicks ass.
Yeah. I like it more than other Jills, cos she's subtle and not IN YOUR FACE OMFG HOT.

But seriously, we need to discuss other things.

Sooo...how about those biceps huh?



Nemesis556 said:
I think Neiteio has mentioned Jill's Blondeness and Symbolism way too many times now. :lol BUt still good and a very valid point. Shows how some fans are just rabid when it comes to their favourite character. =P
Well if people didn't ask "Why is Jill blonde" twice every page, I wouldn't have to explain it so many times.

An RE5 FAQ suddenly seems like a good idea. ^_^

Lik said:
HAHA, you're new avatar makes me laugh. i love it cuz Jill never had her zippers opened up so low and all i keep thinking is "why is Nina in my game?" :lol love it
Yeah, I know. My one head hates the design team for the blatantly obvious change, while my other head thanks them, hugs them and sends them fruit baskets.

Nemesis556 said:
*returns gesture*

All the women of RE5 are beautiful. bar Jill.

Oh yeah I went there.






[/discussion] ;P

I think this is the hottest incarnation of the character to date. Her nose looks a bit off depending on the lighting, but I don't think it's a problem in the renders you posted, much less the in-game screenshots above.

Now is Jill the hottest in the series? I'd say Sheva steals that title. Sheva makes the sun look cold. :D

Jill has the best voice, though. I love that weak sort of rasp she has after you save her and when she reveals Wesker's weakness, and the gruff "Grab ON!" when she arrives in the chopper at the end. Very tomboyish, unique and NOT grating, which can't be said for many ladies in videogames.

Also, I'm not a Jilluminado. Sheva's my goddess of choice. But a man can appreciate!

I need to update my avatar.
Apparently Excella felt the need for an "upgrade" as well.

Sometimes this thread reads like Shakespeare. Loquacious, and full of sexual innuendos.

dgenx said:
Random fanboy stuff:

Wesker's Tiger Uppercut is awesome, you lose Sagat
Is that intentional fan service on Capcom's part, or is the Tiger Uppercut an actual martial arts technique?

Of the 32 melee moves between the four core character types, I'd probably say I like Chris' best. It's a tough choice, and probably biased because I used him all the time in campaign, but crushing someone's skull underfoot is VERY satisfying.

Imagine all the cerebral matter encrusted on the soles of his Sketchers. Gross!

To the dude who wanted to start the game fresh: use the Remove option for all of your equipment on Item Management to store it away safely. Then buy a basic pistol.

To the dude who is finally burned out on the game: play some RE4 to refresh (but be sure to use a SDTV). It's great having two "action RE" titles to alternate between now. The games have very different vibes but more or less the same rock-solid gameplay, design and plenty of content. Despite having my preferences and engaging in some petty debates here, I tend to think of the two games as a larger whole instead of one versus the other; the "Plaga Saga," if you would. And it's mindblowing when you consider how much fun, variety and value the Plaga Saga has. Absolutely astounding.

[/bow Capgods]

EDIT: I declare pg. 183 the Page of Jill.


Santa May Claus
I think Wesker wins melees if for nothing other than the Knee Cannon.

There's really nothing quite like seeing Wesker super speed across a level and knee another player in the face. I also prefer his Windfall over Chris's Stomp. Chris looks so unenthusiastic with his stomp, like he's just marching over something. I do like his Haymaker, though.


Excella is awesome. I thought I'd just say that again.

I'll agree with you Neit, that the actress who played Jill did a great job making her show her tiredness and such. They really got that aspect across well, I feel. Was it the same Motion actor as the voice actor? I wonder why they didn't get the original to return, I suppose it might be a bit too sus if they did pre-release.

Also, doesn't Wesker impale with one of his melee attacks? If so, that is more win than anything.


GuardianE said:
I think Wesker wins melees if for nothing other than the Knee Cannon.

There's really nothing quite like seeing Wesker super speed across a level and knee another player in the face. I also prefer his Wind Strike over Chris's Stomp. Chris looks so unenthusiastic with his stomp, like he's just marching over something. I do like his Haymaker, though.
Pfft. It's called being a nonchalant badass. Always gets an OMG WTF DID HE JUST SKULL-STOMP THAT BITCH?! the first time people see it.

And is Knee Cannon the real name? I love that move because it takes real skill to use in combat and is very useful covering long distances. I love using it in Prison's basement, dashing up the corridor to reach the lava room with the massive time extension at the last second.

With Knee Cannon, you will achieve complete. Global. Domination.


Santa May Claus
Nemesis556 said:
Also, doesn't Wesker impale with one of his melee attacks? If so, that is more win than anything.

Yes, but I've actually never seen it. I think he has to end a specific kind of three hit melee combo for it to come out. I believe it's called Rhino Charge.


Santa May Claus
Neiteio said:
Pfft. It's called being a nonchalant badass. Always gets an OMG WTF DID HE JUST SKULL-STOMP THAT BITCH?! the first time people see it.

I can get the whole nonchalant thing, but Chris doesn't really pull that off. Frankly, I found the Stomp the least impressive melee in the entire game, :p but maybe that's just me. He just does it so weakly. He hardly raises his foot and doesn't even look down.

As for the Knee Cannon moniker, I don't remember where I read it. If may have been from the guide or it may have been from some random guy on a forum somewhere.


Nemesis556 said:
Excella is awesome. I thought I'd just say that again.

I'll agree with you Neit, that the actress who played Jill did a great job making her show her tiredness and such. They really got that aspect across well, I feel. Was it the same Motion actor as the voice actor? I wonder why they didn't get the original to return, I suppose it might be a bit too sus if they did pre-release.

Also, doesn't Wesker impale with one of his melee attacks? If so, that is more win than anything.
I'd like to know the answers to all these questions. Regarding Wesker, in Mercs I mostly use Cobra Strike, Panther Fang and Windfall, while in Versus I find countless opportunities to use the Ram's Horn and Ghost Butterfly. I don't think those involved impalement, but the moves I listed are only five of his eight melee moves.

As for Jill's voice actress and mocap actress, I can never tell if they're one-in-the-same because info on this seems to vary online. I loved Jill's voice and body language, though. I love how cool and capable her BSAA version looks, too. Sectus also gave me a montage of BSAA Jill close-ups; I can share them if anyone's interested.


Santa May Claus
[Nintex] said:
What is this Wesker knee thing you people talk about, the only 'advanced' Melee move I've pulled off is the haymaker.

When playing as Wesker (STARS or Midnight) click the right thumbstick. At the cost of some health, Wesker will prep himself and charge forward in a dash. Pressing the Attack button (usually the right trigger on the default scheme) at any time during his speed dash will have him perform a jumping Knee to the face. You have to time it and direct it, so that's why they're calling it an advanced move.


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
Neiteio said:
Sectus also gave me a montage of BSAA Jill close-ups; I can share them if anyone's interested.

Please do. BSAA Jill is my favourite; she's all I use in Versus & Mercs.


GuardianE said:
When playing as Wesker (STARS or Midnight) click the right thumbstick. At the cost of some health, Wesker will prep himself and charge forward in a dash. Pressing the Attack button (usually the right trigger on the default scheme) at any time during his speed dash will have him perform a jumping Knee to the face. You have to time it and direct it, so that's why they're calling it an advanced move.
WAIT WHAT? are there more moves like this, I didn't know clicking the right thumbstick held so many secrets.


Santa May Claus
[Nintex] said:
WAIT WHAT? are there more moves like this, I didn't know clicking the right thumbstick held so many secrets.

No, only for Wesker. Although clicking the thumbsticks will cause your character to taunt, redirecting enemy attention to you.


GuardianE said:
I can get the whole nonchalant thing, but Chris doesn't really pull that off. Frankly, I found the Stomp the least impressive melee in the entire game, :p but maybe that's just me. He just does it so weakly. He hardly raises his foot and doesn't even look down.
Feels pretty brutal to me! Up and DOWN. Again, one wonders what the soles of his Sketchers look like.

Pein said:
Chris's backhand is the best melee in the game
I like how his pose lingers afterward to let you absorb the fury.

Kyouji said:
Please do. BSAA Jill is my favourite; she's all I use in Versus & Mercs.
Give me awhile. Sectus sent them to me as a massive montage, so I'll need to break them up. With Battle Suit Jill they were originally all lined up and I had to crop them into six sets of two images each. Not the quickest task!

[Nintex said:
]WAIT WHAT? are there more moves like this, I didn't know clicking the right thumbstick held so many secrets.
Wesker's the only one, and it applies to both Midnight and STARS. Be cautious as it uses health, but only a smidge. It's a very balanced super-move, as it takes skill to use. In the right hands you'll be zipping all over the map, evading trigger-happy foes in Survivors and snagging distant time extensions and combos in Slayers. Time it right and you can knee the heads clean off Majini, too, not to mention it scatters baddies when you dash through crowds. Very cool, although goddamn Wesker is so smug. :D

All characters have taunts, by the way. Push in BOTH analog sticks and hold them. The taunts draw enemy attention to yourself. It's useful when everyone's chasing your partner, or you want the enemies to focus on you in Slayers so you can rake up more kills.
Mercs mode is hard. I've only unlocked the mines stage. I HATE the reapers, even with infinite ammo on amateur, they sometimes still insta kill me. I was playing the mines stage the other day on DUO mode and when that reaper came out it was an instant game over.
I like Jill's new style, but i don't like how her nose looks.


Santa May Claus
Doesn't Chris wave his hand in pain after pulling a Haymaker? I really like that.

If you want to get real technical, the best melee in the entire game would be Chris's punch combo on Wesker.

akilshohen said:
I like Jill's new style, but i don't like how her nose looks.

I'm not really sure why Capcom decided to change Jill's nose for the game. It's very obvious in certain angles. I don't think it looks bad, necessarily, but it's a curious departure. Maybe they didn't want her upstaging Sheva.


akilshohen said:
Mercs mode is hard. I've only unlocked the mines stage. I HATE the reapers, even with infinite ammo on amateur, they sometimes still insta kill me. I was playing the mines stage the other day on DUO mode and when that reaper came out it was an instant game over.
I like Jill's new style, but i don't like how her nose looks.
use a shotgun on reapers, with the hydra it only takes a few hits to kill


akilshohen said:
Mercs mode is hard. I've only unlocked the mines stage. I HATE the reapers, even with infinite ammo on amateur, they sometimes still insta kill me. I was playing the mines stage the other day on DUO mode and when that reaper came out it was an instant game over.
I like Jill's new style, but i don't like how her nose looks.

simply run away from the Reapers and start shooting. they walk pretty slowly. the sack will pop up pretty quickly. i never had any problems with them
People are hating on Chris' stomp? Sure, it may not the the most powerful looking move in the game, but it's hilarious when he just stomps on someone's chest like he doesn't give a crap. I laugh every time.


GuardianE said:
Doesn't Chris wave his hand in pain after pulling a Haymaker? I really like that.

If you want to get real technical, the best melee in the entire game would be Chris's punch combo on Wesker.
Boulder Punch wins the prestiguous Best Move In A Videogame Award, but alas, not many boulders attack Chris in the game.

Now that I think of it, the boulder at the end was just minding its own business. Chris is a fucking murderer.

I'm not really sure why Capcom decided to change Jill's nose for the game. It's very obvious in certain angles. I don't think it looks bad, necessarily, but it's a curious departure. Maybe they didn't want her upstaging Sheva.
Speaking of Sheva, I read in an interview they went through countless revisions of Sheva's face -- and even her own lighting -- before finally settling on the one they liked best. I would've liked to see the other versions, but the interview said they were scrapped.


Santa May Claus
Neiteio said:
Speaking of Sheva, I read in an interview they went through countless revisions of Sheva's face -- and even her own lighting -- before finally settling on the one they liked best. I would've liked to see the other versions, but the interview said they were scrapped.

Which is especially interesting because Capcom redrew many many incarnations of Jill before Resident Evil came out. She was the most redesigned character in the series until Sheva came along... and I don't know who wins that one.


GuardianE said:
Which is especially interesting because Capcom redrew many many incarnations of Jill before Resident Evil came out. She was the most redesigned character in the series until Sheva came along... and I don't know who wins that one.

man, i really want a nice Sheva statue. the NECA action figure is pretty fugly.


Kyouji said:
Please do. BSAA Jill is my favourite; she's all I use in Versus & Mercs.
Your wish is my command! Thanks again to Sectus for providing the source images, which I then cropped and uploaded:













"The one, and only."


LiK said:
tribal sheva screenshots please~
Sectus didn't give me any Tribal Sheva shots, but a cursory glance on Google turned up this (slightly grainy) pic:


This game may very well have the best modeling ever.

Love it.


Neiteio said:
Sectus didn't give me any Tribal Sheva shots, but a cursory glance on Google turned up this (slightly grainy) pic:


This game may very well have the best modeling ever.

Love it.

Yes~ :D~

cmon Sectus, gimme some Tribal Sheva love. i really like her figurine pose. :D


Kyouji said:
Thank you Neiteio and Sectus! These are great.
No problem. Gotta love Sectus putting his pricey capture tech and photographic eye to good use. I'm just the cropper and uploader. ^_^

Lik said:

cmon Sectus, gimme some Tribal Sheva love. i really like her figurine pose. :D
Better yet, he should make a composite image of Tribal Sheva's figure ala the Excella image posted earlier. He told me he regretted having seen that AFTER his 360 RROD'd. I suppose that'll impede any pictures in the immediate future.

The Licker's another good one. One of the best 3D creature models in a game to date, imo. Now that's something to get you hot and bothered!


Neiteio said:
Better yet, he should make a composite image of Tribal Sheva's figure ala the Excella image posted earlier. He told me he regretted having seen that AFTER his 360 RROD'd. I suppose that'll impede any pictures in the immediate future.

The Licker's another good one. One of the best 3D creature models in a game to date, imo. Now that's something to get you hot and bothered!

YES, i want that! i hope Sectus can make it happen soon...

a big no on the Licker :lol


Another favorite model of mine is the Duvalia. That's the plaga where the Majini's upper torso changes into a huge, fleshy, clamshell-of-a-head with the ribcage trailing behind like an afterthought. :D

The way its iridescent shell changes color in the lighting is kind of hard to appreciate in photos, however.


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
Neiteio said:
The way its iridescent shell changes color in the lighting is kind of hard to appreciate in photos, however.

I don't know how you find time to appreciate that kind of detail; I'm usually too busy shitting myself and repositioning or I flash that mofo the instant I see it popping out. :lol

I'd love to see both a Tribal Sheva and Licker figure montage, but BSAA Jill montage would beat them both!

EDIT: Oops, yeah. I meant composite, not montage for all three figures.


Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could post some pics of chris in his safari outfit please, I wanna reference it for a costume :D


Kyouji said:
I don't know how you find time to appreciate that kind of detail; I'm usually too busy shitting myself and repositioning or I flash that mofo the instant I see it popping out. :lol
Ha! No, I don't try to look at it when faced with a live one. I use the figure viewer. There I can safely appreciate the slick sheen of its shell and how cool its coloration looks in the light.

I'd love to see both a Tribal Sheva and Licker figure montage, but BSAA Jill montage would beat them both!
I think you mean "composite." You already got a montage of BSAA Jill!


DemiMatt said:
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could post some pics of chris in his safari outfit please, I wanna reference it for a costume :D
Oh god, I wish I had a copy of the official render for Safari Chris you can find in the Piggyback player's guide. It has this awesome pose of him swiping a knife, with this dusky lighting as though he's out on the savannah. And come to think of it, on the same two-page spread is a HOT render of Clubbin' Sheva. Someone scan that shit! And lament that those two didn't get figures for the figure gallery. ;___;


Neiteio said:
Oh god, I wish I had a copy of the official render for Safari Chris you can find in the Piggyback player's guide. It has this awesome pose of him swiping a knife, with this dusky lighting as though he's out on the savannah. And come to think of it, on the same two-page spread is a HOT render of Clubbin' Sheva. Someone scan that shit! And lament that those two didn't get figures for the figure gallery. ;___;

yea, i didn't mind the Clubbin Sheva outfit, it actually looked good in-game. i was also disappointed to not see them in the figurine gallery.


Neiteio said:
Oh god, I wish I had a copy of the official render for Safari Chris you can find in the Piggyback player's guide. It has this awesome pose of him swiping a knife, with this dusky lighting as though he's out on the savannah. And come to think of it, on the same two-page spread is a HOT render of Clubbin' Sheva. Someone scan that shit! And lament that those two didn't get figures for the figure gallery. ;___;

Ahh thanks anyways, this is the best pic I found online. BTW it just feels like Safari Chris is the type of guy whod have a rattail....just saying...

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