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Wasn't sure if there was a Resident Evil Archives thread, looked through the last five pages of gaming discussion.

Does anyone know what Archives include? Or has that not be revealed yet?
Merguson said:
Wasn't sure if there was a Resident Evil Archives thread, looked through the last five pages of gaming discussion.

Does anyone know what Archives include? Or has that not be revealed yet?
Archives is the label given to the rereleases of 0 & REMake, on the Wii. Sold separately, much to the chagrin of everyone.


Darnit, I've played the game for over 160 hours and I didn't know this about Wesker's dash: you can quick turn while doing it. You can even quick turn in 90 degrees, something which isn't possible in normal movement (unless you quick turns while aiming with Type A/B controls). It's too bad you can't play as Wesker in story mode, that would make speedruns absolutely freaking insane.

And a random piece of trivia, some of the mercs characters have different names in Japanese but it's still written in English. For instance, Wesker Midnight is called Wesker Black in the Japanese version. Furiously racist I must say.


Played it to the tribal cave or whatever with a friend.

Has absolutely nothing on RE4. Not even on it's visuals. But still it's a very enjoyable game with a friend. I would've preferred a single player only game though.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Got the "team that slays together.." achievement :)

Now to work on to survivors achievements.

RE5 has turned me into a achivement whore



Ok, JUST got this game on thursday. I'm near the end of chapter 3 looking for all the emblems and extra stuff so it's taking me longer. Anyone here REALLY good at this game (has beaten it, has most of all the emblems and knows where they are, has most/all of the trophies. If so care to to help a new person to the game out. I'd really appreciate it. Please find me and add me. Oh, also, I'm looking for someone with a headset. Thanks.

PSN ID:Netguy503
Finally started to play my copy of the game today, could have started last weekend but other things to do etc. Only beat 1.1 so far but the cut scenes look amazing, real good facial animation on the main characters.

I decided to go on the easier settings for my first play, being home with two young kids running around is enough stress already so I'll play on easy and start again afterwards at a more quiet time.


Well, for the ps3 at least, with a 5 GB install and a 50GB blu-ray storage space the graphics should look AMAZING!!! Seriously, casual gamers don't know how to update their HDD's? What you want SONY, for them to run out of space?

But are you playing now on PS3? If so, look me up :Netguy503. I just started this game as well and could use the help.


netguy503 said:
Well, for the ps3 at least, with a 5 GB install and a 50GB blu-ray storage space the graphics should look AMAZING!!! Seriously, casual gamers don't know how to update their HDD's? What you want SONY, for them to run out of space?

But are you playing now on PS3? If so, look me up :Netguy503. I just started this game as well and could use the help.
Amount of space isn't all that important when it comes to graphics. If the GPU isn't powerful enough, or if there's not enough memory to actually load all those assets, there's little benefit.


dgenx said:
I wanted to give pro a shot alone, is it even possible tobeat?

i completed all difficulties including Pro on Solo without any major problems. just have infinite ammo with maxed out guns and it's not hard at all.

another reason why Solo is better for Pro is because of the QTE stuff. the AI will auto dodge pretty much most attacks. i think most human partners might mess up.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
LiK said:
i completed all difficulties including Pro on Solo without any major problems. just have infinite ammo with maxed out guns and it's not hard at all.

another reason why Solo is better for Pro is because of the QTE stuff. the AI will auto dodge pretty much most attacks. i think most human partners might mess up.

and that the AI's guns never overheat in the on-rails sequences.


McBradders said:
Would I be considered a puss if I used the infinite magnum/hyrdra combow? :eek:
Dude... I was packing infinite rockets and still got my ass kicked multiple times. One punch, kick or slap from enemies will almost always kill you. Grab whatever advantage you can get.
Question - to those playing Pro, are you playing it with upgraded weapons?

Cause I'm about to do it but without upgraded weapons. Entirely from scratch.
_Alkaline_ said:
Question - to those playing Pro, are you playing it with upgraded weapons?

Cause I'm about to do it but without upgraded weapons. Entirely from scratch.

You have to be RE5 masochist to do that. 99% of time one hit put you in dying state and if you aren't healed by dumb AI in 3 seconds, you are dead. Also, you get less healing items and very low ammo drop.

I'm doing it with infinite rocket launcher, hydra, and L.Hawk for Sheva.


so how does the exchange point system work in this game? i just beat the game on normal and ended up with around 15,000 points, is it based on kills? or lvls? also, when i beat the game, it said new game +, i ended up doing chapter select so i could check out shevas clubbing suit, which is awesome^^ and it just says continue...did i fuck myself?
ravien56 said:
so how does the exchange point system work in this game? i just beat the game on normal and ended up with around 15,000 points, is it based on kills? or lvls? also, when i beat the game, it said new game +, i ended up doing chapter select so i could check out shevas clubbing suit, which is awesome^^ and it just says continue...did i fuck myself?

For New Game+ mode, do last chapter again.


ravien56 said:
so how does the exchange point system work in this game? i just beat the game on normal and ended up with around 15,000 points, is it based on kills? or lvls? also, when i beat the game, it said new game +, i ended up doing chapter select so i could check out shevas clubbing suit, which is awesome^^ and it just says continue...did i fuck myself?
For the story mode, points are awarded for each completed chapter section, and the amount awarded is dependent on the difficulty level and the rank received. In The Mercenaries, the amount is entirely based on rank (which is based on score), while in Versus, the points awarded depend on what place you finish.


Why the hell can't my co-op partner buy/sell/upgrade things? That's just retarded.

And the weapon/customization system is so exploitable it makes me want to cry. You can buy multiple weapons now?! Fuck this shit.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
holy fuck, finally finished the entire game on pro, had to do it in single player since i'm out of live, god damn that was an experience in itself :lol :lol

contrary to what many people say, the Gigante fight went only after 3 or 4 tries for me, however i died well over a dozen times on Jill. The AI wasn't helping at all and i was basially taking on her single handedly, and god damn every single kick would kill me even at full health :(.

only the egg achievement left, can someone tell me ideal locations where golden eggs might spawn ?


chandoog said:
only the egg achievement left, can someone tell me ideal locations where golden eggs might spawn ?

Go to the island in the middle of the wetlands level where there's a whole bunch of chickens. That's where I found my gold egg.
Is there a way to split up ammo stacks? sometimes I have 30+ pistol bullets but I only want to give half to my partner, any way around that?


The Wispy Scoundrel said:
They can, unless you're talking about an AI partner, in which case it begs the question- would you trust the AI to buy it's own stuff?

I meant a human naturally. And how.... HOW!?


-Winnie- said:
Go to the island in the middle of the wetlands level where there's a whole bunch of chickens. That's where I found my gold egg.

btw, golden eggs only spawn in veteran difficulty (or higher), IIRC


mercanaries seems a lot easier now that i know what im doing, usually takes me 2 tried max to get a A rank to unlock the characters, im just wondering though, i think i remember reading in this thread that midnight wesker could do dashes? how?


Need help, from someone who has all the emblems, to run through the whole game with me today starting on Chapter 3 and stopping at the last stage (already have the end boss fight beat on Veteran) on Veteran. Any takers? This is the PS3 version. My PSN ID: Netguy503. Hit me up people!


You need all the eggs for a trophy. All you really need to do is find someone on those high difficulties and get eggs from them. My friend had all the eggs, I dumped out all my items at a menu screen, he put the eggs in my empty slots (that sounds so wrong:lol ), I got my trophy, gave all the eggs back and put my items back in.

I am the master of un-locking.:D
So me and my brother just finished the game this morning after about 2 weeks of play.

I had a absolute blast through the whole game despite my earlier complaints about the
controls everything works really well once you get over that this is not Dead Space.

I do feel though that if I was going to rank this as a Resident Evil game it wouldn't even
be in my top 3. It never feels like resident evil to me. The whole game feels very
"arcadey" and is much more like a house of the dead game than Resident Evil.

Gone is the excellent atmosphere and environments of the series and instead has been
replaced by a very clean design that is just to make it easy for you to run from point A to
point B.

I think graphically Sheva and Chris and most of the creatures are the highlight. The environments rarely impress outside of the
Underground temple
again I can imagine they would only need to change a couple things to be able to throw
this on a arcade cabinet.

I really did love the game though and had a blast. It just never felt like Resident


btw, is there a time limit you have to be under to get that "Master of Removing" trophy? I was on Veteran with another player and we removed what they were talking about from that boss without shooting it (sorry, don't know how to spoiler text) but it took QUITE awhile and I didn't get the trophy. What's worse is it doesn't show up on my chapter list that I beat it on veteran (or anything for that matter) even though I did. Double :(


During 6-3 when you split up and shoot Wesker from behind then he jumps up to Sheva's ledge and Sheva is hanging on what is the best advice to doing that because when I do it with random people online I die about 20 times then end up quitting. I've done it once before but I could use a full proof plan because it is extremely annoying.


that's a wrap:


BruceLeeRoy said:
I really did love the game though and had a blast. It just never felt like Resident

you know, that's exactly what I was thinking during my last playthrough of 6-3 in Pro.

I'm taking cover behind a pillar, waiting for the enemy to reload so I could pop out with my sniper rifle and blow their heads off...

...fuck. I had a flashback of my first time playing gears of war :lol


netguy503 said:
btw, is there a time limit you have to be under to get that "Master of Removing" trophy? I was on Veteran with another player and we removed what they were talking about from that boss without shooting it (sorry, don't know how to spoiler text) but it took QUITE awhile and I didn't get the trophy. What's worse is it doesn't show up on my chapter list that I beat it on veteran (or anything for that matter) even though I did. Double :(

There's no time limit as far as I know and you CAN shoot it. You get this trophy when removing it from her chest while the other player is holding her. If you remove it when she's on the ground then you won't get the trophy.


I really love this game...

If there's any co-op partner who wants to do some pro with unlimited weapons, please add me on PSN, ID is Mesijs. I'm from Europe (Holland).
It might just be me, but I reckon mercs is more scary than the actual campaign. Which sounds stupid, but it just feels so much more chaotic. You feel so overwhelmed at times and then suddenly you've got reapers or giant fire axemen coming towards you. I can't remember too many moments like that in the campaign. I thought the Giant Majini were pretty scary first time through, and the
section of course, but overall I wasn't fazed. Very few of those "oh shit" moments like in RE4. Remember how on the Island you entered the hospital room to grab the keycard and suddenly heard that loud crash. Next thing you know a Regenerator burts its way through the door. You sprint away in mad panic only to come across more of them outside. Or how about Verdugo chasing after you in the ceiling above? Stuff like that was scary shit, and RE4 wasn't even that scary overall. But RE5 is pretty much just an action game, and most of the few times they do try to be scary (dechant's team killed, for instance) it didn't do anything to me.

chapter 3 with the crocs, and chapter 5 with the licker corridor
made me scared again. Funnily enough, they were some of my favourite moments in the entire game.


dgenx said:
I wanted to give pro a shot alone, is it even possible tobeat?
Seriously it's not hard, I'm a big pussy when it comes to hard difficulties, the key to less frustration is beat the hardest levels first, mostly the bosses.


Vitten said:
There's no time limit as far as I know and you CAN shoot it. You get this trophy when removing it from her chest while the other player is holding her. If you remove it when she's on the ground then you won't get the trophy.

yup, works both ways whether you're holding her or pulling it off. i tried both methods on both systems and i got the achievement/trophy. i was actually surprised when i got it the first time on the 360 since i didn't look up any guides for the game on my first playthrough. very nice lil nod to the first game.
zoukka said:
Why the hell can't my co-op partner buy/sell/upgrade things? That's just retarded.

And the weapon/customization system is so exploitable it makes me want to cry. You can buy multiple weapons now?! Fuck this shit.
The other person needs to be logged into their own XBL/PSN account. If they're a guest, they can't do any of the stuff you mentioned. Unfortunately, once they use their own account, you won't be able to share weapons and they'll start with only the base pistol.

Yeah, it's pretty fucking lame. Thanks Capcom for your shitty local multiplayer integration.


Santa May Claus
Hope you guys aren't burnt out on this game yet.

Capcom is considering the creation of new content for the game due to overwhelming fan requests on their Capcom-Unity site. Right now, they're compiling a list of things to show Takeuchi Jun and they want fan suggestions!


Follow the link. You have to be a member of Capcom-Unity to put in a request, but it's free. I dunno about you, but if they added some more characters/game modes/costumes, I'd definitely be down. I figured it would happen considering how well the game sold. I'm just glad they're asking for some fan input.


GuardianE said:
Hope you guys aren't burnt out on this game yet.

Capcom is considering the creation of new content for the game due to overwhelming fan requests on their Capcom-Unity site. Right now, they're compiling a list of things to show Takeuchi Jun and they want fan suggestions!


Follow the link. You have to be a member of Capcom-Unity to put in a request, but it's free. I dunno about you, but if they added some more characters/game modes/costumes, I'd definitely be down. I figured it would happen considering how well the game sold. I'm just glad they're asking for some fan input.

thanks for the heads up, going nao


Santa May Claus
LiK said:
thanks for the heads up, going nao

Frankly, I'm having a hard time thinking of good suggestions. :lol Like, I always wish that companies would ask for our opinions on bonus content, but now that they are I'm kinda stumped. I think I have to just mull it over for a while.

I'd be more enthusiastic about putting in my thoughts on additional characters that should be added for Mercs/Versus mode, but this is a start!


GuardianE said:
Frankly, I'm having a hard time thinking of good suggestions. :lol Like, I always wish that companies would ask for our opinions on bonus content, but now that they are I'm kinda stumped. I think I have to just mull it over for a while.

I'd be more enthusiastic about putting in my thoughts on additional characters that should be added for Mercs/Versus mode, but this is a start!

yea, no duplicate entries and everyone had so many good ones i thought of. i came up with a few that weren't mentioned. check the last comment :)


GuardianE said:
Hope you guys aren't burnt out on this game yet.

Capcom is considering the creation of new content for the game due to overwhelming fan requests on their Capcom-Unity site. Right now, they're compiling a list of things to show Takeuchi Jun and they want fan suggestions!


Follow the link. You have to be a member of Capcom-Unity to put in a request, but it's free. I dunno about you, but if they added some more characters/game modes/costumes, I'd definitely be down. I figured it would happen considering how well the game sold. I'm just glad they're asking for some fan input.

A new chapter is probably too much to ask for. I'd be content with Chris' CODE: Veronica and Umbrella Chronicles costumes, Jill's Resident Evil 3 and Umbrella Chronicles costumes, and with the inclusion of Leon, Claire, Ada, Hunk, Rebecca and Billy in Mercenaries and Versus.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
New maps for Versus and Mercenaries.

and more Wesker,that's all I ask.


Santa May Claus
cvxfreak said:
A new chapter is probably too much to ask for. I'd be content with Chris' CODE: Veronica and Umbrella Chronicles costumes, Jill's Resident Evil 3 and Umbrella Chronicles costumes, and with the inclusion of Leon, Claire, Ada, Hunk, Rebecca and Billy in Mercenaries and Versus.

It's just sort of painful because there's suuuch a good opportunity here with a Separate Ways. The game really just leaves it open for that. I'm surprised that a Separate Ways wasn't planned out because of how many gaps there are in the story for some characters.
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