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brandonh83 said:
So it's nothing at all like what was shown in that
first-build RE4 screenshot with Leon on the blimp looking airship? I was kinda hoping for that to come back

Nothing like that, no. :(


Pop On Arrival said:
at the last chapter right now and I've only been playing for 5 hours. Someone please tell me the last chapter is 5 hours long. :x
How the hell did you complete the first 5 chapters in just 5 hours? You're either lying or really rushing the game.
Sectus said:
How the hell did you complete the first 5 chapters in just 5 hours? You're either lying or really rushing the game.

Rushing? Nah, I'm just playing through at a casual pace(online co-op). And it's 5 hours and 20 minutes to be exact.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Just finished 3-1. Definitely feels shorter than RE4, but is quite intense with the action. RE4 had a number of lull periods where nothing was going on; this doesn't really have those. Boss fights have been fun, but incredibly EASY in comparison to RE4.

Sheva has not been giving me any problems. I never had any problems with Ashley in RE4 and Sheva is similar, only she is able to fight. I don't know if things would be different if I set her A.I. to attack; I've kept it on cover the entire time. Doing this has kept her only using the basic handgun, but I've found that switching to attack briefly and then back to cover will get her to change weapons (which is only really necessary if you want her to use the rifle).

Enemies encountered so far (minor spoilers)-

The Majini- RE5's Ganados; they behave in the same manner as the villagers in RE4. They either come at you bare-handed, with bladed weapons, flaming arrows, or dynamite. Same as before. Very few female enemies so far for some reason, and the enemies who mutate further and have the insect-blade-stuff coming out of their heads have been surprisingly few and far between. Maybe this changes on veteran?

"Fat guys:" Bigger ganados who take a lot more shots to bring down. Only encountered a couple in the beginning stages.

Flying monsters: These will generally come out of ganados' heads when you kill them. They take 2-3 shots to bring down and aren't really a threat unless you're running and one catches up to you.

Dogs: Annoying as hell, there's a few types although they all have the same attack pattern. Can mutate further into monsters with huge jaws.

Axe man: From the demo, same thing.

Chainsaw man: Same as RE4, different look. Wasn't as hard to kill as the axe man, but I had a few flaming barrels to shoot off that helped!

Alligators: In a swamp area; I didn't even try to fight these and just avoided them.

Tribesmen: These guys replace the monks from RE4. They come at you with spears and/or shields, and will dodge your shots on occasion.

"Witch doctors:" Dance and chant on occasion, and are rather tall. Took a lot of shots to bring down; not sure if there's a trick to make it easier since they are wearing huge masks that act as armor.

Snakes: There's a few here and there.

So far there's been one section on rails
(shooting enemies in trucks and on bikes from the back of a Hummer)
, one stationary boss fight
(El Gigante is back and boy is he a PUSH-OVER. You just pump him full of lead with the same chain gun from the hummer.)
, and one water area
(the swamp mentioned before; you ride around on an airboat to get from place to place.)

AkuMifune said:
Chapter 2-3 represents everything I hate about this game in one 5 minute section. Hopefully that's the end of crap like that.

Otherwise I'm having a blast and can't wait to get back into it.

It's just like the vehicle section in Uncharted, but with inexplicably exploding zombies on motorcycles. I literally feel dumber having played that section.

Eh, it wasn't anything special, but acted as a nice "break" from the regular action and wasn't long enough to be annoying. If anything, it was too easy.


Just got to 5-3. The game's definitely really fun. It's a lot more of an action game than even RE4 though. It's not really a surprise, but I think most people will agree that RE4 still felt paced like a regular RE (like how MGS3 felt paced like a regular MGS) in the sense that the entire game took place in a large and rather interconnected area. RE4 was basically split into Village and Castle, but it felt like you were attacking a big enemy base, like in MGS.

RE5 is a lot more like MGS4, in the same sense both are now split into major chapters, and each chapter representing a completely new area which for the most part is completely different from the area before it. Some chapters are areas that are interconnected geographically, but generally there's no backtracking to previous areas, and the game is even more linear than RE4 being designed largely for shooting encounters between major boss fights. The element of horror is mostly non-existant in RE5 imo, and it's pretty much a scifi shooter with tons of gore at this point. That's a good thing for me though, since I scare pretty easily. ^^;

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Are you playing with a friend Duckroll? If not, then how has the AI been for you?


Rez said:
Are you playing with a friend Duckroll? If not, then how has the AI been for you?

I'm mostly playing alone for now, but I've played some splitscreen with a friend too. The AI isn't bad at all, and is generally pretty protective, and doesn't really get in the way, although when playing SP you will feel that you're doing more work than you would have to in co-op. The AI can't/won't do certain things, like use grenades or change weapons based on situations. Mostly it'll use one weapon with more ammo until it runs out, then it'll be forced to change to the other, etc. The game will no doubt be a LOT easier in co-op, but it feels rather easy as it is in SP imo. I'll definitely want to give Veteran a run online when more friends have the game next week. Normal is probably way too easy to bother if both players are experienced with the game and the stages.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
duckroll said:
I'm mostly playing alone for now, but I've played some splitscreen with a friend too. The AI isn't bad at all, and is generally pretty protective, and doesn't really get in the way, although when playing SP you will feel that you're doing more work than you would have to in co-op. The AI can't/won't do certain things, like use grenades or change weapons based on situations. Mostly it'll use one weapon with more ammo until it runs out, then it'll be forced to change to the other, etc. The game will no doubt be a LOT easier in co-op, but it feels rather easy as it is in SP imo. I'll definitely want to give Veteran a run online when more friends have the game next week. Normal is probably way too easy to bother if both players are experienced with the game and the stages.
Thanks for the impressions. Everyone I've been speaking too who owns the game has been saying Normal is pretty easy, so I'm going to start on Veteran then, I guess. :)
Lightning said:
Ok, before I go out and spend my hard earned dollars on this game I need to know if Jill dies or not?

If she does, FUCK CAPCOM. I will not spend my money on this game.
Jill is main character in RE: Birdwoman for the Wii.


duckroll said:
I'm mostly playing alone for now, but I've played some splitscreen with a friend too. The AI isn't bad at all, and is generally pretty protective, and doesn't really get in the way, although when playing SP you will feel that you're doing more work than you would have to in co-op. The AI can't/won't do certain things, like use grenades or change weapons based on situations. Mostly it'll use one weapon with more ammo until it runs out, then it'll be forced to change to the other, etc. The game will no doubt be a LOT easier in co-op, but it feels rather easy as it is in SP imo. I'll definitely want to give Veteran a run online when more friends have the game next week. Normal is probably way too easy to bother if both players are experienced with the game and the stages.
Hold B and press up on the d-pad, Sheva will go into attack stance where she'll be more aggressive, hunt for items, use grenades and use her more powerful weapons. I imagine the attack stance will become extremely useful later in the game.
There's pretty much no gore in this game. It takes away from the experience when the chainsaw boss is rushing at you, with a chainsaw mind you, and when he finally manages to get at you he just socks you in the face instead of using his already revved up chainsaw.

I don't understand why Capcom did this. The game is already rated M,why not go all out?


What is the loading and "level" transitions like? Please tell me it's like RE4 and every other RE (and MGS1-3 etc.) where it's seamless. Sure a little loading screen is fine, but it's not separated into individual levels or Acts like Gears of War or MGS4 right? Items are carried throughout the entire game? Someone probably asked it but I'm afraid of reading through and spoiling anything.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Cartman86 said:
What is the loading and "level" transitions like? Please tell me it's like RE4 and every other RE (and MGS1-3 etc.) where it's seamless. Sure a little loading screen is fine, but it's not separated into individual levels or Acts like Gears of War or MGS4 right? Items are carried throughout the entire game? Someone probably asked it but I'm afraid of reading through and spoiling anything.
It's like RE4. But without the backtracking. Your weapons and ammo carry over.
Rez said:
Thanks for the impressions. Everyone I've been speaking too who owns the game has been saying Normal is pretty easy, so I'm going to start on Veteran then, I guess. :)

Yeah, normal is ridiculously easy. The only time I've ever died was because of something silly my co-op partner did. Was pretty hilarious.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
cvxfreak said:
This latest post is going to be regarding the STYLE of the plot. but tread lightly:

Is it just me or did the final moments of the plot suddenly become a retread of the basic plot of Gun Survivor 4, where a terrorist (Morpheus, Wesker) threatens to nuke the world with a toxin? We even get to play the game on a ship, with environments that sort of reminded me of some of the parts of the Spencer Rain from GS4.

it sort of reminded me of that too, but obviously it was pulled off much better than that .. atleast that's what i thought ..

also aren't there any infinite ammo weapons after beating the game ? or did i not do something right ?


I have two question guys:

1. Can you start the game for the first time on Veteran? or you have to beat the game on normal to unlock it?
2. After you beat Veteran is there a higher difficulty level?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
1. Can you start the game for the first time on Veteran? or you have to beat the game on normal to unlock it?
2. After you beat Veteran is there a higher difficulty level?

1/ its there from the start

2/ some unlockable item's criteria mention "veteran or higher" , so i'm guessing yeah ..


chandoog said:
1/ its there from the start

2/ some unlockable item's criteria mention "veteran or higher" , so i'm guessing yeah ..

Well it's always nice to have the higher difficulties unlocked from the start - especially on a game with co-op.

And it's also nice to hear that there's an even harder difficulty setting - the more content and challenge the better. :D


johnFkennedy said:
There's pretty much no gore in this game. It takes away from the experience when the chainsaw boss is rushing at you, with a chainsaw mind you, and when he finally manages to get at you he just socks you in the face instead of using his already revved up chainsaw.

I don't understand why Capcom did this. The game is already rated M,why not go all out?

No gore? Dude, Wesker
impaled Spencer in a cutscene, and the impale is one of his close range attack when you fight him. There are also decapitation on the ganados, and exploding enemies.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
i think he meant on the main characters, we've all seen that big RE4 deaths video compilation, RE4 was pretty gory in the ways Leon could get killed ..


question about the unlockables:
do you really get unlimited ammo after the first playthrough? it sounded like that in the ign video review. i hope this is not the case, i want to take my leveld up guns in the next playtrough. but unlimited ammo would make it to easy.
Lyte Edge said:
Just finished 3-1. Definitely feels shorter than RE4, but is quite intense with the action. RE4 had a number of lull periods where nothing was going on; this doesn't really have those. Boss fights have been fun, but incredibly EASY in comparison to RE4.

I think this is my... well, I would say "problem" is too strong a word, but it's part the reason why I dont rate it as highly as RE4.

I really like RE5 (and I'm black - oh ho!), and it's a large amount of fun, even with Sheva's occasionally weird behaviour... but it lacks the measured pacing and thought/consideration RE4 had.

At times it feels like RE4's gameplay elements slammed in a blender, which is no bad thing per se, but you cant put all those great ingredients into a pot without understanding why and what order they're in there in the first place.

I think that's what makes it feel a tad hollow or soulless in places - that lack of understanding why RE4 worked like it did. There's a lack of that slow building feeling of dread and tension that RE4 had, where you know something nasty is around the corner but when it hits it's different from what you expected. While here you get a small amount of build up and then the payoff is exactly what you expect because it's the same mechanic RE4 used, with the same tactics to boot. So you feel slightly less gratified as a result.

Still think it's a great game, though. And in co-op mode it's wonderful.
Hearing conflicting things but over at official Capcom forum one guy posted :


im from GERMANY and i had yesterday the chance to Buy RE5 for my PS3.

I have now the : USA Version !!!!

On the Last Site of the Manual there is a Columne: KIJUJU SURVIVORS with 100 crazie names!!!

I DONT HAVE THE CE Version !!!! I Have the Standart USA RETAIL Version !!

I hope i could help you guys"

Others claim its only in collectors edition.


infinite ammo for the gun...you have to max out the upgrade for that gun first

eitherway, how do you unlock the items for purchase in the bonus mode? are the characters in the mercenaries unlock by getting A rank in the stages? I've only got B in my 2nd playthru at the moment


xfactor said:
eitherway, how do you unlock the items for purchase in the bonus mode? are the characters in the mercenaries unlock by getting A rank in the stages? I've only got B in my 2nd playthru at the moment
Get A rank on each mercenary stage (doesn't matter what character you use), and you'll unlock all the other characters.


Sectus said:
Hold B and press up on the d-pad, Sheva will go into attack stance where she'll be more aggressive, hunt for items, use grenades and use her more powerful weapons. I imagine the attack stance will become extremely useful later in the game.

I know about the stances. I was actually referring to context usage, where the AI will basically not think like a human player. just because she has certain items does not mean that she'll use them in the right situations. Like using a grenade right when 3-4 enemies are clustered, or automatically doing the right solutions for certain boss fights, or switching to a sniper rifle to pick off far off guys when she's in a good position, etc. That's why playing actual co-op with an experienced human player will totally destroy the challenge in the game completely, at least in normal.
Okay, I'm really starting to miss this game. Been having internet problems all day, and I REALLY don't want to beat it with the AI.

Goddammit, what a time to get fucked by my shitty ISP.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Turning on my Xbox and seeing half my friends list playing this sucks. :lol
Now that I've read most of the files in the library, I have to say that the game may have the best backstory in the series (I'll deliver my final judgment when I've read everything, but from the look of things, the first position is pretty much secured). I deliberately say "backstory" because there are really two storytelling devices in the games: cutscenes and files.

I'd say CODE:Veronica has the best story told through cutscenes, but those in BIOHAZARD 5 are just the tip of the iceberg. 90% of its plot is told through the files and the amount of information revealed is just unbelievable.

I am very, very pleased with how CAPCOM handled the game's story.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
twinturbo2 said:
I'm not surprised that Jill doesn't die. Nobody stays dead except for Uncle Ben and Jun Kazama.

but wesker .. :( i wasn't expecting that .. especially with the assistance of a no named new character ..


to those who played it, how is splitscreen coop? Also other then that one mode, are the other resident evil unlockables still in the game (like the infinite rocket launcher and stuff)?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Guled said:
to those who played it, how is splitscreen coop? Also other then that one mode, are the other resident evil unlockables still in the game (like the infinite rocket launcher and stuff)?

when you upgrade a weapon fully, you get the option to buy unlimited ammo for it using your level clear points, it only applies for the upgradeable weapons so i don't think there's any chance for an infinite ammo rocket launcher (or i haven't seen it yet).

and there are a bunch of unlockable besides that one mode, including graphic filters, multiple pairs of alternate costumes and some guns (like a semi automatic handgun).
I played for about an hour and a half last night, here are my quick impressions:

--I only played the demo once, and despite playing RE4 multiple times on GC, PS2, and Wii, I had to adjust to the controls repeatedly for about 15 minutes.

--The game looks fantastic. I'm taking my time and walking everywhere instead of running because I love the way everything looks. Playing the 360 version and it's easily one of the best looking games I've ever played. Installed it to my hard drive and the loading is almost non-existent.

--Is it just me or is there less ammo now? And it seems like the enemies are harder to kill?

--It also took me a while to adjust to having a partner. Sometimes it feels like Sheva's in my way, so I find myself dashing to break barrels and grab stuff before she does. When fighting enemies, she's been helpful about two-thirds of the time, taking them down when I'm occupied, etc., but the rest of the time she's either getting hurt or in a completely different location. Maybe in RE6 there should be an AI partner setting that lets you choose between Dumb, Dumber, and Oh My God How Can You Be So Stupid.

--I kind of wish the shop appeared more often so far. And I miss the crazy homeless weapons guy!

--I had a genuine HOLY CRAP moment, but it wasn't an obvious scare moment.
In the beginning of the game, when you first walk through the town you approach a group of men who are beating someone/something in a sack. When you get close enough, they actually stop and they all just glare at you, giving you this frightening look of what-are-you-doing-here and you-better-keep-moving. You can walk by them, but I found it so realistic and tense and unlike the typical videogame BOO! scare.
Fucking fantastic. That impressed me A LOT.

Can't wait to play more later today/tonight...


Of the two "Neo-RE" titles, this is definitely my favourite. The files, the characters, the cutscenes, the environments and the enemies are just really awesome. I was particularly pleased to fight the
Licker Beta
although I knew they were coming. =P

I'm actually stuck on the first "real" boss battle with
and I decided to give the game a rest.

But seriously, play it on Veteran guys - there is no other way. It is the way the game is meant to be played.

Oh, and Excella = Best Villain Ever. Hope she hands around.

I'm at 5-2 at the moment (with the boss battle I mentioned) - is there a whole lot to go?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
brandonh83 said:
Are there any Regenerator style creepy assholes in this game?

there is one really annoying (and creepy) enemy later in the game,
its like a larger mutated version of the drain deimos from RE3 and it has a nasty insta kill move where it repeatedly impales your character in the chest area with its long claws, nasty.
chandoog said:
there is one really annoying (and creepy) enemy later in the game,
its like a larger mutated version of the drain deimos from RE3 and it has a nasty insta kill move where it repeatedly impales your character in the chest area with its long claws, nasty.

does it have its own creepy theme music like the Regenerators? :lol

(edit: nevermind about the description, you sorta did)

if not, still nice to know there are some, like I like to call "WTF creatures" in the game. :D
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