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David H Wong said:
As somebody who doesn't have any game-playing friends (that own the same consoles as me) I sympathize with you, not just on this but on all games that have moved toward a multiplayer-first model. I heard relentless hype about Gears of War and found myself baffled upon my attempts to play it, because I didn't realize that all the hype was about the multiplayer. And no, I have absolutely no desire to go play with strangers (that is, play with 12 year-olds squealing racial slurs into their headset).

That's one area where gaming has just left me behind, but damn it I can't be the only one.

Capcom's definitely moving more and more towards that territory. Lost Planet 2 is going to be even weirder playing alone with 3 AI team members imo.

Ganondorfo said:
They screwed also up with the ammo.
For example
You find 5 shotgun shells and later you find again 5 shotgun shells, you think it becomes 10 shotgun shells in the inventory, but no, these shotgun shells use 2 spaces in the inventory.

Erm, that never happened to me. The only time your ammo takes up another slot is when it's full. It's 30 rounds for shotgun shells. So if you already have 30, then it'll start a new slot.


A question; currently I'm playing the game on Normal, but when I finish and decide to replay it at a higher difficulty level, do I get to keep my current item stock, or will I have to start again from scratch?


David H Wong said:
As somebody who doesn't have any game-playing friends (that own the same consoles as me) I sympathize with you, not just on this but on all games that have moved toward a multiplayer-first model. I heard relentless hype about Gears of War and found myself baffled upon my attempts to play it, because I didn't realize that all the hype was about the multiplayer. And no, I have absolutely no desire to go play with strangers (that is, play with 12 year-olds squealing racial slurs into their headset).

That's one area where gaming has just left me behind, but damn it I can't be the only one.

luckily there is a whole world full of adults that also play games online.


BeeDog said:
A question; currently I'm playing the game on Normal, but when I finish and decide to replay it at a higher difficulty level, do I get to keep my current item stock, or will I have to start again from scratch?

You can change difficulties at any time using chapter select. There's only a single unified system save, so everything carries over all the time.


Junior Member
duckroll said:
Erm, that never happened to me. The only time your ammo takes up another slot is when it's full. It's 30 rounds for shotgun shells. So if you already have 30, then it'll start a new slot.

Yes, my mistake, it's 30, but in resident evil 4 you can always go higher (the inventory is also MUCH bigger than in RE5).


People called Romanes they go the house?
Ganondorfo said:
Yes, my mistake, it's 30, but in resident evil 4 you can always go higher (the inventory is also MUCH bigger than in RE5).

Shotgun shells are a '15 per' limit in RE4, IIRC.

But yeah, I would have liked more inventory space, but I suppose being able to swap at certain points is essentially just going back to the boxes.


dabbled in the jelly
Let me be more clear. Those same niggling problems still exist in multiplayer (except for Shiva's "ammo happy never objectively choose a weapon depending on the situation" AI of course) but they aren't as noticeable. Playing with a human partner is like some sort of wicked high of shared adrenaline and you cooperate, compete and compromise play styles. But if you want to play the game at slower pace where you conserve ammo and maximize your mellee attacks (I had a rule in RE4 to never use more than 2 bullets per enemy on professional) the forced partner will constantly mess up your strategy.

Also RE5 has a lot of homages to RE4 set pieces so far especially in Chapter 3 but for some reason they aren't as memorable as the ones in RE4. I do like the amount of treasure pickups in the game but again the set pieces are almost all homages to past RE games just not as inspired. I hope the second half of the game has some set pieces as original and fun as the raiders of the lost ark mine cart ride in RE4. The motorcycle part wasn't that bad just a little long. I desperately wanted to ditch that turret on the Boss fight at the end.


duckroll said:
You can change difficulties at any time using chapter select. There's only a single unified system save, so everything carries over all the time.

FUCK YEAH, that made my day. Thanks.


Shaheed79 said:
But if you want to play the game at slower pace where you conserve ammo and maximize your mellee attacks (I had a rule in RE4 to never use more than 2 bullets per enemy on professional) the forced partner will constantly mess up your strategy.

Well, I think in the end, this is more of the problem for you than the game. RE5 is designed to be a much faster paced game and is definitely geared towards firepower and speed. It simply doesn't cater to players who want to play the game slower. Not every game is designed to accomedate every sort of play style.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
US reviews so far

IGN 9.0
GameInformer 9.5
Gamepro 9.0
Gamespy 9.0
Gamesradar 9.0
OXM 9.0
PSM 9.0
Empire Online 10
Gametrailers 9.0
TeamXBox 8.5
Gameplanet 8.5
VandalOnline 9.0
Videogamer 9.0

and now for the dumb-dumb corner

Eurogamer/Edge (Edge is the Eurogamer review printed) 7
1Up 7.5
X-Play 6.0

Laugh at these fuckers.


Can anyone with the ps3 version tell me if the game still look's decent as I'm debating over getting this or the possible PC version but am having trouble waiting.



dabbled in the jelly
duckroll said:
Well, I think in the end, this is more of the problem for you than the game. RE5 is designed to be a much faster paced game and is definitely geared towards firepower and speed. It simply doesn't cater to players who want to play the game slower. Not every game is designed to accomedate every sort of play style.
Then it's ignoring one of the most addicting aspects of RE4. RE4 allowed you to play the game however you wanted to. The better you got at the game the more you wanted to show off how good you were by not wasting a lot of ammo on enemies you can suplex or roundhouse off platforms. I mastered the stutter step in RE4 that would make the enemy miss their lunge leaving them wide open to a knife to the face to suplex or round house. If a lot of enemies were surrounding you then roundhouse if only a couple then suplex and hope for the head pop.

I've completed RE4 21 times between 3 different versions so I was glad to see they kept a lot of the exploits intact. The stutter step works just as well on RE5 enemies so setting up the melee attack would work just as well if Shiva wasn't so completely inept. She may not for you guys but Shiva WASTES my ammo. I ALWAYS go for the weak point to set up a melee attack depending on the situation. For me that is the majority of the fun in RE4/5 not shooting someone in random places until they die. That's boring.

The only time I used my heavy weapons like shotgun and rifle was when the situation deemed it necessary. Enemies too far away? Snipe em with headshots. A horde of Enemies got the jump on you or facing off against thicker skinned enemies? Break out the shottie and wait until their nice and close for maximum damage. Otherwise I was using my pistol to set up melee attacks.

If I give Shiva ammo for ANY weapon she is screwing up my melee attacks on normal enemies. She will combo heavy enemies with me but how she handles the fodder irks the hell out of me. When I tell her to be more offensive she will go do her thing but then she kills my ammo supply so I don't set her to that often except maybe boss fights. I like some of the new things like adrenaline shots and helping me heal but imo they sacrificed too much about what was so fun about playing by yourself in RE4.

So here we have a game that is designed towards one sort of playing style. What is the motivation to replay it? I was never the type to enjoy plowing through a game with an unlimited ammo super weapon feeling invincible. I would need to find a person who enjoys conserving ammo and exploiting melee attacks as much as I do but even then their doing half the work that I want to be doing myself. RE4 was a great mastery game.


jmdajr said:
Bravo to the people who were tougher on the score.

I want this series to evolve.
So I guess you're a masochist being around this thread.. :p
I HATE THIS GAME!!! *continues reading about it* THEY NEED TO CHANGE IT *continues reading about it*
Unless you're sarcastic.. :p


6 more hours til Co-op goodness! Gonna' watch Degeneration and laugh at Leon's face. Time is going quick now :D

Getting the PS3 version first. If the game is godly, I will pick up the PC version down the road. Mainly for the mods and hacks.


cryptic said:
Can anyone with the ps3 version tell me if the game still look's decent as I'm debating over getting this or the possible PC version but am having trouble waiting.


the diffrence is like gta 4 ps3 and 360 one is blurrier the other one is a little sharper, its really up to controller prefencing imo


Alright, I take back what I said :lol

I've been playing for a few hours now with some random guy (I'm suprised he stuck with me this long) and I had a blast, I had to stop because he kept dying on Mr. Chainsaw man and decided to quit >_>

And man, that fight scene with
Jill and Chris vs Wesker was pretty bad ass (some bad animation and kind of cheesy, but still :lol)

Davey Cakes

People really need to stop counting down the hours until they get the game.

"OMG 20 hours left."
"OMG 15 hours left."
"OMG 10 hours left."
"OMG 5 hours left."

It's getting old. We get it. You're so excited to play the game that you need to continuously emphasize it getting closer to release. Move on.


Rash said:
People really need to stop counting down the hours until they get the game.

"OMG 20 hours left."
"OMG 15 hours left."
"OMG 10 hours left."
"OMG 5 hours left."

It's getting old. We get it. You're so excited to play the game that you need to continuously emphasize it getting closer to release. Move on.

5 hours and 15 minutes left!!!!!!


In my case is like 15 hours... :( ..either I'll get it at 9AM..if I get the break from work at that time (work at 5AM)..or at 2PM when I'm off..


Holy crap X-Play just ripped RE5 a new one. I already knew RE4 was there favorite game of last generation by far so they pretty much hit the nail on the head for anyone who loved 4 and may have problems with what RE5 did for the sequel. 3 out of 5.

If you'd told me a month ago that they'd end up scoring a fucking 50 Cent game higher than RE5, I'd think you were being a facetious moron. I mean come on, Eurogamer gave it a 7/10, and they have a massive, throbbing erection for innovation.

Hell hath, indeed, frozen over.


what the fuuuuuuck

every walmart I call says people have been calling about it all day and they can't find the game.

gamestop better fucking have extra copies...


Alright, PS3 version; yes, it's gorgeous, I have absolutely no problem with the minute differences in bluriness/sharpness/vividness etc. between the PS3 and 360 versions.

What's bugging the hell out of me right now is the rampant slowdown. Game frequently dips in the framerate area and becomes sluggish when tons of shit is happening on screen. I don't remember this happening with the demo at ALL. Just finished the first boss fight and DAMN did it dip low. What the fuck?


Magnus said:
Alright, PS3 version; yes, it's gorgeous, I have absolutely no problem with the minute differences in bluriness/sharpness/vividness etc. between the PS3 and 360 versions.

What's bugging the hell out of me right now is the rampant slowdown. Game frequently dips in the framerate area and becomes sluggish when tons of shit is happening on screen. I don't remember this happening with the demo at ALL. Just finished the first boss fight and DAMN did it dip low. What the fuck?
People said the game had framerate problems on the Ps3. I hope you didnt have the option to land the 360 copy.


The PS3 demo didn't have this problem at all though.

Is the 360 retail copy free of this too? I have a 360, but I almost always prefer to get the ps3 edition of a game when the versions are roughly equal in quality, because I just the prefer the controller and stability of the latter.


Rash said:
People really need to stop counting down the hours until they get the game.

"OMG 20 hours left."
"OMG 15 hours left."
"OMG 10 hours left."
"OMG 5 hours left."

It's getting old. We get it. You're so excited to play the game that you need to continuously emphasize it getting closer to release. Move on.
how many hours til last saturday?:lol


Magnus said:
The PS3 demo didn't have this problem at all though.

Is the 360 retail copy free of this too? I have a 360, but I almost always prefer to get the ps3 edition of a game when the versions are roughly equal in quality, because I just the prefer the controller and stability of the latter.

Thanks. PC version or no version it is.


Magnus said:
The PS3 demo didn't have this problem at all though.

Is the 360 retail copy free of this too? I have a 360, but I almost always prefer to get the ps3 edition of a game when the versions are roughly equal in quality, because I just the prefer the controller and stability of the latter.
I played the ps3 demo and it had the slowdown issue. Eurogamer did a comparison video on the demo and it registered the framerate issues.

Seriously, with all the improvements the 360 version has over the ps3 one, you really should have gone with the 360. One of the reviews mentioned the slowdown in the ps3 version made things a little less playable.


As a mini-sidenote, I've gotta stop convincing myself to buy these "COLLECTOR'S EDITIONS". And I wish there was a semi-collector's edition that JUST had the Steel Book instead of all this other superfluous crap that wouldn't be out of place falling from a quarter machine.

Tricell bag is crap, Leon figurine is truly crap, Patch is crap, Africa necklace is LOLOLOLOL crap. All crap, except bonus DVD and steel book. All that other stuff cost like 22 cents to produce, stop making me buy in just to get the steel book case >_<


I just realized it was, in fact, the 360 demo I played; I remember it was up earlier than its PSN counterpart.

Fuck. This sucks. Guess I'll swap for the 360 edition tomorrow. I'll have to replay Chapter 1 again, FTL.


Amir0x said:
As a mini-sidenote, I've gotta stop convincing myself to buy these "COLLECTOR'S EDITIONS". And I wish there was a semi-collector's edition that JUST had the Steel Book instead of all this other superfluous crap that wouldn't be out of place falling from a quarter machine.

Tricell bag is crap, Leon figurine is truly crap, Patch is crap, Africa necklace is LOLOLOLOL crap. All crap, except bonus DVD and steel book. All that other stuff cost like 22 cents to produce, stop making me buy in just to get the steel book case >_<

what's the big deal about a steel book case?? *shrug*


TheCardPlayer said:
US reviews so far

IGN 9.0
GameInformer 9.5
Gamepro 9.0
Gamespy 9.0
Gamesradar 9.0
OXM 9.0
PSM 9.0
Empire Online 10
Gametrailers 9.0
TeamXBox 8.5
Gameplanet 8.5
VandalOnline 9.0
Videogamer 9.0

and now for the dumb-dumb corner

Eurogamer/Edge (Edge is the Eurogamer review printed) 7
1Up 7.5
X-Play 6.0

Laugh at these fuckers.
Come on, man. Seriously? They're just arbitrary numbers, dammit.


TheCardPlayer said:
US reviews so far

IGN 9.0
GameInformer 9.5
Gamepro 9.0
Gamespy 9.0
Gamesradar 9.0
OXM 9.0
PSM 9.0
Empire Online 10
Gametrailers 9.0
TeamXBox 8.5
Gameplanet 8.5
VandalOnline 9.0
Videogamer 9.0

and now for the dumb-dumb corner

Eurogamer/Edge (Edge is the Eurogamer review printed) 7
1Up 7.5
X-Play 6.0

Laugh at these fuckers.

Damn those people for being different!


Christopher said:
what's the big deal about a steel book case?? *shrug*

I love them, they are so much more permanent feeling. They look great too. I think it's one of the few noteworthy things these developers can add. Throw in a making-of DVD or a soundtrack and an artbook (hardcover only plz), but this other crap they keep adding is terrible.


Musashi Wins! said:
PS3 version is that bad?! Ugh. Friend wants to play through this and that's what he has.
I doubt the framerate is anything game breaking. Its just the choice between constant 30 fps and a framerate that ranges from 22-30 fps. I never saw it dip lower than 22 in the demo. Bosses may present a problem i dont know about. I would figure reviews would point this out if it was a significant problem.
Amir0x said:
I love them, they are so much more permanent feeling. They look great too. I think it's one of the few noteworthy things these developers can add. Throw in a making-of DVD or a soundtrack and an artbook (hardcover only plz), but this other crap they keep adding is terrible.

The hubs in steelbooks are usually terrible though. Half the time I'm afraid I'm gonna snap the disc in two just trying to get it out.
so you can change the difficulty at any point, please tell me you have to play ALL the way through ONLY on veteran to get whatever corresponding reward/unlock/achievement for veteran (I'm just assuming they're sane and offer some reward for it).


rainking187 said:
The hubs in steelbooks are usually terrible though. Half the time I'm afraid I'm gonna snap the disc in two just trying to get it out.
this is true. I had that problem with the FF 12 steel case.

HorribleJames said:
so you can change the difficulty at any point, please tell me you have to play ALL the way through ONLY on veteran to get whatever corresponding reward/unlock/achievement for veteran (I'm just assuming they're sane and offer some reward for it).
from what i understand achievements are geared toward beating every chapter on a certain difficulty. Also, veteran unlocks pro mode i think.
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