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Loving it so far, yea it feels and plays just like RE4, I don't give a shit, RE4 was great and still is great. The graphic environment is incredible so far and I'm only up to chapter 1-3.

Kai Ozu

dreamer3kx said:
Loving it so far, yea it feels and plays just like RE4, I don't give a shit, RE4 was great and still is great. The graphic environment is incredible so far and I'm only up to chapter 1-3.
That would have been GREAT if it was more like RE4.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I'm looking forward to playing on from 4-2 tonight. I'll leave my game in invite only mode, so if anyone wants to join me when I start later, just send me an invite. Although I don't have a mic at the moment (my old one was faulty and the MadCatz one I bought was SHIT), so you'll have to deal with me probably not being able to hear you speak and only being able to communicate using the voice commands like "thanks". :lol Also, I'm from Australia, so yeah, if you're not an Aussie you'll have to deal with a bit of lag.

The way the online interface is setup fantastically, and the net code so far seems flawless when you have a good connection. I wouldn't have picked it as a Japanese setup if I didn't know better. To anyone playing in single player, and writing off the game as just "RE4 but not as good" or "RE4 HD" do yourselves a favour and play with a friend, someone from GAF, or even a random if it comes to it. The game is so obviously set up with co-op being the most integral part of the experience that playing in single player seems like a bit of an injustice, and you'll be cheating yourself out of a shitload of fun.

I actually really like the item management system. Edit: apart from when I have to micromanage Sheva (not an issue in co-op, surprise, surprise), or want to just use a herb that's sitting on the ground. Although I do wish there were separate save files so that I could start over from square one if I so wanted.

I'll post more in depth impressions on everything once I actually finish the game, if anyone cares. ;)


Just got this game and I am upto Chapter 3-3 with a cousin of mine. We are having a fucking blast with this game. I am playing on classic RE4 controls and he is playing on the control setting that is default (Right analog stick aim, left trigger aim, right trigger shoot, strafing and such... I don't know how he does it but he is managing just fine with it).


+Holy crap at the graphics... people were not kidding when they said that this might be the best looking 360 game out there now. Of course playing on split screen you will not get that same effect but on a HDTV with the full screen to yourself... I said WOW.

+RE4 in HD obviously and I don't give a crap!

+I actually like the new inventory system and it works well with a smart partner. We are constantly managing ammo between the two of us and other items. What we do is that I carry the rifle and he carries the machine gun so whenever I get the Machine gun ammo I pass it to him and when he gets the rifle he gives it to me. That allows us to tackle a wider range of enemy encounters without having to worry too much about ammo (if you have too many different types of weapons at once it gets really hard to ammo manage).

+Co-op is godly with a human player.... do yourself a favor and get yourself a friend or Xbox Live. Seriously.

+Pacing is more action game like after the first chapter. It is very much streamlined and you never really get lost in this game so the fun never tapers down. There are also a lot of hidden items and such.


*Controls same as RE4, for me that wasn't much of a problem but my cousin who was not used to RE4 had some problems and complained a bit about not being able to move while shooting... whatever this is a VERY old issue and I don't feel like discussing it.

*Game without human partner feels like a neutered RE4. It's like playing with a slightly souped up Ashley all the time. In Normal this isn't much of a problem, in Veteran it's kind of annoying. She does help you out by healing/reviving you but offensively she is a support character at best and an ammo drain. Best to keep her on cover and use as a backpack. Speaking of RE4, tons of places were ripped directly from plus some enemy encounters. They had a lot less impact this time around...
clearly especially the on-rail El Gigante fight.

Overall this game is quite fucking excellent and as long as you accept that this isn't a RE4 clone and if you can get a human partner, you are in for a kick ass treat.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Great impressions Dahbomb, I pretty much agree with all of that.

Once again to everyone reading this: don't write the game off it you're just playing single player. Play co-op if possible, it makes the game infinitely better.


I'm in Kentucky too and we have nothin up here besides a pretty good chill in the air. I'm in Nothern Kentucky, though. Thats the Midwest for ya, go figure.

So the guy at Walmart was right, plenty of copies for all. Although they made me wait until exactly midnight before I could purchase. Is there seriously THAT rigid of a restriction on these types of things? Is it a legal thing I guess? Either way..... Resident Evil 5 am mine.

I may be a huge fucking dork when saying this....but one of my favorite smells is that new game scent when you first open the case.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
voltron said:
So those treasures exist simply to sell for money right? No point holding on to them for any reason?
Yep, they're just for selling.


TheExodu5 said:
I beg to differ. You're the stupid head. GameTrailers said the cutscenes are done using the in-game engine.

People are refuting this? They have some additional post processing done (lip sync maybe) but cut scenes look identical to gameplay.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
TheExodu5 said:
I beg to differ. You're the stupid head. GameTrailers said the cutscenes are done using the in-game engine.

they said the cutscenes are "pre-recorded using the in-game engine" which implies that they are video files recorded off of the in-engine stuff.

which is still not true.


Dahbomb said:
+Holy crap at the graphics... people were not kidding when they said that this might be the best looking 360 game out there now. Of course playing on split screen you will not get that same effect but on a HDTV with the full screen to yourself... I said WOW.

Yeah I'd say this is easily the best looking 360 game out there. The only 2 that come somewhat close are Deadspace and Far Cry 2.

I'm not even sure if anything outside of KZ2 beats it on PS3. MGS4 is slightly comparable, but falls way short on the lighting and framerate. Uncharted would be the next best bet, but the geometry and textures are definitely below what RE5 offers.

Of course, I'm just going by the demo and videos. Wasn't much of an RE dude, but as a graphics whore, I'll need to pick this up. Can't wait to play coop with some buddies.


Something was wrong with the cutscene display on the PS3 edition of the game, which certainly gave them the effect of being pre-rendered (yes, the in-game engine, but they looked like pre-recorded video files). Black levels were way off in them, very light; the whole picture had a washed out look and wasn't as sharp or vibrant as the main game. It was very noticeable as soon as the image jumped back to displaying the controllable game.
TheExodu5 said:
Yeah I'd say this is easily the best looking 360 game out there. The only 2 that come somewhat close are Deadspace and Far Cry 2.

I'm not even sure if anything outside of KZ2 beats it on PS3. MGS4 is slightly comparable, but falls way short on the lighting and framerate. Uncharted would be the next best bet, but the geometry and textures are definitely below what RE5 offers.

Of course, I'm just going by the demo and videos. Wasn't much of an RE dude, but as a graphics whore, I'll need to pick this up. Can't wait to play coop with some buddies.

RE5 is a great looking game....but no way would I put RE5 textures against Naughty Dog's work in Uncharted, it would almost be unfair to Capcom.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Magnus said:
Something was wrong with the cutscene display on the PS3 edition of the game, which certainly gave them the effect of being pre-rendered (yes, the in-game engine, but they looked like pre-recorded video files). Black levels were way off in them, very light; the whole picture had a washed out look and wasn't as sharp or vibrant as the main game. It was very noticeable as soon as the image jumped back to displaying the controllable game.

didn't notice any such thing in the 360 version. Besides a little tearing here and there, the cutscenes are hella sharp on the 360. Crisp, clear and amazing looking.


HomerSimpson-Man said:
RE5 is a great looking game....but no way would I put RE5 textures against Naughty Dog's work in Uncharted, it would almost be unfair to Capcom.

Hmm maybe not then. Maybe I'm imagining the Uncharted textures to be a bit worse than they actually are, and the RE5 textures being a bit better than they actually are. :lol

I'll have to wait until I get RE5 and play Uncharted again before rectifying my position. The character models in RE5 are certainly much higher poly-count, though Uncharted's characters are obviously better animated. The lighting is a little hit and miss. RE5's lighting does look more impressive on the surface, but that may just be because of the saturated contrast. It's hard to forget how beautiful the U-boat scene is in Uncharted.


Gold Member
TheChillyAcademic said:

People dressed up (poorly) as Resident Evil characters, zombie attacks/best death scene contests. Jesus Christ almighty. I had chills of humiliation for the entire duration.
Magnus said:
Something was wrong with the cutscene display on the PS3 edition of the game, which certainly gave them the effect of being pre-rendered (yes, the in-game engine, but they looked like pre-recorded video files). Black levels were way off in them, very light; the whole picture had a washed out look and wasn't as sharp or vibrant as the main game. It was very noticeable as soon as the image jumped back to displaying the controllable game.

Must be your TV not the game. Cut scenes looked great to me. Most people will agree with me that the cut scenes look significantly better than the playable parts. So if you are saying the opposite then it must be your equipments fault.


TheExodu5 said:
Hmm maybe not then. Maybe I'm imagining the Uncharted textures to be a bit worse than they actually are, and the RE5 textures being a bit better than they actually are. :lol

I'll have to wait until I get RE5 and play Uncharted again before rectifying my position. The character models in RE5 are certainly much higher poly-count, though Uncharted's characters are obviously better animated. The lighting is a little hit and miss. RE5's lighting does look more impressive on the surface, but that may just be because of the saturated contrast. It's hard to forget how beautiful the U-boat scene is in Uncharted.
You sure about that? The main character models in that game used 25-30k. That's a lot more than most games from this gen. What are the numbers for gameplay/cutscene models in RE5? Uncharted is the same for both situations.


Coin Return said:
Just got back from Gamestop, anyone else get one of these swank art cells?


lol, I see you have the story of Ricky Oh. I also got that cell and saw the person in front of me get it too. There were probably like 15 people there. Not sure if anyone besides me get the PS3 CE, dude had to go in the back to get mine.

Two guys and a girl had makeup on as a zombie, walked around in peoples face snarling at them. They acted pretty damn good too. They got in my face and what did I do? NECKBREAKER!


SonComet said:
You sure about that? The main character models in that game used 25-30k. That's a lot more than most games from this gen. What are the numbers for gameplay/cutscene models in RE5? Uncharted is the same for both situations.

You know, I'm really not sure. It might just be the fact that Drake is so much farther away from the camera than Chris. I'm recalling some close up shots in the Uncharted thread that were awesome.

Okay. Let's just say RE5 and Uncharted look friggin' awesome. :D


It's now 7:30am in the UK and I've been playing for about 12 hours straight minus a few breaks here and there and I've just completed it. Damn great game, not as good as RE4 for me but very little is. Leon's personality and the less serious tone of RE4 is sorely missing. At this early stage I would rank it fourth out of all the Resident Evil games after the original, RE4 and RE2.

Rather embarrasingly made a right pigs ear out of the last boss, kept running out of ammo and so I spent about 10 minutes knifing him and then noticed you were meant to press a button to finish him off. :lol Also, Jill is hot but they made her hair blonde, it just looks wrong. :(

25% completed apparently so there's still loads to do, looking forward to trying out the co-op once I wake up.


Just had the game installed. Anyone out there starting out for their first time wanna do some co-op. I'll do Normal or Veteran.


Magnus said:
Something was wrong with the cutscene display on the PS3 edition of the game, which certainly gave them the effect of being pre-rendered (yes, the in-game engine, but they looked like pre-recorded video files). Black levels were way off in them, very light; the whole picture had a washed out look and wasn't as sharp or vibrant as the main game. It was very noticeable as soon as the image jumped back to displaying the controllable game.

Yeah, is it just me, or does it look like there are NEGATIVE blacks in the PS3 version? I'm pretty sure it's not a problem with my TV, as I've never noticed negative blacks before.
Just got back from the SF launch party. Was pretty cool and there was only one cosplayer (he went as a RPD officer) that I really noticed. I got a few things while there.

Here're my pics (they had a smoke machine going on in the tent so most of the pics have a hazy look to them):

*Front of line:

*People behind me:




*Check-in & Handing out shirts:

*RE5 team:


*Inside the tent:








*Voice/Mocap actors:


*My Pick-ups:
Shirt signed by RE5 team


Autographs from actors & storyboard artist:


$25 giftcard that I won in a drawing:

A vendor was offering free laser-etching so I had my DS etched with Chris on it:


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Auron_Kale said:
Just got back from the SF launch party. Was pretty cool and there was only one cosplayer (he went as a RPD officer) that I really noticed. I got a few things while there.

Here're my pics (they had a smoke machine going on in the tent so most of the pics have a hazy look to them):


The guy looking up to the sky looks suspiciously like cvxfreak! :lol :lol :lol


co-op is such a huge benefit to this game. i played with one of my buds and the amount of panic that occurs because of you having to rely on someone else is something else.

having to work together at the furnace area at the end of chapter 1 was really fucking awesome.
I have played for nearly 4 hours (the game's clock cant tell time, it says I played for 2 hours 40 minutes, no.) and I just finished chapter 2-2. The game is gorgeous, one of the best looking games I have ever played, some of the locations are breathtaking. The action is great, I have fought two memorable boss fights already. Loads of hidden stuff all over these levels, all sorts of enemies (DOGS, holy crap they are pure evil!), some great setpieces.

But its not RE4, I guess maybe its cause I am playing alone, I dont feel in control. In RE4 I would constantly be switching my guns to fit the current enemy in this game I dont find myself doing that often, I am mostly playing keep away with my pistol and melee attacks. Taking care of two people, even though Sheva does a good job most of the time, is not the ideal way to play. Besides co-op, the variety in situations and encounters that RE4 did so well is not as well done in this game. It tries, its usually has a new enemy or different type of situation in each area but its not as focused as it was in RE4. in RE4 there was clearly a section where you had to avoid traps and dynomite, clearly a section where you should snipe, each section felt like it had its own identity where in this game the areas are usually so big that it allows for any type of strategy, instead of being focused its more open. RE4 had great balance between big action moments, moments with puzzles, small areas mixed with large areas, the balance so far is not just there.

But I expected that coming in so I am not surprised. I am enjoy it a lot and there have been some stand out moments. The intro is fantastic, I wish it was more slower paced like that at times. The cutscenes are well beyond anything this franchise has produced in the past, though the story has yet to take off for me. Oh and the ranking system is awesome, its going to be so addicting to s rank it all. I am playing on veteran and its pretty tough, I have died like 5 times. Ammo and health do run out, much more than in RE4, but the game always manages to give you just a little bit of ammo when you need it, I think its handled very well. Not a fan of the new upgrade menu, merchant was so much better.

Now for some spoilers, again chapter 2-2

Chainsaw guy going beserker after he died... holy crap!!!! But stupid Sheva kept getting caught, I would revive her and she would instantly get hit, I dont know how I managed to get out of there alive.

Oh the first time the plagas comes out of that woman, damn! It just would not die. Plagas 2 is way harder than RE4 plagas.

The first boss fight against the worm thing, nice, clearly some verdugo influences with the canisters you have to drop. Cool method to defeat it. Loved the build up to that fight.

The mines again very nice, more sections like this please. I just ended with the giant bat boss fight, awesome as well. Maybe he takes a bit too many hits, I would set a mine then go to task with the shotgun, still took forever.

I still dont have a sniper rifle, did I miss something???


Oichi said:
The guy looking up to the sky looks suspiciously like cvxfreak! :lol :lol :lol

That is not me! :D

I'm somewhere in the first pic though!

I spoke to Takeuchi, Kawata and the others in Japanese. They were very surprised!

Got so many things signed! :D


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
MiamiWesker said:
I still dont have a sniper rifle, did I miss something???

yeah, there's a sniper rifle after the market place in the initial village (where you retrieve a key from a hanging corpse, then go over a boat) , where the chopper comes in for the assist. Near the ending door where a few enemies burst through a double door on the far side.

and there's also a sniper rifle in the same room where you have the irving scene where bird woman bails him out. Its in the locker.


The ads for this game are pretty bad. "Scream like your life depends on it, or at least Chris's lolololo" and the one with the angst-teen sitting in a corner with "fear you can't forget"...
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