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Wow, this game is awesome.. and the cutscenes.. they need an award for that, lol.

I think its the best looking 360 game out. I hope im not rushing, but I prob am.. just got to 3-1 with 4 hours played. I guess I can replay chapters. Lol, anyone found bsaa emblems? I havent found a one yet. Sad


Santa May Claus
Synless said:
No, money is not an issue. I can see the gray bar still has alot more to be filled.

It's so you can't grind and completely overpower yourself on your first playthrough. Resident Evil 4 had a similar system. You couldn't put all your money into one gun. At each point in the game, there was a maximum level of each attribute you could upgrade for a single gun.
To anyone who has this for the 360: how easy is it to jump into a co-op game? Is it a searchable menu system?

I'm still on the fence about getting this. Loosing the classic RE4 feel really bothers me. I don't see why they'd discard the spooky classic setting. With the familiar environments like the castle, etc., RE4 felt almost comforting to play. Like eating warm apple pie. My favorite was the ambient music that played in the background when you were in the weapons dealers areas. Sure, killing zombies on a stormy night in a dark castle is cliche, but it WORKED. And that's why I've played RE4 a bazillion times. Why mess with perfection?

This may not be a bad game, it just doesn't seem like an RE title.
The Frankman said:
This been posted here yet?


If you have sports titles could be worth it.

Somebody complained that this wasn't a great deal because some of those game are worth more, but it should be noted that when I tried to trade in two games that (as it turnes out) had more than $40 in trade-in value, the clerk went ahead and gave me the better deal.

So give credit to Gamestop for that one, they take a lot of crap around here but that guy did the right thing.


I'm close to finishing my 4th playthrough of the game (playing on the PS3 this time). As crazy as it sounds, this is probably my most enjoyable playthrough so far. I'm playing with a friend who's pretty good at the game (we're playing on veteran by the way), and we're spending a good deal of time to efficiently take down enemies and set up traps. Proximity mines has to be my favourite new weapon, there's so many cool things you can do with them.

Trying to do the tag team melee attacks is a lot of fun too. We *almost* managed to do our tag team attacks on 2 enemies at the same time. Which would have been the most awesome thing ever.

bomb_jack said:
A bizarre thought that struck me just now.

Years from now RE4 will still be a timeless experience. RE5 will be a game that you can't play properly because the servers are long shut down.
Or you could just play in system link. Or use the PC version's online service (which hopefully will support direct IP).

Thrakier said:
It looks good but it runs with stable 30FPS on just one machine...and that's the factor that really makes a huge difference. :)
I've played through the game on both consoles now and believe me, the difference is not that big. There's a few specific areas where the PS3 has noticably worse framerate, but most of the time the difference is so small you wouldn't notice it. I also personally think the controls feel much much better on the PS3.


Kolgar said:
I'm still on the fence about purchasing this game. I loved RE4. The demo of RE5 turned me off. No, it enraged me. But there's a part of me that thinks I might still like it once I get my RE4 chops back.

I don't know.

We're on the same ship man. One of us has to take a risk, buy the game and tell the other if the full thing is indeed better then the demo. Do it. :lol


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The Wise Old Man said:
To anyone who has this for the 360: how easy is it to jump into a co-op game? Is it a searchable menu system?

very easy, you can jump into random games at any time with random people playing at random levels via the in-game lobby search system. Or if you want to start a game with a friend, its as simple as sending a game invite over the xbox guide button. Who ever sends the invite plays as Chris and the invited one is always Sheva.
_tetsuo_ said:
lol@ people complaining about sheva's AI being bad. Play the game with someone else like it was fucking designed from the ground up for. Jesus.

Any developer should be capable of adding multiplayer without destroying single player.


GrayFoxPL said:
We're on the same ship man. One of us has to take a risk, buy the game and tell the other if the full thing is indeed better then the demo. Do it. :lol

OK, I'm calling Toys R Us right now. :lol


Unlimited Capacity
David H Wong said:
Any developer should be capable of adding multiplayer without destroying single player.

I've always kept the mentality that games should be played the way the developer designed them. Never once played games like Army of Two alone, or Gears of War, etc. Some games are made to be played alone with the co-op there as an added bonus. Resident Evil 5 is not one of these games, unfortunately.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Nice, thanks man. And I can search for games by the level?

yeah, you can either quick search or give the game the criteria (level, etc) that you would preferably like.


I hate Sheva. I just got to the part where you see the dogs for the first time, so of course I ran away and went up the ladder to pick them off. Dogs can't climb so this should have been easy. Of course Sheva doesn't follow me so I call her and call her and i watch as her health just starts going down. So now I have to jump down and go head on at the dogs like an asshole. Seriously fuck you Sheva.
Just installed it (360).

My Chris figure's arms are BROKEN. What the fuck.

Eating cereal, right now (Oatmeal Squares).

Going to play it in a bit.

They better release a mode where you can fucking play by yourself.

Davey Cakes

David H Wong said:
Any developer should be capable of adding multiplayer without destroying single player.
I can see where you're coming from.

Besides, as good as RE5 is with a human partner, Resident Evil is the last series I want to play where it's nearly required to play co-op in order to make it good.


I'd be in the dick
Played up to Chapter 3-1. It has been a long time since I've found a game as purely fun as this one. The graphics, gameplay, and cutscenes are all top notch. I've had absolutely no trouble with Sheva aside from (2-2 spoiler)
the boss fight with the bat creature
and even then she wasn't in my way too much. Some of the cutscenes have been really good especially (3-1 spoiler)
the fightscene between Wesker when Jill goes over the cliff.
If you enjoyed RE4 in the least, do yourself a favor and pick this up. If your on the fence about the PS3 version, don't be. The only sections where the frame drops have been noticeable is are the very first sections of the game. I noticed less than were in the demo in those same areas. The graphics overall are great and I doubt you would notice any differences if you didn't have both versions side by side. I know I'm going to be playing this one a ton.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
One more hour and this bitch is mine. Then I can start posting in here more :D

Question for PS3 users - is joining games online difficult? This was a pain in the ass for me during the demo.


Amir0x said:
Yes the stuff inside is crap you find in quarter machines, except the Tricell bag which is merely crap you'd find in a horrible thrift store for a buck fifty.

Looking into the expanses of my RE collection, the NA version of RE5 is clearly the most disappointing LE in the whole series worldwide.

Ironically I'd say the Japanese version is the best.
_tetsuo_ said:
I've always kept the mentality that games should be played the way the developer designed them. Never once played games like Army of Two alone, or Gears of War, etc. Some games are made to be played alone with the co-op there as an added bonus. Resident Evil 5 is not one of these games, unfortunately.

The game was designed with a single player option.
what is the best weapon upgrade pattern? I haven't bought or upgraded anything yet and don't want another situation where I get something that looks the best, but ends up being worse than a secret weapon you get for upgrading another weapon.
Linkzg said:
what is the best weapon upgrade pattern? I haven't bought or upgraded anything yet and don't want another situation where I get something that looks the best, but ends up being worse than a secret weapon you get for upgrading another weapon.

I'm with this guy. Any advise, peoples?


Ok I can't wait for my online partner, I must play through as much as I can tonight, really dyeing to get back playing.

Anyone up for a long run to the end on Normal from chap 3-1/2 over live right now?


Amir0x said:
Yes the stuff inside is crap you find in quarter machines, except the Tricell bag which is merely crap you'd find in a horrible thrift store for a buck fifty.
You really weren't kidding. As crappy as it looks in pictures, it's even worse in person. Just opened my PS3 CE, and it's really kinda funny how bad this stuff is. Oh well, the steel book is nice, which is really all I was interested in.

Baby Milo

Ronin said:
I wouldn't say that AT ALL. I'm having a blast myself and it can only get more awesome when I play with some fleshies.
thats good to know because there were a few places in the game where i was thinking this would be difficult with an AI partner


final battle right now and the frame rate is all over the place here (x360). Strange, it's been rock steady for the entire game and this final battle isn't very complex looking at all. In fact, i guess you could say it looks like shit compared to the rest of the game :)

I keep running out of bullets though, what am i supposed to do ? there's nothing lying around and you can't buy them. Am i supposed to take 'it' down with the knife ??

Speaking of 'buying', i was hoping RE4 shopkeeper would come back but capcom went the cheap and easy route about it.

A satisfying experience anyway, i still believe that despite the hate this will be one of the titles to remember this gen,eventually. Not as memorable as 1 or 4, but still a very good game.

more random thoughts: Sheva AI was ok most of the time. Well, she might be slow at shooting but she sure is quick when it's about running around stealing items I want. She wasn't taught how to use grenades, mines and stuff, but i guess you can't have everything. hottest female vg character i've met, you can't expect her to be the smartest too.
you can't upgrade your inventory, which is limited to 9 items (well, plus Sheva's 9. In fact i've been using her mostly as walking briefcase. Hottest briefcase ever)
Nothing memorable about the soundtrack.


Baby Milo said:
this game still has problems but its pretty damn fun on co-op.

this game is probably unplayable on single player

Probably? Try it first. I'm playing SP for my first run and up to 3-2 I'm having no problems. You just have to learn what sheva's patterns are in certain situations and take advantage of them, it's really not difficult at all.

Also on ps3 I'd recommend turning brightness all the way down. WAY too washed out otherwise (why is this such a problem with ps3 ports?). Also the water REALLY looks horrible in this version... Otherwise I'm having way too much fun with this.


-Winnie- said:
Can you actually do this in the game? In other words, after you escape from somebody's grab, can you melee them straight away? I've never been able to pull it off. :/
Nope. There's a bunch of specific things in that trailer which is very different in the final game.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
chandoog said:
Does this look different than the game to anyone? I mean, this trailer in general. The color and lighting is much warmer. The sun feels really bright and oppressive in this trailer...it's a bit duller and flatter in the game.


Ronin said:
I wouldn't say that AT ALL. I'm having a blast myself and it can only get more awesome when I play with some fleshies.

Same here. I'm playing it single player because I didn't want to have to wait for someone to play it with me. I've really, really enjoyed it so far and Sheva isn't even remotely close to spoiling the experience for me. I know co-op with good mates will make it even better (and I will do this ASAP) but, for now, single player is perfectly fine with me

I absolutely fucking LOVE the game so far. I'm up to Act 5-1 and just had the crap scared out of me by you-know-what

Bringing back the Lickers was ace but the surprise was spoiled slightly. Bringing them back by having them jump through a window = ultimate fan-service and I'm now Capcom's bitch for screaming like a little girl :D


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Y2Kev said:
Does this look different than the game to anyone? I mean, this trailer in general. The color and lighting is much warmer. The sun feels really bright and oppressive in this trailer...it's a bit duller and flatter in the game.

iirc that gif is from the CGI trailer which introduced the game.
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