Ok, initial "What the frell!" moment passed, time for a play by play.
Starts of with Tess walking into a room, saying "Oh my God". A wall/metal door has a huge hole in it. From the looks of it it's a safe or something similar since there seem to be valuable objects on shelves on the other side of the hole.
Ollie tells Clark they need to take care of Davis Bloom. Flashes to show Ollie, and Davis tied by the hands and surrounded by Ollie, Bart and Dinah.
"By take care, you mean murder, cause that seems to be the way you take care of things these days." - Clark's answer. While he says this, we see a funeral. Chloe's attending, as is Ollie. Ollie has shades on, a scratch on his cheeck and looks none too happy. Not sure, but it appears he's looking angryly at Chloe.
"You're not one of us anymore" not sure who says it, I think Clark... Shows Clark with Dinah on one side, Bart on the other. Then switches to Clark facing Bart and Dinah, and getting shot in the back by Ollie. From the way he's acting, confirmed it's a Krypto arrow.
Text - The Clock
Chloe and Davis standing somewhere, don't know where, but there's a huge circle window, reminds me of the back of a clock tower. Someone is on the ground either passed out or dead. "This whole time you were with me ~uninteligible words~ Clark". It shows a flashback I think of Chloe and Davis. I don't recognize the scene, but it has this dream-like effect to it.
Text - Is Counting Down
"There is nothing on this earth that will stop him from killing you" - Rokk to Clark. Doomsday tosses a woman through a glass window. I think it's Lois judging from the clothes, but not sure. He picks up Clark on the background. On the foreground we see a little girl looking at Doom picking up Clark, than turning away and crying. She has blood on her forehead.
Clark asks Rokk "How much time do I have?" Rokk answers "tomorrow is the day you die"
Text - To Doomsday
Clark speaks with Lois as the RBB on the phone "Sometimes we can not outrun our destiny". It shows Clark at the Planet with the phone. Then it switches to a different scene. Clark at his desk looking upset, and Lois (or Tess, not sure) turning and walking away from his desk, apprently angry. Switches back, Lois on the phone with the RBB answers "But I thought you were invincible." We see Clark again as he answers "So did I"
Clark tossed into a wall, breaking it down.
Davis, arms tied, on his knees in front of Green Arrow, looking up at GA with red eyes, with Chloe next to him on her knees as well.
Chloe talking to the JL. "Please don't do this"
Davis apparently running or falling away from some sort of flash of light.
Davis on the floor, again bound, saying "They have to"
Davis and Doomsday face to face. Doomsday roars, Davis is scared/shocked.
Tess saying "Lois, where's the orb?". Someone is holding the orb, we don't see who, but it seems they're somewhere outside (as in, not in a building)
Tess and Lois fight at the DP.
Panick in the streets. Fires, debris, people running scared. Not sure, but I think we see Clark running to Chloe.
Back at the place that reminds me of a clock tower, Davis apparently is ready to smack Chloe with a pipe, but someone (Jimmy I think, and he was probably the one unconcious earlier) rushes Davis from behind and struggles for the pipe.
Lois smakcs Tess with something, can't see what.
Davis breaks free from Dinah and Bart's hold.
Ollie aims at something.
Black K is used on someone, probably Davis (can't believed y'all were right... hats off to anyone and everyone who suggested black K. I didn't think it had a snowball's chance in hell)
Lois looking at the Legion ring.
A 0.1 second flash of a blurry room.
Zod's symbol (I think) on the ground, burnt in grass.
Back to the Clark and Rokk scene. Clark says "I appreciate your warning, but I know what I have to do now."
The end.