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The Official Smallville Season 8 Thread

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I DON'T fucking want Sam Witwer coming back to play Zod. The Zod story is done Clark outsmarted the dumbass.

The only way I want Lex back is if he's full on baddie, and Clark costumes up. I want a Smallville version of Darkseid.


Thunder Monkey said:
I DON'T fucking want Sam Witwer coming back to play Zod. The Zod story is done Clark outsmarted the dumbass.

The only way I want Lex back is if he's full on baddie, and Clark costumes up. I want a Smallville version of Darkseid.

Only one man for Darkseid!



wat the fuck chloe? wat the fuck????? her little speech in the fortress made no logical sense to me, im going to have to rewatch that part. wtf is her problem, i used to like her, but now, DIAF.

they are really setting up a chloe death though. i honestly think that would be the best scenario. davis kills chloe on accident or something, and clark just goes ballistic.


that was an awesome episode, really enjoyed it....Chloe's actions did annoy me but it kind of makes sense, she wants to protect Clarke but she also has feelings for Davis.....running away with him makes sense on her belief that she can stop him turning into Doomsday which saves his life while also saving Clarke

its all going to backfire massively of course:lol

to be honest.....i dont know how they can bring Lex back with him knowing Clarke's secret?


I know it's the CW, but I hope they can somehow raise the budget back up at least a little bit next year.

I was just rewatching Eternal, the Doomsday origin episode, and it's pretty glaring when they were reshowing scenes from the pilot. They used a lot of really wide shots, shooting on location, and stuff like that. They've been forced to a small number of sets. I can't remember a single time this season they didn't shoot on a set.

The worst part, and I didn't see anyone else point this out, was when Davis was having that krypto-water rain down on him, he looked up to the sky, before it went to a flash back. That was actually taken from the end of Turbulence, when he's outside of the Talon staning in the rain. They just edited the water to be green and did a close up on his face.

You could still see the jacket from that episode, which he wasn't wearing in Eternal. :lol

I mean, it's not Smallville's fault at all, it just sucks. I hope their budget goes up a little, since CW's ratings have gone up this year.


Yeah I really hope the budget goes up next season. Seeing the same ten sets or so has gotten really really annoying. I don't understand why Supernatural can film in tons of locations on a low budget but now Smallville. Smallville use to be much better.

On a happy note, I thought this scene was really gruesome and kind of cool:



I was surprised they showed such a graphic image of a torn apart Clark Kent at all, let alone on Smallville.

I will say this though: the producers knew how terrible Oliver's set for the first half of the season was. What, he lived on a damn plane? :lol

Which is why I think/HOPE Oliver is back next season: they did up that new set at Luthorcorp for him, and they're ditching the Isis Foundation set next season for a Justice League Watchtower set. I would hope Oliver is sticking around in that case.


Good episode, Oliver and Jimmy are a bunch of hypocrits and definitely no heroes.
Clark can't seem to make up his own mind on what would be the right thing to do and he definitly should not be listening to Oliver.
Chloe shouldn't lie to Davis, it could seriously backfire on her playing with the human-heart of the Davis persona. I think Davis would understand, she does have feelings for him but her number one reason ofcourse is safe-guarding Clark.
Jimmy is a piece of shit as usual, blaming everything and everyone for his pathetic life.


Kevin said:
The images don't reveal much but at least
we get to see Impulse, The Black Canary and Green Arrow in action. We also get to see Green Arrow shoot Clark with a kryptonite arrow. My guess is that despite all of the murdering, Clark STILL won't take care of Doomsday. It's almost becoming pathetic that Clark is still refusing to take out Doomsday. Let's hope things make more sense by the end of this season/

the green arrow was shooting at Davis(being the only weapon he might believe will slow him down enough to kill) and Clark jumped in the way thus he's shot in the back or the green coward arrow shot Clark in the back for not doing what HE orderd. Both options reflect very badly on Arrow.

I wouldn't call Clark pathetic, he's atleast acting like a true hero unlike almost everybody else on the show. Being a hero is more then rescueing a person in physical danger. Doomsday is a monster created to destroy worlds,Clark but with the David-character he's also an innocent. And so far he's tried everything to fix himself ranging from killing himself multiple times to seeking out help. Next episode they'll continue their man-hunt which almost all the so called heroes and villians are in on. If anything, they are showing their true colors and an ugly side of humanity. Chloe seems to be the shatterpoint in this whole situation.


DihcarEM said:
Jimmy is a piece of shit as usual, blaming everything and everyone for his pathetic life.

Huh? He got hospitalized by Davis for like 2 months at his wedding and then when he got out and found out it was Davis doing the killings, his wife took Davis' side.

I guess it's not an excuse for becoming a pill popper, but it's pretty understandable. :lol

Not seeing how Ollie is a coward either.


omg rite said:
Huh? He got hospitalized by Davis for like 2 months at his wedding and then when he got out and found out it was Davis doing the killings, his wife took Davis' side.

I guess it's not an excuse for becoming a pill popper, but it's pretty understandable. :lol

Yeah, cus jumping in front of a Hulk-like creature is always the smartest thing to do.
Looking at it from the point of view of Chloe and anyother bystander he looked like a psychophat. Not to mention Chloe probaly saved his life by tazering the fool. What do you think would have happend if Chloe hadn't stopped him, the idiot was standing there with a steelbar, yeah that would have stopped Doomsday:lol .

And he used the shame shit he was spoiting here about ridiculing Davis for having a tough childhood about himself earlier this season when he and Chloe were captured. He used it as an excuse for his almost cheating.
The only difference here is Davis did actually have a terrible childhood, unlike whinyboy.

And no he still doesn't have any "excuse" for being a junkie.


Injustice video clip:

This episode looks really good and it's good to see some new locations for a change. From next SV magazine (SV Magazine #32 (May/June 09 issue)),:

TS: With Davis she sees a victim, someone she can help. The fact that he's [created by] Kryptonians makes it that much more special. She knows so much, yet refuses to give up on Davis. She sees him being plagued by these demons and this beast, so Chloe is intent on quelling that beast. She and Clark will be at odds in a certain way, but she's doing the right thing. Chloe has been through a lot this year and has had the most difficult time of all the characters.

It's kind of good to see how the producers feel about Chloe though I do disagree with them a little. At least they intend to write Chloe as doing a good thing here.

Seth C

Kevin said:
Injustice video clip:

This episode looks really good and it's good to see some new locations for a change. From next SV magazine (SV Magazine #32 (May/June 09 issue)),:

It's kind of good to see how the producers feel about Chloe though I do disagree with them a little. At least they intend to write Chloe as doing a good thing here.

I disagree with them completely. Chloe used to be a charming character but they've turned her to shit. I love how they trashed her romance that took two seasons and had her caring more for a demon than her own husband. I mean really, that's not Chloe's character. This is the monster who destroyed her wedding, nearly killed her husband (who was trying to save her), and despite knowing all that now, she is still siding with him. Right, way to go, slut.


love on your sleeve
Seth C said:
I disagree with them completely. Chloe used to be a charming character but they've turned her to shit. I love how they trashed her romance that took two seasons and had her caring more for a demon than her own husband. I mean really, that's not Chloe's character. This is the monster who destroyed her wedding, nearly killed her husband (who was trying to save her), and despite knowing all that now, she is still siding with him. Right, way to go, slut.
That's exactly how I feel. I mean, how is her attachment to Davis logical in anyway? Because the relationship pretty much went from mere acquaintances to Davis revealing his crush on her to Davis smacking up her new husband something fierce to Chloe shacking up with him.
Chamber said:
That's exactly how I feel. I mean, how is her attachment to Davis logical in anyway? Because the relationship pretty much went from mere acquaintances to Davis revealing his crush on her to Davis smacking up her new husband something fierce to Chloe shacking up with him.
If you think Chloe has feelings for him then I can see where you'd think that. I think this, just like damn near everything in the characters life centers around Clark Kent.
Ripclawe said:
Only one man for Darkseid!


Bring him in as a rapidly aged clone of Lex Luthor who doesn't remember Clark's secret. Seriously, that pretty much sounds like a Smallville story.


killing chloe (at least for 1 episode) and having clark become super clark is the only way to go. i would love to see the emotions that come out. have we ever seen a truly "angry clark" fight? they need to do this.


love on your sleeve
Thunder Monkey said:
If you think Chloe has feelings for him then I can see where you'd think that. I think this, just like damn near everything in the characters life centers around Clark Kent.
As tired as I am of the "I did it for Clark!" excuse, I'd prefer it that way than if Chloe actually has feelings for Davis.
Chamber said:
As tired as I am of the "I did it for Clark!" excuse, I'd prefer it that way than if Chloe actually has feelings for Davis.
I think she pities Davis, but I think that's about as far as the emotions really go. In my mind she thinks she's saving Clarks life. Clark can die Doomy can't. She doesn't see any other alternative other then Doomy vs Clark = Doomy win.


Trailer Recap (not done by me):

Ok, initial "What the frell!" moment passed, time for a play by play.

Starts of with Tess walking into a room, saying "Oh my God". A wall/metal door has a huge hole in it. From the looks of it it's a safe or something similar since there seem to be valuable objects on shelves on the other side of the hole.

Ollie tells Clark they need to take care of Davis Bloom. Flashes to show Ollie, and Davis tied by the hands and surrounded by Ollie, Bart and Dinah.

"By take care, you mean murder, cause that seems to be the way you take care of things these days." - Clark's answer. While he says this, we see a funeral. Chloe's attending, as is Ollie. Ollie has shades on, a scratch on his cheeck and looks none too happy. Not sure, but it appears he's looking angryly at Chloe.

"You're not one of us anymore" not sure who says it, I think Clark... Shows Clark with Dinah on one side, Bart on the other. Then switches to Clark facing Bart and Dinah, and getting shot in the back by Ollie. From the way he's acting, confirmed it's a Krypto arrow.

Text - The Clock

Chloe and Davis standing somewhere, don't know where, but there's a huge circle window, reminds me of the back of a clock tower. Someone is on the ground either passed out or dead. "This whole time you were with me ~uninteligible words~ Clark". It shows a flashback I think of Chloe and Davis. I don't recognize the scene, but it has this dream-like effect to it.

Text - Is Counting Down

"There is nothing on this earth that will stop him from killing you" - Rokk to Clark. Doomsday tosses a woman through a glass window. I think it's Lois judging from the clothes, but not sure. He picks up Clark on the background. On the foreground we see a little girl looking at Doom picking up Clark, than turning away and crying. She has blood on her forehead.

Clark asks Rokk "How much time do I have?" Rokk answers "tomorrow is the day you die"

Text - To Doomsday

Clark speaks with Lois as the RBB on the phone "Sometimes we can not outrun our destiny". It shows Clark at the Planet with the phone. Then it switches to a different scene. Clark at his desk looking upset, and Lois (or Tess, not sure) turning and walking away from his desk, apprently angry. Switches back, Lois on the phone with the RBB answers "But I thought you were invincible." We see Clark again as he answers "So did I"

Clark tossed into a wall, breaking it down.

Davis, arms tied, on his knees in front of Green Arrow, looking up at GA with red eyes, with Chloe next to him on her knees as well.

Chloe talking to the JL. "Please don't do this"

Davis apparently running or falling away from some sort of flash of light.

Davis on the floor, again bound, saying "They have to"

Davis and Doomsday face to face. Doomsday roars, Davis is scared/shocked.

Tess saying "Lois, where's the orb?". Someone is holding the orb, we don't see who, but it seems they're somewhere outside (as in, not in a building)

Tess and Lois fight at the DP.

Panick in the streets. Fires, debris, people running scared. Not sure, but I think we see Clark running to Chloe.

Back at the place that reminds me of a clock tower, Davis apparently is ready to smack Chloe with a pipe, but someone (Jimmy I think, and he was probably the one unconcious earlier) rushes Davis from behind and struggles for the pipe.

Lois smakcs Tess with something, can't see what.

Davis breaks free from Dinah and Bart's hold.

Ollie aims at something.

Black K is used on someone, probably Davis (can't believed y'all were right... hats off to anyone and everyone who suggested black K. I didn't think it had a snowball's chance in hell)

Lois looking at the Legion ring.

A 0.1 second flash of a blurry room.

Zod's symbol (I think) on the ground, burnt in grass.

Back to the Clark and Rokk scene. Clark says "I appreciate your warning, but I know what I have to do now."

The end.


Lonnie in Chicago: Any hints on what villains are coming to Smallville?

A few fan faves will be back next season, but we'll have to wait a while to find out the rest. Says Brian Peterson, "We introduced several this year that we'll probably bring back next year. We loved Zatanna. We looked at a few others that we want to introduce, but we're going to wait for Comic-Con to release all that." One hero you won't see stopping by is Batman. Though the producers really want to have him on the show, Kelly Sounders says there's still trouble with the franchise crossovers: "Obviously everybody wants to keep all the franchises going and give the fans what they want in each. If that opening ever, ever occurs, we'll be all over it."




By the way, you guys spoiled it for me with the length of the spoiler tag and Solo's "for the 3rd or 4th time" comment. Thanks. :p


omg rite said:
Uh, 2nd. Nice try though. But maybe you forgot since you knew for a fact the show was ending after season 6. :lol

Er, what? I knew for a fact that S6 sucked donkey nuts and should have been the last, but I dont recall saying I "knew" it was the last. Feel free to search for such a quote, because if I said it, I dont recall ever saying it.

omg rite said:
By the way, you guys spoiled it for me with the length of the spoiler tag and Solo's "for the 3rd or 4th time" comment. Thanks. :p

How would 3rd/4th spoil you if it was the only the second time?


Solo said:
Er, what? I knew for a fact that S6 sucked donkey nuts and should have been the last, but I dont recall saying I "knew" it was the last. Feel free to search for such a quote, because if I said it, I dont recall ever saying it.

I was slightly mistaken. It was season 7, not 6. We had this exchange:

Solo said:
Well, the show is done next year, so I don't think they'll be changing it.

Me said:
Not officially, but probably.

We'll see what happens though.

Solo said:
It's done. The actor contracts will be up, and they want out.


How would 3rd/4th spoil you if it was the only the second time?

Name one other bad guy that has been in the show with a short 3-letter name who has been in the a threat in the show multiple times (in his case, only two) who could come back in season 9 as an ongoing bad guy. :p


And just because I found these in my short search for that quote:

Solo said:
the only thing memorable was the last JorLion-El (you guys dont actually think its Lionel, do you? Even if it is, then hes 100% guaranteed to get the SV amnesia in the near future) scene

Oops. :lol

Solo said:
S8 is a retarded idea in the first place. I mean, not only is the show creatively dead.

And then season 8 comes along and is looked at as having a creative resurgence. :D


Kevin said:
ZOMG a near one minute "Doomsday" trailer has been released showing just how epic everything is going to be:


By this trailer, we also know who the next villain will be.
. Man I can't freakin wait!

hoooooly shit. it gave me shivers. i wonder if it can outdo the greatest cliffhanger ever, Tempest

also, going through the trailer frame by frame...to expand on the trailer review thing up there

pretty sure its chloe using the black k on davis. small chance its tess, but i doubt it. and i wonder whos funeral that could be...i want to guess tess...but i dont think so


Ashhong said:
hoooooly shit. it gave me shivers. i wonder if it can outdo the greatest cliffhanger ever, Tempest

In terms of Smallville cliffhangers, I'd say 4 had the best. Meteors falling everywhere, Clark ends up in the artic, throws a rock, and... what? THE END?

In terms of blunt sudden cliffhangers though, season 1 takes the cake. Season 2's was stronger though because it was "well Clark is gonna go cause some shit".

Season 3's kind of bothered me because of how terribly they resolved the Chloe aspect of it in season 4.


omg rite said:
In terms of Smallville cliffhangers, I'd say 4 had the best. Meteors falling everywhere, Clark ends up in the artic, throws a rock, and... what? THE END?

In terms of blunt sudden cliffhangers though, season 1 takes the cake. Season 2's was stronger though because it was "well Clark is gonna go cause some shit".

Season 3's kind of bothered me because of how terribly they resolved the Chloe aspect of it in season 4.

i like how the last few seasons arent even mentioned. i think Tempest might have been one of the first episodes that i watched, and i was just stunned. the sound of the hurricane continuing with the credits was just so chilling. i remember season 4, that was pretty awesome as well.

season...6? might have been the most disappointing. it was the one where hes trapped in the phantom zone or whatever and u see him in that crystal in space. in theory it was pretty good, but i just wasnt feeling it. cant wait for this one though!


omg rite said:
And then season 8 comes along and is looked at as having a creative resurgence. :D

S8 has been pretty decent, and certainly much better than the shitty and shittier Seasons 6 and 7, but lets not get too carried away. Once Lana returned, the show nosedived again. This part here may be just my opinion, but I dont feel the show has picked back up either in quality since she left. Pre Lana S8 was good, during/post Lana S8, not so much.

I still see S3 as the peak, and S5 was the last really good season.
omg rite said:
I was slightly mistaken. It was season 7, not 6. We had this exchange:


Name one other bad guy that has been in the show with a short 3-letter name who has been in the a threat in the show multiple times (in his case, only two) who could come back in season 9 as an ongoing bad guy. :p




Ashhong said:
i like how the last few seasons arent even mentioned. i think Tempest might have been one of the first episodes that i watched, and i was just stunned. the sound of the hurricane continuing with the credits was just so chilling. i remember season 4, that was pretty awesome as well.

season...6? might have been the most disappointing. it was the one where hes trapped in the phantom zone or whatever and u see him in that crystal in space. in theory it was pretty good, but i just wasnt feeling it. cant wait for this one though!

That was season 5. I thought that was a great finale. Zod taking over Lex and all that, with that very comic book-y last shot of Zod and Lana on the roof.

Season 6 was cool too, with Bizarro, but Lana's stuff was lame.

Season 7's finale was disappointing. I think it was rushed because we lost a couple episodes with the writer's strike. Plus, having what could have been an epic ending ruined by knowing Lex wouldn't be back kind of killed things for me.


My favorite seasons were 1-7. Season 7 did feel a little rushed and it did suck watching Arctic knowing that Lex was gone for good but I still liked the final confrontation scene. Season 8 has been really hit and miss. I blame that on both the low budget as well as shoddy writing at times (mostly the budget though).

A few new spoilers:

UPDATED 5/6/09: From the episode's promo, it appears that Chloe and Oliver do survive, at least long enough to make it to a funeral.
- It also looks like Black Kryptonite might split Doomsday and Davis, and that a female (Chloe? Tess?) will be the one to make the split happen.
- Lois will find a Legion of Super-Heroes ring.
- Someone will learn the truth about Clark being the Red-Blue Blur.

So who do you think is going to discover Clark's secret? My money is on Tess since she is already so close but most people seem to think that it will be Jimmy or Lois.
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