I just typed out a long fucking reply, but the god damn fucking errors that keep happening on the forum made me lose it. Ugh.
So I'll sum it up: you mentioned a few worthy things, but there's a lot of nitpicking there, which I can look past because the actual episode was so good.
It's bad enough Clark used a time travel ring set to only transport him to the future to change things in the first place, now they go and rewrite the whole past history of Lionel Luthor, in one episode no less, and it's "nitpicking"?
It's bad enough Clark used a time travel ring set to only transport him to the future to change things in the first place, now they go and rewrite the whole past history of Lionel Luthor, in one episode no less, and it's "nitpicking"?
It's been awhile since I watched the Legion but wasn't the ring specifically designed for time travel and not just for the future? (I'll have to rewatch it).
I had a lot of issues with "Eternal" but I have watched it three times now and while I am still disappointed with the continuity problems, a bunch of the problems can be explained a way such as Tess simply getting the details wrong on certain things.
Smallville has had it's mistakes but I still think the writing is pretty solid. Anyways, just my opinion but I do understand why you're disappointed with the writing for Eternal.
The Justice League will play a major role and they are going to have a lot more DC characters in the show next season as well. Possibly as many or even more then this season.
So... there's a chance of about two whole seasons before he begins to fly?
I don't see why they don't just get him a flying and in a super suit. They don't even have to change the name, though it might piss some fannies off. They could relaunch the show and make it relevant again.
The issue most had, and why most left was because he was taking too long to become the man of steel. By most accounts of modern Superman he could fly by his teens. People want to see that transition. Not just the story beforehand. I realize it was envisioned as an Origin story, but people have been with it too long. And the story really didn't change much.
This last season has been a great change of pace, but it could go further. And they really need it to. This show could last for another five or so years, if they play their cards right, and certain changes made could bring the show back to the forefront of Superhero drama.
DC restrictions appear to prevent them from adding this stuff in. Warner owns DC obviously but they probably want to keep some Superman content for the "Superboy" shows" and then some for the "Superman" shows for extra milkage. It sucks I know but that is just how they work. I don't know, the producers have been teasing flight since before season 8 began so I suppose there is at least a little chance that we could see Clark fly in season 9 but I would say just watch the show not expecting it and be excited if it did actually happen.
So it would assume that season nine is the last and that we will finally get a lot of the stuff we wanted to see including "Superman". It is also teased (if you can read between the lines) that Chloe will be back next year as Watchtower.
This interview is packed with goodness! Also the new episode, "Stiletto" airs in a little over an hour.
This was a pretty good episode. The ending was the best for me but that is usually the case for all Smallville episodes. Next week's episode, "Beast" looks really good. Check out the trailer:
"Somebody new and old is going to show up and this person will be back for season 9."
What in the world could that mean? Are they bringing someone back as a main cast member in season 9? Lana? Pete? Lex? Martha?
Papa Kent back from the dead!?
Or is that just a badly worded quote?
It sounds like this might not end with Clark dying, but with him in fact "beating" Doomsday, in a way to leaves it open for the true future story of Doomsday killing Clark once he's actually Superman, which we obviously wouldn't see on Smallville. Another quote from a different article said they were "lining up with DC continuity", which adds to that.
I'm honestly okay with the finale not ending with Clark "dying", because we all see that coming and we all know he'll just be magically back next season in the premiere. So I think I'd rather them do something different.
Love that picture though, seeing Bart holding back Doomsday. Very cool.
don't turn Lois into a murderer. Not even if it's an accident.
As for the person coming back I can only think of three possibilities:
Martha - Hey she may need to start making that Superman costume soon. Lex - They went back and refilmed part of Doomsday. Michael was hoping to get a new show green lit on NBC but we have not heard anything more. The producers keep trying to get him to come back. It's possible that he finally decided to come back. Perry - He was in one episode a long time ago and in order to make this show feel more like the Superman mythology then it would only make sense to introduce Perry White as a main character in season nine. I only hope they can get the old actor to reprise his role.
I suppose it could be a Justice League member but I just don't see that happening. Both actors that play Impulse and Black Canary are already doing shows. The same goes for the actors who played Kara and Martian the Manhunter so my guess is that those characters will continue to only have reduced roles.
Please say no to Lex. I said it before but the lack of Lex has really opened things up this season. In fact, I'm almost certain the Clark/Lex/Lana triangle was killing this show.
Please say no to Lex. I said it before but the lack of Lex has really opened things up this season. In fact, I'm almost certain the Clark/Lex/Lana triangle was killing this show.
I dunno, I thought that was the strongest part of season 6. It was just strangely dark and twisted, their relationship.
But, Lana is gone. If they bring Lex back, that love triangle won't be there. It could be interesting to have Lex back and somehow twist it so that he still knows Clark's secret. I want to see how they would handle that in this version of Superman.
Kevin said:
Lex - They went back and refilmed part of Doomsday. Michael was hoping to get a new show green lit on NBC but we have not heard anything more. The producers keep trying to get him to come back. It's possible that he finally decided to come back.
Imagine all the chaos, deaths, whatever, of the episode, and it ends with a scene of Michael returning to the show as Lex. How great of a cliffhanger would that be?
Perry - He was in one episode a long time ago and in order to make this show feel more like the Superman mythology then it would only make sense to introduce Perry White as a main character in season nine. I only hope they can get the old actor to reprise his role.
So people are speculating that "old and new character" means someone playing a new character. I mean speculation from Zod enhabiting Davis' body to Lex coming back in a new body (which would be horrible, by the way).
we get to see Impulse, The Black Canary and Green Arrow in action. We also get to see Green Arrow shoot Clark with a kryptonite arrow. My guess is that despite all of the murdering, Clark STILL won't take care of Doomsday. It's almost becoming pathetic that Clark is still refusing to take out Doomsday. Let's hope things make more sense by the end of this season/
we get to see Impulse, The Black Canary and Green Arrow in action. We also get to see Green Arrow shoot Clark with a kryptonite arrow. My guess is that despite all of the murdering, Clark STILL won't take care of Doomsday. It's almost becoming pathetic that Clark is still refusing to take out Doomsday. Let's hope things make more sense by the end of this season/
Question: Please give us a hint about the special guest that will appear in the season finale of Smallville and then return next season! --Jorge Ausiello: I'll give you two: He shows up in the final scene and he's going to cause big problems next season.
Question: How about you give us another clue as to who is dying in the Smallville season finale? --Kendall Ausiello: I've said all I'm going to say on the subject. I lied, here's one final hint: I can confirm that there is a twist, but it doesn't involve anyone coming back to life. Okay, now I'm done.
-The guess has been in Smallville before.
-The guess is a bad guy.
-The guess shows up in the final scene
-The guess is likely not Bruno since he was already introduced last episode.
So any theories? I narrowed it down to these possibilities:
1. Darkseid - (in the comics he ran Intergang and Intergang has been announced and it makes sense that Intergang will play a major role next season. That being said he was never in Smallville before so that may role out him since the guess is suppose to have been in Smallville before.
2. Zodd - he was credited for creating Doomsday and he was in Smallville before wrecking havok. However, with Doomsday temporarily destroyed and likely not coming back until Superman is Superman, wouldn't it seem a little strange bringing him in? Could this even be a character that would last a whole season since he is Kryptonian? I mean, since Doomsday is rumored not to be destroyed in the finale, it just seems like Zodd would only come back to try and bring Doomsday back which doesn't seem likely to happen.
3. Lex - Michael Rosenbaum left the show to pursue other interests. He tried to get a comedy act green lighted on NBC but so far we have not heard anything more about that. They recently went back and refilmed a portion of Smallville and gave no explanation leading me to speculate that Michael found out his show wasn't happening and decided to come back to Smallville for a season or two. It is also said that the producers were trying to get him to come back in season nine and that they could be offering him more money. With no where else to go and an already established fan base on Smallville, why not come back? Plus it is beginning to look like Tess is about to be killed off.
So those are my three guesses. What do you guys think?
I think if Perry is in the show next year, which he should be, they wouldn't introduce him in the finale, which is already hugely packed to the brim with people and events. And they shouldn't do it unless they get McKean. Recasting would be super lame.
But I highly doubt Perry White showing up in the last scene would happen and he wouldn't "cause trouble" next season.
Lex is the obvious chioce, but honestly, I think he's done with the show for good.
One thing I don't get about Smallville, is when are they going make Clark wear glasses? Its well beyond the point now where everyone in the main lore has seen adult Clark's face so...how would they do it?
Would it be the ultimate switcheroo and Superman wears the glasses? :lol
oooooooook how the fuck did Chloe get to the Fortress...does that thing transport you there now? and since when does she know how everything works over there too? :lol . I wish the season would've been abit shorter, it would have avoided the break or useless episodes because it seems the Chloe/Davis/Doomsday thing has been on for ages.
She's trying to protect Clark. She's seen him die before, and knows Doomsday can't. She seems to think as long as she's around him Davis won't go through that final transformation.
She doesn't know that there is no other option but Doomsday.
Deadly said:
oooooooook how the fuck did Chloe get to the Fortress...does that thing transport you there now? and since when does she know how everything works over there too? :lol . I wish the season would've been abit shorter, it would have avoided the break or useless episodes because it seems the Chloe/Davis/Doomsday thing has been on for ages.
oooooooook how the fuck did Chloe get to the Fortress...does that thing transport you there now? and since when does she know how everything works over there too?
That's not a plot hole at all. When Clark turned around to see Chloe, they showed her holding the key that was introduced way back in season 2 I think.
That key was used by Clark to teleport from the caves under Smallville to the Fortress. They showed him do it in season 5, when he took Lana there.
Chloe knew about the key. She's used it to get to the fortress in the past. In season 5, when Clark was there with Brainiac.
Well, to be fair, Chloe has done worse. Remember going to Lionel in season 2, saying she would investigate Clark for him?
But I don't see this as her being stupid. There's two things at play here. First, yes, she really does have SOME feelings for Davis. Second, she wants to save Clark. I think that second factor outweighs the first by a lot, but they're both important factors in her choice.
I think when it comes down to it it's pretty simple: she wants to save two people. She doesn't want to just save one and sacrifice the other. Is she making a bad choice in the end? Most likely. But I do think she's just acting on a general flaw of the human heart.
That's not a plot hole at all. When Clark turned around to see Chloe, they showed her holding the key that was introduced way back in season 2 I think.
That key was used by Clark to teleport from the caves under Smallville to the Fortress. They showed him do it in season 5, when he took Lana there.
Chloe knew about the key. She's used it to get to the fortress in the past. In season 5, when Clark was there with Brainiac.
but if this returning character comes in the final scene he has to be a HUGE character since it will leave it on a climax. the only character that can do that is Lex imo. i cant think of any other possible male choices.
didnt he say he would do it if he could wear a bald cap?
but if this returning character comes in the final scene he has to be a HUGE character since it will leave it on a climax. the only character that can do that is Lex imo. i cant think of any other possible male choices.
didnt he say he would do it if he could wear a bald cap?
Initially he said he would do a couple episodes if this was the last season. He has been trying to pursue other forms of acting but has had next to no luck so far and last time we heard from him he was trying to get NBC to pick up some comedy show he wanted to make.
It was my guess that NBC probably quickly said no to the plans and recently they went back to refilm a part of Doomsday and did not say why they needed to do so. It was my guess that Michael Rosenbaum finally discovered that Smallville was the best thing going for him and maybe he finally decided to bite the bullet and come back to the show.
If he does not come back to Smallville then I can only assure you that it's because of pride and that he would be admitting that he can't find anything else to do. I still think it's very possible that he could come back.
That being said, tonight's episode
referenced Zod when Clark was going to send Doomsday through to the portal. I am beginning to wonder if some how Zod is going to manage to escape into Smallville to wreak havok next season. Personally I hope for Michael to come back as Lex more though.
Here is a trailer for next week's episode, "Injustice":