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The Official Smallville Season 9 Thread

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He was in a season three episode and in the Superman mythos, he is the head of the Daily Planet newspaper. At least Lois and Clark's floor that is. As for Michael Rosenbaum, he has stated that he is at least willing to come back for the final episode or two of the series. So I do expect to see him at some point next season.


Kevin said:
He was in a season three episode and in the Superman mythos, he is the head of the Daily Planet newspaper. At least Lois and Clark's floor that is. As for Michael Rosenbaum, he has stated that he is at least willing to come back for the final episode or two of the series. So I do expect to see him at some point next season.

oh ok, thanks. dont forget Michael's one thing was that he will not shave his head again :lol


Anything can change. I would not be surprised to see him back with a shaved head. They may have to wave some money in front of him but right now his acting career doesn't seem to be going anywhere so there is no logical reason for him not to return at some point for at least an episode or two. I almost expect it at this point.
Chamber said:
Seems like it's been on break forever. I hope the show doesn't lose steam in the ratings.
It always does.

It also occasionally rebounds. Depending on the season. If people like what Smallville has done so far this season they are likely to return, if they like what's going on at that point they're likely to come back for the remainder. Most of Smallville's past... four years has been a case of substantially lower viewership after the break, and then fewer return each episode until they hit new lows.

I hope they can do what prior seasons did, and actually hold viewers or increase them. That might be asking too much though.
Last season was good with it's Maxima Zatanna, and Legion appearances, but this year looks on a whole different level. I wish they still had the budget of season 3.
Great Rao!

Seriously cool looking. The Icicle! Green Lantern's ring! The Flash's helmet!!!

Star Girl!!!!!!!!! <3
Great Fate voice!
Humpy Hawkman!
J'onn was wearing Red/Green!

My pants...they are soaked.
I've got a feeling,
That tonight's going to be a good night.
That tonight's going to be a good night.
That tonight's going to be a good good night.
Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeah, yet another kickass 'Absolute Justice' teaser. :D

Tonight's episode wasn't too bad, but I'm so hyped for next week's event that everything else pales in comparison.

Aww yeah, Legion episode is on!
Spike Spiegel said:
Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeah, yet another kickass 'Absolute Justice' teaser. :D

Tonight's episode wasn't too bad, but I'm so hyped for next week's event that everything else pales in comparison.

Didn't get the trailer here in Canuckland.


So what did they do with the Zatanna episode which was supposed to air this week?


Junior Member
meh ok episode. next week should be great though. you know, most of the time its good enough that its not stand out obvious that their budget isn't what it used to be. why did it get cut so much anyway the show is still popular maybe not as much as the "girl" oriented shows like top model but its still good right?


Crappy episode. When did Dave Navarro start moonlighting as Dark Archer? :lol Hopefully next week will deliver.
Fun but filler ep. Too bad they didn't use the Merlyn name though. I was hoping Ollie would give Mia her red/yellow Speedy togs tonight.

Next week - Episode of the Gods
I watched but I was kind of in and out for a while there. Mainly watching to make sure it doesn't get canceled between this week and next. Absolute Justice!

I'm giddy as a schoolgirl!


KamenSenshi said:
meh ok episode. next week should be great though. you know, most of the time its good enough that its not stand out obvious that their budget isn't what it used to be. why did it get cut so much anyway the show is still popular maybe not as much as the "girl" oriented shows like top model but its still good right?

the show has been doing pretty horrible the past few season, like 6 and 7. it barely made it to this season with the increase in quality and ratings i believe. at least they were nice enough to raise the budget for absolute justice

Spike Spiegel said:
Is this promo cut new? :O


God I need to stop, I'm going to be frothing at the mouth come Friday. :lol

So who's going to start an "official thread" for the movie?

so we can get 1000000000 gaf haters dissing it before even taking a look?


Average episode. I was expecting the superhero bonanza episode... I forgot about the spoilers I read before about the Dark Archer.

Callum was awesome as Zod again, but we know how his masterplan can be stopped so it makes things less suspenseful.

I love the reference to Rao.


Junior Member
Ashhong said:
the show has been doing pretty horrible the past few season, like 6 and 7. it barely made it to this season with the increase in quality and ratings i believe. at least they were nice enough to raise the budget for absolute justice
i knew it wasnt like the first few seasons but didnt realize it was that bad ratingswise. that being the case im even more glad that its still on, afterall, could have gotten staked too.:/


very excited for absolute justice on friday, the trailers look amazing!

someone should definitely start an official thread as i'm sure it'll attract a few viewers. A lot of the smallville haters are most likely hating on the earlier seasons (pretty much 4 to 7), which you can't really blame them. but the last two seasons have been just fantastic!

This week is a good week for TV: season premiere of lost + absolute justice. :D


Two and a half more hours!

I'll be a little late sadly, starting it at maybe 8:30/8:45, but I should be caught up thanks to DVR fairly soon after that.


As was already mentioned in here, I don't think it's a good idea have an official thread for what is basically a two-parter in the middle of a season when it would do nothing but bring in people who don't normally watch the show just to troll. It happened recently and already started to happen in that thread.

Aside from that, we still can't search, so this will be the thread people automatically go to if they haven't seen the other thread yet.
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