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The Official Smallville Season 9 Thread

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This episode was alright, but I am not nerdgasming on it like some other people. The only part that made me go holy shit was the ending with what Zod to his army, you know what I mean.

Everything was wrapped up too easily in one short show, this should've been huge.. But I guess they are saving that for the next episode according to previews will be as big as the Legion episode was last year.

I thought that Legion ring was programmed to take the wearer of the ring (in this case Lois) to the 30th century and only that time? Now it takes us only 1 year in the future to lay the plot line for the rest of the series.

I don't like the fact in the future Zod's army still insists on using conventional weapons when they can scorch or freeze people to death... must be budget reasons.

The Lois and Clark bedroom scene was meh.

I think the episode with Jor-El in the flesh was the best for me this season, but I do like the idea of the red sun and collecting yellow sun rays that only are meant for the Kandorians.


This season is fantastic.

I love the nods to the JLA characters.:D

Also I didnt even realize that chloes tower was the 'reimagined' watchtower till after like 4 eps i think.:lol
Kagari said:
So does Clark ever learn how to consciously fly in this?

Also, the Pete returns episode was terrible.
And it's not because of how he got his powers.

It was everything else. Ralph Dibney got his powers in an equally stupid way and the character has been used well.


Crystal Bearer
End of season 7 was really not so great... and I hear they basically write Lex out of the show for most of season 8 and 9... D:


Kagari said:
End of season 7 was really not so great... and I hear they basically write Lex out of the show for most of season 8 and 9... D:

The actor Michael Rosenbaum left the show at the end of season 7 of his own will. They couldn't carry on the Lex character as much if the main actor we identified him with was gone. Lex as a presence is still felt kinda here and there or in the background but you don't see his face as you would if you had Michael still around.
Medalion said:
The actor Michael Rosenbaum left the show at the end of season 7 of his own will. They couldn't carry on the Lex character as much if the main actor we identified him with was gone. Lex as a presence is still felt kinda here and there or in the background but you don't see his face as you would if you had Michael still around.
They have been doing a pretty damn good job of it too considering he was one of the main characters of the show.


Crystal Bearer
Medalion said:
The actor Michael Rosenbaum left the show at the end of season 7 of his own will. They couldn't carry on the Lex character as much if the main actor we identified him with was gone. Lex as a presence is still felt kinda here and there or in the background but you don't see his face as you would if you had Michael still around.

Did he cite a reason for leaving?


Kagari said:
Did he cite a reason for leaving?

His and Kristen Kreuk's contracts were both up, and both had wanted to leave the show for several seasons beforehand. Amusingly neither has found success elsewhere yet.


If you do a show long enough you become typecast and so identified with that role, hard to break out to anything else.

I dunno what Michael is doing, but Kristik Kreuk's profile has declined significantly because of her long time on Smallville. There is a significant number of fans that absolutely dispise Lana Lang because of Smallville, and Kristin is so identified with it, it really was time for her to leave. I feel sorry for her.


love on your sleeve
Solo said:
His and Kristen Kreuk's contracts were both up, and both had wanted to leave the show for several seasons beforehand. Amusingly neither has found success elsewhere yet.
How dare you disrespect the Legend of Chun-Li?!


Time for this show to turn into a full blown Superman show. It doesn't make sense anymore for him to not be superman.

Why don't the writers just get on with it?
WrikaWrek said:
Time for this show to turn into a full blown Superman show. It doesn't make sense anymore for him to not be superman.

Why don't the writers just get on with it?

Could have more to do with Warner Bros. wanting to keep Superman a film franchise character than the Smallville creative team wanting to keep him as The Blur. Of course, Warner needs to actually fucking do something with the film franchise.


WrikaWrek said:
Time for this show to turn into a full blown Superman show. It doesn't make sense anymore for him to not be superman.

Why doesn't it make sense? In Smallville time, Clark is supposed to be 22 years old (at the most 23). It's a little silly but Clark was supposed to be 14 in season 1. :lol

But I've never really thought of him being Superman until the second half of his 20's really. So he's almost there, but he's only 22 now. I think it's fine that he's not Superman yet.

On that note, the photos look awesome.
DoctorWho said:
Could have more to do with Warner Bros. wanting to keep Superman a film franchise character than the Smallville creative team wanting to keep him as The Blur. Of course, Warner needs to actually fucking do something with the film franchise.
I wonder if Warner's inability to move forward on a new Superman film project might actually have something to do with the new "almost Superman" direction of Smallville. WB doesn't want any confusion between its film properties and its television, but if there's no film then where's the harm?


Spike Spiegel said:
I wonder if Warner's inability to move forward on a new Superman film project might actually have something to do with the new "almost Superman" direction of Smallville. WB doesn't want any confusion between its film properties and its television, but if there's no film then where's the harm?

There's no harm anyway. It's like not wanting Bruce in Smallville because of the current movie franchise. Just silly decision making.

But honestly, I'm wondering if they are relaxing on the whole thing a little. I mean they're about to start shooting a Green Lantern movie yet they're about to introduce a Lantern to Smallville. And I think most people would agree that could potentially be more confusing since it's a completely different Green Lantern.

And you can be sure WB wants that movie to be their Iron Man: taking a B-list character and making him A-list.

I still doubt we'll get Bruce but maybe they will lighten up on Wonder Woman.
Spike Spiegel said:
I wonder if Warner's inability to move forward on a new Superman film project might actually have something to do with the new "almost Superman" direction of Smallville. WB doesn't want any confusion between its film properties and its television, but if there's no film then where's the harm?

This could be true as well. Really, Lois and Clark ran for years in between films.


Okay, so I just caught up on the past two episodes. If the rest of this season stays at the quality we have received so far, it will be my favorite season hands down. The Wonder Twin episode was awesome and I liked that it didn't focus on them most of the time. It probably would have been too much if they did.

I also like that Clark has obviously grown up so much. From his speech to the Twins to the ending of the last episode. The Clark in season 7, after finding out about the future, would have shut himself off from everyone. Instead, he was honest and told both Chloe and Oliver that they die. And instead of getting depressed and hiding out in the barn, what did he do? He started a relationship with Lois!

I loved that.

I bet the cast and crew must be really proud of what they're doing right now. I don't think the fans have been this happy with the show in its entire run.


sscrew said:
Absolutely loving this season. Easily up there with the earlier seasons. Pretty amazing what they've been able to achieve on a small budget. Hopefully they have been setting aside some of the budget for an epic finale... unlike the dissapointment of the last season.

I know it's easy to laugh at the CGI and stuff but it's a TV show. Look at a show like Lost, for example. The CGI polar bears, birds, the
boat exploding
in season 4, Smokey, Ben
seeing images of the past inside of Smokey
, the plane
landing on the island in season 5
, etc. I'd put that equal to what we see from Smallville.

Honestly though, I think they've raised the budget a little from last year. Either that or they've somehow realized how to do more with the same budget. It is without question better than last year. The past two episodes have been proof of this:

- The press conference in Idol. If you remember last year's episode where Clark came out of the closet to the world they did some press stuff that included like 5 people and camera flashes on Clark's front porch. This was a lot better. Honestly, if that scene were done last year, the guy running for Mayor would have just held the conference in Clark's barn with no reason behind it. :lol

- There were a lot of small things I noticed too, like when Lois was hanging from the Daily Planet and they showed the crowd down below. It's not as if that was an amazing thing to see on a TV show. But it's small things like that that they would not have done last year.

- And really, most of "Pandora" did a great job with a budget. Sure, using the barn was a little silly but what can you do? The rest of the episode looked great, especially the street shots. And Zod using Lex's mansion at least made sense considering that's where Tess brought him out of the orb.

Eaten By A Grue said:
They have been doing a pretty damn good job of it too considering he was one of the main characters of the show.

Yeah, the mentions of Lex have been well done. I liked when Oliver saw him in the reflection of a window earlier this year.

Medalion said:
Everything was wrapped up too easily in one short show, this should've been huge.. But I guess they are saving that for the next episode according to previews will be as big as the Legion episode was last year.

See, that is something I actually liked a lot. This is the first season of Smallville that isn't dragging out a plot all season long so that you get no resolution until the finale. Last season did an okay job with that but they're doing a great job this year. Lois' memories, Lois and Clark as a couple, Oliver's redemption, etc. This was all done before the season is even half over. I like that.

I thought that Legion ring was programmed to take the wearer of the ring (in this case Lois) to the 30th century and only that time? Now it takes us only 1 year in the future to lay the plot line for the rest of the series.

You're the second person I've seen say that. Someone else said it a few months back, but that's not the case. Rokk gave him the ring and said it's only capable of time travel, meaning that it won't give Clark flight. It was never said that it would only bring him to the 30th century.


But how does it choose where and when it takes you. It would make more sense it would take him to the 30th century in case he wants to meet up with the Legion who are in the 30th century, not just arbitrarily 1 year in the future.


Medalion said:
Pretty much. Stop covering for the writers. I like the show but this just kinda came out of nowhere.

No one's "covering for the writers". Someone said something about the Legion ring and it was incorrect, so I corrected them.

The ring takes the person wearing it to the time of their choosing. If a random person were to grab it in the middle of a fight like Lois did, does there really need to be some sort of logic as to where it sent her? It's a freaking time travel ring.


omg rite said:
No one's "covering for the writers". Someone said something about the Legion ring and it was incorrect, so I corrected them.

The ring takes the person wearing it to the time of their choosing. If a random person were to grab it in the middle of a fight like Lois did, does there really need to be some sort of logic as to where it sent her? It's a freaking time travel ring.

It makes sense that's how it should work, but it was never explained as such... it's like... "I want to go to 3009 take me there please magic ring"... why was Lois thinking, "Wtf is this ring doing in the middle of the floor btw, take me 1 year in the future"

Lois was in the middle of a fight with Tess and her mind was elsewhere thinking 1 year in the future instead of kicking Tess' ass or surviving the situation, nice.


Medalion said:
But how does it choose where and when it takes you. It would make more sense it would take him to the 30th century in case he wants to meet up with the Legion who are in the 30th century, not just arbitrarily 1 year in the future.

You have to think about the certain time period where you want to go and it takes you there. Doesn't really make sense, since why the hell would Lois think of 1 year later suddenly, but hey that's what the Legion said :lol


Crystal Bearer
Fucking finally.

After 8 1/2 seasons they finally ended the ridiculous Lana x Clark love plot... I hope. That dragged on a lot longer than it should have.

We all know he's supposed to be with Lois anyway.


Kagari said:
Fucking finally.

After 8 1/2 seasons they finally ended the ridiculous Lana x Clark love plot... I hope. That dragged on a lot longer than it should have.

We all know he's supposed to be with Lois anyway.

Kristin Kreuk was more or less the main draw of the show besides Tom Welling, but eventually there came a huge anti-Lana movement growing for years till it hit saturation point around the 7th and 8th seasons. Kristin knew it was time to leave before it negatively affected her career... and unfortunately it probably was too late. They still didn't give Lana a good exit, it was patronizing and a betrayal of canon and ended it on a romantic moment that was lost on most viewers because they hate Lana so much and you know who Clark is destined to be tied to and it's not Lana. It's not Kristin's fault though.


Lana is 100% to blame on Gough and Millar, who were both creepily obsessed with Kristen Kreuk and therefore gave Lana equal billing and screentime with Clark and Lex. Not Kreuk's fault, but her crappy acting never helped, either.


I disagree with the assessment about crappy acting. The stuff they gave her to do is crappy which is not easy to act over, she's not the greatest actress but she did well with the kinda lame stuff they gave her to be the eternal girl-next-door type who was insecure Clark doesn't open up enough to her.


Ive said this many times, but Kreuk and Welling really brought the worst out of eachother too. Both can be quite effective when surrounded by the right actors (John Glover, Michael Rosenbaum and Allison Mack both always got great stuff out of them), but together, they were just a disaster. No chemistry, bad acting, you name it.


When Tom and Kristin had their moments, it was powerful to me. But the problem was that they retreateded the same bullshit for 8 and a half seasons like you said of getting over Clark's secret, then saying I love you... and I love you back. It is only so powerful for so long to hear them say it before it sounds like a broken record.


I thought they utilized her well in the first few season I enjoyed the clark-lana dyanmic. Then she decided to go on some sort of hunt for truth and she became really annoying. It was pretty much a case of the writers trying to do too much with her and her character just became a nuisance on clark kent's development of becoming a superhero.

AND that suit storyline was just awful. like really WHAT is she doing now? i understand they wanted to close the book on a good note but i just thought the whole story line and the forcing of lana the ninja was stupid. And i thought it happened at the wrong time too, that episode clark and lois was at their peak in their relationship for the rest of the year it was kinda just...gone. luckily they were able to pick up their story this season.


love on your sleeve
Medalion said:
They will milk every last bit of this shows worth and by the time he becomes Superman no one will care...
As much as I'm enjoying this show right now, I really don't want it to go beyond a 10th season. Clark is already doing as much Superman type shit as possible without actually being Superman. The fact that he still can't fly already annoys me.
Speaking of Lana, I just realized that if she's pretty much as strong as a Kryptonian, then why didn't she join the fight against Zod in the alternate timeline? It's not like losing the yellow sun would take away her powers.


watervengeance said:
Speaking of Lana, I just realized that if she's pretty much as strong as a Kryptonian, then why didn't she join the fight against Zod in the alternate timeline? It's not like losing the yellow sun would take away her powers.

Because she can't be near Clark without hurting him. And frankly they don't care about her story anymore.


Crystal Bearer
Chamber said:
As much as I'm enjoying this show right now, I really don't want it to go beyond a 10th season. Clark is already doing as much Superman type shit as possible without actually being Superman. The fact that he still can't fly already annoys me.

Not enough budget.
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