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The Official Smallville Season 9 Thread

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Great episode, a lot of nice developments.

+ Tess finding out about Ollie finally.
+ Great scene between those two in her bedroom (their scene at the end was good too).
+ The Ollie/Chloe relationship is surprisingly interesting to watch. I was a little worried about it being forced at first but their scenes are fun.
+ A little too much slow-mo in the beginning action scene but that last one was awesome. I think that was more telling of Clark's speed than the way they usually do it (him running as everything else is frozen).
+ Finally some plot movement with Tess' character. I wonder how things will go with her and Zod now that she's going underground.

- This is kind of a problem in every episode but it stuck out on this one: the composer really needs to relax at times. For some reason he feels the need to NEVER have silence on the show. There's always some sort of music happening in the background and a lot of times it's overdramatic. The composer that they used in the first 5 (I think -- maybe 6) seasons was better.
- No Lois. Though the story didn't really need her.

So who is this new player?


This was a good episode with an awkward beginning...

Too much Matrix shit... Tess all in black a la Trinity with bullet-time/slo-mo wayyyyy over done in this episode

Checkmate's Castle, I kept thinking...their headquarters is Hogwarts? :lol

However, I liked they picked up the Checkmate story from the Justice Society episode.

We got to see a LOT of Martian Manhunter's powers, which I think at times is beginning to make me feel this is a mistake because it will make Superman when Clark gets there looked gimped...

I was SO proud of Oliver for not falling for Tess' sympathy plea... she is fucking evil and has betrayed and tried to hurt and break his heart so many times, I damn near yelled hell yeah for him... and I am not much of an Oliver/Green Arrow fan.

The lack of Zod/Kandorian and Lois didn't bother me at all in this episode.

Let's keep the ball rolling here.

I was wondering about the Red Chess Piece at the end... I think that is meant to signify Martian Manhunter, but Jones did mention that who he's working for, is a side that is not on either side of humanity or the Watchtower team... I wonder if it's Jor-El, or somebody else from outer-space?


yea the beginning fight scene was waaaay over the top in terms of slo-mo. it was fucking ridiculous. the last fight scene was pretty cool but i cant help but think that it was only done to reduce costs. i remember in the early days an interview said that his slo-mo takes a lot of time, but that could be outdated now.

any ideas as to why the 2 fight scenes in 1 episode were so different from the entire series? i even felt that some of the jokes were kind of poking fun at the show or something. different director?


Spike Spiegel said:
The action scene from "Checkmate"

The stark black/white contrast, punctuated by sharp bursts of color, really adds something to the scene too, I think. Very cool.
The video skipped the ending. I loved the ending. I know it's cliche to have the whole disappearing out of nowhere but I was rather surprised to see that in Smallville without the usual woosh and blur effects.


Junior Member
yeah the blink and hes gone was a great end to that scene. that whole scene was great. like a comic book how it was framed, each shot being a panel. next ep looks kinda cool with the confrontation and all.


The slo-mo sequence in the Checkmate Castle holding area I think was meant to mimic like watching a Comic book Panel, so slow it mimics a still frame than moving actually slow

That part I didn't mind as much, but the beginning was just stupid as fuck... I was cringing the whole moment... what is this, 1999 again?
Medalion said:
It makes sense since Clark stole the all black look, turn about is fair play that Batman steals Clark's red colors :lol
The JLA geek in me just remembered an issue with Plastic Man imitating Batman. Batman would look good in Crimson red.


Sooo looking forward to tonight's episode "Upgrade", finally ... he'd be baaaaack :lol

Not sure if i will catch it in time as I am seeing Kick-Ass in theatres


A Red-K episode? We havent had one of these in like 4 seasons. Should be fun. Cocky/funny/asshole Red-K Clark is 10x more interesting than bland old Clark.


Solo said:
A Red-K episode? We havent had one of these in like 4 seasons. Should be fun. Cocky/funny/asshole Red-K Clark is 10x more interesting than bland old Clark.

you think? IIRC, i hate Red-K eps because it always destroys relationships which is just frustrating. this was back in the Lana days though. everytime he was about to go on a date with her and get somewhere, BAM red-k or some color-k, she catches him cheating, and its back to square 1. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

if that happens with Lois today i will go ape shit


Ashhong said:
you think? IIRC, i hate Red-K eps because it always destroys relationships which is just frustrating. this was back in the Lana days though. everytime he was about to go on a date with her and get somewhere, BAM red-k or some color-k, she catches him cheating, and its back to square 1. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

if that happens with Lois today i will go ape shit

To me, Red-K is a nice throwback to the early days of the show, which I enjoyed a lot more than the latter days. S1-S5 is when I really enjoyed the show the most. Now Im mostly going through the motions, with an episode here or there I really like.

Sadly, this ep even failed on the Red-K hijinx end of things. In older eps like this, Clark was hitting on everyone and causing havoc and robbing banks and shit. In this episode? He makes snow. LOL.


Solo said:
To me, Red-K is a nice throwback to the early days of the show, which I enjoyed a lot more than the latter days. S1-S5 is when I really enjoyed the show the most. Now Im mostly going through the motions, with an episode here or there I really like.

Sadly, this ep even failed on the Red-K hijinx end of things. In older eps like this, Clark was hitting on everyone and causing havoc and robbing banks and shit. In this episode? He makes snow. LOL.

Just as bad as making snow, I though for sure he was torching Chloe's Watchtower headquarters with his heat vision....
Nope, just making a big S on her wall.
Way to go evil Clark! That'll show her.
It will take days to scrub that S off.


Solo said:
To me, Red-K is a nice throwback to the early days of the show, which I enjoyed a lot more than the latter days. S1-S5 is when I really enjoyed the show the most. Now Im mostly going through the motions, with an episode here or there I really like.

Sadly, this ep even failed on the Red-K hijinx end of things. In older eps like this, Clark was hitting on everyone and causing havoc and robbing banks and shit. In this episode? He makes snow. LOL.

Snow? :lol I thought today's ep was supposed to have Metallo and be badass?

Ah the good ol days of the early seasons. I will never forget S1 finale when he speeds into the Tornado and the credits roll with the wind noises still in the background. Chilling.


Interactive Fiction said:
Just as bad as making snow, I though for sure he was torching Chloe's Watchtower headquarters with his heat vision....
Nope, just making a big S on her wall.
Way to go evil Clark! That'll show her.
It will take days to scrub that S off.


Ashhong said:
Snow? :lol I thought today's ep was supposed to have Metallo and be badass?

Ah the good ol days of the early seasons. I will never forget S1 finale when he speeds into the Tornado and the credits roll with the wind noises still in the background. Chilling.

Yes, snow :lol Contrast this red K Clark with the one in the S3 premiere.

S3 premiere red K Clark: robs ATMs, buys a lamborghini with stolen cash, picks up the lady at the dealership, robs a bank, threatens Chloe, terrifies Lana
S9 red K Clark: makes snow and stays up past his bedtime


Unconfirmed Member
I don't really follow SV, but I tune in occasionally since I'm a big DC fan (last week I was pleasantly surprised to see Amanda Waller on my TV)... I caught the last half of today's episode, but I was unsure that
Clark was on Red-K until Metallo cured him of it at the Fortress
. :lol

So yeah, definitely the lamest "evil" I've seen in a while.


ExMachina said:
I don't really follow SV, but I tune in occasionally since I'm a big DC fan (last week I was pleasantly surprised to see Amanda Waller on my TV)... I caught the last half of today's episode, but I was unsure that Clark was on Red-K until Metallo cured him of it at the Fortress. :lol

So yeah, definitely the lamest "evil" I've seen in a while.

baaaaaah spoilers! oh well, doesnt sound like a good episode anyway :lol first "dud" of season 9? the others have been bareable imo


Unconfirmed Member
Ashhong said:
baaaaaah spoilers! oh well, doesnt sound like a good episode anyway :lol first "dud" of season 9? the others have been bareable imo
Whoops, sorry! I don't venture into OT much, but I thought it would be okay to discuss an ep after it's aired. I've tagged it just in case though.

So S9's been solid so far, huh? I guess I'll have to catch up on this season.


lmao, he just made snow. wat the fuck! :lol

ha, Zod just said "religion is science". Similar to Peck saying "god is science" in Fringe.


The snow part was silly but kind of cool. It was just nice to see them acknowledge he has that power for once.

But can we talk about how fucking amazing the satellite technology is that apparently exists in the Smallville universe. :lol


omg rite said:
The snow part was silly but kind of cool. It was just nice to see them acknowledge he has that power for once.

But can we talk about how fucking amazing the satellite technology is that apparently exists in the Smallville universe. :lol

they used his breath not too long ago iirc. but yea, instant high quality images anywhere in the world :lol awesome


Thunder Monkey said:
Metallo is a villain, and he's not scheduled to appear again this season at least.

hes a pretty nice villain...i guess hes like early lex. damn i miss the days of Lex and Clark friendship.


That was an amazing episode, but the sequence in the FOS with Zod and Clark fighting Metallo too damned short.

A whole kandorian messiah thing at the end where Zod gave his blood in a chalice, for his followers to drink his blood so they may gain their Kryptonian powers like Clark and Zod, should be interesting.

I didn't miss Green Arrow at all, in fact I think he woulda slowed down this episode, fantastic.

But yeah, Metallo's use in this episode was strange, but he's still awesome, BAG is a great Terminator :p


Van Owen said:
Can't red kryptonite superman fly?

I forget if red kryptonite Clark was the same as when he was Kal-El.
No, only "Kal-El" when controlled by Jor-El could he fly... red K Clark is as dumbass as regular Clark.

Though I did wonder how the fuck he got around from place to place with Zod, but most likely he super jumped instead, the wuss.


Ashhong said:
lmao, he just made snow. wat the fuck! :lol

ha, Zod just said "religion is science". Similar to Peck saying "god is science" in Fringe.

I liked this episode quite a bit. I preferred how they used RED K this season as opposed to other seasons. RED K removes inhibitions it does not make him "evil". It that respect, they delivered brilliantly.


Red K is not about him being evil, it was always about removing inhibitions and everybody has a dark side, even Kal-El of Krypton. I knew this since their first use of Red K.
Another episode with an awkward start but a strong, STRONG finish. The Lois/Clark/Blur triangle stuff was really f*cking good.

And that preview... :lol at
yet another flight teaser!
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