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The Official Smallville Season 9 Thread

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You know. Lois puts herself into shitloads of danger every week. I don't see how her not knowing his secret is protecting her. I've always found that ridiculous.


DoctorWho said:
You know. Lois puts herself into shitloads of danger every week. I don't see how her not knowing his secret is protecting her. I've always found that ridiculous.

Yeah, it's garbage logic.
They used it for 7 seasons with Lana, and it never made sense then either.


I like that Clark was wearing a blue shirt this episode. Phasing back into the red and blues?

It reminds me of the pretty subtle transition from the movie symbiote suit to the more traditional comic book symbiote suit in Spectacular Spider-man:

From this:

To this:

And finally to this:

Pretty clever, but I might be wrong about them actually transitioning back to the traditional Superman color scheme.


i dont understand...is this black king dude from checkmate as well? dont they already know who the blur is?

edit: i guess he isnt from checkmate? why the hell is everyone using chess terms? :lol


any chance hes going to fly???? i almost thought he fllew in todays episode, it didnt show him crouch down to jump at all, he just zoomed up


very good episode. I am now pretty sure every episode without zod is a good episode. I enjoy the filler episodes far more than the story ones.
Ashhong said:
any chance hes going to fly???? i almost thought he fllew in todays episode, it didnt show him crouch down to jump at all, he just zoomed up
Who knows?

With this show he could fly any episode (he actually should have been a pretty proficient flyer by eighteen), or they could wait until the very last episode.
Napoleonthechimp said:
I can't stand this show. It's just so cheap and boring now...

I wouldn't say its cheap, but I am finding it a little boring. I'm hoping with the introduction of Maxwell Lord that they eventually stir shit up a bit by having him shoot someone in the head at the end of the season. Preferably Chloe.

We're retreading old story arcs here and I'm frankly a little tired of it. Seriously, the Lois, Clark, Blur storyline didn't do it for me all that much this week. We've already seen the "Clark can't tell her" bullshit with Lana and I don't want to sit through it again!

Just because they shifted the show to Metropolis and gave Clark a dual identity doesn't mean they can just let the show sit around and stagnate again. Which is precisely what they are doing.

Maxwell Lord needs to blow somebodies brains out!


Chloe has run her course for awhile, she is just becoming annoying self-righteous and condescending and snarky in a bad way to Clark a lot and her romance with Green Arrow is not doing the show any favors


love on your sleeve
Thunder Monkey said:
Who knows?

With this show he could fly any episode (he actually should have been a pretty proficient flyer by eighteen), or they could wait until the very last episode.
He isn't going to fly until the show ends. They tease that once or twice every year it seems and end up copping out.

DoctorWho said:
We're retreading old story arcs here and I'm frankly a little tired of it. Seriously, the Lois, Clark, Blur storyline didn't do it for me all that much this week. We've already seen the "Clark can't tell her" bullshit with Lana and I don't want to sit through it again!

Just because they shifted the show to Metropolis and gave Clark a dual identity doesn't mean they can just let the show sit around and stagnate again. Which is precisely what they are doing.
This show always ends up dragging at some point during the season. I think we covered this already but I don't think any show would benefit more from having shorter seasons than Smallville.


They made it seem like he flew up in last night's episode onto the roof cuz he didn't do the usual bend down to get a giant leap, no distortion wave to get to higher ground, he just took off... those bastards cheated us a proper flying sequence and will probably say it was a jump to avoid legal problems.


I still need to watch the new episode but man, if they continue this way through the finale, it might be my favorite season.


omg rite said:
I still need to watch the new episode but man, if they continue this way through the finale, it might be my favorite season.

whoa there. lets not get too crazy now. its good but i dont know if i can say its better than early Smallville days. i think i hold too much nostalgia for classic Lex.


Ashhong said:
whoa there. lets not get too crazy now. its good but i dont know if i can say its better than early Smallville days. i think i hold too much nostalgia for classic Lex.

Honestly for me, it's:

5 > 3 > 2 > 8 > 6 > 1 > 7 > 4

I just loved 5. That was kind of the "second phase" of the show I think. 3 was awesome, with one of my favorite premieres ever. 2 was very close. 8 would honestly be up higher if not for the massive disappointment of both the finale and Doomsday origin episode.

6 I still like a lot but I'm a sucker for the Lex/Lana thing, which was creepily entertaining. 1 is still good TV to me but not much stands out as amazing.

Now 7 and 4, ah. Where do I begin? They were better during my rewatch a year+ ago, honestly, but still pretty poor. Of course the big problem with 4 is they tried to do a season long arc and it made absolutely no sense. Lana's ancestors being witches, the tattoo, the crystals, the character of Jason (a complete waste of Jensen Ackles), the terrible resolutions of the season 3 finale, etc. Novel ideas, completely awful executions.

Of course it had one of my favorite season finales of any show, ever. So that almost made up for it.

7 introduced Supergirl, another great idea with terrible execution. First of all, she shouldn't be able to fly before Clark. Second of all, her story in general was boring and went no where. They had a great chance to do a nice season long arc with her getting used to being on Earth, its culture, and all of that. They sometimes mentioned it but by her second episode, it felt like she already knew everything about the planet. I enjoyed the idea of the Veritas plot a lot but it felt rushed due to the writer's strike at the end, especially the boring and anti-climatic season finale.

But like season 4, it had the episode where Lionel died, which is one of my favorite hours of TV in general. That last scene was fantastic with the way it was shot mixed with the music. It gave me hope that Smallville still had juice left.


jesus christ, and i thought i was a big fan. i cant remember wat happened in any specfic season like that. kudos to u sir


omg rite said:
Honestly for me, it's:

5 > 3 > 2 > 8 > 6 > 1 > 7 > 4

I just loved 5. That was kind of the "second phase" of the show I think. 3 was awesome, with one of my favorite premieres ever. 2 was very close. 8 would honestly be up higher if not for the massive disappointment of both the finale and Doomsday origin episode.

6 I still like a lot but I'm a sucker for the Lex/Lana thing, which was creepily entertaining. 1 is still good TV to me but not much stands out as amazing.

Now 7 and 4, ah. Where do I begin? They were better during my rewatch a year+ ago, honestly, but still pretty poor. Of course the big problem with 4 is they tried to do a season long arc and it made absolutely no sense. Lana's ancestors being witches, the tattoo, the crystals, the character of Jason (a complete waste of Jensen Ackles), the terrible resolutions of the season 3 finale, etc. Novel ideas, completely awful executions.

Of course it had one of my favorite season finales of any show, ever. So that almost made up for it.

7 introduced Supergirl, another great idea with terrible execution. First of all, she shouldn't be able to fly before Clark. Second of all, her story in general was boring and went no where. They had a great chance to do a nice season long arc with her getting used to being on Earth, its culture, and all of that. They sometimes mentioned it but by her second episode, it felt like she already knew everything about the planet. I enjoyed the idea of the Veritas plot a lot but it felt rushed due to the writer's strike at the end, especially the boring and anti-climatic season finale.

But like season 4, it had the episode where Lionel died, which is one of my favorite hours of TV in general. That last scene was fantastic with the way it was shot mixed with the music. It gave me hope that Smallville still had juice left.

Season 5 (the series 100th episode) had Johnathan Kents death. That was some seriously good stuff.

But for me my favourite season would be season 3. That was some seriously good stuff, but although this season is really good (the retcons in season 7) have really hurt the backstory.


Ashhong said:
jesus christ, and i thought i was a big fan. i cant remember wat happened in any specfic season like that. kudos to u sir

Haha, well I rewatched the entire series with my mom early 2009 so it's still fresh in my head.


omg rite said:
Haha, well I rewatched the entire series with my mom early 2009 so it's still fresh in my head.

Wow.Talk about a big fan. I've been following this series since the beginning, I'm happy I stuck to it since it has bounced back alot.


3 > 2 > 1 > 5 > 4 >>>> 8 > 9 > 6 > 7

Fairly big divide between the first five and the back 4. Its better now that it was in the godawful S6 and S7, but its still not close to what it was.


Solo said:
3 > 2 > 1 > 5 > 4 >>>> 8 > 9 > 6 > 7

Fairly big divide between the first five and the back 4. Its better now that it was in the godawful S6 and S7, but its still not close to what it was.

I honestly can't imagine putting 4 above 9. I mean this season has just been great.


I have some nostalgia for earlier seasons, but these later seasons are so much more darker and Mythos heavy that I enjoy them more and is waht I have been looking for for a long time from this show. Now that Kristin left it's the only thing keeping this show interesting for me.


Solo said:
3 > 2 > 1 > 5 > 4 >>>> 8 > 9 > 6 > 7

Fairly big divide between the first five and the back 4. Its better now that it was in the godawful S6 and S7, but its still not close to what it was.

For me its:

3 (really good season) > 2 > 9 > 1 > 5 > 8 > 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6 > 7.


Makes sense to you that he should be doing that, but if the day he learnt to actually fly, is the day the show ends supposedly.


omg rite said:
Haha, well I rewatched the entire series with my mom early 2009 so it's still fresh in my head.

i want to do that but the weaker episodes and many of the MOTW ones turn me off. dont really want to sit through some of them.

the only specific episodes/seasons i can pinpoint as a favorite are the season 1 finale, the one where lana sniffs that flower and looks super hot and goes skinny dipping, episode 100, and Lionel's death.

and sure the show ends when he flies...but its just so ridiculous.


It IS ridiculous, not cuz he hasn't leant to fly... that's a creative decision thing... but the fact the show will end cuz he flies is why they keep holding him back.


Just watched the latest episode. That was an awesome one. Both Erica and Tom did well and I quite enjoy the Maxwell Lord stuff.
Missed the first fifteen minutes, what's going on? I came in with
Tess being bugged and Chloe trying to cut it out of her.
What'd I miss?


Tess infiltrated Watchtower and now both her and Chloe are locked in because of an ongoing threat.
Tess is bugged. (Think Matrix parasite)
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