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The Official Smallville Season 9 Thread

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Fuck, this show is on a roll!!! Seriously, I could watch another few seasons of this new Smallville. This really feels like the telling of a Superman: Year One story.
DoctorWho said:
Fuck, this show is on a roll!!! Seriously, I could watch another few seasons of this new Smallville. This really feels like the telling of a Superman: Year One story.
Makes me wish Tom Welling had been given an EP position a few years ago.
Thunder Monkey said:
Makes me wish Tom Welling had been given an EP position a few years ago.

I've noticed an improvement in Welling's acting this season as well. He seems to give a damn about the role again now that it is actually progressing beyond stunted school boy with a crush on his sweetheart. Clark's an evolving character and Welling is clearly having fun with all the Superman moments.
DoctorWho said:
I've noticed an improvement in Welling's acting this season as well. He seems to give a damn about the role again now that it is actually progressing beyond stunted school boy with a crush on his sweetheart. Clark's an evolving character and Welling is clearly having fun with all the Superman moments.
Wouldn't you be?

I can understand a portion of the show would get tiring, but I don't think I'd ever get tired of people calling me Superman.


this episode didn't look that great from the previews but wow... this season has been just awesome. finally a superman show!


I just hope the entire season stays at the current caliber.

I expect there to be a few "iffy" episodes, but I've liked them all so far. Even the zombie episode.


Yeah they all have been surprisingly solid. Season eight was all over the place but season nine is like a totally new show and feels very close to Superman finally. It's awesome!

I am extremely excited for John Geoff's two part JSA tv-movie. That's going be pretty neat and I read somewhere that the budget was slightly increased for it as well.
Kevin said:
Yeah they all have been surprisingly solid. Season eight was all over the place but season nine is like a totally new show and feels very close to Superman finally. It's awesome!

I am extremely excited for John Geoff's two part JSA tv-movie. That's going be pretty neat and I read somewhere that the budget was slightly increased for it as well.
Dr. Fate and StarGirl are reason enough for the fanboy in me to start squeeling like a piggy.


Kevin said:
Yeah they all have been surprisingly solid. Season eight was all over the place but season nine is like a totally new show and feels very close to Superman finally. It's awesome!

I am extremely excited for John Geoff's two part JSA tv-movie. That's going be pretty neat and I read somewhere that the budget was slightly increased for it as well.

yea, the page before =P

im really sad that they did the whole bait and switch thing with the Blur reveal. i guess its too soon for her to find out...but still. it brings back pains from the Lana days.


Thunder Monkey said:
I just hope the entire season stays at the current caliber.

Not to be Debbie downer, but almost every Smallville season has had a much weaker back end than the opening half. You need look no further than last season for evidence.


what's up with chloe and her creepy big brother stuff... seems like they're putting her down a bad path so the fanbase can begin to hate her or something


Just watched it. Another really good episode. Im shocked at how good the show has been this year. It almost washes the shitty taste of the past three seasons away. Heres hoping they can maintain it (although, as per my last post, they usually dont; heres hoping Im wrong this year)!


Crystal Bearer
So I finally finally started watching this show again... about half way through season 6 now... I forgot how annoying Lana was.
shinshero said:
Season 8 + 9 is where its at. :D

And I'm really enjoying the latest story arc. :D
After Doomsday I was really "iffy" about the potential of season 9. But I'm freaking loving it.:lol

Zod is nowhere near as bad as I expected him to be. Tess is still awesome, Chloe is going fucking insane, Green Arrow is finally back to be somewhat cool.

And then there's Lois and Clark.

Let's just say if I was a woman my panties would be very moist, but as a guy I can just say the much cruder "Hehe, the geek in me is popping a tent."

And they're adding Amanda Fucking Waller!


Pretty good episode. Went by really quick which is kinda a plus, hate it when the shows drag sometimes.

And god this show can be so cheesy, I love it.

Next episode looks to be a throw away alternate timeline episode :(

Smallville has had way too many of those.


Darklord said:
Season 7 is one of the worst seasons of any show I've ever seen. It wasn't just Lara as the problem.

Was season 7 really that bad? I remember liking the overall story, despite the grating retconning and just plain disregard for continuity. But the season's story on it's own worked well I thought. (I am probably remembering it wrong judging from most people's opinions).


Solo said:
Yes. S6 is almost as bad, too. Those two are easily two of the worst seasons of any TV show Ive ever endured.

Season 6 was the lana pregnant thing right? Yeah, there's no way I can agree with you that 7 was worse.


NimbusD said:
Season 6 was the lana pregnant thing right? Yeah, there's no way I can agree with you that 7 was worse.

S6 at least had a great premiere. S7 had not one great episode.


NimbusD said:
Was season 7 really that bad? I remember liking the overall story, despite the grating retconning and just plain disregard for continuity. But the season's story on it's own worked well I thought. (I am probably remembering it wrong judging from most people's opinions).

Season 7 had some decent episodes but the whole Veritas thing was ridiculous. I hate that they retconned the hell out of the early seasons! Especially since they held a lot of sentimental value to those people who have been following the show since season 1!


Solo said:
S6 at least had a great premiere. S7 had not one great episode.

Agree to disagree.

But that final scene with Lex sent chills down my spine.

No matter how good this show is this season, it's still a hollow shell of what it was without him.

shinshero said:
Season 7 had some decent episodes but the whole Veritas thing was ridiculous. I hate that they retconned the hell out of the early seasons! Especially since they held a lot of sentimental value to those people who have been following the show since season 1!

I agree, the retconning was a fucking slap in the face to whoever was still with the show for that long. But if you take the story of the season on it's own, I think the overall plot was much better than season 6's.


NimbusD said:
No matter how good this show is this season, it's still a hollow shell of what it was without him.

Couldnt disagree more. Had Rosenbaum left after S3 then YES, Id be 100% in agreement with you. But Lex's storylines got worse, and Rosenbaum's interest level dropped, with each passing season after 3. He basically sleepwalked through S4-S7. Especially the latter two. I remember seeing him interviewed during production of a particularly bad S6 episode, and his response when asked how he felt about it was to simply throw his arms up and say "its season SIX" :lol


Disagreed. The first half of S8 (second half went in the gutter) and especially S9 so far have been a really nice breath of FRESH air into what was a very stagnant show.

Lana and Lex leaving was the best thing that has happened to the show in many years.


Lex's storyline and obsession with Clark was definitely getting a bit drawn out... I think it was good that he left the show. I liked the idea of him still being alive and watching everything that was happening (as we saw in the mid-season finale The Bride), and I think it should have been just left that way and left a sense of mystery with his character knowing that the door isn't completely closed. I think the final season has to include him though, and if they can't get Lex to show up for a few episode then just have a bald guy donning the Lex's signature power suit. I also hope that his whole collection of the freaks (project 33.1) during the first few seasons come back and form some sort of injustice league or suicide squad

As for Lana, they honestly couldn't do much more with her. They dragged out her relationship with Clark way too long and she just became whiny about finding the truth, etc. Then the whole thing with Lex and ... yeah. They should have the stuck with the whole Lana being the nice sweet girl who learns of Clark's secret by herself (and keeps this to herself) without being all devious. And now that they've laced her with kryptonite or whatever.... I guess that means she wont be coming back to Smallville :)


NimbusD said:
Next episode looks to be a throw away alternate timeline episode :(

Smallville has had way too many of those.

It's not really a "throw away" as in it won't have any impact on the story though. Next week reveals everything Lois is seeing in her dreams. It's the future she was sent to that Clark has to stop from happening.

It's also the last episode for two months. Last year's pre-winter break episode was "Bride" and that ended with Doomsday's first appearance and the surprising ending with Lex. So I'm hoping for a nice cliffhanger here too.

Darklord said:
Season 7 is one of the worst seasons of any show I've ever seen. It wasn't just Lara as the problem.

Seasons 4 and 7 were the worst seasons of Smallville, without question. The Kara plot in 7 was handled really badly, which made the first half suck. The second half was a little better. I did like the IDEA of Veritas and that actual episode was pretty good. But it could have been done better.

Still not a very good second half though, don't get me wrong.

Solo said:
Yes. S6 is almost as bad, too. Those two are easily two of the worst seasons of any TV show Ive ever endured.

Man, I don't get your hate for season 6. I liked the Lex/Lana storyline (for the most part). It was creepy and weird and it really got us away from the Clark/Lana thing until later in the season. The wedding episode was good.

Solo said:
Couldnt disagree more. Had Rosenbaum left after S3 then YES, Id be 100% in agreement with you. But Lex's storylines got worse, and Rosenbaum's interest level dropped, with each passing season after 3. He basically sleepwalked through S4-S7. Especially the latter two. I remember seeing him interviewed during production of a particularly bad S6 episode, and his response when asked how he felt about it was to simply throw his arms up and say "its season SIX" :lol

Not season 5. He had some of his best episodes in season 5. "Lexmas" and "Reckoning" specifically. And we finally got to see "evil" Lex come out in the episodes with Cyborg and Aquaman. I love how Rosenbaum played Lex in those eps. We never saw enough of the sarcastic evil Lex, to be honest.

I'll agree with you on season 7 though. And I DO agree that him leaving the show was a good thing. It forced the writers to go in a different direction. Because of that, we got Doomsday, which was done surprisingly well (for the most part -- the end of his story left something to be desired) and really, it led to the second resurgence of quality much like we got in season 5.

But I do think they could bring him back later this year or in season 10 and do something good with the character.

Solo said:
Disagreed. The first half of S8 (second half went in the gutter)

I don't agree with that either. The Lana episodes were actually good for the most part. Not really NEEDED, but they weren't bad. The Toyman episode where Oliver "kills" Lex was really good. That final scene with Lana and Clark was surprisingly heartbreaking, considering how tired I was of that relationship.

After the Lana episodes, I thought the show was almost as good as the first half. The origin of Doomsday episode was disappointing (a bigger budget was needed and the storybook aspect was corny and didn't make much sense), as was the finale (again: the budget; plus they tried to do too much -- it should have been a two-parter or two-hour finale). But other than those two, the second half was pretty much the same as the first half. "Injustice" and "Beast" were also really good.

Solo said:
S6 at least had a great premiere. S7 had not one great episode.

I agree it was a bad season overall but not ONE?


The episode where they kill
(spoiling in case anyone is catching up) was one of my favorite episodes period. That final scene with Clark and Lex
standing over Lionel's grave
was one of the most well done scenes in the series. And it was so simple, but that's why it worked so well.

And the music! Loved it. That would definitely make my top 10 episodes list.

I linked it before, but here it is again. Spoilers, obviously: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juh3tpFzSHA


Oh wait, I did actually come in here for a reason other than replying to 28 people.


For most broadcast shows, exile to Friday means your network thinks the show is past its time, and should peacefully fade away without damaging the ratings of shows on Sunday-Thursday. That’s likely the idea that the CW had when it put Smallville on Fridays this season. But defying conventional wisdom (and to many fans, the wishes of CW chief Dawn Ostroff), not only has Smallville refused to go quietly, it was tied for second best adults 18-49 rating on the CW last week. I know that the CW targets women 18-34, but be certain they sell advertising based on whatever attractive demo ratings they get. Those results cannot be ignored.


Meanwhile Smallville fans will delight that Smallville hit a season high in viewers (2.7 million) and matched its season highs with adults 18-34 (1.2/5) and adults 18-49 (1.2/5). Smallville ranked #1 in the hour in men 18-34 (1.3/6) and men 18-49 (1.3/5-tie) and ranked second in adults 18-34. And for those who just can’t stand not knowing, Smallville pulled a 1.0/4 with women 18-34.

I keep seeing "season high" for Smallville every week since like, episode 3. Hopefully it can keep it up after this 2-month break.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: who would have thought this show would have not only lasted so long but get moved to Friday nights in its 9th season and have one of its best seasons critically (so far)? Pretty damn neat.
That's awesome! :lol

Ratings are still respectable!

Solo I'll be gunning for you if the back half of the season sucks! But with the JSA and Amanda fucking Waller! I can't see it being as bad as the Lana/Jimmy/Doomsday trifecta fuck up of last year, even at its worst.

Unless they kill off Lois and replace her with Chloe.
So let's say CW are dicks and cancel the show anyways. Is there anywhere other network it can go or is it dead for good? I can go for atleast 2 more years. As long as they get a chance for a proper series finale its all good.


Killing_Joke said:
So let's say CW are dicks and cancel the show anyways. Is there anywhere other network it can go or is it dead for good? I can go for atleast 2 more years. As long as they get a chance for a proper series finale its all good.

I highly doubt any network would pick up a show to air its 10th and final sesaon.

But really, the odds of a 10th season are pretty damn good it seems. The writers said they were aiming for 10 before this season and ratings are good.

If The CW does decide to end it, they've said they would still be able to do a proper finale.


NimbusD said:
Was season 7 really that bad? I remember liking the overall story, despite the grating retconning and just plain disregard for continuity. But the season's story on it's own worked well I thought. (I am probably remembering it wrong judging from most people's opinions).

It dragged on then lead to nothing. I was watching thinking "Ok something big is about to happen" and...nothing did. I never felt so annoyed by a season finale. Some of the things Clark did were just idiotic too.

Then season 8 comes out and has more story advancement in the first episode than all of S7.


omg rite said:
Oh wait, I did actually come in here for a reason other than replying to 28 people.



I keep seeing "season high" for Smallville every week since like, episode 3. Hopefully it can keep it up after this 2-month break.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: who would have thought this show would have not only lasted so long but get moved to Friday nights in its 9th season and have one of its best seasons critically (so far)? Pretty damn neat.

2 month break?! WTF CW god dammit. i hope they move it to another night...wont happen will it


omg rite said:
But I do think they could bring him back later this year or in season 10 and do something good with the character.

Ive seen Rosenbaum interviewed fairly recently. He didnt seem all that interested in returning. I believe he said that if he did, he wouldnt shave his head. So we could be looking at bald cap Lex this time :lol

omg rite said:
And the music! Loved it. That would definitely make my top 10 episodes list.

Top 10:

01. Exile (S3)
02. Arrival (S5)
03. Memoria (S3)
04. Crusade (S4)
05. Hidden (S5)
06. Transference (S4)
07. Rosetta (S2)
08. Shattered (S3)
09. Pilot (S1)
10. Zod (S6)


its funny we haven't seen Lex the actor doing any acting since he left the show.

I'm still bummed they sorta just dropped Supergirl. I was at comic-con when they introduced her, listening to her interview on Attack of the Show this past week for her new show they asked about Smallville sounds like bad blood.

Oliver is still tops in my book.

My god Lois Lane I pray i never see you without makeup on you are simply amazing looking when in the show in most scenes. Even the other women film perfectly. Sorry just had to drool comment ont he obvious women in makeup/perfect lighting/filming = win.


zugzug said:
its funny we haven't seen Lex the actor doing any acting since he left the show.

I'm still bummed they sorta just dropped Supergirl. I was at comic-con when they introduced her, listening to her interview on Attack of the Show this past week for her new show they asked about Smallville sounds like bad blood.

Oliver is still tops in my book.

My god Lois Lane I pray i never see you without makeup on you are simply amazing looking when in the show in most scenes. Even the other women film perfectly. Sorry just had to drool comment ont he obvious women in makeup/perfect lighting/filming = win.

i saw some ridiculously stupid Peanuts video that he did. i have no idea what it was but it was a huge step down from Smallville, and thats saying something.


Killing_Joke said:
So let's say CW are dicks and cancel the show anyways. Is there anywhere other network it can go or is it dead for good? I can go for atleast 2 more years. As long as they get a chance for a proper series finale its all good.

I wouldn't rule out Scifi. Friday is their night for original content and they could use Smallville's strong 8 o'clock performance as a lead in.


Solo said:
Ive seen Rosenbaum interviewed fairly recently. He didnt seem all that interested in returning. I believe he said that if he did, he wouldnt shave his head. So we could be looking at bald cap Lex this time :lol

Top 10:

01. Exile (S3)
02. Arrival (S5)
03. Memoria (S3)
04. Crusade (S4)
05. Hidden (S5)
06. Transference (S4)
07. Rosetta (S2)
08. Shattered (S3)
09. Pilot (S1)
10. Zod (S6)

Oh man, I dunno if I could do that right off the top of my head. But "Shattered" was awesome. I wouldn't put "Crusade" on there though. When you get past the ZOMG FLYING CLARK it's a terrible plot line that shows us Jor-El can just take over Clark if he feels like it and tries to make you think Kal-El is a huge dickwad while Clark is awesome. Also, the Chloe storyline they started at the end was really stupid.
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