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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Archie said:
What's funny is I got a perfect against him. Maybe he was making a sandwich or something?

:lol After that round, I said "no more trying dumb shit!" but really, I need to test a lot more dumb shit I'm working on. Next time, if you're around this weekend.


Second-rate Anihawk
Grifter said:
:lol After that round, I said "no more trying dumb shit!" but really, I need to test a lot more dumb shit I'm working on. Next time, if you're around this weekend.
You have some godly spacing and the focus attack on my slide is EVIL. I appreciate the ass kickings, that's the only way I'm gonna get better. :p


Okay where the hell can I order a HORI Real Arcade Pro Stick 3 that ships it to EU? Seriously, I've been waiting like 8 weeks for play-asia to get restocked!

Please I want a new stick :(


Finally cracked 2000bp, but I know I can do better. Far too many instances of facing a predictable opponent, but for one reason or another I completely blow the punishment and end up eating more damage trying. Parrying made punishing predictable opponents so much easier.

I'm a few pages late, but good games to Bob.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
LakeEarth said:
Finally cracked 2000bp, but I know I can do better. Far too many instances of facing a predictable opponent, but for one reason or another I completely blow the punishment and end up eating more damage trying. Parrying made punishing predictable opponents so much easier.

I'm a few pages late, but good games to Bob.

Ugh. I hate it when people say that parrying made predictable opponents easier to punish. They're easy to punish no matter what. All parrying did was make the long-range game near useless, and allowed people who couldn't think their way out of situations a way to twitch out. SF3 series made me an SNK fan. Seriously.


arstal said:
Ugh. I hate it when people say that parrying made predictable opponents easier to punish. They're easy to punish no matter what. All parrying did was make the long-range game near useless, and allowed people who couldn't think their way out of situations a way to twitch out. SF3 series made me an SNK fan. Seriously.
I understand people who don't like parrying, it did limit certain styles of play. But I just hate it when someone does a move that is punishable by block, but then I can't punish online because with even a good connection, they can spam a SRK to punish the punish.

Don't get me wrong, I love SFIV and I agree that the way it is designed, parrying wouldn't work. But damn, parrying would definitely make punishing Dictator easier.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Pop On Arrival said:
They should totally redo all the stages in SF2 and put them in IV. Fucking punks at capcom are stupid.

I'd be happy with themes for the chars that don't have them, and making it where char themes play in online vs instead of those stupid generic themes.

Capcom music peaked at SFA2 and has been downhill ever since.

LakeEarth said:
I understand people who don't like parrying, it did limit certain styles of play. But I just hate it when someone does a move that is punishable by block, but then I can't punish online because with even a good connection, they can spam a SRK to punish the punish.

Don't get me wrong, I love SFIV and I agree that the way it is designed, parrying wouldn't work. But damn, parrying would definitely make punishing Dictator easier.

Don't aim to punish the move, aim to punish the SRK that comes after- the other guy isn't doing it on reaction. If you know a certain Dict move is coming, like EX stomp, you can do something to punish it (EX stomp a forward dash gives you a free grab as punishment)

Ultimately parries made only one style of play in SF relevant, you couldn't play the game any other way really. The top tier in SF3 were the chars who had the most effecitve hit-confirms- cause there was no other way to play.


arstal said:
Ugh. I hate it when people say that parrying made predictable opponents easier to punish. They're easy to punish no matter what. All parrying did was make the long-range game near useless, and allowed people who couldn't think their way out of situations a way to twitch out. SF3 series made me an SNK fan. Seriously.
Parrying really made SF3 feel so un-Street Fighter :
* high level games are all relegated to close range games of pokes, parries, and hit confirms
* range games are a joke even at mid level
* no SF2 tactic whatsoever since the best option at almost all times is parry - regular throws do such mediocre damage and can be broken out of easily. So the worst thing you're afraid of is the hit confirms and parries take care of all that.
* charge characters are out since the parry system easily negates any chance to turtle and play wall (all charge characters in SF2/4 will be darn near useless in SF3)
* so no SF2 tactics, no charge characters, no range games, and all fights relegated to who has the best hit confirm and pokes makes the diversity of the game very, very low.

Changing parry to focus attack in SF4 is probably one of the wisest decisions I've seen for Capcom. It's high risk and high reward unlike the SF3 parry which is low risk/high reward.

I can see why SF3 never made it big with the mainstream - sure loved the animation though. Hopefully KOFXII doesn't make the same mistake SF3 made.

Now if only they can do something about Sagat's and Boxer's low risk/high reward options.
I'm getting a LOT of Ryus now. Both player and ranked. Also few Sagats. I just fought a turtling Sagat and I lost. I hate losing when I think I could have won the match easily. If the player is clearly better then I enjoy playing whether I lose or win. But the other way around, it is not fun at all.

Also I got a little bit better with Boxer combos. They are pretty easy anyway but now I added EX-OH dash - c.lk. HB -> ultra to my combo list. Or sometimes without the ultra because it isn't very effective because of the scaling. But improving none the less.
im getting ryu-spammed for about two weeks now. most of the ken players have left or switched to him. sagat is a different story. sometimes i wouldnt see him for an hour or longer, other times i get three in a row. it seems akuma fell from grace once people realised how to avoid his super and ultra.

blanka, oh blanka.....


I always thought it is a problem with Fuerte, but after playing more with other chars I simply can not find any fun in a fight against Claw. None at all. :(
Hi. I'm one of those vega players. Was just playing now and finally hit 2000BP.

I used to be a Ryu/Blanka player in SF2 (never played Super, Alpha, and I hated 3 -- so I'm one of those old school SF2 players that Capcom went after) and I like them here too, but I've gravitated to Vega as a counter to all the EX focus, cancels and other high level shit that I just. can. not. do. I think I've managed to complete three hard trials total; and there are MANY regular ones I can't do. Though Vega does have moves like that, with him (and Blanka, to a lesser degree) I feel like I can be competitive with him without worrying about those. What I lack in high-level execution, I feel I more than make-up (with Vega, especially) for with smart play. I can't combo, but I can come in, do a few strikes, and regroup. Lot of mind games with him and I love psyching out players. And considering how many (especially in the first few weeks) fireball chuckers there were online, it was easy to make them pay. In doing that, he's grown on me.


singularity said:
Hi. I'm one of those vega players. Was just playing now and finally hit 2000BP.

I used to be a Ryu/Blanka player in SF2 (never played Super, Alpha, and I hated 3 -- so I'm one of those old school SF2 players that Capcom went after) and I like them here too, but I've gravitated to Vega as a counter to all the EX focus, cancels and other high level shit that I just. can. not. do. I think I've managed to complete three hard trials total; and there are MANY regular ones I can't do. Though Vega does have moves like that, with him (and Blanka, to a lesser degree) I feel like I can be competitive with him without worrying about those. What I lack in high-level execution, I feel I more than make-up (with Vega, especially) for with smart play. I can't combo, but I can come in, do a few strikes, and regroup. Lot of mind games with him and I love psyching out players. And considering how many (especially in the first few weeks) fireball chuckers there were online, it was easy to make them pay. In doing that, he's grown on me.
Claw's problem is not really the shotos, it's the Blankas, Balrogs, and Giefs.

For those three, Claw has to play really carefully.

EDIT: I suggest picking Blanka or Gen as a secondary - they're mobile, offensive-oriented, and can make good counters for some of the tough match-ups Claw have.
Blanka's a charge character who can play much better grounded mix-ups than Claw - his ultra is great for finishing people off with chip damage.
With Gen, you can mix and mash between his charge styles (Crane) and the offensive Mantis style which only requires you to mash P for combos.

Gen also has some very easy combos if you have super and ultra:
1) cr.LK from Crane
4) Profit!!!

AZ Greg

Now that I got my arcade stick repaired I can finally start using other characters besides Vega competently. Trying to work on Ryu since I'm a little bored of charge characters. Anyone want some matches on XBL? My Ryu is pretty bad but I need to get some time in with him. If you don't mind beating up on a punching bag then hit me up. Tag - AZ Greg


LakeEarth said:
I'm a few pages late, but good games to Bob.

Yeah, we gotta link up again. I'm probably out of commission till Sunday night though. Friggin' SE stick I modded is still giving me beef as well--HP & FP buttons wonked out on me twice. I'm hoping it was just that the disconnects weren't on snug enough.


OK, I found a new strategy for Ken's Hard Trial #5:

-Jump HK
-Crouch LP
-Crouch MP
-Heavy SRK

-EX Air Hurricane Kick


If that's what I gotta do, that's what I'm gonna do :lol

(yes, I have it muted. If I hear Ken say "Try this on for size!" one more time, I'm gonna blow my brains out)
UC1 said:
I don't get how you're struggling with this. #4 took me at least 3 hours, had to try it over several days. #5 was like less than 10 attempts at most.

He said the air ex tatsu gives him trouble. Give him a break.


I DID IT!!! :D :D


UC1 said:
I don't get how you're struggling with this. #4 took me at least 3 hours, had to try it over several days. #5 was like less than 10 attempts at most.

I think it was the opposite for me (not long for #4 and #5...DAYS :lol). I think I realized that I would get too anxious after the FADC and either completely mess up the EX Air Hurricane or land it way too late.

But whatever. Wish I thought of pausing the game a few days ago :lol


The random god blessed me with Guile twice today. Won both games (one against a Zangief the other against a Seth that looked pretty decent) without really knowing how he works. Looks like I have to pick him up. :(


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
As long as we're on trials: What the fuck is up with balrog's normal trial #5? I'm supposed to link a lp into a hk? ok, fine... but it just doesn't work. :( And it's so god damn frustrating. Long, potentially useful combos are fine, I understand why they are difficult and I understand at what point I'm messing up and why, etc. But this buuuullshit is so god damn fucked up. I press too fast the hk doesn't come out, I press to late Dan blocks... How fucking small is the window on this thing? This is some VF Akira shit. I'd probably have better luck squeezing my erect dick up my nostril and blow a load on my brain.

And when the fuck do I need to hit confirm a fucking hk?! it doesn't do any damage I can't get at easier with ten other combos that don't require bullet-time to input.


Ugh, people used to complain about Sagat's legs and I never really saw why until today. Damn those things. Does he really need them?

Anyways, fought my first Rufus player today. Really good japanese guy too. Got my ass handed quite a few times until I was able to figure out how to break through his pressure game. Won three rounds and he quit. Made me sad; it was a really really fun match, like almost the most fun I've ever had online.

I really suck at doing crossups with Ken. I keep waiting until just before the other guy wakes up before jumping in with MK, but almost all the good guys I've played can see it coming.
Brobzoid said:
As long as we're on trials: What the fuck is up with balrog's normal trial #5? I'm supposed to link a lp into a hk? ok, fine... but it just doesn't work. :( And it's so god damn frustrating. Long, potentially useful combos are fine, I understand why they are difficult and I understand at what point I'm messing up and why, etc. But this buuuullshit is so god damn fucked up. I press too fast the hk doesn't come out, I press to late Dan blocks... How fucking small is the window on this thing? This is some VF Akira shit. I'd probably have better luck squeezing my erect dick up my nostril and blow a load on my brain.

And when the fuck do I need to hit confirm a fucking hk?! it doesn't do any damage I can't get at easier with ten other combos that don't require bullet-time to input.

You can hit confirm a cr. hk of a cr. lp as well. I usually use it if I land one or two cr. lp's but don't have a charge ready. Granted, I can only get it to work half the time, but when I do, it lets you play wake up games.


UC1 said:
Don't mean to be rude or anything, I just though #4 was way harder!

I can see how #4 could be harder than #5. Once I turned the first 3-hit combo into a 4-hit combo, the only tricky part (for me) was timing the Ultra after the medium SRK. Kinda like Chun-Li's Hard #5 and timing the Ultra just right at the end for an airborne opponent.

Ken's Hard #5 was extremely difficult for me because it seemed like I had hit a wall and couldn't do any better. It was like I couldn't stop choking :-/


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
FindMyFarms said:
You can hit confirm a cr. hk of a cr. lp as well. I usually use it if I land one or two cr. lp's but don't have a charge ready. Granted, I can only get it to work half the time, but when I do, it lets you play wake up games.
yeah. They want you to do 4x lp to a ch.hk in the hard trials. Fuck that. after 4x lp you could have ten charges, to follow up with a ch.hk is just poop.


Pop On Arrival said:
They should totally redo all the stages in SF2 and put them in IV. Fucking punks at capcom are stupid.
I'm kinda surprised they didn't do this after the first two stages they showed off were Chun-Li's and Guile's.


MIMIC said:
I can see how #4 could be harder than #5. Once I turned the first 3-hit combo into a 4-hit combo, the only tricky part (for me) was timing the Ultra after the medium SRK. Kinda like Chun-Li's Hard #5 and timing the Ultra just right at the end for an airborne opponent.

Ken's Hard #5 was extremely difficult for me because it seemed like I had hit a wall and couldn't do any better. It was like I couldn't stop choking :-/

Chun's my best character and I can't get past #2 :( That's j.HK>cr.MK>LK legs>cr.MK>super. I can't get the legs into cr.MK... Overall I'm at about 86% title completion, but I think I've almost run out of easy combos =P


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
GalacticAE said:
A Ryu stage with a scrolling moon would be cool.
My favorite SF2 stage. Give me that one and Zangief's factory stage and I might consider paying for it.


oh update: finished all of Dictator's hard trials.

The last one seems kinda unnecessary IMO, but what do i know :lol

Im on Abel's hard trial where you go c. mp > lp change of direction > FADC > c. hp > lk roll > falling sky

I always screw up the last part and wind up doing a super instead of a falling sky :(


Threi said:
Im on Abel's hard trial where you go c. mp > lp change of direction > FADC > c. hp > lk roll > falling sky

I always screw up the last part and wind up doing a super instead of a falling sky :(
heh, I always do his falling sky when I mean to do a super :)

I don't like c.hp > roll > falling sky. I never use it, I always just skip the roll and go right into falling sky.


All Combo Trials complete!

Was able to finally finish up that last Gen combo(damn that last kick timing).All I have left in Challenge mode is Hard Survival which I probably won't do unless I'm REALLY bored.:lol
Arde5643 said:
Claw's problem is not really the shotos, it's the Blankas, Balrogs, and Giefs.

For those three, Claw has to play really carefully.

Yeah, I know. I played a few Balrogs and the remotely good ones destroyed me. Haven't had too much trouble with Blanka, but I think the ones I played against weren't too good. Too easy to psyche them out into electric and then punish them for it. Good Guile players give me trouble too, but I think it's mostly due to not having faced too many of them.

Blanka's (sometimes Sakura) my second though so I definitely understand the weaknesses and strengths between them. Working on my Viper and Chun-Li a bit too, but I'm not consistent enough with them.


_dementia said:
Hard 1 is the only Hard Viper trial I can actually do.
It gets harder.

Same. 2nd one is like a TK cancel into ultra or something...

Just beat all of Chun's btw :D Only a couple of characters to go.


Dartastic said:
I think I'm consistently getting worse instead of getting better. =( Anyone good wanna give me some coaching?

get better

there ya go, glad i could help. :)


I think Sat. Morning and Afternoon is a real bad time to play - I won 13 in a row today, and I am think I am a less then above average (win % - 69% after 400+ matches).

I think it is mostly kiddys catching up after a long week of school, but I was pretty surprised, a lot of spamming and a LOT of Kens - not that I care, Sagat whoops them hard.
I wish they put more effort into SF4's backgrounds. The only ones that are any good is the one with random people jumping out of the plane, and the one with the fat kid dancing.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
FindMyFarms said:
I wish they put more effort into SF4's backgrounds. The only ones that are any good is the one with random people jumping out of the plane, and the one with the fat kid dancing.
My favorite is the one under the overpass, and the Blanka one is cool too. Still, I hit random every time. It really isn't that big of a deal.


Trucker Sexologist
FindMyFarms said:
I wish they put more effort into SF4's backgrounds. The only ones that are any good is the one with random people jumping out of the plane, and the one with the fat kid dancing.
I just noticed that the people in the drive-in background react to the fight. If you do an ultra finisher the guy falls off the car. :lol
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