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The Official UFC 100 Discussion Thread

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Zeliard said:
There is almost never any malicious intent when that happens. Strikes coming soon after the ref has stopped the fight are common, since the opponent can always recover if the ref doesn't stop it, and the fighters are going on adrenaline. The classiest fighters in the sport do this. That's why nearly every fight that ends with a knockout or TKO involves the ref literally shoving the winning fighter away from the other guy.

The problem for me was the guy claiming that he knew he was out and gloating about "shutting him up". I understand when other guys keep pounding until the ref steps in but this was purely malicious.

I'm not going to shit on MMA, but I just have no interest in seeing that sort of stuff. The fact that he got a bonus for the fight makes it even worse.

Did anything happen to that other guy posted above who was nailing the guy with the ref on his back?
benita316 said:
The problem for me was the guy claiming that he knew he was out and gloating about "shutting him up". I understand when other guys keep pounding until the ref steps in but this was purely malicious.

I'm not going to shit on MMA, but I just have no interest in seeing that sort of stuff. The fact that he got a bonus for the fight makes it even worse.

lol. So if he said nothing and did the same action you wouldn't have a problem with what he did.

You need to ignore what these guys say because 90% of it is either bullshit or macho aggresive posturing.

He did nothing wrong imo. I've seen that happen dozens of times with knockouts.

But you are right. If that sort of thing offends you, shouldn't watch the sport.

I haven't liked what some indivudals have said before. A particular example being that a guy relished the idea of breaking another guys arm after he did it. I put the blame on that person however rather than a blanket indictment of the sport. It's like saying I won't watch boxing because somebody did something in a fight I disagree with one time.


Stoney Mason said:
lol. So if he said nothing and did the same action you wouldn't have a problem with what he did.

Wrong way around. It's because what he said just confirms what it looked like - that it was deliberate.

Stoney Mason said:
I haven't liked what some indivudals have said before. A particular example being that a guy relished the idea of breaking another guys arm after he did it. I put the blame on that person however rather than a blanket indictment of the sport. It's like saying I won't watch boxing because somebody did something in a fight I disagree with one time.

I see your point, but the fact that he received no punishment, not a single word of discouragement from Dana White, and was awarded a bonus for best knockout just turns me off completely.
Calculon said:

Nice to have a totally epic knockout, a lot of stuff has been going to decision lately.

thats gotta feel awesome to just put your head down, cock your fist and punch someone as hard as you can. And he gets paid to do it.

TOM f'N CRUISE said:
<3 Lesnar WWOooooooooo

imagine if he still looked like this, i wish he would get that big again.

UFC doesn't let him use steroids.
benita316 said:
I see your point, but the fact that he received no punishment, not a single word of discouragement from Dana White, and was awarded a bonus for best knockout just turns me off completely.

Dana is not their daddy. Like I said guys say dumb macho things all the time. In every single sport. They also take cheap shots in every single sport. And some of those cheap shots aren't against the rules.

One of the things I like about mma is that it doesn't have that bullshit posturing faux paternal order of the NFL. If that loses them some casual fans it is what it is.

Once again not trying to say you don't have the right to feel the way you do. I'm just saying I think you are overly relying on the words and not actually analyzing what happened and or realizing what happened wasn't that different than what happens in tons of knockouts. Did Henderson probably talk too much trash in that instance. Yes. Do I believe what he said right in the heat of battle and adrenaline. Not really. Especially for a guy who is normally pretty chill outside of his brutal sport.


Stoney Mason said:
I know on what ever planet you are on it makes perfect since for Brock to pack up and travel to Affliction, a barely hanging on company losing money and leave the company that is stable, and paying him well and gave him his break and has promoted him, to fight Fedor but on planet Earth we call that stupid.
And nor does Fedor have any reason to fight in the UFC it would be stupid. If Brock is legit he should fight Fedor.

Fedor takes alot of flack for not being in the UFC. But the Affliction gig allows him the flexibility to fight in other orgs (& Japan where he's massive) and still own the rights his own name. A luxury he would not have under the one-sided UFC contract he was offered. Why would he sign himself into a slave contract with the UFC?
benita316 said:
Wrong way around. It's because what he said just confirms what it looked like - that it was deliberate.

I see your point, but the fact that he received no punishment, not a single word of discouragement from Dana White, and was awarded a bonus for best knockout just turns me off completely.

Yeah, you should stop watching. You are wayy to sensitive.


The problem is, I don't think the average, mainstream UFC fan knows about Fedor. I talk to guys all the time who know everything about UFC but have no clue who Fedor is. "Best fighter in the world you say? Some guy named Fedor? GTFO"
nightez said:
And nor does Fedor have any reason to fight in the UFC it would be stupid. If Brock is legit he should fight Fedor.

Fedor takes alot of flack for not being in the UFC. But the Affliction gig allows him the flexibility to fight in other orgs (& Japan where he's massive) and still own the rights his own name. A luxury he would not have under the one-sided UFC contract he was offered. Why would he sign himself into a slave contract with the UFC?

Last post towards you because your bias here is pretty obvious. I've stated my position many times on this. I don't think Fedor will ever sign with the UFC. That is his perfect right. But that doesn't mean I take your stupid position that Brock needs to prove something to you Fedor nut huggers.

I think Fedor is great. I think Fedor would beat Brock. I hope Fedor signs with the UFC one day but I don't expect him to.

Despite all that, that doesn't mean I get to say really dumb stuff like Brock needs to leave the UFC to fight Fedor to appease people like you.


After a decade or so in the sport, Hammer House still can't defend a submission. Whereas in a year, Brock was in no sub trouble from one of the best HW submission fighters. Brock has evolved as a fighter more in a year than all of Hammer House has in ten. I wouldn't use Coleman and Randleman to support a Fedor would sub Brock argument.
benita316 said:
Wrong way around. It's because what he said just confirms what it looked like - that it was deliberate.
You should watch more Dan Henderson interviews and fights. He's always very nice and always smiling. He's really not the sort of meathead you're painting him to be.

That wasn't a deliberate cheap shot, and it's obvious in the way he changes his positioning on the way down and in the way he immediately gets up with a little concern on his face. I think you're too new and you're not realizing that people get punched and fall down but get back up all the time. It's instinct to go down and get another shot in right away, because the guy may still be fine.

Henderson and Bisping were feuding trainers in the Ultimate Fighter reality show, and Henderson's comment after the fight was just him feeding the feud that sold the tickets, not him confirming that he's a dick. You've really got to separate posturing from reality.


Yahoo Sports said:
The greatest beneficiary of each Lesnar snarl, however, lives in Stary Oskol, Russia, a man named Fedor Emelianenko who is considered the No. 1 heavyweight (if not pound-for-pound fighter) in the world. If anyone has the knockout power to stop the 6-3, 265-pound Lesnar, it’s Emelianenko.

Fedor doesn’t fight in the UFC though. He’s with its rival promotion, Affliction. He’ll fight Aug. 1 in Anaheim, Calif., in what is the last match of his contract. Affliction is hoping to re-sign him until 2012, but the UFC will come hard after him. More now then ever. And that means money, big money.

“Eventually Fedor is going to be here,” White said. “I want Fedor. We’ll end up getting that deal done and then we’ll do Brock vs. Fedor and we’ll do a huge fight.”

Time will tell, but the pressure to sign the elusive Russian has been ratcheted up. A villain was born and there isn’t an obvious superhero in sight. The UFC brought Brock Lesnar over from the WWE for just this kind of a sensation. And the big man has delivered – the good, the bad and the embarrassing.
Only Dana White has no scriptwriters that can contain him.

Brock isn't even smaller now than he was in that pic. The angle is different, he's not flexing, he's not tan, and he's not greased up like he was in that promo pic.


WickedAngel said:
Brock isn't even smaller now than he was in that pic. The angle is different, he's not flexing, he's not tan, and he's not greased up like he was in that promo pic.

And he's not a muffin top like in that pic.


I am Homie
WickedAngel said:
Brock isn't even smaller now than he was in that pic. The angle is different, he's not flexing, he's not tan, and he's not greased up like he was in that promo pic.
That's not disputable. He use to weigh a lot more, and that is not a question.


Pristine_Condition said:
No he didn't. He got in his face and talked. Lesnar's conduct was bad enough. You don't have to go and make things up.
I think you're completely wrong here. He aggressively rushed towards Mir and had to be physically held back by several large security guards to prevent anything from popping off. Which was completely uncalled for. You could see the anger and aggression in his face. I have no doubt something was about to pop off and security did the right thing.

Pristine_Condition said:
That's a load of bullshit too, nightez. I have a copy of the pre-fight teleconference for Lesnar v. Couture right here on my hard drive. Brock was highly complementary and respectful of Couture in every way. He even spoke up for Couture when reporters were hammering him with off-topic questions about Fedor.
In that case I do not think we saw the same conference. You're completely wrong again. Watch this clip I uploaded just for you. He says he has no respect for anyone he fights in the ring. That's explains his behaviour even after winning the fight. He did the same after the Herring fight.


It's also driving people to just plain make up things that didn't happen (see nightez's post). Maybe if you get really angry at Lesnar, you start hallucinating.
I didn't make anything up.
Rur0ni said:
Oh so Fedor's contract is up after next fight? Affliction trying to renew a lock till 2012? UFC gotta jump on that.

If the amount Affliction pays fighters is true (800k for Sylvia to fight Fedor?) they'll go under before 2012.


I am Homie
WickedAngel said:
You know his exact weight when that promo picture was taken?
I know he weighed over 300 while he was pro wrestling. I'm sure he isn't weight training as hard as he use to, but I'm not trying to say he is a shadow of his former self. Just saying I think its safe to say he's not as big/strong as he use to be.
Ninja Scooter said:
UFC tests via the athletic commissions in each state. WWE only tests if you aren't fucking the CEO's daughter or make $1 million a year.

I'm not going to say he's on, but it is quite possible to cycle to beat those tests.


Great. Are we going to have to deal with Brock steroid accusations now that he's going to start destroying everybody? It's bad enough that people are whining that he should be in a superheavyweight division, when the heavyweight division is already shallow as fuck. Give the guy credit where it's due, or you're just as bad as him.
Ninja Scooter said:
UFC tests via the athletic commissions in each state. WWE only tests if you aren't fucking the CEO's daughter or make $1 million a year.

Testing can only do so much. Unless they are testing between fights, a athelete will get away with it if they know what they are doing. Some of these guys get 6 months off between fights. Plenty of time to cycle off.
Zeliard said:
Great. Are we going to have to deal with Brock steroid accusations now that he's going to start destroying everybody? It's bad enough that people are whining that he should be in a superheavyweight division, when the heavyweight division is already shallow as fuck. Give the guy credit where it's due, or you're just as bad as him.

Of course you will have to deal with that, people are going to assume. I am not saying he is on; I"m just saying it is naive to say that because the fighters are tested it is impossible for him (or any other fighter) to be using steroids. This, pretty much:

surrealist said:
Testing can only do so much. Unless they are testing between fights, a athelete will get away with it if they know what they are doing. Some of these guys get 6 months off between fights. Plenty of time to cycle off.


prodystopian said:
Of course you will have to deal with that, people are going to assume. I am not saying he is on; I"m just saying it is naive to say that because the fighters are tested it is impossible for him (or any other fighter) to be using steroids. This, pretty much:

Do you not realize he was just as big as he is now back when he wrestling in college? The guy's been randomly tested a million times and has never failed one. Throwing out entirely baseless accusations is moronic. Not every big guy with muscles is on fucking steroids.


I am Homie
Zeliard said:
Do you not realize he was just as big as he is now back when he wrestling in college? The guy's been randomly tested a million times and has never failed one. Throwing out entirely baseless accusations is moronic. Not every big guy with muscles is on fucking steroids.
Prod has said multiple times, that he isn't saying brock is on steroids.


FootNinja said:
Prod has said multiple times, that he isn't saying brock is on steroids.

And I'm not saying he did. I'm saying it's a completely idiotic discussion to have when nobody has anything to go on. Brock's never failed a test and has always been a massive guy. Attempting to take away from his achievements by bringing up steroids in any context is, again, completely baseless. And this includes bringing up cycling - why is that only being directed at Brock when any UFC fighter can cycle? You're going to have to find something else.


SolidSnakex said:
Exactly as I thought. You can argue that scoring the fight 30-27 was wrong, but it's pretty clear that Akiyama did enough to win the fight.

Besides the score at the end which seems pretty arbitrary there is nothing clear about the fight metric results.

Akiyama landed more punches and perhaps even more powerful strikes more often but imo it never really looked like either one was going to get knocked out.

The leg kicks on the other hand seemed far more effective.

Again, Akiyama did nothing with his take downs. Many fighters and commentators (and I agree) think that a take down should be worth next to nothing if you don't do anything off it, be it transition, ground and pound or set up a sub.
Zeliard said:
Do you not realize he was just as big as he is now back when he wrestling in college? The guy's been randomly tested a million times and has never failed one. Throwing out entirely baseless accusations is moronic. Not every big guy with muscles is on fucking steroids.

Problem is, Brock isn't a big guy with muscle. He's way beyond that. You seem very protective of Brock.

Zeliard said:
And I'm not saying he did. I'm saying it's a completely idiotic discussion to have when nobody has anything to go on. Brock's never failed a test and has always been a massive guy. Attempting to take away from his achievements by bringing up steroids in any context is, again, completely baseless. And this includes bringing up cycling - why is that only being directed at Brock when any UFC fighter can cycle? You're going to have to find something else.

No one said Brock isn't the only one taking. There are plenty of fighters out there that are dirty. Brock is the poster boy for roids. If anything, his achievements are based on standing on top of a weak division. When guys like Fedor and Barnett when clean the floor with him.


surrealist said:
Problem is, Brock isn't a big guy with muscle. He's way beyond that. You seem very protective of Brock.

What is he "way beyond"? Have you ever seen an NFL player in your entire life?

surrealist said:
No one said Brock isn't the only one taking. There are plenty of fighters out there that are dirty. Brock is the poster boy for roids. If anything, his achievements are based on standing on top of a weak division. When guys like Fedor and Barnett when clean the floor with him.

Barnett? You mean the guy who was stripped of the title by the Nevada Commission and kicked out of the UFC for roiding? :lol

The irony is too much. Surreal, even.


I am Homie
surrealist said:
Problem is, Brock isn't a big guy with muscle. He's way beyond that. You seem very protective of Brock.

No one said Brock isn't the only one taking. There are plenty of fighters out there that are dirty. Brock is the poster boy for roids. If anything, his achievements are based on standing on top of a weak division. When guys like Fedor and Barnett when clean the floor with him.
Saying Brock is the poster boy for roids with no proof of him ever having taken roids. Belittling his achievements, for no apparent reason besides bias. Basically saying "I think he can be beaten by the best fighters I know of"

A+ post.
Zeliard said:
What is he "way beyond"? Have you ever seen an NFL player in your entire life?

Barnett? You mean the guy who was stripped of the title by the Nevada Commission and kicked out of the UFC for roiding? :lol

The irony is too much. Surreal, even.

Irony. Did you skip the part where I said, "There are plenty of fighters out there that are dirty."
BamYouHaveAids said:
If anything you wrestling folk sound like the console shills. Not everyone has to like your favortie fighter or his antics. Suck it up and move on, nothing wrong with disliking Brock's demeanor at all. You guys are acting like the TF2 fans.
oh, i don't have any problems with people not liking him, i have a problem with someone saying they're a bigger MMA fan because i like wrasslin' and they don't.
you'd think that after all these years people still wouldn't be naive enough to think "Big muscles=steroids". Look at the guys getting busted in baseball. Scrawny pitchers and utility players. Hell steroids is most prevalent in stuff like cycling and track and field where the athletes are small.


surrealist said:
Because no one is taking away from his achievements based on roids. Just the fact he's standing on a weak division.

If he passed the test and has passed every one of his tests while being in the UFC then surely you have to leave him alone about it until he does something to warrant the claim.
mujun said:
If he passed the test and has passed every one of his tests while being in the UFC then surely you have to leave him alone about it until he does something to warrant the claim.

Look. I used to be one of those guys who would swear up and down that professional fighters do not juice. That testing works. That the system is 100%. And fighters had too much honor. 2 Years ago was the last time I trained in MMA. While we didn't have any UFC caliber talent at our school, we did have fighters that were professionals, that were tested. I saw and knew things. I'm not cynical about the sport. Just more open to the idea that there are a few dirty fighters getting away with it. Is everyone dirty? No, definatly not. But ignoring Brock is crazy.


surrealist said:
Problem is, Brock isn't a big guy with muscle. He's way beyond that. You seem very protective of Brock.

No one said Brock isn't the only one taking. There are plenty of fighters out there that are dirty. Brock is the poster boy for roids. If anything, his achievements are based on standing on top of a weak division. When guys like Fedor and Barnett when clean the floor with him.
There are a lot of big guys like Brock in the NFL, in the 280 lb division of college wrestling and the Olympics. You act like he's a rarity. If you think Brock is juicing then thousands of guys that are similar to him in other sports are juicing too?


surrealist said:
Look. I used to be one of those guys who would swear up and down that professional fighters do not juice. That testing works. That the system is 100%. And fighters had too much honor. 2 Years ago was the last time I trained in MMA. While we didn't have any UFC caliber talent at our school, we did have fighters that were professionals, that were tested. I saw and knew things. I'm not cynical about the sport. Just more open to the idea that there are a few dirty fighters getting away with it. Is everyone dirty? No, definatly not. But ignoring Brock is crazy.

How many people are in your position though. Until I see or hear otherwise I choose not to assume the worst. That easy. I apply the same rule to pretty much any situation in my life.
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