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The Official Welcoming of the Visitors Thread - V on ABC, every Tuesday

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I may be wrong, but I would say that most people over thirty knows about the lizard people! I am only saying this because I know, and even from south america. It was a great moment in tv history (at least in venezuela). I don't know how that could be recreated, sadly.
gdt5016 said:
I think everyone can, at least, agree this is way, wayyy better than FlashForward.

Both ABC "ZOMG we need a LOST SUCCEZOR!!" attempts have been pretty bland thus far. Both on my wait and see list thus far.


Is it my imagination, or was that the Let the Right One In poster in the Scott Peters Company's logo/banner at the very end?
malingenie said:
I may be wrong, but I would say that most people over thirty knows about the lizard people! I am only saying this because I know, and even from south america. It was a great moment in tv history (at least in venezuela). I don't know how that could be recreated, sadly.


It needs to be said over and over again. There's no way a lizard reveal could ever be kept a secret or be built up without being lame and everyone not knowing it already. Best to get it out of the way and move on.
malingenie said:
I may be wrong, but I would say that most people over thirty knows about the lizard people! I am only saying this because I know, and even from south america. It was a great moment in tv history (at least in venezuela). I don't know how that could be recreated, sadly.

Yeah, I was kind of looking forward to that big reveal for a whole new generation though.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
CajoleJuice said:
Man, everyone saying this is better than FlashForward makes me so fucking thankful that I haven't watched FlashForward.
I feel kind of bad I even wasted more than two episodes of my time on Flashforward (which is one episode too many).

I'll continue watching since this show has a different showrunner since the pilot, but unless they up the quality, these four eps will be all they get out of me. I got nothing else to watch on Tuesdays at this time anyways.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Not bad... hope they stop completely spoiling the upcoming episodes though :(


you speak so well
Seemed a little rushed, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Definitely a lot better than Flashforward, and I'll continue based solely on the fact that I love Morena Baccarin and there's nothing else to watch on Tuesdays.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Marty Chinn said:
I think the writers knew that there are a lot of people who already knew, and those that didn't because it's not a new series anymore, the fact that they were lizards would get leaked or known pretty quickly. It's just not something you can hide when you're doing a remake like this. So rather than trying to make an event out of it which could blow up in their face by everyone saying lame, I already knew that, they went a different route. So I'm ok with the quick reptile view cuz there was no way in hell most people wouldn't know about it if they didn't do it by the first ep. Heck if they didn't, it would have been all over about people talking about how they didn't do it yet and wonder when.
I wasn't even alive when the original V came out. Yet I knew they were lizards because in one of the threads on here people were outright just saying it.

I liked it, so that means it gets canceled.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
omg rite said:
So don't watch the previews?
Not used to it being shoved in there like that :D

With all the election interruptions and commercials, I thought there was still more show or something.
Pretty good show. I let out a big "UGH OH" when the resistance guy was equating the V's to Democrats. I hope this political allegory doesn't continue.

Anyone catch the first sentence that was subtitled? I was too focused on the V's face before I noticed the subtitles and they changed to the next sentence before I could read the first. It was something about what they were there for I think?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Yea, the fact none of them have died until now is bizarre and the fact that everyone on the planet assumed they were just like us biologically is weird too.
nah, several of the reporters asked how are you like us? our scientists say its impossible and anna replied by saying our scientists can explain it.

Too bad there's only 3 more episodes left then we have to wait until next season.
Wtf are you serious? Or do you mean next year? IE continued in January?


DY_nasty said:
Not used to it being shoved in there like that :D

With all the election interruptions and commercials, I thought there was still more show or something.

Honestly, these days watching TV on TV is the worst way to watch TV.

Wait until the next morning and watch it on Hulu or download it off iTunes or Xbox Live Marketplace. No commercials, no previews.


captive said:
nah, several of the reporters asked how are you like us? our scientists say its impossible and anna replied by saying our scientists can explain it.

Wtf are you serious? Or do you mean next year? IE continued in January?

He is mistaken. It returns in March after the Olympics, which is pretty stupid honestly.


Drunky McMurder
omg rite said:
Honestly, these days watching TV on TV is the worst way to watch TV.

Wait until the next morning and watch it on Hulu or download it off iTunes or Xbox Live Marketplace. No commercials, no previews.

I'd much rather have it for free in HD than pay for it and save 12 minutes of commercials.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
omg rite said:
He is mistaken. It returns in March after the Olympics, which is pretty stupid honestly.
still lame.
Every show should just be how 24 does it, bang 'em out all back to back no interruptions, thank you.


captive said:
Wtf are you serious? Or do you mean next year? IE continued in January?

There are four episodes this month and then no more until March. It's not another season though. It's still the first season.


captive said:
Wtf are you serious? Or do you mean next year? IE continued in January?
Only 4 episodes have been filmed. If the show does well ratings wise ABC will start filming again and air the episodes next year in January or February.


I'm impressed. I thought it was a little too rushed. I hope they slow the pacing down for future episodes. But I imagine they wanted to go ahead and get it out there so that people would be hooked. Shows can't afford to spend several episodes trying to hook people anymore.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I liked the original "V" when I was a bit tater tot. I wonder how different this is going to be.

Link Man

Never saw the original, but I really enjoyed tonight's pilot. Will look forward to the next episode with keen interest!

PrivateWHudson said:
They could have done the lizard revel to the viewers without letting the main characters in on it yet. You know...build a bit of tension.

I'm sorry, but this is such a terrible idea.


That was bad. Far too rushed and with that they missed out on a lot of character development.

Not going to watch this series.
Full Recovery said:
That was bad. Far too rushed and with that they missed out on a lot of character development.

Not going to watch this series.

It's a pilot episode. How much character development can you really have? Pilot episodes have character introductions, not character development usually. Lack of character development in the first episode is a terrible reason to give up on a show. In fact most shows, I always give the first episode a pass because it's usually introduction and setup and not a real indicator of what the show is like.
Those of you that disliked FlashForward may give it another try, I've been much more interested in the last few episodes (especially with CHARLIE...er Simon). Joseph Fiennes needs to cut the overacting though.

Agree with the rushed bit, but hopefully it gets the show out there and it can start to actually develop the characters.


So far it was 'okay'. Ended on a nice note (except for the 'let's give away some spoilers!' preview) and you can see some potential. But yeah the pacing is bad, they didn't give much of a thought to fleshing out the characters and some of the ones they did work on were a little too generic.

needs work. But it's a pilot, so I'll give it a few episodes to come together.
It's really difficult to judge the actual show but first things that caught my eye:

There is too much social commentary in the dialogue.

The whole bad-parenting theme is cliche and over-used in TV

The kid looks in his late teens yet displays the characteristics of a 14 year old boy. I don't know whether to look at him as a rebel or someone in desperate need of love from Mommy.

I felt that the two main characters, the Priest and the FBI agent, came to the "we need to save the world" speech too soon for my liking. It was only a few minutes prior to that when they were rolling their eyes at the conspiracy theories. Other than that, I have to say I did enjoy the show. I'm a cynic at heart but it did a lot more right than it did wrong.

I just hope the show is taken up for another series at least so we can have a good pace of character and story development.

P.S. Anna is extremely attractive as a foreboding alien-reptilian planning to destroy mankind.

Full Recovery said:
That was bad. Far too rushed and with that they missed out on a lot of character development.

Not going to watch this series.

This way pleased


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yippee it's starting!
Kind of stupid intro though.

"Where were you this morning?" :lol
I liked it. It kind of jumped around a lot but I felt it came together in the last part of the episode.

I hope this lives up to it's potential.


Well I thought it was great. My one pick as I rewatched the original series was the way it jumped from them being totally disorganized to suddenly having an organized resistance with connections elsewhere. There were actually 2 or 3 jumps like that which just didn't make any sense.

This show starts by establishing that the main characters all understand how resistance cells work. They have actual skills to contribute. There are potential bases of operation shown, rather than them magically finding some abandoned pumphouse right next to a visitor checkpoint.

I thought the hard-sell approach of the visitors was more in keeping with today's world than it would have been 25 years ago. People aren't as polite and they want to see the goods right fraking now. They are more skeptical and won't be friendly with the idea of something coming later. So far the visitors don't seem to have asked for anything in return.

As for pace, I think its like somebody earlier said. We are expected to already expect certain things are going to happen, so why not get them out of the way and move forward? They didn't skip them because that would be confusing, they just didn't waste our time. They have somewhere to go. At least I sure hope they do.

Last comment... I hate the kid too. From the very first promo the did I just didn't feel right by him. Then again I always felt the same way about Daniel. Maybe they are both supposed to be hated.

Looking good. From a quality perspective... looking REAL good.


I disagree with the demands for a longer premiere. Rushed or not, adding an extra hour to episodes doesn't always make things better. The only show that I think really benefitted from having an extra hour was Lost; more often, we get episodes like the Kings premiere that basically killed the show. Slightly rushed is better way too drawn out.

(and if you don't believe me, go back to the thread for the Kings premiere, and count how many people watched it compared to how many continued over the next few weeks)


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Just got done watching the pilot. Not bad. I don't think the acting was as good as some reviews had claimed, although the effects were impressive for a TV show. It looks like I now have a show to watch in between Heroes on Monday and Law & Order: SVU on Wednesdays.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Meus Renaissance said:
I felt that the two main characters, the Priest and the FBI agent, came to the "we need to save the world" speech too soon for my liking. It was only a few minutes prior to that when they were rolling their eyes at the conspiracy theories. Other than that, I have to say I did enjoy the show. I'm a cynic at heart but it did a lot more right than it did wrong.
Too soon is an epic understatement.

The events of this episode should have encompassed four episodes or so, at least if they were concerned about telling a good story and not just cutting to the chase.

I want to see the initial, realistic reaction to aliens hovering over our cities. You know, along the lines of the backstory of District 9. You'd have a major quarantine going on, slow and careful investigation, confirmation that the aliens aren't carrying anything that's going to wipe out the populace once it leaves the ship, etc. Instead their leader is pulling an impromptu press junket while strolling through a building's lobby within a couple hours :lol Show me that people are scared, then show me how they're seduced by the Vs and their technology and promises. Then, after all that's been effectively developed, that's when you pull the rug out. This was all way too easy and it just makes the converts look like idiots who hop on the bandwagon without a second thought. V apparently operates in a world where people clap when a giant face in the sky promises them nice things.

It reminds me of the way V for Vendetta (the film) failed to show the changing views of the British population in response to V and the government's respective actions. When they up and change it doesn't mean anything because the difference in positions isn't explored or significant.

Likewise, the resistance stuff happened even quicker. Some crazy dude gives a speech about a vast conspiracy, a couple photos are shown of mystery man meeting with a V and bam! The whole conspiracy has been explained, is believed by our protagonists and should be embraced by the audience. What? Oh, and what was "brave" about the priest bringing the photos?

Seriously, this felt like some sort of summary episode that distilled a whole chunk of episodes down to a manageable size. If I were to have made this show, the events of this episode would have been a major percentage of a whole season. It's like the first episode of Lost ending with the hatch being opened.

P.S. Everything with the son was embarrassingly terrible.


Eh, I don't think I would be shocked about them being lizards even if they did reveal it more dramatically. I understand that the point is they're disguising themselves probably for evil purposes, but when you think about it, we know they're fucking aliens...we shouldn't expect them to be 100% like humans in every way.


I agree that pacing of the pilot moved along way too fast and would have been better served as a two hour premiere.

At least they didn't fuck it up like NBC's Knight Rider remake. That was beyond terrible.
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