FlightOfHeaven said:While this is a bit of a controversial topic, I would suggest getting an octo-gate. It's really friendly for beginners because it has audial and tactile ways of letting you know what motions you are doing.
Naw, let people try out the square gate for a month. People who are not so savvy with replacing parts may find themselves in a bit of problem, then warranty is shot because they opened.
Rice-Eater said:Well I did it ladies and gentleman. I bought a black SSF4 TE stick for PS3. I have plenty of experience with arcade sticks like most, but I've always been horrible on one. I want to change that and getting one of the best sticks out there and spending this kind of money is what I hope will motivate me to do it. I'm pretty scared though that this will result in me just having a $120+ piece of junk laying around that I can't use so arcade stick GAF, I'm really going to need your help. I'm going to get beat down a lot, I just hope eventually it'll all start making sense to me.
My suggestion is, if you play Tekken, try out the basics then jump over to SF4. Plus, if you're a charge character player, you'll love the square gate already used. Don't get frustrated within your first couple of weeks. Experienced or not, it'll take quite a while to get used to all the nooks and gizwats (gigawatts!) of TE sticks. Very good stick and a very great investment. Love'm! And always thanks MarkMan for making them possible! Man is a Legend of Arcade Stick Mayhem!