Shadow780 said:
I've been out of the loop, did they improve the netcode by any chance?
That's what they have said, but only time will tell how big of an improvement it really was. I had my copy of SSF4 pre ordered for PS3, but after playing regular SF4 on both PS3 and 360 and realizing how freaking impossible it is for me to get matches going on PS3 in comparison to my 360 I had to switch my pre order just in case the net code stays the same.
I don't know what everyone elses experience is if they have played both PS3 and 360, but here's mine. On 360 I can find 3bar+ matches around the clock at any hour.(This is important since I'm usually up playing from midnight to 5AM in USA central time) Now if I try to play that time on my PS3 I can just forget about it. I'll find a match every 5 minutes or more and it's usually a 2 bar or less it somehow put me in with some lag. I can try hosting, I can try ranked, private, or champ it's always the same result. Can't find jack squat and when I do it's balls.
Wish that wasn't the case since my best buddy only has a PS3 to play on, but oh well I'd rather be able to play the new team mode around the clock with strangers than sometimes with my buddy. Once the PS3 version gets lower priced towards the end of the year I'll probably pick it up to play with him a bit more.
I wish it was a requirement for all fighting games to use GGPO or ask the Blazblue developers what they did so we always get a great online experience for our fighting games.
Edit: Ibuki is a monster. Every video that pops up with her further confirms why I want to main her. If by some grace I'm balls with her Juri is my back up. If God hates me enough that I suck with both then Cody should have me covered. :lol