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The Oily, Gentlemanly Super Spin Fighter 4 Reveal Thread of Kunoichis and Karatekas

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aka acr0nym
haunts said:
makoto could kara in older builds but then they took it out...so either they put it back in or its an old build that marn is playing.

Or you have no idea how to play Makoto... I kid. :D


haunts said:
She cant instant divekick. you dont even use her dive kicks int he same manner that you use cammys. see like, juri has a fireball so its a much different application becuase you're using it more as an anti air as they work through the gauntlet of fireballs.

Really? The way Cammy's work is that she's basically doing it at the initial height of the jump. Is there are certain height that's required for the dive kick to work for Juri?
DR2K said:
Pinwheel = spiral arrow. Moving forward attacking. Only pinwheel has a lot less recovery. It also works as an AA.

dive kick = dive kick. Cammy's is safer, but Juri can do all versions from all jump arcs, ex connects to ultra for free.

Ways around fire ball for Juri, fireball and teleport. For cammy "quick" spin knuckle and ex arrow.

Juri also has an over head and CC.

Really I'm being very general, at least we can all agree they have sideboob.

Cammy's whole offensive game is almost completely defined by her dive kick. Her dive kick isn't only safe, but leaves her at advantage on block and allows her to repeat in order to do her 3 way mix up. ex Dive kick, they blocked it, dive kick against but they crouch tech w00t now i can hit confirm into spiral arrow. The most important part being that if she does a dive kick, she's at an offensive advantage and can keep attacking.

Juri's dive kick acts NOTHING like cammy's at all. If it connects, woohoo, you can do damage, but if it's blocked? She gets popped back and loses all her offensive momentum, as opposed to gaining more. She gets reset into a neutral position. From the looks of it, I feel some characters could probably reversal punish it on block.

That's why I asked if you think Rufus players will go to Juri as well, since every single good cammy and rufus player in unison agree that Cammy and Rufus are extremely similar to each other due to their dive kick offense.

Lastly, the wheel kick. One of the most important parts about cammy's offense is her spiral arrow. Obviously it's not safe, so don't do it unless you hit confirm into it!! But it's so easy to hit confirm into! Now here's the big difference, Juri wheel kick knocks them on to the other side of the screen and you're both far again. Cammy's spiral arrow knocks them down and leaves you RIGHT NEXT TO THEM setting you up for dive kick mixups and let's you maintain your offensive momentum as well.

Getting around fireballs - I've played with all the best cammy's in the nation, and this is NOT an issue for Cammy at all. First of all, her ultra shuts down all fireball zoning at mid screen since you can punish for fat damage. At footsie range where people like to use fireballs as a poke, you can easily focus it and dash forward and punish on reaction since she has such a good dash.

In all sincerity and seriousness, if you want, we can play on PSN sometime and I can show you how Cammy works.

DR2K said:
Really? The way Cammy's work is that she's basically doing it at the initial height of the jump. Is there are certain height that's required for the dive kick to work for Juri?

Yeah, it works like seth's, Akuma's, and gouken's dive kicks, not accessible until peak of jump.


Passing metallic gas
the_log_ride said:
Gentlemen, 30 Days until Super Spin Fighter 4 is realeased.

woohoo..maybe the rest of us will get to join the apparently billions of people in random european countries that have it already


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Gr1mLock said:
woohoo..maybe the rest of us will get to join the apparently billions of people in random european countries that have it already



Whine Whine FADC Troll
What was funny was I overhead FMF's drops at our local gathering. Unsure if that was due to FR, or just online play.

Then again, I ended up leaving early due to laggy TV's and really not enjoying spending 40 seconds in crouch block. SF4 does that to you, especially if you don't have top notch execution to play the chars that can actually generate offense. (and laggy TV's make it worse)


Neo Member
Wow...watching one of the Adon vs Makoto vids from the JuriHDRemix link (@ 1:47, Korean Adon Match 2)...

...either Makoto is seriously easy to cross up, or Adon's jumping forward is really good. The next month can't fly by fast enough. Adon and T.Hawk all the way!


Since hearing about it my attitude has been, "eff 2 ultras, it's a waste of dev time," but I am really seeing where it's going to make a big difference. Characters like Makoto/Abel choosing "up close" or "anti-fireball" ultras is going to be a game changer for many match ups.

I am still waiting to have my mind changed on counter ultras. They seem worse and worse every time I see something new about them.

Darkman M

bradido said:
Since hearing about it my attitude has been, "eff 2 ultras, it's a waste of dev time," but I am really seeing where it's going to make a big difference. Characters like Makoto/Abel choosing "up close" or "anti-fireball" ultras is going to be a game changer for many match ups.

I am still waiting to have my mind changed on counter ultras. They seem worse and worse every time I see something new about them.

Why it adds alot more strategy and diversity to the game, i think it's awesome.


bradido said:
Like counter ultras or ultras that do temp damage? :)

It's much more than that. :lol

Super art in SF III had variable bars,which mean some of them could give you 3 stocked super (or stock one super and use a lot of ex moves) or one super which fill up super fast like genei-jin.Ryu's shin shoryu or denjin had a long bar which didn't fill up that quickly (use the super or the ex moves).That same super bar was used for ex moves so the system was badly designed at it's core.

Ultra in IV operate under the same system,but of course some of them end up being more useful.Counter can be really good,you just need to look at Hakan. :D Fei and Cammy counters just aren't good enough compared to Hakan's ultra and a patch to improve them might be in order.The same goes for Gen's ultra 2,since it seems to me that opponents regain their health too quickly.


Super art in SF III had variable bars,which mean some of them could give you 3 stocked super (or stock one super and use a lot of ex moves) or one super which fill up super fast like genei-jin.Ryu's shin shoryu or denjin had a long bar which didn't fill up that quickly (use the super or the ex moves).That same super bar was used for ex moves so the system was badly designed at it's core.

Ultra in IV operate under the same system,but of course some of them end up being more useful.Counter can be really good,you just need to look at Hakan. Fei and Cammy counters just aren't good enough compared to Hakan's ultra and a patch to improve them might be in order.The same goes for Gen's ultra 2,since it seems to me that opponents regain their health too quickly.

I would not say the system of EX/super trade is badly designed. However, I agree the number of stock decisions were baffling and made the choices even worse (Chun-li has 2 SA2 but Ibuki gets ONE Yami-shigiri?!) Sure, the systems are quite different but I do think there are going to be a number of situations in 4 where 1 ultra is clearly better than the other. In 3rd strike that was the majority of the time. Let's hope that's not the case in SSF4.

Fei and Cammy counters just aren't good enough compared to Hakan's ultra

I would not count Hakan's ultra as a counter since it hits.
Apparently Triforce has a preview copy of SSFIV and is working with Seb of FADC to get a stream of casual matches up. This is our chance to dudes like Sanford playing!


bradido said:
I would not say the system of EX/super trade is badly designed. However, I agree the number of stock decisions were baffling and made the choices even worse (Chun-li has 2 SA2 but Ibuki gets ONE Yami-shigiri?!) Sure, the systems are quite different but I do think there are going to be a number of situations in 4 where 1 ultra is clearly better than the other. In 3rd strike that was the majority of the time. Let's hope that's not the case in SSF4.

I would not count Hakan's ultra as a counter since it hits.

It can hit if you touch him,but it's implementation is superior.

Fei long and Cammy counter will be activated if you attack them,while Hakan is activated if you just happen to touch his toes with or without doing an attack.Hakan's counter is designed as AA,but it's got more potential because of how it's been implemented.

The least they should do is allow armor breaking moves to activate the counter ultra or cross up.


_dementia said:
Apparently Triforce has a preview copy of SSFIV and is working with Seb of FADC to get a stream of casual matches up. This is our chance to dudes like Sanford playing!

gotta wonder how he got his hands on that, though..

also the recent influx of SSF4 vids is <3 shouldn't we be seeing some japan play after the national next weekend?


Still no decent Claw vids.


Meh. At this point, I'm just happy to see new character use. Juri looks hella fun. Same with Guy, Cody, Ibu....fuck. All of them 9 new characters look great.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Will Makotos EX fist (the one that goes forward, can't remember the name of it) go past fireballs?


So much cool stuff going on this week and I have 3 exams to study for and a paper to write. LA Riots 3, Haunt's stream, and now maybe sum FADC streams. Fuck the last month of school.


Apparently Triforce has a preview copy of SSFIV and is working with Seb of FADC to get a stream of casual matches up. This is our chance to dudes like Sanford playing!

Will it be on frame-advantage.com?
kitzkozan said:
That same super bar was used for ex moves so the system was badly designed at it's core.

This is the point in your argument that I realized how insane you are. How far did you think this sentence through? It's ok, I'll wait for you to fix it.


bradido said:
Because I played a lot of 3rd Strike and saw how few matches super selection made a difference.

If nothing else, having two ultras to pick from means your character of choice has double the chance of having at least one that's worthwhile. Considering how much having a solid ultra plays into the overall character viability for vanilla, it might even the playing field a bit.

I liked the 3S system of ex/super trade off, partially because if your character's supers were ALL trash, you had something to do with your bar. When I get ultra in vanilla 4, I'm usually thinking, 'I wonder what it's like to use a character where that flame-bar thing matters... Anything would be OK really, even a nice taunt or something.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
cHaotix8 said:
So much cool stuff going on this week and I have 3 exams to study for and a paper to write. LA Riots 3, Haunt's stream, and now maybe sum FADC streams. Fuck the last month of school.

Well, good news. LA Riots 3 won't be streamed so now you can study!


Setec Astronomer
arstal said:
Then again, I ended up leaving early due to laggy TV's and really not enjoying spending 40 seconds in crouch block. SF4 does that to you, especially if you don't have top notch execution to play the chars that can actually generate offense. (and laggy TV's make it worse)
Apparently ragequitting isn't just for online.

Also, I've never heard of CRT lag before.


Sketchbook Picasso
Since it seems to work, I think I'll give it a try too...

Where are all the DeeJay videos?! I love finiding them on my own (and have a potential one in mind), but I'd still like to see 1 solid ultra setup that isn't off charged Focus Attack...

And I still find it odd that they implimented wall bounce in thie game, to only give it to 2 characters... -_-;


SAB CA said:
Since it seems to work, I think I'll give it a try too...

Where are all the DeeJay videos?! I love finiding them on my own (and have a potential one in mind), but I'd still like to see 1 solid ultra setup that isn't off charged Focus Attack...

And I still find it odd that they implimented wall bounce in thie game, to only give it to 2 characters... -_-;

Huh? Wasn't there a big hub bub online that SSF4 will let every character wall bounce now? Or was I smoking rocks when I read that somewhere ?
Well I did it ladies and gentleman. I bought a black SSF4 TE stick for PS3. I have plenty of experience with arcade sticks like most, but I've always been horrible on one. I want to change that and getting one of the best sticks out there and spending this kind of money is what I hope will motivate me to do it. I'm pretty scared though that this will result in me just having a $120+ piece of junk laying around that I can't use so arcade stick GAF, I'm really going to need your help. I'm going to get beat down a lot, I just hope eventually it'll all start making sense to me.


Tier Whore
Rice-Eater said:
Well I did it ladies and gentleman. I bought a black SSF4 TE stick for PS3. I have plenty of experience with arcade sticks like most, but I've always been horrible on one. I want to change that and getting one of the best sticks out there and spending this kind of money is what I hope will motivate me to do it. I'm pretty scared though that this will result in me just having a $120+ piece of junk laying around that I can't use so arcade stick GAF, I'm really going to need your help. I'm going to get beat down a lot, I just hope eventually it'll all start making sense to me.

Some people say it took them 3 weeks to learn to use a stick properly. Myself probably took me more like 3 months and I'm still learning stuff. Just don't get discouraged... you will suck ass for a while, but you'll get there ;)! Btw try not to rely on the charge character crotch... thats what made me take so long to really learn ;)!

Edit : Strangely one of the most difficult things was double dashing... was just not used to do it that way. Also I did switch to the octogonal gate as I'm used to use the sides to to do motions... also special cancel into super into ultra is just so much easier doing circles away on that gate ;p!


Rice-Eater said:
Well I did it ladies and gentleman. I bought a black SSF4 TE stick for PS3. I have plenty of experience with arcade sticks like most, but I've always been horrible on one. I want to change that and getting one of the best sticks out there and spending this kind of money is what I hope will motivate me to do it. I'm pretty scared though that this will result in me just having a $120+ piece of junk laying around that I can't use so arcade stick GAF, I'm really going to need your help. I'm going to get beat down a lot, I just hope eventually it'll all start making sense to me.

just take a game you're already very comfortable with and play the shit out of it non-stop. repetition is key here, so training mode and doing the same combos over and over will help you gain familiarity with it.*

*this advice is just how I went from american to japanese style joysticks / buttons (9 years ago) but I imagine it's pretty universal.


DarkoMaledictus said:
Some people say it took them 3 weeks to learn to use a stick properly. Myself probably took me more like 3 months and I'm still learning stuff. Just don't get discouraged... you will suck ass for a while, but you'll get there ;)! Btw try not to rely on the charge character crotch... thats what made me take so long to really learn ;)!

Ditto. Some people just too quickly close the door on experimentation and that seems to be the reason for the fail on their part with sticks. Keep trying different ways to hold the stick and different hand positions to hit buttons. There's several tutorials and guides over on Shoryuken.com that might ease the pain of starting fresh on a stick.

I got my first stick about a month ago or so, and a SF4 TE Round 2 stick for my 360 about 2 weeks back I think. Practice practice practice is what it all boils down to. There are some characters I'm seriously 100X better with using a stick and others that I'm just all around crap with compared to my earlier days on a pad.(My Akuma game is much better as well as Zangief, but my Ryu and Abel lack execution)

I honestly expect myself not to get good with my stick until months from now really. I don't play day in and day out, and until SSF4 comes out I am not practicing my new SF4 TE stick since my copy of Vanilla SF4 is on my PS3 and I have my Hori stick for that.

Once SSF4 comes out I doubt that thing will gather dust...they are just too sexy to be left to the way side with a new fighter to tackle. :D


Sketchbook Picasso
zlatko said:
Huh? Wasn't there a big hub bub online that SSF4 will let every character wall bounce now? Or was I smoking rocks when I read that somewhere ?

I remember the hub bub of "OMG, WALLBOUCE!" When we first saw Juri do it, but since then, I've only seen it replicated with Goken's Denjin.

I keep personally thinking it'd be the perfect way to "fix" that "O So Unfair" crumple that DeeJay's EX Double Rolling Sobat had removed... Could combo into Ultra 2 at specific distance, tag with EX Max Jacknife or Max Out at certain distances, or maybe lead into some jab resets. Wouldn't matter too much when done too far away from the corner, and he'd have to lose charge to dash over (though I guess he could slide part way.)

When one sees a character have so much flow like Dudley, it makes ya wish that same "flow of attack" designer worked on a few of the others too... :lol


Rice-Eater said:
Well I did it ladies and gentleman. I bought a black SSF4 TE stick for PS3. I have plenty of experience with arcade sticks like most, but I've always been horrible on one. I want to change that and getting one of the best sticks out there and spending this kind of money is what I hope will motivate me to do it. I'm pretty scared though that this will result in me just having a $120+ piece of junk laying around that I can't use so arcade stick GAF, I'm really going to need your help. I'm going to get beat down a lot, I just hope eventually it'll all start making sense to me.

Welcome to the club! First you've got to find a grip that suits you. You can use this video as a starting point, but don't be afraid to use whatever works. Next comes the best part - execution drills! have fun throwing 100 fireballs and missing 60 of them!


SAB CA said:
I remember the hub bub of "OMG, WALLBOUCE!" When we first saw Juri do it, but since then, I've only seen it replicated with Goken's Denjin.

I keep personally thinking it'd be the perfect way to "fix" that "O So Unfair" crumple that DeeJay's EX Double Rolling Sobat had removed... Could combo into Ultra 2 at specific distance, tag with EX Max Jacknife or Max Out at certain distances, or maybe lead into some jab resets. Wouldn't matter too much when done too far away from the corner, and he'd have to lose charge to dash over (though I guess he could slide part way.)

When one sees a character have so much flow like Dudley, it makes ya wish that same "flow of attack" designer worked on a few of the others too... :lol

I'm not a pro player by any means. I'm pretty much a G3 scrub for life I bet, but I really hate the unbalance most charge characters got in this game. Their speed just isn't up to snuff to become as viable as shoto characters. I bet just changing someone like Chun Li's Ultra/Supers back to quarter circle motions would move her up a few notches in viability. Heck Guile and Vega with quarter circle or even half circle motion ultras would be substantially better to compete against Dudleys.

I get they were going for a variety of play styles and such, but for me as a player I avoid charge characters like the plague, because it just doesn't click with me to have an anchor at my feet while the other guy is The Road Runner. :p (Again this is fairly casual talk from a fighting gaming scrub, so ignore me if you are a monster doing charge ultras and such)
Rice-Eater said:
Well I did it ladies and gentleman. I bought a black SSF4 TE stick for PS3. I have plenty of experience with arcade sticks like most, but I've always been horrible on one. I want to change that and getting one of the best sticks out there and spending this kind of money is what I hope will motivate me to do it. I'm pretty scared though that this will result in me just having a $120+ piece of junk laying around that I can't use so arcade stick GAF, I'm really going to need your help. I'm going to get beat down a lot, I just hope eventually it'll all start making sense to me.

While this is a bit of a controversial topic, I would suggest getting an octo-gate. It's really friendly for beginners because it has audial and tactile ways of letting you know what motions you are doing.


Tier Whore
Something I noticed recently about sticks is when doing air moves make sure you leave the stick centered for a millisecond and then do the move. Kept missing all my air fireballs and air tatsus when I tried to direction jump and then do the move without centering the stick first. Anyway for me it works, give a few techiques a try!


Tier Whore
FlightOfHeaven said:
While this is a bit of a controversial topic, I would suggest getting an octo-gate. It's really friendly for beginners because it has audial and tactile ways of letting you know what motions you are doing.

I second that, only place I would see the octo being a problem is with some charge characters ultra setups like Boxer, but otherwise Its really a lot easier with an octo! Kept misisng 90% of everything with the other one...
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