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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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I felt a great disturbance in the defense force, as if millions of moustached avatars suddenly cried out in terror and were quickly changed.


Are the two camps "people who have played the game" and "people who have not played the game" also?

Because that is certainly what it is reading like.

No, seems it is, people who didnt play the game but preordered it and intend on keep the preorder and people who didn't play the game but didn't preorder it or canceled the preorder.
damn, I was really hoping this one turned out a bit better. Didn't look like a game worth my 60$, but it's probably going to be a really solid 20-30$ purchase a couple of months down the line when I want to kill a sunday.


I sure wouldn't want to be one of The Order dev that worked hard on this game for 5 years, only to see all their work getting bashed to hell and beyond within an hour. I genuinely feel sorry for them.

I feel bad for those on the team who actually wanted to make a video game. Anyone else? Nah.


Anyone find it funny IGN had a podcast saying they love the game length a day before embargo only to blast it today?



Now you are starting to embarrass yourself... Scepticism is always good. How in the world can one twist it into something negative?

Scepticism isn't synonymous with negativity, and hype is not equivalent to happiness. I think you need to work a bit harder on your proof, sport.

Because in the gaming community, scepticism has become synonymous with negativity. I'm honestly become baffled that people are even confused by this.

People have made lists of games that have gotten pre-release hate. No, not pre-release scepticism. No, pre-release hate. But keep believing that this apparently isn't a thing.

Stay up on that high horse.
I give up. No one understands anymore. If everyone wants to encourage a environment where cynicism is rewarded and happiness is insulted.

It really is true... Being nice is hard, being angry/hateful is easy.
You have no idea what you're talking about. That's why no one understands you.
Because in the gaming community, scepticism has become synonymous with negativity.

I didn't know that Azealia Banks posted on GAF.

I'm honestly become baffled that people are even confused by this.

People have made lists of games that have gotten pre-release hate. No, not pre-release scepticism. No, pre-release hate. But keep believing that this apparently isn't a thing.

Stay up on that high horse.

And one could also make games which received unadulterated hype and turned out to be mediocre, so hey. Regardless, I don't accept your new definition of scepticism you've invented to prove your point, and still say that it's a good thing.
Well it doesn't seem really surprising. Outside of looking great graphic wise the gameplay didn't look too hot since the first reveal.
They focused on making a movie out of a game and forgot to write a good script for it.
That is the worst sin you can really do with it. Heavy Rain at least had a good script.


Harsh scores, but they all pretty much agree the game is not great by any standard other than visuals, which is a shame.

I'll play it one day, but it's not going to be soon now.


Anyone find it funny IGN had a podcast saying they love the game length a day before embargo only to blast it today?

I think its because length is not the games only problem. The fact that it has to recycle ideas in such a short amount of time is a bigger issue

True Fire

There should be space in the video game business to make products which are targeted to excel in the visual presentation so they can be judged on those merits alone. Why should such visual masterpieces be tied down by expectation of people who do not understand the true goals of the product. I read many fans wanting to pick this game up based on how it looks so is there no rating system that protects the desires of said fans to be able to take pride in their purchases and know they're receiving a top-rated visual experience without it being dirtied by the expectation of people who don't appreciate the goes of presentation the product has set for itself? I don't know man... I just feel for people who are getting bummed out by these reviews and treated like what they want from the product is a mediocre gaming experience when what they want is in fact an excellent visual experience. If a game says its a platformer then we shouldn't attack it for not being a RTS and in the same right, if a game says its visually stunning then we shouldn't attack it for gameplay. People are even recommending not to purchase this game hence victimizing people who pre-ordered it. Its rather insensitive to come out and tell people not to buy something they've put money towards... AFTER THE FACT. No one likes to be judged for their purchasing decisions so this judgmental atmosphere at the very least seems rather anti-consumer. Aren't media supposed to be on the consumer's side? Finally on the idea that the product is too short... a good product should leave you wanting more. Like when people say you've overeaten when you feel bloated and you should stop eating when you feel you are about to get full.. in essence, you should be wanting more before you stop eating; this is the proper way. Overeating will make you obese and there's nothing good about that so why are we trying to promote over-gaming like its something healthy. The Order should be commended for not piling on the fat with unnecessary content, variety, game length and extra modes and collectable. It cares about the consumer's gaming health. Judged based on its visual fidelity and respect for consumer health, I'd give the order a 9.7 out of 10 but Metacritic won't carry my review on the "reviewer" section so I'll leave it here and I ask journalist to be kinder with their review. We need more products like the order. Dare I say it... I'd like to The Order another one of these!


It's a testament to the artistic nature of this product. It's fresh and provocative and has the attention of people and is able to drive much discourse where people have plenty of interesting and varied perspectives on the matter. It's further proof of excellence in my opinion. My only regret is that people do not realize they are also apart of the performance piece hence fail to judge themselves as part of the work. I would never give myself a 4/10... I love myself too much to be that derisive to me as a work of art and I respect all the people who helped move me forward in live to where I am today. I honestly believe that instead of such nihilistic perspective on the product but taking a more holistic perspective would allow people to see themselves in this product and perhaps yield much different opinions ad assessments.

Ultimately art speaks to each differently but we have to be willing to listing and since will as an internal process, I have no choice but to respect everyone's perspective on the product even if I strongly feel otherwise.


Because in the gaming community, scepticism has become synonymous with negativity.

No it has not. Either you have no idea what the words you are using mean or you are just bitter and want to twist the meaning to serve your agenda.
One question I have about The Order is - did RAD make the game they wanted to make?

Or did they have to hobble or significantly compromise their vision to get it out the door?


I don't think RAD care about your opinions. Not in a bad way, just that to me it has been clear from day one that they had their vision, and set out to make their game. I would guess they have known for a while that this game wouldn't be so well received; 21:9 aspect ratio; no multiplayer; always talking about filmic qualities of the game and not holding back.

And? A critic can't dislike a game?

I wouldn't have known the following 2 tweets were from game journalists, sounds like random tweets from angry gamers that they have so much disdain for.


Need to disappear ? Aren't you a little harsh here buddy ?

So all devs that make a game that has under 60 metacritic should disappear ? It's people like you that maybe need to stop playing videogames, there's everything for everyone. If you don't like that kind of game, there's tons of other styles that will suit you for sure.

It's like RAD killed your family, they're devs that put their heart and soul in a game they believed in.

I don't care about the "developers soul and heart" thing, I mean, c'mon, they are people like everyone else, why should I care about their work? Because they made videogames? LOL.
They made a mediocre job and I think they don't deserve my $60, it's that a problem? If I take your thoughts, I really prefer to spend my $60 on 10 different games where indie devs also put their soul and heart, not in a AAA game with 5 years of development... That is a MEDIOCRE job.
if you want to support that, ok, but I'm happy about the review scores in order to stop overhyped and mediocre games.
Also, I never said that games under 60 in Metacritic needs to disappear...[
I do hope that this game sells well enough to let RAD make another big game.

I think they will take this criticism to heart and really work to change things for the better.


People calling for Shuhei to be let go or resign, I really don't think you're seeing this correctly. Sure, you can look at it from the perspective of low reviews for exclusives meaning quality has been down in the first salvos of the Ps4.

But the Ps4 is killing it in sales, and sales for these mediocre scoring games have been good if I am remembering right. Perhaps this won't last and the poor receptions will catch up to them if not corrected soon (Bloodborne let's go!) but it'd be unlikely for him to be fired right now, even if he is a beneficiary of success he had little to do with.

That, and the dude is just likable. That counts for something too.

He can still be likable as a PR person for PlayStation. I love Shu as much as everyone else but when you start seeing a pattern of not so great exclusives it's time to get worried. I liked Knack and I love playing it with my kid, I still play Killzone, I have LBP3 and I LOVE Driveclub, but I'm starting to get worried about the rest of the exclusives. It just can't be a good thing that out of all Sony studios only 2 games will stand out. Shouldn't it be the other way around?


If I remember corrrectly press reactions to this game were pretty mixed starting from the first time it was shown, can't say the low scores are any suprise at all. What a shame to see the engine wasted on a short, mediocre 3rd person shooter.

Just imagine Dishonored with Order 1886's engine instead. Drool *-*


No it has not. Either you have no idea what the words you are using mean or you are just bitter and want to twist the meaning to serve your agenda.

My agenda? What is this? Is my agenda that people shouldn't become hate mongering machines? Is that such bad thing? Clearly people have issue with it. Considering you're not even ackowledging the storms of hatred spewing.


Yeah, I wanted them to lie. There is absolutely no middle ground whatsoever between lying and calling something shit.
That's your characterization but they also backed it up with reasoning. If they feel strongly about something, then let them express it and explain why they feel so strongly, rather than advocating that they project false moderation.

You're the one setting up the false dichotomy here by suggesting that they avoid calling something that they perceive walks like a duck and quacks like a duck what it is.


Gold Member
Anyone find it funny IGN had a podcast saying they love the game length a day before embargo only to blast it today?


It's an all inclusive industry. They write like it's "All Things Considered". If you had a great conversation about the game then 4 hours went by and you had to write something else then this is what would happen. If your review guy just stood up and said "this sucks" then you have to go with what he published because that's your site as well. The journalist is going to have the say in what the site feels about the game. It appears on the website before you go searching for this heart to heart ideas about the game period. They typically have the community feedback, but the actual review is what you tend to go off of. I bet there's people sitting at other websites enjoying the game while the guy who got paid for it hated it.

Ask their Table Top team if they like it? or their Comic department? They might have different views because of who they are.

IGN use to have the Girls section, maybe they liked it more?


Knack smelled more like mouldy, stale air that had been sealed in a canister since 2001 to me.

I wish it was. I bought it used and Knack was compared to Crash Bandicoot et al. I hoped to get a classic Crash 3 feel or something.

But I found that bullshit. Even the first Crash was more fun and also more varied. Better art direction too, Knack's art and IQ was annoying.
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