jim-jam bongs
And blocked. :/
Never insulted you, not sure why you did to me.
Sucks for you then, cos you won't get to see this awesome GIF

And blocked. :/
Never insulted you, not sure why you did to me.
He can still be likable as a PR person for PlayStation. I love Shu as much as everyone else but when you start seeing a pattern of not so great exclusives it's time to get worried. I liked Knack and I love playing it with my kid, I still play Killzone, I have LBP3 and I LOVE Driveclub, but I'm starting to get worried about the rest of the exclusives. It just can't be a good thing that out of all Sony studios only 2 games will stand out. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Story can trump gameplay, Planescape Torment is a perfect example. The gameplay is basically talking to people and some fairly standard combat. But the story and the writing makes the game. The Order has graphics, no one denies that. It's lacking in story AND gameplay apparently. The cutscenes and QTE's don't helpWhile there's room for all kinds of games out there and I agree the review went a bit too far, the one RAD developer's "Ugh... gameplay" attitude sure doesn't help things, either. It's detrimental when a developer looks down on games as a medium.
Wow, TB is a real douche.
Anyone find it funny IGN had a podcast saying they love the game length a day before embargo only to blast it today?
Anyone find it funny IGN had a podcast saying they love the game length a day before embargo only to blast it today?
No offence but TB is in no position to act like a saint considering his past. This tweet was nothing but cringeworthy.
I sure wouldn't want to be one of The Order dev that worked hard on this game for 5 years, only to see all their work getting bashed to hell and beyond within an hour. I genuinely feel sorry for them.
"So our game is extremely focused on the gameplay to the story-telling to pretty much everything," Jan said. "Frequently I'm saying when you play our game you're going to be on a rollercoaster of variety, twists, turns, there's no filler, you're never grinding in our game." - http://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-order-1886-dev-says-internet-is-the-new-playgr/1100-6425374/
My agenda? What is this? Is my agenda that people shouldn't become hate mongering machines? Is that such bad thing? Clearly people have issue with it. Considering you're not even ackowledging the storms of hatred spewing.
I am so torn on whether to actually pick this up at midnight or just shift my down payment to bloodbourne.
I hope he stays off twitter/doesn't talk to the press for a while, TB gave some good advice IMO http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1skov0u
I do feel media was just looking forward to hammering this one, they may even have been drooling.
I do feel media was just looking forward to hammering this one, they may even have been drooling.
I still don't understand why. The game never advertised itself as anything other than what it is, part of me feels it's backlash against traditional game design because people were foolish enough to believe in 'next gen gameplay'.
The 6's and 7's seem about right, some of the comments made though smell of sticking the boot in for the joy of it. Same thing that happened to Ryse really, but with added vitriol.
I really want some good single player story based games, which aren't open world. Not sure I want this one, but the market is definitely there. MP and open world are instant turnoffs for me now.
You're not the first to suggest this, but you're every bit as wrong as everyone else who suggested it. The success of Walking Dead and TLOU illustrates that the press/media are very open to those types of games. The Borderlands story-driven game just released to much higher acclaim than the traditional shooter Borderlands title.
I'm sorry but the post below and the ones earlier just give that feeling
That's your characterization but they also backed it up with reasoning. If they feel strongly about something, then let them express it and explain why they feel so strongly, rather than advocating that they project false moderation.
You're the one setting up the false dichotomy here.
Wow, TB is a real douche.
They focused on making a movie out of a game and forgot to write a good script for it.
That is the worst sin you can really do with it.
I always want bad games to fail. If bad games don't fail, it means they're probably succeeding. And if they're succeeding, there is a good chance that it's going to influence other games and possibly make them bad as well. You should want bad games to fail.I find half of the people in this thread hard to understand. There's people cheering for this game to fail. But people seem to wish to not acknowledge this.
For most of these studios (Guerilla, Evolution, RAD), it was their first PS4 game, or in RAD's case their first console game ever. Keep in mind we did get a couple of great Infamous games.
I'm sure there's growing pains associated with the transition, I'm willing to give each of them another shot before declaring a problem at WWS.
I also honestly don't remember a huge wealth of great 1st party PS3 titles until the Killzone2/Uncharted 2 era began
Well a 64 in 1990's grade scale means it's above average. I don't see what people are complaining about.
5/5 baby lolWhich Polygon review did you read?
if a game says its visually stunning then we shouldn't attack it for gameplay.
Dat inflation.Well a 64 in 1990's grade scale means it's above average. I don't see what people are complaining about.
There should be space in the video game business to make products which are targeted to excel in the visual presentation so they can be judged on those merits alone. Why should such visual masterpieces be tied down by expectation of people who do not understand the true goals of the product. I read many fans wanting to pick this game up based on how it looks so is there no rating system that protects the desires of said fans to be able to take pride in their purchases and know they're receiving a top-rated visual experience without it being dirtied by the expectation of people who don't appreciate the goes of presentation the product has set for itself? I don't know man... I just feel for people who are getting bummed out by these reviews and treated like what they want from the product is a mediocre gaming experience when what they want is in fact an excellent visual experience. If a game says its a platformer then we shouldn't attack it for not being a RTS and in the same right, if a game says its visually stunning then we shouldn't attack it for gameplay. People are even recommending not to purchase this game hence victimizing people who pre-ordered it. Its rather insensitive to come out and tell people not to buy something they've put money towards... AFTER THE FACT. No one likes to be judged for their purchasing decisions so this judgmental atmosphere at the very least seems rather anti-consumer. Aren't media supposed to be on the consumer's side? Finally on the idea that the product is too short... a good product should leave you wanting more. Like when people say you've overeaten when you feel bloated and you should stop eating when you feel you are about to get full.. in essence, you should be wanting more before you stop eating; this is the proper way. Overeating will make you obese and there's nothing good about that so why are we trying to promote over-gaming like its something healthy. The Order should be commended for not piling on the fat with unnecessary content, variety, game length and extra modes and collectable. It cares about the consumer's gaming health. Judged based on its visual fidelity and respect for consumer health, I'd give the order a 9.7 out of 10 but Metacritic won't carry my review on the "reviewer" section so I'll leave it here and I ask journalist to be kinder with their review. We need more products like the order. Dare I say it... I'd like to The Order another one of these!
It's a testament to the artistic nature of this product. It's fresh and provocative and has the attention of people and is able to drive much discourse where people have plenty of interesting and varied perspectives on the matter. It's further proof of excellence in my opinion. My only regret is that people do not realize they are also apart of the performance piece hence fail to judge themselves as part of the work. I would never give myself a 4/10... I love myself too much to be that derisive to me as a work of art and I respect all the people who helped move me forward in live to where I am today. I honestly believe that instead of such nihilistic perspective on the product but taking a more holistic perspective would allow people to see themselves in this product and perhaps yield much different opinions ad assessments.
Ultimately art speaks to each differently but we have to be willing to listing and since will as an internal process, I have no choice but to respect everyone's perspective on the product even if I strongly feel otherwise.
You still can. I believe the product deliver an all the visual they showed in early preview videos. It looks great.
One question I have about The Order is - did RAD make the game they wanted to make?
Or did they have to hobble or significantly compromise their vision to get it out the door?
Yeaah, he words his tweets implying people can't possibly like cinematic games like The Order.His advice is accurate, but for pretty much all the wrong reasons. He's one of the people they should be avoiding, in truth.
If I remember corrrectly press reactions to this game were pretty mixed starting from the first time it was shown, can't say the low scores are any suprise at all. What a shame to see the engine wasted on a short, mediocre 3rd person shooter.
Just imagine Dishonored with Order 1886's engine instead. Drool *-*
It is an exclusive. Sony paid for the rights to have it on their system.Yeah, second-party is a fair way to describe this.
Anyone find it funny IGN had a podcast saying they love the game length a day before embargo only to blast it today?
They focused on making a movie out of a game and forgot to write a good script for it.
That is the worst sin you can really do with it. Heavy Rain at least had a good script.
With that said, it's clear many of these reviewers lament how the game plays or its lack of interactivity (or so they say). Therefore, consider the following example:
On a scale from 1 - 10
Gameplay (40%): 6 (or 16/40)
Visuals (20%): 10 (or 10/10)
Sound (15%): 8 (or 12/15)
Story (15%): 5 (or 7.5/15)
Final Score: 45.5
Using an adjusted version of the above example to match my own criteria, it would look something like this:
On a scale from 1 - 10
Gameplay (25%): 6 (or 15/25)
Visuals (20%): 10 (or 20/20)
Sound (30%): 8 (or 24/30)
Story (25%): 5 (or 12.5/25)
Final Score: 71.5
Wait, if you've played it, can you tell us why you think it deserves that much lower of a score?
I have no pony in this race but I had to get in on the gif action.
I think that's the kicker with this whole thing. Them nailing the story and knocking it out of the park was absolutely critical to sell a game like this to the masses. The fact that even that was a let down pretty much kills the whole project and makes you wonder why they bothered in the first place.
Resistance,Uncharted and Ratchet were all great and came out within the first year of the PS3For most of these studios (Guerilla, Evolution, RAD), it was their first PS4 game, or in RAD's case their first console game ever. Keep in mind we did get a couple of great Infamous games.
I'm sure there's growing pains associated with the transition, I'm willing to give each of them another shot before declaring a problem at WWS.
I also honestly don't remember a huge wealth of great 1st party PS3 titles until the Killzone2/Uncharted 2 era began
RAD is still independent isn't it? So why is everyone worried that they're shutting down? it's just one "bad" game.
A good amount. 120 staff with contractors is a lot for an exclusive game. And that 5 year dev cycle can't be cheap.How much does the game need to sell for it to be realistic to expect a sequel?