RIP. Western devs need a wakeup call.
Western devs are doing fine, AAA devs are another story.
RIP. Western devs need a wakeup call.
Push Square's The Order: 1886 review:
The Order: 1886 is an antique that's aged ungracefully. The presentation is sublime from the release's rousing start right the way through to its anticlimactic finish, but several shoddy design decisions detract from its otherwise exemplary gloss. The developer's crafted an incredible universe, but outside of the title's core cast, it's failed to do much of note with it. This is a property that's begging for a sequel to realise its undeniable potential but only time will determine whether it gets that opportunity.
Boom! Headshot!
The Order 1886 isn't a disaster, nor is it a particularly good game
From Eurogamer:
There are no levelling weapons, no branching narrative decisions, no litany of unlockables - and there's absolutely no reason to return once it's all over.
Review sites are coming after PS4 exclusives.
Bloodborne will change everything.
Exactly. PS4 exclusives have had a rough ride till now but Bloodborne will make that pain and wait all worth it.
In Short: Beneath the technical wonder this is just a dull, aimless Gears Of War clone – where the attempts at storytelling are just as boring and lifeless as the action.
Pros: Amazing graphics, that are the best yet on the PlayStation 4. The third person combat is relatively competent and the QTEs are some of the better examples of their breed.
Cons: Unbearably boring from its first moments, with an underwritten script, bland characters, and repetitive and overfamilar action. No replay value or additional game modes.
That's an asinine thing to say. How many studios created a masterpiece their first time out on their own?Well then. So much for Ready At Dawn creating new IPs. Back to making portable God of War games.