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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Mikey Jr.

Yeah, I knew already in the beginning when people were complaining about qte's and not seeing gameplay, that shit was gonna go bad.
Well then. This sure did take a turn...huh. I'm still buying the game for what it is and I'm so excited. I'm out of here before it gets reeeeeeeally crazy.


It's nice to see high standards. I wonder which story driven game will be drilled next when it fails to get anywhere near TLOU in quality - and that's going to happen for quite a while. Currently the bar.


sounds like perfect weekend rental to me, I played through garbage Beyond Two Souls because of the graphics and I even enjoyed that, this can't be worse. :v


Fucking rad....

I swear to God, some companies just have no common sense.

Gameplay Always comes first. Always.

I could already see the review headlines a mile away. Urghh. Hopefully rad survives this.

Yup, the naysayers of the whole "cinematic experience" won big here. You can have a good cinematic experience game, but Last of Us or Uncharted is about the most in the cinematic direction you should go perhaps.

Especially a shame considering we know that RAD can make excellent gameplay. Loved Daxter and their GoW games.


Going to give it a chance, but yikes. A "no" from kotaku? Pretty disappointed right now.

If Bloodborne is a flop I think I'll cry.
I'm amazed by how people have waited until the first reviews to cancel the preorder. This game sent us red flags since his first trailer...
Anything that's a Gears of War clone deserves to be shat on from a great height.
I'm disappointed that Sony have put so much into this dross of a game when they're generally known for trying to innovate.
They're doing a terrible job of selling me on a PS4.
Or maybe the game wasn't the reviewers cup of tea with an emphasis on being a cinematic experience and not focusing on what matters most which is the gameplay.

Or maybe the game is just not worth a higher Score? Damn, the fact that it is not the score you wanted doesn't mean the reviewer fucked up or sth. else. Soe people just have to realise the reality.


After my shittastic experience with Shadow Fall and Infamous I'm not buying this,at least not for the foreseeable future
This quote from the Metro review stuck out for me in particular.

‘I think story and visuals are very high. Gameplay is something that… it’s a game, we make games, we can’t get around it. We love games, but we also love telling stories, so I think story is always going to be at the top because it’s what we start with. It’s at the top of the pyramid and everything else supports that. I think it’d be more challenging to make a game for the gameplay’s sake, then try to make a story that fits in there’.

But there barely is any story in The Order. There’s a very loosely told plot that helps explain why you’re moving from one place to the other but there’s no clear villain or threat for the majority of the game. The four main characters are one-dimensional non-entities, with little in the way of personality or character development. Instead, most of them spend the whole game being terse and grumpy, except the French guy who is a sex-obssessed lady’s man. You know, because he’s French… and this is a lazily written video game.

THIS was the main thing I was worried about, not the game's length. They kept saying that they wanted to make the game as close to a cinematic experience as possible, but nothing about the actual plot or the characters looked or sounded interesting in playthroughs or trailers. That itself would've been fine had the gameplay been good, but reading this and other reviews the actual "game" stuff they sounded like they didn't even want to do was nothing special either (at best). Not to mention there are chapters with next to no gameplay at all...

It sounds like it's turned out as I feared. So much for people's fears being unjustified. *sigh*
Will wait for price drop.

What a shame. PS4 is hurting a bit good good exclusives at the moment. Was hoping to grab this tomorrow and blow some of the dust away!
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