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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Or the ones with godawful everything: graphics, gameplay and AI like Spec Ops The Line reviewing better.


Spec Ops was a lot worse than the Order imo I couldn't play through that at all though I I've watched a breakdown on the endings and what not and they seemed pretty good.


How about these so called "insiders" stop hyping up games they don't even know about? saying people will eat crow and shit like that.

I have nothing against shinobi but he was one of the big mouths when hyping up this game so he could at least come in here and say something.

How about these so called "insiders" stop hyping up games they don't even know about? saying people will eat crow and shit like that.

I have nothing against shinobi but he was one of the big mouths when hyping up this game so he could at least come in here and say something.

Yeah, says the guy hyping anything MGS related lol.
I'm consistently seeing the reviews note the length in the 6-8 hour range, and that it feels short and incomplete. All the video playthroughs, which there are now several, including collection complete ones, are in the 5-8 hour range.

How in the heck did so many Gaffers claim the game was a 14-hour experience? I wouldn't feel the need to ask, but there was clear effort to highlight the longer play-times, with an "average" of 12+ hours brought up often enough that it readily comes to mind.
They sought and got the game early, they were hyped for this game more than the average person, they probably soaked in the atmosphere an unusual amount, thoroughly reading every clipping, and checking areas obsessively even when there was nothing really there.

That's why you only take pre-release impressions with a grain of salt.


I know it was in order to get the game at a cheaper price but I cannot get my head around pre-ordering a game 2 years before release. Madness.

It looked cool. *shrugs*

I'm not committed to buying any game and can cancel my preorders at any time. There's no money down, It's no risk and I save $20 if I do want the game. So why not?

At this point I'm actually going to play The Order just because I want to see it for myself. I figure that's worth $10.


Sony tends to get -2 review handicap because they don't strong arm publications and don't have the money to sweeten their relationships with them. Then there's the fact that they tend to be very hands off, and use their IPs as loss leaders. If they're not, all the better.

EA and Ubi have the deep pockets to market a mess of a game and find friendly eyes at the big sites. Not everyone does though. A better context would be they actually get a +2 handicap

Lol yeah right, EA and Ubi throw more marketing money around that Sony.

Get real. Sony spent £250m marketing Wonderbook forchristsakes!
I'd put DC in it's current state in the 90s the thing is a graphical and multiplayer masterpiece.

It would be interesting to see a re-review to the game and how it is now, but when it first got released the reviews were all over the place, some read like they were not expecting a circuit racer... so damn odd. However, DC right now is easily in the 90s, literally one of the best games on the PS4 and it is stupidly addicting.


Regardless of scores this is a game I still want to experience. The setting is the coolest I've seen in a long time, and I dig the concept. It would be a shame if the ip ended like this.

Will pick up a used copy for a quickie playthrough before returning it for another game.
Hilarious damage control is taking off in the OT right now.

"Oh do not listen to reviewers."

"Standards are higher today; the game deserves more!"

"Add extra points for being a Sony exclusive."

"Solid games are not enough; reviewers want to be WOWED!"

Both sides are pretty sad to be honest, I can find a bunch of posts in here that I think are sad


I suspect many people will feel the same about you. These reviews are more about taking a stand against these sorts of games.

I agree that many people will like it but at the end of the day it is about how much these reviews hurt sales. There definitely isn't a 1:1 correlation between review scores and sales so it may do better than the review scores reflect which would be nice....but I'm definitely not counting on it. Hopefully RAD's fairly good previous track record and at least mediocre sales allow them to continue on unfettered.
FH2 is not a next-gen exclusive. It is awesome tho.

Still the point stands that the exclusives on PS4 have been very meh so far.

I own both consoles and am primarily a PC gamer, and I've been disappointed in my PS4 so far.

The X1 has given me Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset OD, and I thought all of them were great games.

The PS4 has only really given me one quality exclusive, that being Infamous SS, and I would probably put it behind all of the X1 exclusives I mentioned.

Was hoping this game would be a killer exclusive, but seems like its not. Doesn't mean its worthless, as I enjoyed Ryse (on PC) and this seems like a similar situation. Still the PS4 exclusive lineup has been a wreck so far.


Yes, we could see 1886's problems coming a mile away even though i didn't really want to think bad of RAD considering their previous track records...

Its just unfortunate they spent all their time on the graphics engine. Sure in the visuals department it paid off, but every other area suffered because of that. It was the wrong call. Santa Monica should have been working on their own game in the time they spend assisting RAD

I believe many developers believes they can sell a game just with visuals (and maybe they can, The Order was hyped mainly because of that). However, it seems that reivewers are demonstrating nowadays that they will NOT score a game well just because of it. I mean, Killzone SF, Ryse and The Order were all graphical masterpieces, and apparently all of them has quite a mediocre gameplay.

I mean, I do like Killzone and Ryse, but both could be much better games indeed.


Shacknews 8/10
In my time with The Order, I did find it a bit on the short side--I finished in under 10 hours--but I felt utterly satisfied. I'd rather play a fantastic 10 hours rather than a mediocre 20. That time was spent experiencing a thoroughly enjoyable story, and left plenty of room for exploring items and collectibles that round out the world.

The Order: 1886 feels like the perfect balance between story, gameplay, and atmosphere as Ready at Dawn has struck gold with its first attempt at an original IP. There may not be much to do after the credits begin to roll, but once they do, you’ll be met with a unique story told within an absolutely gorgeous game.
yeah, DC probably deserves better after the online fixes, and weather, but unfortunately, most sites don't take time to update scores.
Which is problematic because DC actually probably should have had a negative score adjustment post-release because of all the online issues. Same for Halo: MCC.


knew this wouldn't be a GOTY contender but i had hoped for better reviews then this... 64 meta eeek

still going to get it but that has more to do with the lack of games then anything else


I don't want to read too many reviews in case of spoilers, but what did they say on the length? I might Redbox it instead of buy it for now if 5-6 hours is the average.

Jim implied in his review that it was short (roughly 5 hours) and that the game did incredibly little with it's length.
I suspect many people will feel the same about you. These reviews are more about taking a stand against these sorts of games.

Why do the stands always (seem to be) taken against Sony-marketed or Sony-exclusive games?

Where was the stand taken against Halo: MCC about how that launch was completely unacceptable?


Hilarious damage control is taking off in the OT right now.

"Oh do not listen to reviewers."

"Standards are higher today; the game deserves more!"

"Add extra points for being a Sony exclusive."

"Solid games are not enough; reviewers want to be WOWED!"

Ok...? And why does that matter? Some of you get way too caught up on negativity

To be fair, there is one game I can think of that scored really well but was a disaster and still is. So yeah, scores don't mean nothing besides being a internet popularity contest.


I did read the reviews thanks. Many of which wanted more than what it is.

It sounds like the game I expected it to be. Expectations were set too high.

I also think it's fair to expect more out of a $60 AAA title, but again that's all subjective. We should have high expectations for such a big title, we should expect excellence. The general consensus seems to be that the quality of the game is mediocre.


I had no intention of buying this game day 1 but will do it eventually. Reviews are only opinions and I haven't exactly trusted game industry reviews for awhile.

With that being said, it seems Nintendo is far outperforming its competitors as far as quality gaming is concerned. I have a PS4 now and I haven't touched it. All time going to Wii U games.


How about these so called "insiders" stop hyping up games they don't even know about? saying people will eat crow and shit like that.

I have nothing against shinobi but he was one of the big mouths when hyping up this game so he could at least come in here and say something.

Ironically enough he did but you just never saw it because the thread is moving to fast.


There's a reason Sony was OK burying this game under Bloodborne (until it got delayed). Glad I never gave in and pre-ordered this. I wasted too much money last year on games that turned out to be mediocre.


The damage control gives me so much life.

The reviews are basically what I expected after seeing the footage on YouTube. Glad that the press seem to be on the same page.


Sony's exclusive titles keep bombing, at least from a critic point of view. I don't get it. They've always had extremely stellar 1st party output, at times rivaling Nintendo IMO due to the shear variety and output and not afraid to take chances. I don't see Bloodbourne being a disappointment, because From is amazing, but Sony's output this gen so far seems really uninspired. PS4s keep selling though.

I think it'll get better but their output has been a little disappointing so far.
That moment when MLB is the highest rated first/second party exclusive over a year a half from launch... Ouch.

Hopefully Blood does well.

Not really, Forza is the highest rated game on the XB1 which is a yearly "sports" game as well, followed by Sunset Overdrive which has the same score as Infamous. Then after that the rest is in the 70s
My copy is arriving today. I'm going to Platinum this game is quick as possible and recover whatever money of the $60 I can.

Damn shame...

Yup, I'm not evem going for Platinum (I never do anyway lol), but definitely going to finish this quickly and get some cash back for Bloodborne. Plus I'm only paying $20 for this due to trade credit I have at Gamestop.


How about these so called "insiders" stop hyping up games they don't even know about? saying people will eat crow and shit like that.

I have nothing against shinobi but he was one of the big mouths when hyping up this game so he could at least come in here and say something.

I agree

Although, you are one of the prime sources of hype for Metal Gear stuff, so it could be argued against you as well

but I was already excited for TPP


The way you shot down opinions from people that actually played the game makes me think that wouldn't necessarily do the trick. "Looking at the scores of more recent games and then looking at the score the Order received just confirms these scores were set in stone quite a while ago." (lol)

Like maybe one day people realized there isn't some grand conspiracy against whatever you decided to like.

Him playing the game actually would as I would take his review more seriously than a review site. I mean there are games that were literally released broken that received 9's from some of these same sites so there is that.

I also did not shoot down any opinion of anyone on GAF that actually played the game as some of their negatives were also concerns of mine. I am the one who first stated on this forum that it felt like something was missing during the combat in this game and even after beating the game it left me wanting something more. The game does have flaws that's not the argument. The argument is consistency or lack thereof.
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