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The Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All Official Thread


The only reason Capcom would add a case to GS3/PW3 is to try and set up Odoroki (GS4's defense lawyer) a little bit, which I doubt they really need/want to do. As I've said before in this thread, after beating PW2, and with GS4 being nearly finished, hopefully this means Capcom can hurry for a quick DS port of GS3/PW3. They've already said we'll get them in order if they release any more here, so it just means we have to wonder when we'll get them more than if, I'd say.


BorkBork said:
PW3 is considered the best in the series.
Here's why:

Not major spoilers but things that will apparently get peoples panties in a bunch because they'd like to imagine that they won't be finding out about this anyway:

Having played the first case in English, I'd have to agree. It's fanservice all the way, with the purest distelled craziness of Phoenix Wright - with
new playable characters
. There are a lot of dream scenarios that fans would die for:
Playing as Miles Edgeworth on the defense, facing off in a destined battle against Franziska von Karma


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Yeah I've been spoiled already, but posting those pics is seriously not cool.

Ouch he got banned. :lol
Capcom STILL hasn't shipped my copy yet. I'm seriously getting pissed off. I sent an email a few days ago, no reply yet. I'm calling them Monday. The game is listed as Now Available on the site, but it doesn't ship for two weeks (if ever).


Been playing it the past week or so, and I'm enjoying it. I'm on Case 3 now, which I think has been the funniest so far (maybe that's because they had more to work with in that one, though).

However, the proofreading has been not so good (i.e., von Karma being called both von Karma and Von Karma; von Karma is correct). There's also been quite a few misspellings and tons of missing commas (yes, some people *do* notice things like that). In fact, I don't think there's been a "direct address" comma in the entirety of Case 3 so far. Either someone proofread the text in this game and Capcom did not implement their changes (quite possibly), or someone simply missed a lot of easy errors to catch.

Overall, I have to say I enjoyed the first game more (so far, at least), simply because the humor seemed consistently much more on-target. Don't get me wrong, there have been funny and intense moments in this game, but it kind of feels like this game "rations" its jokes, where with Phoenix Wright 1, investigating even the smallest thing might reveal something really funny.


Atlagev said:
Been playing it the past week or so, and I'm enjoying it. I'm on Case 3 now, which I think has been the funniest so far (maybe that's because they had more to work with in that one, though).

However, the proofreading has been not so good (i.e., von Karma being called both von Karma and Von Karma; von Karma is correct). There's also been quite a few misspellings and tons of missing commas (yes, some people *do* notice things like that). In fact, I don't think there's been a "direct address" comma in the entirety of Case 3 so far. Either someone proofread the text in this game and Capcom did not implement their changes (quite possibly), or someone simply missed a lot of easy errors to catch.

Overall, I have to say I enjoyed the first game more (so far, at least), simply because the humor seemed consistently much more on-target. Don't get me wrong, there have been funny and intense moments in this game, but it kind of feels like this game "rations" its jokes, where with Phoenix Wright 1, investigating even the smallest thing might reveal something really funny.

Actually, that is gramatically correct. You capitalize the first letter of a two word last name when neither a title nor first name is present. The game consistently does that, so I would reconsider your proofreading skills.

I.e. -
Franziska von Karma - Correct
Franziska Von Karma - Incorrect.
Ms. von Karma - Correct.
Ms. Von Karma - Incorrect.
Von Karma - Correct.
von Karma - Incorrect.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
A Link to the Snitch said:
It's funny how a single act that doesn't seem so big to you gets you banned.

I guess spoiling a game for a mod who loves the series will do that to ya. :lol


wow, aftermath after seeing those pics. I didn't mind since I already spoiled a little bit of GS3. and I caught a lot of the missing commas, too. I just don't know what to call it, since it's not a comma splice.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Oh come on, I'm sure Capcom will do worse than Zyid when they release media on PW3. It is the first case in the game after all.
BuddyC's post was funny. I never thought about how listing spoilers can spoil it for a mod when they have to edit the post. Thanks for sacrificing yourself to save everyone here on the forum >=)

If PW3 is the best in the series then I'm happy to hear. After playing 2, which I believed to be not as good as one, I was worried that PW received the Capcom-sequel-for-money-treatment (MegaMan series, Viewtiful Joe) where each subsequent game is not as good as the previous installment.
Mockingbird said:
If PW3 is the best in the series then I'm happy to hear. After playing 2, which I believed to be not as good as one, I was worried that PW received the Capcom-sequel-for-money-treatment (MegaMan series, Viewtiful Joe) where each subsequent game is not as good as the previous installment.
I don't think we have to worry about that. I doubt Phoenix Wright sells anywhere nears as much as Mega Man or Viewtiful.


A Link to the Snitch said:
He got banned for the spoilered text
Nah, he got it for posting the pics. The text was thankfully already blacked out, but I went ahead and covered up a couple more details just to be safe.

Had the pictures intially been links, allowing someone the option of looking at them, it wouldn't have been an issue. Nor would it have been a problem if this was a thread dedicated to Phoenix Wright 3 media. But putting them up for all to see in a topic about an earlier game in the series, that's just not cool, especially since those pictures spoil one of the game's cooler twists.


Just a question about GS3/AA3: Is the turnabout music the same as the first game, second game, or all-new? I prefer the first game's turnabout music to the second's by quite a bit...

I'm currently on Case 4. Love the game reference jokes so far :lol


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Firestorm said:
Just a question about GS3/AA3: Is the turnabout music the same as the first game, second game, or all-new? I prefer the first game's turnabout music to the second's by quite a bit...

I'm currently on Case 4. Love the game reference jokes so far :lol

Music is different in each game. I've listened to a lot of the GS3 soundtrack, and I think it's the best one of all. It also has a remix of
the GS1 turnabout music.

So awesome.
I just want to make sure but the turnabout themes in 1 and 2 respectively are:

GS1 - Investigation ~ Cornered (I've also seen it called Pressing Pursuit ~ Cornered)
GS2 - Investigation ~ Cross-Examining

To me the Ryuuichi Naruhodo ~ Objection! 2001 and Objection! 2002 are also used in turnabout situations but I guess these are just considered Phoenix's themes?
Being a gigantic fan of the first title, I read too much negative hype about this game. After finishing it just a few days after I started it (power-pummel!), I have to say it was fantastic. While not as captivating as the original, it was a successful followup and managed to do some things that the original title only insinuated or led up to.

Case 4 really blows the lid off, though the rest of the cases become faster and more complex with greater speed than the first title - which I appreciate greatly.

In finishing, Phoenix Wright owns, without regard.


tetsuoxb said:
Actually, that is gramatically correct. You capitalize the first letter of a two word last name when neither a title nor first name is present. The game consistently does that, so I would reconsider your proofreading skills.

Von Karma - Correct.
von Karma - Incorrect.

Firstly, that *can* be a correct way to capitalize last names that start with a lowercased word, but it's not the only way.

Washington Post. Check out the "de Boer" name in this article:


New York Times headline about bin Laden:


Secondly, despite that red herring about my "proofreading skills," the fact remains that there are *a lot* of spelling and grammar errors in the game. I've seen references to "silver of truth," "who's bag is that," "it's" being used when "its" was the correct word, and -- as I stated before -- many, many comma errors.

Again, and I say this from personal experience, but either Capcom did not implement the suggested text changes, or the proofreading was not up to par. I can only imagine that it's the former, because, like I said, I've been in that situation myself.

Also, you seem quite defensive about any criticism of the text in this game in this thread. It's my guess that you either know someone who worked on the game, or worked on the game yourself. In either case, I don't appreciate the personal attack on me; I am merely stating my opinion on the proofreading and writing in the game. I'm at Case 4 now, actually, and the writing in Cases 3 and 4 have definitely been the best in the game.
I called the morons who run the Capcom store (Digital River, Inc.) to find out that, although it's been listed as Now Available since it came out, PW:AA-JFL is indeed backordered, and they have no idea when my order will ship. I'm never buying anything from their site again.

I saw a dozen copies at Wal-Mart the other day, maybe I'll just buy one and return the one from Capcom whenever it decides to show up.
TelemachusD said:
I called the morons who run the Capcom store (Digital River, Inc.) to find out that, although it's been listed as Now Available since it came out, PW:AA-JFL is indeed backordered, and they have no idea when my order will ship. I'm never buying anything from their site again.

I saw a dozen copies at Wal-Mart the other day, maybe I'll just buy one and return the one from Capcom whenever it decides to show up.

This would be my COA. My only issue with it (personally) is that Capcom would still be getting your dollars and not the company the actually supplied it to you.

This is a minor transgression in the scheme of things, of course. But considering that, can't you just cancel your order with Capcom's terrible store and buy it locally?


Only started this one yesterday, just after finishing PW1 last week. Only thing bothering me so far is the downgrade in music. I loved the cross-examining tune from PW1. The one used in PW2 is really a downfall.

Page 5 could've used just a little more black. (thank God for spoiler tags)
Kureishima said:
This would be my COA. My only issue with it (personally) is that Capcom would still be getting your dollars and not the company the actually supplied it to you.

This is a minor transgression in the scheme of things, of course. But considering that, can't you just cancel your order with Capcom's terrible store and buy it locally?
Luckily, the card I used expires in three days, so if they don't ship it before then, it should come back invalid. Also, "Orders placed by credit card may only be cancelled the day they were placed."--which sucks if you reasonably thought the game was "Now Available" and didn't find out until days later that it wasn't.


The game seems to be in better supply now. I saw a bunch of copies at Best Buy. Also so a bunch of Hotel Dusk copies at Future Shop and 1 at Best Buy (there were more a few days ago so it seems to be selling at least a bit!).
Speaking of supply, when I walk around town, I'm glad to see it mostly sold out (if not all the way) in most major retailers. IE: Best Buy. Stores that don't do so well with games such as Target have copies, but that's to be expected around here.

Seems like it's selling better than the first if I recollect clearly as far as first week or so goes.


I finally beat case 4 earlier today. That was crazy shit. I love how PW games always ends on a good note. :'(

I can't wait for PW3.
I didn't give Edgeworth the whip though. I guess I'll have to do it over again.


Beezy said:
I finally beat case 4 earlier today. That was crazy shit. I love how PW games always ends on a good note. :'(

I can't wait for PW3.
I didn't give Edgeworth the whip though. I guess I'll have to do it over again.
I didn't give him the whip either. Had to do it over and sit through all that text again.


Finally finished the game.

I love Phoenix Wright but for the most part I did not enjoy this as much as the first game. I didn't particularly lock the Psyche-lock feature since often times they show you the Psyche-lock before you even obtain the evidence needed to remove them. I still dislike the new music as well.

But the fourth chapter was just awesome. Completely satisfying. The writing in the series is top notch and eagerly anticipate GS3 and 4.

It was good to see Edgeworth come back, and he seemed to change for the good. I don't think von Karma was developed well enough until the very final part of the credits. For some reason, seeing her cry was touching. The whole game you think she's just some hard ass bitch who's whip-crazy but in the end she's just an immature teen who's insecure about her 'sibling' overshadowing her.


Lost Fragment said:
I don't see how that's a spoiler, but I tried again just for you, sweet thang.

Many of us, me included, like seeing the jokes and stuff without prior warning for the most effect. Thanks for the shots though. That part was classic :lol
Hero said:
Finally finished the game.

I love Phoenix Wright but for the most part I did not enjoy this as much as the first game. I didn't particularly lock the Psyche-lock feature since often times they show you the Psyche-lock before you even obtain the evidence needed to remove them. I still dislike the new music as well.

But the fourth chapter was just awesome. Completely satisfying. The writing in the series is top notch and eagerly anticipate GS3 and 4.

It was good to see Edgeworth come back, and he seemed to change for the good. I don't think von Karma was developed well enough until the very final part of the credits. For some reason, seeing her cry was touching. The whole game you think she's just some hard ass bitch who's whip-crazy but in the end she's just an immature teen who's insecure about her 'sibling' overshadowing her.

Seems very mature; she's overachieving to please daddy and reach the expectations that have been set for her and hates Edgeworth for overshadowing her.
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