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The Random Youtube Video Thread

This is one of the greatest live performances I've ever seen. The energy, the sound quality. It's the best version of the song that I've ever heard. I just love the feeling it gives me, such positivity. Sad that the singer would eventually go on and commit suicide. Always sad when someone who brings so many people pure joy gets lost in darkness and can't find a way out. Gotta keep love and positivity alive and I feel like this video helps.

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I imagine this would be pretty pants shitting if you're steering the ship at the moment.

and even thou I don't speak Spanish, I think the message is easy enough to understand here.

finally, a little Japanese engineering work always hits the spot.

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Sidney Prescott

Unconfirmed Member
My brain can't comprehend the fact this trailer dropped in 2011. Crazy.


Sidney Prescott

Unconfirmed Member
I would recommend trying this. I did it, and it really taught me a lot.


Sidney Prescott

Unconfirmed Member
I don’t have social media, but I noticed myself getting similar habits with gaf, so I turned off notifications for reactions. Now I know better when I’m quoted, which works out
Yeah, I can see how that would be addictive. Getting constant feedback in an instant. Turning off notifications seems like a good idea. I used to have a similar problem on PS4 when I was obsessed with trophies, I turned them off for like a month and gradually stopped thinking about them. That bing sound always got me.
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