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The Ratchet & Clank 3 impressions topic.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Hasn't lost appeal that the first two games held for me at all. They've managed to make an already robust graphics engine feel that much more solid - scenery details that felt a little skimpy before seem much better fleshed out and there's a greater sheen of effects layered an otherwise previously flat textured objects and architecture. Insomniac have also refined their storytelling and character development technique from what I've seen so far. The story is more pervasive and more immediate - it doesn't play out as sedately as in the previous two titles. The music also communicates a greater sense of urgency very well too this time around.

As a seasoned R&C player, the new "lock&strafe" gamepad mapping may be fairly standard for FPS and 3rd person shooters these days, but it was initially messing with my conditioned R&C reflexes to play this way ;)

If you've got save files from BOTH of the previous games, you'll be in for some bonuses.

I'd snipe the SP game for a being a little too easy up to the point I've played. Granted, I've only played the first 4 or 5 levels but it would have been nice if there were difficulty settings on offer for the seasoned player to have the opportunity to kick things up a bit.

Played a little online - had some trouble at first that seems to be related to the pro-scan...I'm wondering if it'll just prove to be certain copies of the game or a general issue... The game doesn't seem to want to go online while playing in progressive scan. I had been playing SP in ProScan when I then decided to head over to try out the online modes. The game appears to try to switch out of proscan mode (TV screen flickers) but crashes. I tried this three times, starting from ProScan mode, same result. When I started with ProScan off and then went to play online, I had no problem. It'll be a bit unfortunate if that's just the way all copies of the game are, but ProScan vs. no ProScan isn't a big difference in this game. I would like to know if anyone can confirm this, so I can decide whether to return my copy of the game and try another.

Anyway, the online itself was a blast. Even basic team deathmatch takes on a new perspective when you've got players walking on the walls or ceilings. I like the way they reward you for staying alive by upgrading your current weapon for every 3 kills (up to three times, I believe).
This game already fuckin owns! I cheered outloud when skydiving. I never do that kind of shit.

Goddamn I hope the franchise continues, at least every so many years.
I don't have my R&C 1 save anymore, but I have a completed R&C2 save that had the R&1 bonuses. Will I still be able to get the bonuses in Up Your Arsenal?
kaching said:
The game looks for distinct R&C1 and R&C2 saves...so you'll only get half the bonuses.

Hm. Does the Ratchet & Clank 1 save need to be completed? Just wondering if I can just load up a game, play a few levels then get the stuff.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Not sure, MDC. It just says an R&C1 save. Mine is complete. But it's a little weird - the game suggests you'll get a certain bonus for using the R&C1 save but when I used mine, it said I didn't qualify and gave me a different bonus...
Yea, it found my RC1 save but said I do not qualify, WTF? RC1 is completed, skill points and all. It did give me the old school Ratchet skin to use. But I want discounts dammit!

Ranger X

Is there alot of people online already? Any impressions from the multi? I just grabbed the game yesterday evening, i'll go play in some minutes...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Not a lot of people online yet. They've got the online audience subdivided across "Cities" of which there maybe half a dozen. But not all were populated, from what I could see. But there's a "Quickplay" option that will simply find a game for you, based on your skill level, so you don't really need to bother with the intricacies of the online interface if you don't want to.

I've only tried online multi in two game sessions - one team deathmatch game and one siege game. The host of the team DM chose a map that was probably a little too large for the 4v4 max the online game allows, but I've read that there are smaller maps, so there are probably more suitable maps in the game for straight DM. Our team dominated the other team, who seemed to just keep walking into the same crossfire. We had one guy sniping from a high perch, one guy trying to run people over in the jeep-like vehicle and I'd alternate between grunt work with a rocket launcher and jumping into the second seat of the jeep to take control of the turret. Racked up a lotta kills...

Siege is similar to UT2004 Onslaught mode as has been mentioned before, with the important difference being that you can attack the opposing team's base anytime you want, assuming you can get to it. But you have to first take out the base's two massive, automated gattling guns, and then once you've done this, you can teleport inside the base to finish the job. Killing the guns damages the base 90-95% and then going inside to destroy the core does the remaining 5-10% damage to destroy it completely. So, you have to be careful not to focus too much on going after nodes for fear of something sneaking in the backdoor and destroying your base without you noticing.


Is it possible to start this game immediately into progressive scan mode, or do you have to choose it from a menu?

I ask because I'd like to use it with the VGA adapter that came with the Linux kit, but my monitor doesn't support any kind of NTSC signal, so I wouldn't be able to see the image initially in order to select the progressive scan option. I know some games let you hold down a few buttons and start-up in Progressive scan immediately, but I don't believe the previous R&C or Jak games did this, but only had it as an option in the menu.

Anyone know?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
teiresias said:
Is it possible to start this game immediately into progressive scan mode, or do you have to choose it from a menu?

I ask because I'd like to use it with the VGA adapter that came with the Linux kit, but my monitor doesn't support any kind of NTSC signal, so I wouldn't be able to see the image initially in order to select the progressive scan option. I know some games let you hold down a few buttons and start-up in Progressive scan immediately, but I don't believe the previous R&C or Jak games did this, but only had it as an option in the menu.

Anyone know?

I had that same problem with Socom II... so I had to have it hooked up to a tv then activate Pro Scan, then hook it up to my adapter.

And again this game is set to widescreen by default.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
for games that do it through the options menu, i'd just write down the combination to activate it


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Seems to be only in the menu, Teiresias, and it always resets to off with each game session. I've always wondered why you can't save this setting in PS2 pro-scan games...

Edit: levious, Widescreen resets to off for me with each game session, just like pro-scan...you sure about it defaulting to "on"?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
not when I load a game, but when the game boots up and starts the rolling footage, it's defaulted to widescreen.



With some thoughts, though:

Thought its R&C goodness as always, I am a bit concerned about its length/easiness. While I'm trying to do a lot of the side stuff, I seem to be blowing through the main levels a lot faster than I did in the past games. The levels just *seem* a bit smaller than before and the emphasis on shooting means you get through them even faster. Sure, there's always multiplater, but where is everybody?!


We need some online multiplayer GAF games going on. I always end up on the team where the people quit halfway through :(

Speaking of... anyone know if there is a penalty for leaving a game early/disconnecting yourself? This game has a pretty extensive stat tracker and ranking system, so I would hope there is some penalty for those asses who leave just because they're losing.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Belfast said:
Thought its R&C goodness as always, I am a bit concerned about its length/easiness. While I'm trying to do a lot of the side stuff, I seem to be blowing through the main levels a lot faster than I did in the past games. The levels just *seem* a bit smaller than before and the emphasis on shooting means you get through them even faster. Sure, there's always multiplater, but where is everybody?!
Was saying something similar in my earlier impressions, though not as specific. Having gotten further in, rest assured it gets a little tougher and the levels start to get larger, with the standard branching paths that many earlier R&C levels offer.

Agent X

This game is absolutely magnificent. Just go out and buy it now!

If anyone's available for online play, post your username in this thread. Once we get a few responses, perhaps we'll arrange some game sessions.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
The Obani moons are great stuff too, esp. the first one. I wasn't a big fan of the sphere worlds in R&C2, but they've implemented them better here by way of better design and aesthetic.

Ranger X

WOW. I've been through the first 2 planet in single player mode and i don't know why but it's better than Going Commando. I so fucking like the Fire Whip by the way.

The multiplayer is very nice, didn't really time to play it but there's alot of modes, clan games, friend list, etc. Everything is there and in full voice chat. Nice game!


The game looks tremendous
controls are great, the best of the 3 games
the levels seem smaller and easier.

Captain quark mini games are so great, NES side scrolling goodness.

But overall, I have little to complain about. Just a fun game to play and the best of the three R&C games.
The game is so fucking awesome. The only thing I fear is the lenght and difficulty. Right now I'm a 3hours, and it has been too easy. I hope it gets harder. Never played online once too.


Cool, I just picked it up. Loved the other games. I hope I have time to play this :lol Between finishing GTA, Halo 2....and MP:E and MGS3 next week, I'll be lucky to play much of this at all..But when I do, I bet it'll be fun.

Oh yeah


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Trust me guys, it gets harder. Level size is all over the place, not quite as consistent as the first two games. It seems like this will bear out to be more levels overall. They seem to have broken things up in order to create more concentrated skirmish and assault type scenarios.

But I've been finding myself repeating later levels several times and sometimes even walking away to take another crack at it once I've gotten better armor/weapons/health.


just got the game
fucking awesome :D

i love the marcadia world..it looks gorgeous
and the new weapons so far are pretty sick too, so is the quark minigame.

I haven't tried online though.


Drunky McMurder
I've got to find a place that will cash my paycheck tomorrow so that I can buy this game. I hate you all for reminding me that it was out, by the way. I can in no way afford this.


I just finished Aquarias for the first time. Im not progressing that far really because online is taking up all my time lol. This game is great online. I was expecting it to be a shitty little "no effort" side thing but this shit is awesome.


From what I played, Conker's OL mode was pretty much the same as this. Same vehicles too (sky gunner and buggy thing). Also think Conker's had gun turrets. Game supports voice chat, so it must be like going on XBL, basically. The only downside apparently, is everyone who decides to be a cheating bastard. Haven't met one yet, though.

I'm a little disappointed with the single-player mode. I wanted the weapons to change as they evolved like in the first game. Also, even though the story isn't really too important, I wonder what happened to the other Lombax from Going Commando.


You say having a save from both previous games gives you a bonus. Does that mean it wont transfer the level of your weapons over? Its something else they give you?
Ripclawe said:
I got to Planet Daxx.. Forget that whole "game is easy" business.. sheesh..

Third Person Mode. It's hard to aim those damn robots without it.

I'm a little disappointed with the single-player mode. I wanted the weapons to change as they evolved like in the first game. Also, even though the story isn't really too important, I wonder what happened to the other Lombax from Going Commando.

Weapons do change as they evolve. Play the game. And apparently you didn't get very far into the game to say that the story isn't "really too important", because it's 10 times better than It was with Going Commando.

You say having a save from both previous games gives you a bonus. Does that mean it wont transfer the level of your weapons over? Its something else they give you?

Read the booklet : If you have the R&C1 save for more than 2 years, you'll get a special discount. And there's a guy from R&C2 that'll ask a save from R&C2 to get 2 free weapons, well for now.


Just got the game this weekend, haven't played any multi-player yet, but what I've played of single-player is really nice. I got up as far as getting the first Capt. Quark vidcomic, and then played it.

I don't really understand the whole "Lock-Strafe Mode" in the controls. How can anyone play using that setup? You can't do a turn since you're always strafing, what use is that? Or am I just approaching it wrong? I mean, you'd get the same effect if they moved they duplicated the weapon-fire button on R1 in the regular controls and either dumped "crouch" (since it seems to be used rarely if at all anyway) or moved "crouch" to were "fire" is now (on 'O'). That way strafing and firing is easier but you're not locked into a control scheme that forces you to strafe ALL THE TIME.

Agent X

teiresias said:
I don't really understand the whole "Lock-Strafe Mode" in the controls. How can anyone play using that setup?

Lock-Strafe mode works really well once you get used to it. I use that control scheme for multiplayer games, but I stick to the traditional controls ("Third-Person") for the single-player adventure.

teiresias said:
You can't do a turn since you're always strafing, what use is that? Or am I just approaching it wrong?

You're approaching it wrong. Use the right analog thumbstick to rotate.

Ranger X

Agent X said:
Lock-Strafe mode works really well once you get used to it. I use that control scheme for multiplayer games, but I stick to the traditional controls ("Third-Person") for the single-player adventure.

You're approaching it wrong. Use the right analog thumbstick to rotate.

Lock-Strafe mode is my controls of choice in the multiplayer. It kicks.

Leave your nicks here guys while you post so we can kick each other's ass online!
Mine's just like here "Wyzdom".


I beat it yesterday. There are actually a decent amount of areas, but a lot of them are still kind of small and/or linear. There are very few levels that have the multi-path/objective feel of the first two games and that was a little disappointing. The last few levels start to provide a decent challenge, but they needed to reach that level of challenged about halfway through the game. Luckily, after you beat the game, you can go through it again....

in Challenge Mode! MAX HP can go up to 200, purchase the MEGA weapons and I assume you can upgrade them to v10. Enemies aren't really any harder, but they do hurt you a lot more. Even the basic enemies provide a nice sting. The bolt multiplier system is back, too. Dunno if there's anything else special about it, but we'll see....

Ranger X

Agent X said:
Mine is Agent X, but I already created this thread for that purpose. :)

Good. I'll see you online. And you too Hawk and Littleberu.
But i fear my ass may get kicked! I don't have much time to play! lol
(damn work, life + GTA and TOCA2...)


I'd also like to mention how that Quark mini-game has got me yearning again for Konami to do a 2.5d Castlevania game in the vein of SOTN. It would be AWESOME!!!
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