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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Well, that's it for me. One day of watching angry people scream ugly things to a crowd seeking only to have their delusions reinforced is time better spent doing on... well, just about anything. At a certain point it becomes a matter of health. I kind of followed along for the lulz, and there was a great deal of unintentional comedy to be had, but when the non-stop hate finally stops at the end of the day all you're left with is the cold, hard reality that people actually believe this shit, and it immediately stops being funny.

Just vote. Please. Vote vote vote vote vote. Do not let this become the norm.
CORRECTION: Melania stole a whole graph from Michelle's speech
. #GOPConvention
WATCH: https://youtu.be/53Ei2dSDsFY?t=2m4s …


Holy cow guys. Holy cow. She (or whoever ghost wrote this) lifted that shit.

Wow...The convention actually delivered and on its first day no less.
I don't know if I'm going to make it. I got so pissed off at the proceedings today I went to a vinyasa flow class. I was so mad I got my head anointed with scented oil!!!!!!

Side note, the class was fine but I think DDP is more in my wheelhouse.

Kid Heart

Any one who managed to sit through this entire thing today has my respect. I only came in for the last three hours, and by the end I could barely last through even that.

Honestly I find it incredibly sad that the main messages coming through the majority of speeches today were fear, death, and patriotism to the point of absurdity. The fact that almost no one brought up any accomplishments the republicans made during Obama's tenure I think speaks volumes about the dire straits the party is currently in. I sincerely hope the party works to restore some semblance of sanity within itself, because as it stands now I am legitimately scared of these guys running a school's cafateria, let alone controlling this country's entire government.



Melania stole a whole graph from Michelle's speech.

Wait seriously?!? And I actually gave her speech some props for being one of the only relatively reasonable ones delivered tonight. If that's true wow.....just wow....


Well, that's it for me. One day of watching angry people scream ugly things to a crowd seeking only to have their delusions reinforced is time better spent doing on... well, just about anything. At a certain point it becomes a matter of health. I kind of followed along for the lulz, and there was a great deal of unintentional comedy to be had, but when the non-stop hate finally stops at the end of the day all you're left with is the cold, hard reality that people actually believe this shit, and it immediately stops being funny.

Just vote. Please. Vote vote vote vote vote. Do not let this become the norm.
This is how I feel. I can get enough lulz reading the posts here about the convention but I'm not going to actually watch it and feel bad about myself for doing so afterwards.


so I was at work all day, what are the highlights outside of the speech thievery (which I can't imagine being outclassed, but man if any group of people can do it...)


I found Rudy's speech successfully with ease. Where can I find Trumps speech? NO results on youTube WTF. Just his wife's speech. Please someone I need to watch this.


I haven't really felt passionate about any of the candidates on either side this election cycle. I also live abroad, so I was just planning on not putting in the effort to register to vote abroad. Today changed my mind. I don't particularly care about Hillary, but I'll probably vote for her anyway, even if my home state will definitely go red (Texas).

I was all about Obama in '08 and '12 though, really wish there was a candidate I could really feel passionate about this year.
I haven't really felt passionate about any of the candidates on either side this election cycle. I also live abroad, so I was just planning on not putting in the effort to register to vote abroad. Today changed my mind. I don't particularly care about Hillary, but I'll probably vote for her anyway, even if my home state will definitely go red (Texas).

I was all about Obama in '08 and '12 though, really wish there was a candidate I could really feel passionate about this year.

That won't always be the case and to be frank, passion has a tendency to obscure. I just want leaders who can get stuff done. Just shut the hell up and get shit done. Just do your job. Don't bother trying to woo me or shake my hand or kiss my baby, Just do your job as an elected official. Some of the shit you'll do won't be glamorous or headline-worthy but that's fine. JUST DO YOUR JOB!
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