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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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"conservative" didn't even make the top 25 keywords?

But Romney and his campaign had the charisma of a wet fart.

The hate for Hillary is real, and they were tenacious in letting you know that last night. They're capitalizing on that in full force.

After watching day 2 of the RNC it seems obvious that attacking Clinton is #1 on the agenda. This is probably the smart thing to do for Trump and the campaign.

Why? If the election becomes a referendum on Trump, he will lose. Now, if the Trump campaign can push the conversation and attention to be about Clinton, she might lose.

Both are wildly unpopular. Right now 39 percent like Clinton. 34,6 percent like Trump. This is everything the election will be about from this point onwards. Some pundits think Trump is lucky he is now fighting Clinton - and vice versa.

Conservatives first and foremost will attempt to de-legitimize their liberal opponent, because conservative policies and values are not in line with the majority of Americans. They're not in line with the core values of the country. They lack leadership and they lack the ethical and moral compass that would inspire widespread support. Conservatives know that they need an advantage that exists outside of the issues. The most direct way is to convince the public that the Democrat is a traitor or a criminal- especially someone like Clinton who galvanizes the party, is a rare intellect, and has the breadth of experience that she does.

With the success they've had in keeping the email and Benghazi 'scandals' in the news, they feel they should be able to achieve this. To them, they're so close. They've worked so hard at it. It's like a blood frenzy.

Republicans are just going to keep getting more antagonistic and unhinged as their values and the values of their voter base become less and less in line with the country.


But Romney and his campaign had the charisma of a wet fart.

The hate for Hillary is real, and they were tenacious in letting you know that last night. They're capitalizing on that in full force.

Let's be honest, the DNC could nominate anyone and the GOP would hate on them as well. They have no ideas. Their only course is to attack and be an opposition party


Let's be honest, the DNC could nominate anyone and the GOP would hate on them as well. They have no ideas. Their only course is to attack and be an opposition party

I haven't observed any elections before Obama's, but I'm often told that the republican party didn't used to be like this before 2008. Ever since Obama got into the white house, the Senate has been unhelpful on an unprecedented scale, we had the whole birth certificate thing, and it just feels like Obama is under double standards and scrutiny that none of the past presidents have had to endure, in addition to all the blatant racism by several of the GoP base.

It's really hard not to tie this to his status as a minority, and now once they finally are getting rid of the black guy, we want to put a woman in the white house. Again, double standards. "Hilary lies!" Okay, sure, valid complaint, but Trump lies more frequently and severely, to name one example.

They would be against any democrat in the white house, sure. But they wouldn't go after, say, Biden the way they do Hilary, and he was probably closer to Obama in policies than she was.


I haven't observed any elections before Obama's, but I'm often told that the republican party didn't used to be like this before 2008. Ever since Obama got into the white house, the Senate has been unhelpful on an unprecedented scale, we had the whole birth certificate thing, and it just feels like Obama is under double standards and scrutiny that none of the past presidents have had to endure, in addition to all the blatant racism by several of the GoP base.

It's really hard not to tie this to his status as a minority, and now once they finally are getting rid of the black guy, we want to put a woman in the white house. Again, double standards. "Hilary lies!" Okay, sure, valid complaint, but Trump lies more frequently and severely, to name one example.

They would be against any democrat in the white house, sure. But they wouldn't go after, say, Biden the way they do Hilary, and he was probably closer to Obama in policies than she was.
Before Obama, they had 8 years of Bush and a Republican majority in congress for much of the time he was in office, so they had no incentive to act like they do now. They weren't very friendly, to put it mildly, with Democrats when Bill was in office, either.


I haven't observed any elections before Obama's, but I'm often told that the republican party didn't used to be like this before 2008. Ever since Obama got into the white house, the Senate has been unhelpful on an unprecedented scale, we had the whole birth certificate thing, and it just feels like Obama is under double standards and scrutiny that none of the past presidents have had to endure, in addition to all the blatant racism by several of the GoP base.

It's really hard not to tie this to his status as a minority, and now once they finally are getting rid of the black guy, we want to put a woman in the white house. Again, double standards. "Hilary lies!" Okay, sure, valid complaint, but Trump lies more frequently and severely, to name one example.

They would be against any democrat in the white house, sure. But they wouldn't go after, say, Biden the way they do Hilary, and he was probably closer to Obama in policies than she was.

Clinton years were bad but they directed everything at him, they didn't punish the country by not passing anything.
I haven't observed any elections before Obama's, but I'm often told that the republican party didn't used to be like this before 2008. Ever since Obama got into the white house, the Senate has been unhelpful on an unprecedented scale, we had the whole birth certificate thing, and it just feels like Obama is under double standards and scrutiny that none of the past presidents have had to endure, in addition to all the blatant racism by several of the GoP base.

It's really hard not to tie this to his status as a minority, and now once they finally are getting rid of the black guy, we want to put a woman in the white house. Again, double standards. "Hilary lies!" Okay, sure, valid complaint, but Trump lies more frequently and severely, to name one example.

They would be against any democrat in the white house, sure. But they wouldn't go after, say, Biden the way they do Hilary, and he was probably closer to Obama in policies than she was.

The conservative movement has been like this for decades, but they started to get a little strange when the Reagan campaign decided to get evangelicals to participate in elections, and they became a voting bloc for conservatism. Newt Gingrich led a new era of antagonism with Democrats when Clinton was elected. Bill was ruthlessly hounded and attacked by conservatives in much the same way as his wife today.

Conservatives today are pretty feeble on every level- just look at the incompetence during this election. But they have some reliable voting blocs and an effective propaganda arm in AM radio and 24 hour cable news.


Conservatives first and foremost will attempt to de-legitimize their liberal opponent, because conservative policies and values are not in line with the majority of Americans. They're not in line with the core values of the country. They lack leadership and they lack the ethical and moral compass that would inspire widespread support. Conservatives know that they need an advantage that exists outside of the issues. The most direct way is to convince the public that the Democrat is a traitor or a criminal- especially someone like Clinton who galvanizes the party, is a rare intellect, and has the breadth of experience that she does.

With the success they've had in keeping the email and Benghazi 'scandals' in the news, they feel they should be able to achieve this. To them, they're so close. They've worked so hard at it. It's like a blood frenzy.

Republicans are just going to keep getting more antagonistic and unhinged as their values and the values of their voter base become less and less in line with the country.

its like literally watching people progress while kicking and screaming. Its honestly dishearting at just how virulent this party is now. Like there is no middle ground to them any more there is no working things out there is just a cult like approach and no real answers to anything but hatred and ignorance.


They would be against any democrat in the white house, sure. But they wouldn't go after, say, Biden the way they do Hilary, and he was probably closer to Obama in policies than she was.
Biden is well to the right of both, the GOP would have been much more respectful of him.

Clinton is to the left of Obama though and has been a GOP demon since she was a potential First Lady. That has only gottn worse over the years as it has become clear that she is not only a progressive dem but one with the intelligence and political savvy to actually pas meaningful reform. I. 2008 the right was expecting their greatest fear, a Hillary Clinton run, and then got blindsided with Obama. The dignity and success of th Obama admin only tears them up further. hence why they're infatuated with every manufactured scandal they can dig up on Clinton.


Biden is well to the right of both, the GOP would have been much more respectful of him.

That's actually surprising to me. I'm only a casual and current political observer, and Biden is mostly known to me for his 'overly enthusiastic grandpa' persona. But I've watched some interviews, his paul ryan debate, some of his speeches, and the man simply bleeds genuineness in a way that even Obama doesn't. He's honest, he's respectful of women's choices even if he is pro-life (which is something I really like as I consider abortion a complex topic), and has a humanity to him that I've yet to see from anyone whose strongly associated with the GOP. I know that conservativism isn't inherently wrong, but the GOP's actions over the past near decade have permanently associated it with wrongness for me. It's hard to believe that someone like Joe Biden leans right then.


I haven't observed any elections before Obama's, but I'm often told that the republican party didn't used to be like this before 2008. Ever since Obama got into the white house, the Senate has been unhelpful on an unprecedented scale, we had the whole birth certificate thing, and it just feels like Obama is under double standards and scrutiny that none of the past presidents have had to endure, in addition to all the blatant racism by several of the GoP base.

It's really hard not to tie this to his status as a minority, and now once they finally are getting rid of the black guy, we want to put a woman in the white house. Again, double standards. "Hilary lies!" Okay, sure, valid complaint, but Trump lies more frequently and severely, to name one example.

They would be against any democrat in the white house, sure. But they wouldn't go after, say, Biden the way they do Hilary, and he was probably closer to Obama in policies than she was.

Before Obama, the GOP had their own email scandal where the Bush White House lost 20 million + emails (that should have been covered by the records act) that were housed on a server owned and operated by the RNC and no one got in trouble nor were there more than a couple routine hearings over it. They are the most hypocritical pieces of shit there are.


Before Obama, the GOP had their own email scandal where the Bush White House lost 20 million + emails (that should have been covered by the records act) that were housed on a server owned and operated by the RNC and no one got in trouble nor were there more than a couple routine hearings over it. They are the most hypocritical pieces of shit there are.
Why aren't Dems hammering away at this?
I can see this picture pissing off people. A lot of people put animal rights above the rights of minorities.

this is the strangest whataboutism argument ever.

It's not just about animal rights, it's about conservation, it's about preserving endangered species that are sent to the brink of extinction due to human activity. Conservation is highly important

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
The GOP has just gone insane because for 8+ plus years they're tried to bring down Obama and have failed. Obama gave them nothing so now they get to unleash all of their frustrations on Hilary.

Hilary of course keeps giving the ammo, more like pellets, so they can't help themselves but go nuts.

Before Obama, the GOP had their own email scandal where the Bush White House lost 20 million + emails (that should have been covered by the records act) that were housed on a server owned and operated by the RNC and no one got in trouble nor were there more than a couple routine hearings over it. They are the most hypocritical pieces of shit there are.

I get real mad at Obama sometimes for taking the high road and not investigating the bush administration for their behavior. I understand why he did it, but do you think a republican president or congress would have left a democrat off the hook like that?
its like literally watching people progress while kicking and screaming. Its honestly dishearting at just how virulent this party is now. Like there is no middle ground to them any more there is no working things out there is just a cult like approach and no real answers to anything but hatred and ignorance.

The psychology and mental acuity of conservatives is far more interesting to me than the conservative ideology which is far easier to dissect and explain. A lot of it has to do with propaganda and a general lack of personal responsibility or capability to defend one's mind from sources of information and manipulative opinion that is sinister and forceful in it's effort to stunt critical thinking, leading to submission to a harmful worldview.

Fox News, Limbaugh et al have done some serious damage not just to the country in general, but to our families and friends. Those entities are the true anti-American threat. It would be nice if more well respected Americans in positions of influence would speak out not against any particular Republican candidate or politician, but more against Fox News and right wing propaganda to help put them in check, as it's impossible to even help our own family and friends that have their heads full of that garbage.


Let's be honest, the DNC could nominate anyone and the GOP would hate on them as well. They have no ideas. Their only course is to attack and be an opposition party
Of course. But I don't think the crowd would be chanting "lock him up" if Obama was running for his second term this year for example. There has been such a sophisticated attack on Hillary's character over the years. It's nuts.


The psychology and mental acuity of conservatives is far more interesting to me than the conservative ideology which is far easier to dissect and explain. A lot of it has to do with propaganda and a general lack of personal responsibility or capability to defend one's mind from sources of information and manipulative opinion that is sinister and forceful in it's effort to stunt critical thinking, leading to submission to a harmful worldview.

Fox News, Limbaugh et al have done some serious damage not just to the country in general, but to our families and friends. Those entities are the true anti-American threat. It would be nice if more well respected Americans in positions of influence would speak out not against any particular Republican candidate or politician, but more against Fox News and right wing propaganda to help put them in check, as t's impossible to even help our own family and friends that have their heads full of that garbage.

Its honestly awful. Like let me tell you how bad it is. I was listening to NPR and they had someone who was Lesbian Republican and they asked them about all the stuff they just passed for the platform and if they agree with it if it were them and like it was absolutely insane that they are able to support that party even after willfully knowing they are against their existence.

Its like at some point..Does that one issue or ideal you support as a republican really everything else that is wrong with them?
After watching day 2 of the RNC it seems obvious that attacking Clinton is #1 on the agenda. This is probably the smart thing to do for Trump and the campaign.

Why? If the election becomes a referendum on Trump, he will lose. Now, if the Trump campaign can push the conversation and attention to be about Clinton, she might lose.

Both are wildly unpopular. Right now 39 percent like Clinton. 34,6 percent like Trump. This is everything the election will be about from this point onwards. Some pundits think Trump is lucky he is now fighting Clinton - and vice versa.

That's been number one on their agenda since November 2012.


Why aren't Dems hammering away at this?
because both parties are the same

from what i've seen over the past ten years, dems are much less likely to attack in the bullshit way the GOP does. bush got away with everything whereas obama can't even propose an idea without the GOP throwing a fit


After watching day 2 of the RNC it seems obvious that attacking Clinton is #1 on the agenda. This is probably the smart thing to do for Trump and the campaign.

Why? If the election becomes a referendum on Trump, he will lose. Now, if the Trump campaign can push the conversation and attention to be about Clinton, she might lose.

Both are wildly unpopular. Right now 39 percent like Clinton. 34,6 percent like Trump. This is everything the election will be about from this point onwards. Some pundits think Trump is lucky he is now fighting Clinton - and vice versa.

No candidate is going to sell themselves. They are the most hated candidates ever, by far.


Why aren't Dems hammering away at this?

It beats me. Maybe they think it sounds too pedantic or that they are going too far back, but that would have been my defense for EVERY surrogate to have. Just keep hammering away at "it's interesting that you guys care so much about email now when in 2007 you didn't..."
God forbid they have polices and shit
they dont want to reveal their real policies because they are full of contradictions on a wide range of issues

all these anti trade voices heard at this concention are 100% fake, they actually like trade

all these promises of bringing back extinct manufacturing jobs are fake, those old factory jobs are not coming back
Its honestly awful. Like let me tell you how bad it is. I was listening to NPR and they had someone who was Lesbian Republican and they asked them about all the stuff they just passed for the platform and if they agree with it if it were them and like it was absolutely insane that they are able to support that party even after willfully knowing they are against their existence.

Its like at some point..Does that one issue or ideal you support as a republican really everything else that is wrong with them?

We go about our day to day lives with Fox News on TVs in restaurants and stuff like that every day like it's just a normal thing. We accept it as normal, so of course people are going to get confused when that distorted, manipulative worldview is accepted in the way that it has. Where is the public conscience resisting it? We're all to blame in some way for letting it happen.

It's the same kind of thinking that conservatives use in the debate about teaching creationism in public schools- teach it alongside evolution and let the kids decide. We think, 'if you don't like it, change the channel'. It's just not that simple.


Man SE Cupp seems to have transitioned fully to the trump team. She was more reasonable during the primary.

I am dissapoint.

Why would you be disappointed. Shes a paid for whore (pundit) just like the rest. She makes her living signal boosting the echo chamber.

Fuck her and all the other pundits lying through their teeth. They got a sweet gig, and putrid souls.


First tragedy, then farce.
I'd have to think this convention has been a train wreck in terms of attracting any undecideds thus far.

The closest they have come was probably Trump Jr.

But, his weird rags to riches story probably did not go over very well. The rest of them were all red meat for the base. I am sure that "trial" turned off a lot of voters.


This is the year of regression amongst politicians isn't it?

Every year since the '70s has been that year. Why do you think the Republican Party bowed to Trump so easily? The "politicians" in this country, especially in the GOP, don't have a fraction of the formidableness as that their predecessors had. When your whole platform is that government should basically just exist as an enabler for corporations (other than the imprisoning and killing parts of it, of course), you get a bunch of smarmy bureaucrats whose whole goal is to land a cushy advising role at a think tank or investment firm or go on the speaking circuit after they retire from "public service." They don't give a damn about helping or leading this country because they don't believe the country should be helped or led. Resisting Trump was endangering their party, which was endangering their career paths.


But Romney and his campaign had the charisma of a wet fart.

The hate for Hillary is real, and they were tenacious in letting you know that last night. They're capitalizing on that in full force.
That's because they know the hate for Hillary is a thing that exists outside of the Republican Party as well. So they have to harp on that, they don't have to unite the GOP they just have to unite everyone in the country that hates Hillary.


Why would you be disappointed. Shes a paid for whore (pundit) just like the rest. She makes her living signal boosting the echo chamber.

Fuck her and all the other pundits lying through their teeth. They got a sweet gig, and putrid souls.

So much for her appearance on Keeping it 1600 and her vow never to support him. I would love to know what precise policy change has meant she's now switched over to backing Trump. Was he not racist enough beforehand? Not enough bigotry?


So much for her appearance on Keeping it 1600 and her vow never to support him. I would love to know what precise policy change has meant she's now switched over to backing Trump. Was he not racist enough beforehand? Not enough bigotry?

Fiscal policy. IE, pay her, bitch.

She's obviously smart, rational, and educated. Which makes the act that much worse.


aka andydumi
Hillary is going to sell her experience and policies. 100%

She's going to go for policies no doubt. She should ignore his attacks and instead talk about the issues.

People on the fence will respond to issues. Blind attacks with no substance are for the base, not the moderates.


I couldn't get my login to work on my phone last night so this is a little late..

But that avacado grower's speech.. Man she was something.

Like, the only decent speech was Donald Trump Jr (Who actually sounded like a guy who would run for president, and be... I dunno.. Intelligent).

I'm slowly losing interest for tonight. Isn't the VP Candidate speaking tonight?

Joe Molotov

I couldn't get my login to work on my phone last night so this is a little late..

But that avacado grower's speech.. Man she was something.

Like, the only decent speech was Donald Trump Jr (Who actually sounded like a guy who would run for president, and be... I dunno.. Intelligent).

I'm slowly losing interest for tonight. Isn't the VP Candidate speaking tonight?

Yeah, Pence is tonight. Also Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. A murderers row, to be sure.
So much for her appearance on Keeping it 1600 and her vow never to support him. I would love to know what precise policy change has meant she's now switched over to backing Trump. Was he not racist enough beforehand? Not enough bigotry?

The policies of making America great again, safe again, etc undeniably grows on people.


I heard some talking head concern trolling about how could the DNC possibly counter this all-star lineup at the RNC. Almost had a Scanners moment.
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