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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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First tragedy, then farce.
If Mitt Romney or John McCain were there, we definitely would have seen them, considering some of the "deep cuts" that they've brought out so far.

Mittens hates him
The Bush's hate him
McCain kind of said "uh, he's our nominee" and has said he won't be there.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
It just says they saw it, not that they read it.

"Yepp, there are words there alright! Thanks Lyin Ted!"



The one strategy I don't understand is the constant bashing of Hillary. If you are a swing voter, is HILLARY AND OBAMA SUKS AMIRITE mantra really gonna sway you? It feels like this convention is just a circle jerk within the base that can appeal to no one else.

We get it. You hate Obama and Hillary. Worst politicians in he history of America. Right. And despite the fact the entire rest of the world seems to disagree, I guess I'll believe you because you are so confident when you say it. So.... Why again will you be better than these people?

Oh forgot. Because you will make America great again! And we will have the best intelligence! And the best border wall!


Meanwhile one top Trump adviser calls for Clinton to be shot:

Donald Trump’s chief advisor on veteran’s issues declared that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “should be put in the firing line and shot for treason,” the most extreme statement yet during a Republican national convention that has made Clinton the party’s top target.


Trump is going to lose badly, isn't he?


You would think that, wouldn't you? I guess we'll see.
Just saying that as an outside observer. I know the political discourse in the USA is much more partisan and generally less cordial than where I live.

But this sort of thing is completely unacceptable, surely. It would be absolute political suicide over here, he would be immediately fired from/pressured out of whatever political position he occupies by the party he represents, maybe even kicked out from the party altogether.

Calling for the death of the opposing candidate, completely unacceptable in political discourse.
I don't get it. These guys say outrageous shit on a world stage repeatedly and face little to no consequences. Meanwhile on the other side everything gets nitpicked to hell, even a slight misuse of terms creates an uproar.

I swear Hillary's on hard mode while Trump is just fucking around with the debug menu.
The one strategy I don't understand is the constant bashing of Hillary. If you are a swing voter, is HILLARY AND OBAMA SUKS AMIRITE mantra really gonna sway you? It feels like this convention is just a circle jerk within the base that can appeal to no one else.

We get it. You hate Obama and Hillary. Worst politicians in he history of America. Right. And despite the fact the entire rest of the world seems to disagree, I guess I'll believe you because you are so confident when you say it. So.... Why again will you be better than these people?

Oh forgot. Because you will make America great again! And we will have the best intelligence! And the best border wall!

It's certainly not a policy platform and it absolutely doesn't require a lot of intelligence, but campaigning against unpopular politicians is rarely a straight up losing strategy. It was a good idea to go after W. Bush in 2008 (and the Dems certainly did), and Hillary and Obama aren't quite the popular juggernauts a lot of GAF seems to think they are. Plenty of DNC speakers will lean hard into Trump, as his tremendous unpopularity suggests they should. Watch the DNC thread - jokes about Trump that have little to do with policy and lots to do with business and personal failures will get the most e-high fives. It works.
Just saying that as an outside observer. I know the political discourse in the USA is much more partisan and generally less cordial than where I live.

But this sort of thing is completely unacceptable, surely. It would be absolute political suicide over here, he would be immediately fired from/pressured out of whatever political position he occupies by the party he represents, maybe even kicked out from the party altogether.

Calling for the death of the opposing candidate, completely unacceptable in political discourse.

It is unacceptable, and SHOULD be be blowing up the airwaves, along with the other garbage being spewed, but I don't have a ton of faith in our media to do what needs to be done.


The amazing part is that this guy who is SO CONCERNED over the lives lost in Benghazi called Ambassador Chris Stevens...Ambassador Anderson. Way to care about the victims dickhead.

They don't care about the Benghazi victims. If the attack occurred on the watch of, say, Bush the victims' relatives would be hounded incessantly on Fox and told to STFU.

This should get tremendous backlash. Calling for the death of the opposing candidate in the current tense climate, what is he thinking?

Never mind Plagiar-gate the media really should be focusing on these comments. This is utterly repulsive, vile and unacceptable.
There was a pretty good analogy on cbc news for the whole Trump candidacy.

"Trump is like a car accident. We all stop to see the accident, we're all curious about stuff like that. Those stories are popular in the news and get a lot of attention.

That doesn't mean the public wants more car accidents to happen."

He's garnered a lot of attention, I've seen little evidence this has created a lot of votes.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Meanwhile one top Trump adviser calls for Clinton to be shot:


Trump is going to lose badly, isn't he?

He made the comments on a radio show so there must be audio of it somewhere.

Edit : the audio is embedded in the article linked in that one


Sounds exactly like someone that Trump would keep close. He also believes the dems get dead people to vote. Classy guy he is.


He made the comments on a radio show so there must be audio of it somewhere.

Edit : the audio is embedded in the article linked in that one


Sounds exactly like someone that Trump would keep close. He also believes the dems get dead people to vote. Classy guy he is.

At least the Secret Service is now investigating. Trump will probably have to fire this guy......eventually and with great reluctance.

This should get tremendous backlash. Calling for the death of the opposing candidate in the current tense climate, what is he thinking?

The hope is the backlash comes from quiet independent voters. The hope is that this entire hate filled convention has destroyed their chances with the undecided. As for backlash from his supporters, they love that shit.


It's certainly not a policy platform and it absolutely doesn't require a lot of intelligence, but campaigning against unpopular politicians is rarely a straight up losing strategy. It was a good idea to go after W. Bush in 2008 (and the Dems certainly did), and Hillary and Obama aren't quite the popular juggernauts a lot of GAF seems to think they are. Plenty of DNC speakers will lean hard into Trump, as his tremendous unpopularity suggests they should. Watch the DNC thread - jokes about Trump that have little to do with policy and lots to do with business and personal failures will get the most e-high fives. It works.

I understand some of the attacks. It just seems off putting to suggest that there is literally no redeeming qualities of the opposition. If you are a swing voter, you probably see the good and bad of both candidates. And it's not like the rhetoric is that Clinton or Obama have done some bad things (they have). It's that they are literal scum of the earth and the worst people in the world, which for anyone in the middle this is absolutely ridiculous


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
The hope is the backlash comes from quiet independent voters. The hope is that this entire hate filled convention has destroyed their chances with the undecided. As for backlash from his supporters, they love that shit.

Crazies taking over McCain's campaign sure didn't help him in the 2008 election. They began taking over rallies, calling Obama a terrorist and that he hangs out with terrorists, all kinds of hateful shit from what I remember. McCain even had to snatch the mic from a crazy old lady for calling Obama an Arab at one of his town halls. McCain was beaten by a large margin that year, much larger than Romney's. The optimist in me says those people are turned off by hateful and dangerous rhetoric. And McCain's campaign was a disgusting shit show but this dumpster fire that's raging in front of us right now is much worse, and the convention isn't even over!


Meanwhile one top Trump adviser calls for Clinton to be shot:


Trump is going to lose badly, isn't he?

“I’m a veteran that went to Desert Shield, Desert Storm,” Baldasoro said on Tuesday. “I’m also a father who sent a son to war, to Iraq, as a Marine Corps helicopter avionics technician. Hillary Clinton, to me, is the Jane Fonda of the Vietnam.”

“When you take classified information on a server that deals with where our State Department, special forces, CIA, whatever in other countries, that’s a death sentence for those people if that information gets in the hands of other countries or the terrorists,” Baldasaro said. “As far as I’m concerned, that’s information for the enemy. In the military, shot, firing squad. So I stand by what I said.”

America uses Firing Squads?



Crazies taking over McCain's campaign sure didn't help him in the 2008 election. They began taking over rallies, calling Obama a terrorist and that he hangs out with terrorists, all kinds of hateful shit from what I remember. McCain even had to snatch the mic from a crazy old lady for calling Obama an Arab at one of his town halls. McCain was beaten by a large margin that year, much larger than Romney's. The optimist in me says those people are turned off by hateful and dangerous rhetoric. And McCain's campaign was a disgusting shit show but this dumpster fire that's raging in front of us right now is much worse, and the convention isn't even over!

I'm actually pretty surprised Sarah Palin isn't speaking at the RNC. Maybe there's at least one person working for the campaign that convinced Trump that she poisoned the electorate in 2008 and could easily push this crowd over the top this year.


I'm actually pretty surprised Sarah Palin isn't speaking at the RNC. Maybe there's at least one person working for the campaign that convinced Trump that she poisoned the electorate in 2008 and could easily push this crowd over the top this year.

Her son just got arrested for domestic violence. They weren't letting her sniff the arena.
So my hot take on the convention so far.

It's a mess. Seriously. The one thing I was scared of when it came to Trump was that he would put on a hell of a show. He hasn't. The guest list has been ridiculous. The scheduling has been terrible. The messaging has been all over the place. They haven't kept the hall even 3/4s full. They've put keynote speakers on outside prime time, while avocado farmers have been given time.

Ratings are down or flat, which is terrible considering Trump is supposedly a media savant. They lost two days on the easiest, lowest bar speech of the convention. They've failed to articulate even a single policy other than "Hillary's a bitch" and "Hillary worships Satan!"

It's terrible. Even when I loathed Rmoney and McCain, they put on a decent enough show. I disagreed with the shit they spewed, but at least it was semi-coherent.
The convention basically shows the GOP as in denial.


The GOP themselves have done studies recognizing key issues that lost them the last election, such as losing minority votes and being perceived as insular and too entrenched in their ways. They've lost two elections, with this third one showing much of the same problems as the last, only worse due to Trump.

This needed to be a Hail Mary, this needed to be a serious and stark reinvention of the party to make it appeal to more people. A showing of a different side of trump, and a more inclusive Republican Party.

So yeah, none of that, let's triple down on the thinly veiled racism and Hillary bashing!
Not to mention just how much more openly racist and out of touch they've revealed themselves as.
Which might be fine from a strong position... But they aren't.

But the crazies are at the wheel it seems, even as they steer right into another failure.

They're in trouble, and they are partying and acting like the campaign isn't already on fire for the third time. Again, "this is fine." "We are the champions."

Everything is fine...
So when does the dumpster fire for today's official events get started?

I don't know why I punish myself so, but I guess I want the full setup before we see Hillary, Bill, Barack, Michelle, Joe, Elizabeth, Bernie and more next week, fired up and ready to go.


So when does the dumpster fire for today's official events get started?

I don't know why I punish myself so, but I guess I want the full setup before we see Hillary, Bill, Barack, Michelle, Joe, Elizabeth, Bernie and more next week, fired up and ready to go.

Around 7PM ET from I what I heard.




60 people died at the 13 Embassy attacks under GW Bush's watch. Yeah we didn't hear about any of that shit compared to Benghazi.


The thing is republicans don't work under facts or reason.

Hell I commented on the first day, when the mother of a man that died at Benghazi was crying on stage, talking about how she personally blamed Hillary for the death of her son, talking about how painful it was, dealing with the funeral, seeing flags at half mast then right after goes that she supports Trump, a man that not only has said he wants to start wars but also that those words were reaffirmed at the convention by speakers before and after her.

She knows the pain of losing a child, you would think she would be less incline to support a warmonger that is going to send the sons and daughters of other mothers off to stupid wars where many will die. It makes zero sense, and that is what the republican party thrives on. some weird nationalistic gut feeling


"GAF's biggest wanker"
The one strategy I don't understand is the constant bashing of Hillary. If you are a swing voter, is HILLARY AND OBAMA SUKS AMIRITE mantra really gonna sway you?
Based on anecdotal evidence, it seems to be working. Just today I got into a discussion with a few close family members and friends who are surprisingly on the fence about the two candidates. These are people I would regard as more liberal, they're youngish (late 30s) and generally open-minded in listening to an argument. But I think the constant background drone about about how terrible Hillary is from certain invested media sources, plus the fact that she seems to stay in the news at large in no small part because she keeps getting investigated, is enough to lull a lot of people into accepting at face value much of the negativity aimed at her.
"When you take classified information on a server that deals with where our State Department, special forces, CIA, whatever in other countries, that’s a death sentence for those people if that information gets in the hands of other countries or the terrorists,” Baldasaro said. “As far as I’m concerned, that’s information for the enemy. In the military, shot, firing squad. So I stand by what I said.”

Using that logic, Dick Cheney should be lined up and shot over the Valerie Plame affair. He willingly blew the cover of an undercover CIA agent just to gain political points. This wasn't some "what if these emails fell into the wrong hands" hypothetical, he maliciously outed a working agent, destroyed her work, and put her life in danger, all for his own personal enrichment. Not only did he receive no punishment whatsoever, no one ever even brings it up any more. Oh, but these hypocrites think Hillary is a traitor because she had a private email server. Please.


lyin Ted is gonna speak

Which could be the most passive-aggressive speech you'll ever hear
I would love for him to just go out there and lose it. "Do you seriously think I'd support this sack of shit? He called me lyin' Ted for months and implied my wife was a hag. You all have lost your fucking minds."
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