Just foretelling nuclear war and 300,000 American deaths if Hillary Clinton becomes president.No ideas or substance uttered tonight. Gingrich may have said something an actually intelligent human being would say but I took a break.
Cruz stole the news cycle! Pence has already been forgotten lmao
Image summary of tonight.
Holy shit.
Hahahahahahaha. Oh man, the range of expressions from left to right. Sensational.
Who is the New jersey guy on CNN right now? He's ANNOYING.
Holy shit.
Hahahahahahaha. Oh man, the range of expressions from left to right. Sensational.
Pence was a 6-7/10. It was a standard republican speech, that went too long but didn't embarrass anyone.
Tonight was a 3-4/10. It was going ok, then Cruz gave a speech that was waaay too long, and refused to endorse Trump to the boos of the audience. His words were "vote your conscience", lol. Then the screens went out and stayed out for the following two speeches. It was a mess.
Image summary of tonight.
Think he's involved with Trump campaign. Loved how he just went to the axe train story to deflect calling Trump out about the tweets. Just perfect.
Image summary of tonight.
No lies detected.This entire thing has been one big cluster fuck. I'm so happy right now. If Trump gets a bounce from this Americans are just stupid and I give up.
He could personally abort a child and eat it on stage live and still get 40% of the vote. That's how stupid we are.What an absolute cluster. If after watching this nonsense for the last 3 days and you are still thinking about voting for Trump.
That man is a Romulan!I have a feeling that Donald Trump Jr is the most likely to give us another Josh Romney moment.
Holy shit.
So potentially the whole CRUZ event was set up to garner sympathy for Trump?
I mean, I didn't know everybody knew the dude wasn't going to endorse Trump beforehand. I was trying to figure out why people started booing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before the dude was near the end of his speech.
Sneaky RNC. Very sneaky (if true).
What, exactly, was the Trump campaign thinking when they invited Cruz to speak without any assurances of endorsments?
That's a rhetorical question.
Trump is gonna bounce from sympathy alone.. What Cruz did was make the public see Trump as a poor victim of the deeds of a traitor.
It was fun, though.
So potentially the whole CRUZ event was set up to garner sympathy for Trump?
I mean, I didn't know everybody knew the dude wasn't going to endorse Trump beforehand. I was trying to figure out why people started booing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before the dude was near the end of his speech.
Sneaky RNC. Very sneaky (if true). Get the conservatives to view Cruz as a traitor to conservatives. A vote for Trump is a vote against Hillary AND Cruz.
Trump is gonna bounce from sympathy alone.. What Cruz did was make the public see Trump as a poor victim of the deeds of a traitor.
It was fun, though.
This is the counternarrative that Trump's camp is now pushing.
It is pretty dumb though.
Based on past evidence it's much more likely that Trump's campaign is just totally incompetent.
No. This is a huge, huge issue for Trump. Ted Cruz just went on national television on prime time at the national convention and told every Republican who was doubting whether it was a good idea to vote for Donald Trump that they shouldn't do it.
This is literally the worst case scenario for Trump's convention that doesn't involve a giant meteor.
So potentially the whole CRUZ event was set up to garner sympathy for Trump?
I mean, I didn't know everybody knew the dude wasn't going to endorse Trump beforehand. I was trying to figure out why people started booing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before the dude was near the end of his speech.
Sneaky RNC. Very sneaky (if true). Get the conservatives to view Cruz as a traitor to conservatives. A vote for Trump is a vote against Hillary AND Cruz.
So potentially the whole CRUZ event was set up to garner sympathy for Trump?
I mean, I didn't know everybody knew the dude wasn't going to endorse Trump beforehand. I was trying to figure out why people started booing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before the dude was near the end of his speech.
Sneaky RNC. Very sneaky (if true). Get the conservatives to view Cruz as a traitor to conservatives. A vote for Trump is a vote against Hillary AND Cruz.
I don't think Cruz was in on a conspiracy to make Trump seem sympathetic. There are reports that he will challenge Trump if he is the sitting president in 2020. But there were reports that he wasn't going to endorse this morning. Surely Trump knew what he was going to say, and planned accordingly. If he didn't see a potential benefit he wouldn't have allowed that to happen.
Yup.This is the counternarrative that Trump's camp is now pushing.
It is pretty dumb though.
Based on past evidence it's much more likely that Trump's campaign is just totally incompetent.
Image summary of tonight.
I'm watching the MSNBC coverage and this Chris Matthews interview with the SNL guys is lit. He keeps saying weird shit.
I'm watching the MSNBC coverage and this Chris Matthews interview with the SNL guys is lit. He keeps saying weird shit.
Lol Trump jr making that face looks like the old dude from breaking bad who was in the wheelchair.
When he took the stage in Cleveland, Ted Cruz had no way of knowing that Donald Trump had given a New York Times interview repudiating America’s right even to disapprove of authoritarianism and backing away from its commitment to defend NATO allies against a Russian invasion. (“I don’t think we have a right to lecture,” Trump said of the crackdown in Turkey. “Look at what is happening in our country,” he said. “How are we going to lecture when people are shooting policemen in cold blood?”It is not even certain that Cruz was thinking in moral terms at all. But the interview retroactively justified Cruz’s extraordinary decision to take the stage in prime time and decline to endorse his party’s nominee, even as boos rained down.
Trump’s foreign policy comments symbolize the reason a significant number of Republican intellectuals have refused to endorse him. He is ignorant and has dangerous views completely outside the normal range. He does not merely repeat bizarre conspiracy theories that some Republicans believe (Barack Obama may have faked his birth certificate) or that most Republicans believe (scientists are faking global warming). He has own own set of strange beliefs. He admires dictators and may well be heavily influenced by one. Trump’s web of ties to Putin, who has a record of attempting to manipulate foreign elections, looks even more dangerous considering his green light to Russia to annex the Baltic NATO states.
In light of the risks presented by Trump, who might break the rule of law and the democratic form of government, his party has offered a strange message. Rather than tamp down the fears of what he would do, they have inflamed them. This message came through in the warmup speakers. Former Trump business associate Phil Ruffin declared, “a tsunami is coming and his name is Donald Trump.” Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi warned, “November 8th is going to be a day of reckoning.” Mike Pence’s speech accepting the vice-presidential nomination promised, “when Donald Trump is president, the change will be huge.” He sneered at Hillary Clinton as “the secretary of the status quo.”
The status quo does not sound so bad as an alternative to the election of a madman.
Lol Trump jr making that face looks like the old dude from breaking bad who was in the wheelchair.
Man, here I was trying to be quiet and all because everybody's in bed. Then this gets posted and my dumb ass laughs like hyena.