Guy is dangerous
Wake up America
Ann Coulter everybodyThis doesn't deserve it's own thread but
Well known conservative Ann Coulter says Pence is a stupid pick
OK, I misread that headline.This doesn't deserve it's own thread but
Well known conservative Ann Coulter says Pence is a stupid pick
OK, I misread that headline.
Maybe now would be a good time to reevaluate your views. Because I bet either the Republicans don't actually stand for them, or the views are more hurtful than helpful for society in general. Because unless you're super rich, Republicans are only going to make the quality of your life worse.I just need to vent really quick, but I'm frustrated by our shitty choice of candidates. I lean more republican then I do democrat and hate to have some of my views represented by such racists/bigoted/crazy people at the RNC. fuck.....
Ann Coulter everybody
Like for instance I like the idea of cutting government spending, etc. While it isn't strictly a republican view point, it isn't brought up among Democrats as often. Yet I know that often times a Republicans idea of reducing government spending is firing government workers and cutting welfare programs. Now while I'm sure there is waste in many of our welfare programs, cutting said funding really is just another tool to descriminate. And on the other side of the aisle I would feel many Dems would even admit that there is s problem. That's just one example it is frustrating, and it angers me that this country is dividedMaybe now would be a good time to reevaluate your views. Because I bet either the Republicans don't actually stand for them, or the views are more hurtful than helpful for society in general. Because unless you're super rich, Republicans are only going to make the quality of your life worse.
Like for instance I like the idea of cutting government spending, etc. While it isn't strictly a republican view point, it isn't brought up among Democrats as often. Yet I know that often times a Republicans idea of reducing government spending is firing government workers and cutting welfare programs. Now while I'm sure there is waste in many of our welfare programs, cutting said funding really is just another tool to descriminate. And on the other side of the aisle I would feel many Dems would even admit that there is s problem. That's just one example it is frustrating, and it angers me that this country is divided
I can respect this, easily. It's not like anyone on GAF pretends that Democrats are without troubles nor could you find much of anyone that agrees with policies 100%. Well, if there are any, they're idiots. With the party system locked in for the US for the indefinite future it's mostly a "well, I guess this is best we can do" matter to us weirdos at PoliGAF. Sanders had a good following, but they've largely turned into pragmatists now in the face of Trump. A lot of international users, too, who mostly get to point and laugh. Oh how I envy them (unless they're from the UK, in which lol recently).Like for instance I like the idea of cutting government spending, etc. While it isn't strictly a republican view point, it isn't brought up among Democrats as often. Yet I know that often times a Republicans idea of reducing government spending is firing government workers and cutting welfare programs. Now while I'm sure there is waste in many of our welfare programs, cutting said funding really is just another tool to descriminate. And on the other side of the aisle I would feel many Dems would even admit that there is s problem. That's just one example it is frustrating, and it angers me that this country is divided
This guy on CNN, woooooooow
Dude is a straight up asshole.I've seen that Pastor guy on TV before, he is a real piece of work
Everyone at the CNN Grill got quiet and can't believe what they are hearing
This guy on CNN, woooooooow
What's going on?
Wow @ CNN.
That's the sort of crazy that we're dealing with in America. In the end that pastor's point boiled down to "police are killing black people because blacks are violent"
It's really infuriating that CNN continues to give these people the limelight. I know they're just chasing ratings, but it reaches a point where it's just outright irresponsible to keep validating this filth.
Wow @ CNN.
That's the sort of crazy that we're dealing with in America. In the end that pastor's point boiled down to "police are killing black people because blacks are violent"
You know something?
The Star Wars prequels are almost complete trash, but I thought this was one good scene, with even a well written line. It's almost self aware at how preposterous it is that Palpatine has managed to take over the galaxy despite being so obviously evil, but he's still hailed. "With thunderous applause"
And it's kind of shocking how it turns out that it's one of the most realistic scenes in the series.
Image summary of tonight.
I wonder if anything crazy will happen at the the RNC later today like all of the other nights. I have a feeling something will derail trump's speech or it will end up as a disaster, but after what happened in the other three nights I think republicans and the trump campaign will make sure nothing crazy happens on trump's big night that ends up hurting him.
This doesn't deserve it's own thread but
Well known conservative Ann Coulter says Pence is a stupid pick
Paul Ryan is still a more respectable Republican than Cruz will ever be.It Trump crashes and burns in Nov, Cruz just positioned as the party leader and soul. Ditto if he royally fucks up in office.
It's really that simple. He made his statement that he is no Vichy Republican.
Image summary of tonight.
this is probably old but what in the fuck:
What is the name of the woman on MSNBC right now? She is great. Immediately tosses out something to dismiss the words that the guest said last night.
Tamron Hall
The fuss over Laura Ingraham is ridiculous.
Didn't hide the porn tab. I like that honesty
Like for instance I like the idea of cutting government spending, etc. While it isn't strictly a republican view point, it isn't brought up among Democrats as often. Yet I know that often times a Republicans idea of reducing government spending is firing government workers and cutting welfare programs. Now while I'm sure there is waste in many of our welfare programs, cutting said funding really is just another tool to descriminate. And on the other side of the aisle I would feel many Dems would even admit that there is s problem. That's just one example it is frustrating, and it angers me that this country is divided