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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Oh, ItWasMeantToBe, you finally got what you wanted: Trump saying we shouldn't judge Erdogan because "look at what's happening in our own country".


I just need to vent really quick, but I'm frustrated by our shitty choice of candidates. I lean more republican then I do democrat and hate to have some of my views represented by such racists/bigoted/crazy people at the RNC. fuck.....

Ann Coulter everybody
Maybe now would be a good time to reevaluate your views. Because I bet either the Republicans don't actually stand for them, or the views are more hurtful than helpful for society in general. Because unless you're super rich, Republicans are only going to make the quality of your life worse.


Maybe now would be a good time to reevaluate your views. Because I bet either the Republicans don't actually stand for them, or the views are more hurtful than helpful for society in general. Because unless you're super rich, Republicans are only going to make the quality of your life worse.
Like for instance I like the idea of cutting government spending, etc. While it isn't strictly a republican view point, it isn't brought up among Democrats as often. Yet I know that often times a Republicans idea of reducing government spending is firing government workers and cutting welfare programs. Now while I'm sure there is waste in many of our welfare programs, cutting said funding really is just another tool to descriminate. And on the other side of the aisle I would feel many Dems would even admit that there is s problem. That's just one example it is frustrating, and it angers me that this country is divided


Like for instance I like the idea of cutting government spending, etc. While it isn't strictly a republican view point, it isn't brought up among Democrats as often. Yet I know that often times a Republicans idea of reducing government spending is firing government workers and cutting welfare programs. Now while I'm sure there is waste in many of our welfare programs, cutting said funding really is just another tool to descriminate. And on the other side of the aisle I would feel many Dems would even admit that there is s problem. That's just one example it is frustrating, and it angers me that this country is divided

*If* it helps, Obama has been spearheading a data, evidence-based approach to policy and policy evaluation, which is one of the best ways to allocate resources efficiently. It's worth reading up on:


I understand the frustration with the way resources are often allocated. IMO, the right way to go about it isn't cutting everything, nevermind the consequences. It's learning how to actually do it right and at low cost.

I wish this program had been given more time, but it's going places. The amount of university departments, business schools, and policy centers that are now doing real work to generate evidence for policy is quite huge, and it grew a ton over the past few years. I hope it pays off for the next administration.
Like for instance I like the idea of cutting government spending, etc. While it isn't strictly a republican view point, it isn't brought up among Democrats as often. Yet I know that often times a Republicans idea of reducing government spending is firing government workers and cutting welfare programs. Now while I'm sure there is waste in many of our welfare programs, cutting said funding really is just another tool to descriminate. And on the other side of the aisle I would feel many Dems would even admit that there is s problem. That's just one example it is frustrating, and it angers me that this country is divided
I can respect this, easily. It's not like anyone on GAF pretends that Democrats are without troubles nor could you find much of anyone that agrees with policies 100%. Well, if there are any, they're idiots. With the party system locked in for the US for the indefinite future it's mostly a "well, I guess this is best we can do" matter to us weirdos at PoliGAF. Sanders had a good following, but they've largely turned into pragmatists now in the face of Trump. A lot of international users, too, who mostly get to point and laugh. Oh how I envy them (unless they're from the UK, in which lol recently).
Holy fuck this CNN segment with that one preacher speaker from today.

Got seriously heated.

Did the preacher say something about Sellers, and did Sellers respond "that's pathetic" at the end there?
I've seen that Pastor guy on TV before, he is a real piece of work

Everyone at the CNN Grill got quiet and can't believe what they are hearing
I can't believe this segment is still going.

I like how only the white republican panelists have decided to interject their opinion about BLM in this lol.

Starting to get a headache just having this in the background tbh.
How is this guy a speaker at the RNC and promoting Trump yet says it's not his responsibility to know what Trump's platform is (Because there isn't one)



Wow @ CNN.

That's the sort of crazy that we're dealing with in America. In the end that pastor's point boiled down to "police are killing black people because blacks are violent"
Wow @ CNN.

That's the sort of crazy that we're dealing with in America. In the end that pastor's point boiled down to "police are killing black people because blacks are violent"

It's really infuriating that CNN continues to give these people the limelight. I know they're just chasing ratings, but it reaches a point where it's just outright irresponsible to keep validating this filth.


It's really infuriating that CNN continues to give these people the limelight. I know they're just chasing ratings, but it reaches a point where it's just outright irresponsible to keep validating this filth.

I think it's a net positive. If CNN didn't allow those types on the show, then conservatives would be stuck in the fox news echo chamber. At least this way some of those conservatives are exposed to viewpoints they might not otherwise see.

Though, it does bring down the quality of discourse when there's batshit on air.


You know something?


The Star Wars prequels are almost complete trash, but I thought this was one good scene, with even a well written line. It's almost self aware at how preposterous it is that Palpatine has managed to take over the galaxy despite being so obviously evil, but he's still hailed. "With thunderous applause"

And it's kind of shocking how it turns out that it's one of the most realistic scenes in the series.
Wow @ CNN.

That's the sort of crazy that we're dealing with in America. In the end that pastor's point boiled down to "police are killing black people because blacks are violent"

once again the white republicans on the set bring up...........Ferguson! as a silent justification for pretty much everything!


You know something?


The Star Wars prequels are almost complete trash, but I thought this was one good scene, with even a well written line. It's almost self aware at how preposterous it is that Palpatine has managed to take over the galaxy despite being so obviously evil, but he's still hailed. "With thunderous applause"

And it's kind of shocking how it turns out that it's one of the most realistic scenes in the series.

That scene definitely applies to Erdogan, anyway. But yes, people are idiots. Lots of people are idiots.


Image summary of tonight.



I wonder if anything crazy will happen at the the RNC later today like all of the other nights. I have a feeling something will derail trump's speech or it will end up as a disaster, but after what happened in the other three nights I think republicans and the trump campaign will make sure nothing crazy happens on trump's big night that ends up hurting him.


I wonder if anything crazy will happen at the the RNC later today like all of the other nights. I have a feeling something will derail trump's speech or it will end up as a disaster, but after what happened in the other three nights I think republicans and the trump campaign will make sure nothing crazy happens on trump's big night that ends up hurting him.

Trump will plagiarize Ted Kennedy and then fail to endorse himself.


It Trump crashes and burns in Nov, Cruz just positioned as the party leader and soul. Ditto if he royally fucks up in office.

It's really that simple. He made his statement that he is no Vichy Republican.
Paul Ryan is still a more respectable Republican than Cruz will ever be.

There is a special place in hell for people like Rubio and Cruz, this will always stick out from the debates for me


He said that and it pissed off Cruz and arubio so much because it indicates Goverment should help out the less fortunate and it's a "liberal" idea.

It's not a liberal idea to me, it's just common sense.


Most Republicans were watching, and it's about time that they witness their side of the bench is not totally unified. It's about time they pick up on the countless news sources that are talking about Cruz, because there's no way to spin it this time, there's empirical evidence!

It's about time to reflect what they're really getting themselves into.


What is the name of the woman on MSNBC right now? She is great. Immediately tosses out something to dismiss the words that the guest said last night.


Like for instance I like the idea of cutting government spending, etc. While it isn't strictly a republican view point, it isn't brought up among Democrats as often. Yet I know that often times a Republicans idea of reducing government spending is firing government workers and cutting welfare programs. Now while I'm sure there is waste in many of our welfare programs, cutting said funding really is just another tool to descriminate. And on the other side of the aisle I would feel many Dems would even admit that there is s problem. That's just one example it is frustrating, and it angers me that this country is divided

There is great disagreement on how to approach this problem, but both parties often talk about it. Republicans demand immediate 'Cut, Cap, and Balance' meaning cut spending, cap spending and a balanced budget amendment while Democrats take a longer-term approach and recognize that deficit spending is often necessary and beneficial. Republicans want to cut social programs while Democrats want to cut defense spending and corporate subsidies (direct and indirect). The sequester, which cut from both sides in a failed attempt to force a negotiation, was a disaster. Both sides agree that cuts need to be balanced with additional revenue. Republicans argue tax cuts increase revenue despite every attempt proving the opposite. Democrats support increasing taxes.
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