this is probably old but what in the fuck:
this is probably old but what in the fuck:
Not all Republicans are racists but all racists are Republican.this is probably old but what in the fuck:
this is probably old but what in the fuck:
Seeing these worthless pundits eagerly claim that if Trump goes up there and reads a speech written for him from a teleprompter without going on a diatribe would somehow redeem this debacle week is both angering and disappointing. These people should not be getting paid so handsomely for this kind of hollow analysis, it's disgusting.
If you're not following darth you're missing out.
If you're not following darth you're missing out.
-- a supporter of Ohio Gov. John Kasich in the Republican primaries -- was scheduled to appear on The O'Reilly Factor at 8:15 p.m. Eastern, live from Cleveland on the third night of the convention. But when O'Reilly returned from a commercial break, he informed viewers that Williams walked out in a huff and the producer tells me he was mad about some gay thing.
O'Reilly then declared that Williams, "will never be on this program again.
He's not a man of his word, he's unprofessional, he continued. This is about as low as it gets."
Williams -- who heard O'Reillys commentary on a screen showing Fox News in the convention arena -- quickly reacted on Periscope and Twitter before finding another microphone this one from Meghan McCain's iHeartRadio show, "America Now" to vent his frustration. Ms. McCain is also a Fox News contributor and frequent co-host on the opinion show, "Outnumbered".
Williams didn't hold anything back in the conversation with McCain.
"He calls me a coward? He calls me all of these names because I didnt want to speak to him? an incredulous Williams asked. "Im a COWARD? Excuse me Ive got 22 years in the military. The last time I looked, that little sissy never put on a uniform, though he talks a lot of trash about how quickly we should send other peoples children off to die."
Williams, 60, enlisted in the Marines upon graduating high school in 1974. He also served in the U.S. Navy.
When contacted by The Hill, spokesman Jonathan Franks said Williams refused to appear for his scheduled appearance after a misunderstanding over the topic to be discussed on the segment.
Williams, Franks explained, was under the impression that O'Reilly was going to discuss his speech that day to the American Unity Fund, a conservative LBGT cause whose members include Caitlyn Jenner. The segment was changed at the last moment, he contended, to a debate with Fox host Eric Bolling over a poll regarding race relations unfavorable to President Obama.
O'Reilly, however, said the topic was made clear to Williams well before going to air.
"Topic was not changed and Williams knew about it for hours ahead of time," O'Reilly told The Hill. "Just minutes before air time, he demanded the segment include his take on gay rights or something.
"When told that was not possible because the talking points set up voting demographics, the topic he agreed to, he bolted," O'Reilly continued. "My entire staff witnessed this debacle and script was written four hours before air. First time in nearly 20 years a guest has done that. Unbelievably unprofessional for a person in the industry."
Yeah, this coverage has been annoying the hell out of me.Seeing these worthless pundits eagerly claim that if Trump goes up there and reads a speech written for him from a teleprompter without going on a diatribe would somehow redeem this debacle week is both angering and disappointing. These people should not be getting paid so handsomely for this kind of hollow analysis, it's disgusting.
This dude is doing real journalism.If you're not following darth you're missing out.
Apparently there was a shit-storm between Bill O'Reilly and Montel Williams?
so what kind of spectacle are we gonna enjoy tonight? Any good speakers?
I wonder what shit will blow up in Trump's face today....
so what kind of spectacle are we gonna enjoy tonight? Any good speakers?
Not all Republicans are racists but all racists are Republican.
Seeing these worthless pundits eagerly claim that if Trump goes up there and reads a speech written for him from a teleprompter without going on a diatribe would somehow redeem this debacle week is both angering and disappointing. These people should not be getting paid so handsomely for this kind of hollow analysis, it's disgusting.
Ratings pretty much the same as past two days, which are in line with 2008-12 conventions.
What time is Trump speaking?
Back door sluts 9What vid did ya watch?
If you're not following darth you're missing out.
When she walks out to make her speech, she also does that straight-arm wave. I (now) don't think it has any Nazi/fascist association. However, I also doubt she did a Google image search and made that collage of Saluting Hillary on her own, and it originated in some -chan/reddit racist cesspool. And the fact it includes a direct Hillary-Hitler comparison picture is not a good look.The fuss over Laura Ingraham is ridiculous.
Won't someone please think of the racists?That's racist
I'm not sure how your bothered by that when people are talking about Cruz in 2020.
I mean for starters, he was beaten with ease and didn't even make it to a contested convention as initially expected. Virtually nobody likes this guy except his family...Boehner said it best after all.
Moreover, Cruz has terrible ideas particularly for women and Muslims so not sure why liberals and the lamestream media are peddling a narrative that he deserves respect. He's a total chump that's delusional if he thinks other people won't be running in 2020 to try and take the presidency away from Hillary or Trump. Cruz is disgusting and I hope he's finished in politics.
Good god, can people stop quoting that long ass tweet chain with one line responses?
"Secretary of the Slut" followed by "Make America Gape Again"What vid did ya watch?
I just wonder if Trump is going to go off script and trash Cruz? I hope he does one of his unhinged stump speeches to keep the fires burning. Teleprompter Trump is so boring and vanilla. I'm interested to see that Peter Thiel speech to see if he really follows through on the rumors. Expecting Ivanka to be poised and professional as usual.
Apparently there was a shit-storm between Bill O'Reilly and Montel Williams?
Probably already posted tho
"He calls me a coward? He calls me all of these names because I didnt want to speak to him? an incredulous Williams asked. "Im a COWARD? Excuse me Ive got 22 years in the military. The last time I looked, that little sissy never put on a uniform, though he talks a lot of trash about how quickly we should send other peoples children off to die."
What are the rumors?
Straight fire and brimstone speech without the religion is what has been rumored from two different sources.
Fire and brimstone? Is he gonna trash Cruz, minorities, or Trump?
Fire and brimstone? Is he gonna trash Cruz, minorities, or Trump?
General Republican fear-mongering, which has been the only theme of the convention. Hillary will be his primary target.