Just wait.
Because his reprehensible policies and character aren't the reasons why we hate this man.
Not a single mention of black males being murdered by cops.
Fucking disgrace.
I think that there is a vacuum there, an opportunity for some political party. Obviously, this fast moving thread isn't the place for real conversation, but I think that there's a vacuum to fill for people who honestly believe in hard work leading to the American dream, but also agree with things like equal pay for equal work and fair economic policy.
The Democratic party isn't delivering that today. Ivanka's speech seemed to bridge two issues that both parties lean to, but meet in the middle, and if the GOP shifted to that position, then it's a party that I could vote for.
But the GOP won't.
That was a fucking scary moment right there
"I am the law and order candidate"
Operator can I get Huelen on the line pleaseBernie pandering? Huelen where you at
I don't think I can take much more of this.
This is quite the pivot.
He'll come out of this positive.
A vote against Trump is a vote for ISISIsis will be dead finally
What exactly does "Law and Order" entail?
Settle down. He's addressing this right now. Give the man a chance, FFS.
According to them, the situational attribution approach literally only applies to justifying bigots votes and nothing, apparently.
The pain and suffering of the poor and downtrodden is all their own fault, they just weren't working hard enough, they are all just lazy welfare queens pumping out babies for money... but bigots voting for a disgusting racist isn't their fault, guys!
Beware inconsistent demands of rigor.
I would like to add Chicago to this list as its only reference for our murder rate and we have never had anyone step in and do something since corruption is so high in this state.When the fuck have the Republicans ever given a shit about Detroit, or Flint, or Saginaw, or Benton Harbor, or my hometown of Ypsilanti? Yeah, Republicans are right in that Democrats have failed these cities, but that's because they're the only ones who even give a modicum of a shit about these forgotten cities.
Settle down. He's addressing this right now. Give the man a chance, FFS.