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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
I will protect the LGBTQ communities from Islamic terrorists, America go do your thing I won't stop ya though is how I interpreted his speech lol
I would like to add Chicago to this list as its only reference for our murder rate and we have never had anyone step in and do something since corruption is so high in this state.

And Republicans always denounce these city and state governments, but then never give effective alternatives as to what to do, because Republicans have basically given up on most cities since they realize they'll have to spend money to keep up on infrastructure and can;t do their "cut taxes" spiel because most city slickers realize where their taxes go. And of course they won't touch on murder, because then they might have to realize that they'll have to take a tougher stance on guns.
And after you've bombed them, what are you going to leave behind in those states?

Oh shit, there I go again wondering about those pesky details.

This man is as shoveling such fantastically cartoonish levels of nonsense.


Meanwhile the democratic convention is having the moms of many of the black Americans give speeches next week. The difference is astounding.
Will the Democratic party be able to do this with out coming out of the convention looking like the anti police party though?


Oh, so you care about the LGBT+ community yet have Pence as your running mate who supports religious freedom laws and conversion therapy. Asshole.


What exactly does "Law and Order" entail?

Probably martial law everywhere. Checkpoints to get in and out of major cities. You can't walk down the block without a soldier asking where you are going. You can't protest because a tank will run you over. Journalists that question Trump will find themselves being sued into oblivion.

If Trump gets elected, I suspect he will try to suspend the two-term limit. It will look very similar to other despots and dictators (like Venezuela, North Korea and Iran) and their idea of "law and order."


For those of you quoting me in disagreement, none of you have the perspective I do of being part of one his targeted groups with his hateful rhetoric. Real human beings are being hurt from not only his words, but by his emboldened supporters as well.

It's scary.

The topic is moving fast but whoever is doing that, fuck them. Being in the same target group it's disturbing to me. Not to go into personal specifics.
I don't think Gaffers should take away from that moment. It's great to be cynical against Republicans, but that was the first honest moment where a GOP Presidential candidate actually made an appeal for other Republicans to be more welcoming to the LGBTQ community. Inspite of everything else related to Trump, that is a worthwhile step in American progress.

You can think it's insincere, but don't scoff at it just because Trump is a Republican and a fucking moron.
They are sickening human beings. We're way past any conjecture about both sides being equal. This is a historic election where battle lines are being drawn. No forgiveness can be given to traitors who help this man get elected. They are detritus who need to be removed from this country, before they can infect it with anymore of their horrendous xenophobic, misogynistic and bigoted bullshit and forever tarnish what it means to be American.

Trump has variously admitted to wanting to commit war crimes, to wanting to racially profile entire groups of people, to wanting to tear up the constitution, to wanting to destroy freedom of the press and separation of church and state. To support this man is essentially to desire an end to the American experiment once and for all.

I repeat that any Trump supporter needs to come out and be counted. To use Biblical imagery they might possibly comprehend in their pathetic small minds, Trump support is in essence the mark of the beast. There is no returning from that. If you cast yourself into that abyss, the rest of us will fight you tooth and nail until you and your ilk are eviscerated like so many tumors.

You are traitors. You are racists. You are the uneducated conspiracy believing nutcases who sit in envy at all who can comprehend the world around them and dare to actually challenge their own perspectives. You are the cancers that must be excised.
Are you advocating that we do this figuratively via the political process or are you calling for Trump voters to be executed for treason? (I don't know you very well so I can't tell right off the bat.)
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