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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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I don't think Gaffers should take away from that moment. It's great to be cynical against Republicans, but that was the first honest moment where a GOP Presidential candidate actually made an appeal for other Republicans to be more welcoming to the LGBTQ community. Inspite of everything else related to Trump, that is a worthwhile step in American progress.

You can think it's insincere, but don't scoff at it just because Trump is a Republican and a fucking moron.

Have you seen the official Republican Party Platform? It's the most anti-LGBTQ platform they've ever written. Or heck even the recent history of Mike Pence. That's why we don't believe Trump when he says this shit.
I don't think Gaffers should take away from that moment. It's great to be cynical against Republicans, but that was the first honest moment where a GOP Presidential candidate actually made an appeal for other Republicans to be more welcoming against the LGBTQ community. Inspite of everything else related to Trump, that is a worthwhile step in American progress.

You can think it's insincere, but don't scoff at it just because Trump is a Republican and a fucking moron.

I can't give him the benefit of the doubt when this is happening at the same time that the party is having it's most staunchly anti-LGBT platform in history. I'm not scared of ISIS, I'm scared of what the assholes in my own country want to see happen to me.


Because not all Republicans hate the LGBQT community? I know I don't hate them.

Can you do me a favor and shoot them an email asking them to remove their endorsement of conversion therapy from the platform? Maybe try and haggle to get them to remove their promise to overturn marriage equality as well.
Here we go, with the shitting on and demonization of refugees, using a stack of lies. What a filthy, disgusting, scumbag who promotes and normalizes hatred towards the weakest and most vulnerable. In the next sentence he ties refugees with "violence and hatred". There are no words to fully articulate how heinous this is.
Because not all Republicans hate the LGBQT community? I know I don't hate them.

Correct. The Ivanka and Thiel stuff is meant to start getting the party out of that stuff. The vocal groups dominate a conversation over people who want everyone to get married and be happy and don't understand why it's such a big deal.

Hasn't Trump himself stayed fairly out of that stuff compared to prior candidates?


Do you really think that all republicans are hateful bigots who want minority groups violently murdered? Like, why shouldn't they cheer?

Given how I've faced death threats and even further violence I don't want to discusss here, yes. I generally do. I will believe a random person on GAF if they say they are otherwise but generally speaking my experience with a Republican is that they endorse hatred, violence and oppression.
"There's no way to know who they are or where they come from!"

Donald, if you can't tell where they come from, how are you going to deny them entry on the basis of where they come from?


Are you advocating that we do this figuratively via the political process or are you calling for Trump voters to be executed for treason? (I don't know you very well so I can't tell right off the bat.)

I mean they need to be defeated at every level of power as the traitors they are (I'm against the death penalty even for, like, someone who steals nuclear secrets sooo), until they are marginalized to a degree so significant that they can no longer inform any aspect of American culture. Then, they will die off, one by one, figuratively and literally small and without any ability to affect their corrupt and cancerous ideology. Each successive generation they will get smaller and smaller as they drop like flies, as their worthless funeral processions get less and less frequent and the world slowly recovers from this age of perpetual anti-intellectual worship.

I am only glad this election is making it so easy to target who these worthless human beings are. It makes our job so much easier once Trump loses. Eviscerate their remaining grip on American society once and for all.


Do you really think that all republicans are hateful bigots who want minority groups violently murdered? Like, why shouldn't they cheer?


*thinks for a second*

No, I would never think such things, absolutely never think about such things in my life.

Now where is the fact check on this speech? It was leaked hours ago so it should be done by now. LOL at Trump mentioning anyone endorsing hate after all the shit that's happened at the RNC. A delegate was kicked out over racist statements.
Aren't most of the terrorists in first world countries radicalized people born in the same country where the incident happens? Because I'm pretty sure "no immigration from countries that have been compromised by terrorism" would realistically mean no immigration period


Yea ISIS has zero to do with Islam . How dare anyone make that connection.. lol . Even though Trumps plans with dealing with terrorism are stupid beyond belief let's not live in an imaginary world where Islam (a man made religion full of bs) isn't full of people motivated by its teachings to carry out horrible shit . I can't stand this mindset that Islam is somehow infallible and anyone violent representing Islam isn't a "true Muslim" . Cause this no true Muslim shit gets brought up in every single thread critiquing Islam .
Yeah really


Man the GOP must know how badly law and order, and this immigration shit plays with black and hispanic voters. It's like watching a white power rally right now.


Yes let's support Israel because that will get the supporting Arab nations to work!

Surely that's the approach! No one has ever tried it!

Immigrants killed people so all immigrants are killers.


How does Trump convince anyone when everything he says is the flimsiest hyperbole? I know that kind of thing is more generally accepted in politics but this guy is really beyond the pale. How can this many people be trusting him purely on ideological allegiance?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So, if Trump made that speech in post form, he would probably be banned, lol.
Except, he is the nominee of a major US political party. Let that sink in.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016


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