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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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I think Democrat's would do well listening to the other side.. Trump is laying it out.

I'm listening to someone describe problems 99% of the time and offer weak unrealistic solutions the other 1% of the time. What do the numbers say about illegal immigration under Obama? What do the numbers say about the efficacy of building a wall?


The Republican party is not the party of fiscal responsibility and has not been for years.

But you know that already.
I'm not going to tell two people from a minority group they should vote for Hillary instead, especially when they attend Republican rallies with their friends. It's their choice, I respect that because they are my friends.
Friends respect their friends decisions. Because imo friendship comes before politics.
There is no more debate. This man is a legitimate fascist, from his "Law and Order" catchphrase, to his "I alone can fix this", to his ultranationalism and advocation of militarism.


Probably martial law everywhere. Checkpoints to get in and out of major cities. You can't walk down the block without a soldier asking where you are going. You can't protest because a tank will run you over. Journalists that question Trump will find themselves being sued into oblivion.

If Trump gets elected, I suspect he will try to suspend the two-term limit. It will look very similar to other despots and dictators (like Venezuela, North Korea and Iran) and their idea of "law and order."

It's interesting to see people act shocked when anti-Trump protesters get violent while so many are repeating rhetoric like this.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Lawful lawful lawful.... lawful.

Hey say it enough times and it becomes awful awful awful.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
You do not have the endorsement of the US Customs and Border Protection.


Unconfirmed Member
Sort of? There was that looks-like-it-but-not-really Nazi salute last night... what else?

The use of Stars of David in anti-Hillary ads, random comments about Jews as greedy money counters, numerous other Nazi and white supremacist references and dog whistles throughout the campaign, etc., etc.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
the theme of the night



American friends please don't elect this man or you may actually doom modern civilization. Your country holds so much power, when we fuck it up barely anybody notices but if you fuck it up it's gonna affect everyone for a long time :(


I mean not murdered, but yeah.

I mean

At every turn they try to deny their rights.

Yeah, they are hateful bigots who don't bat an eye when minority groups are violently murded(Especially if its' done by a brown person, because then they can blame them)

Given how I've faced death threats and even further violence I don't want to discusss here, yes. I generally do. I will believe a random person on GAF if they say they are otherwise but generally speaking my experience with a Republican is that they endorse hatred, violence and oppression.
We're talking about almost half the country. Most people are decent. Sure there are some racist, hateful nutters who are politically conservative, but every ideology has its fringe members who takes things too far or uses the platform as a jumping off point for their own agendas. Don't be led into believing that the entirety of the opposing party is made up of ignorant bigots.


To those defending Drumpf's LGBTQ comments, I'll start to even have an inclining of believing him when the GOP platform is no longer it's most anti-LGBT in it's entire history.


He was talking about refugees when I typed that. I haven't gotten the impression he wants economic isolationism.

He does. But there's no reason you can't have refugees. America has in the past and it will in the future. It has a longterm positive effect on America and the world.
"I've been honored to receive the endorsement of groups who I have promised to funnel untold billions of dollars of public funding toward."

Well I'm shocked.
Maybe you should just tell them to vote based on the suffering and exclusion of gay people like themselves instead of just going for the cut-my-taxes asshole

Tells you a lot about their priorities, not to mention how idiotic it is to think Republicans are in any way good for the economy, or that being a 'fiscal conservative' doesn't also mean shitting on the poor. It's not about making the lives of all Americans better, not in the fucking slightest.

Lowered taxes is all that useless segment of the population care about, and it's about time they admit it.


The depths that America has sunken into rampant narcissism is both astonishing and terrifying to behold. As a refresher, Joseph Goebbels was a massive Narcissist, and this was the look on his face when he found out the photographer he was joking and having a laugh with 5 minutes ago was a Jew:


Trump is Goebbels but dumber. What has this country done to itself?
American friends please don't elect this man or you may actually doom modern civilization. Your country holds so much power, when we fuck it up barely anybody notices but if you fuck it up it's gonna affect everyone for a long time :(

Sadly, someone has to outdo Brexit.


We're talking about almost half the country. Most people are decent. Sure there are some racist, hateful nutters who are politically conservative, but every ideology has its fringe members who takes things too far. Don't be led into believing that the entirety of the opposing party is made up of ignorant bigots.

THe entirety of anyone voting for Trump is. They are worthless ignorant bigots who need to have any vestige of influence removed from their grip. Anyone who has watched Trump's rise and has decided it is OK to vote for this authoritarian sociopath is now standing and being counted. They will be held accountable. No quarter for these sick traitors.
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