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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Junior Member
THe entirety of anyone voting for Trump is. They are worthless ignorant bigots who need to have any vestige of influence removed from their grip. Anyone who has watched Trump's rise and has decided it is OK to vote for this authoritarian sociopath is now standing and being counted. They will be held accountable. No quarter for these sick traitors.



To those defending Drumpf's LGBTQ comments, I'll start to even have an inclining of believing him when the GOP platform is no longer it's most anti-LGBT in it's entire history.

I mean we all know Trump doesn't give a fuck about social issues either way.

Which makes his pandering this election even worse.


THe entirety of anyone voting for Trump is. They are worthless ignorant bigots who need to have any vestige of influence removed from their grip. Anyone who has watched Trump's rise and has decided it is OK to vote for this authoritarian sociopath is now standing and being counted. They will be held accountable. No quarter for these sick traitors.

So are you keeping the list or what? If my dad is 100% is onboard with trump do I turn him directly into you or is there a Facebook post I should like?





Generalize much? The old fogies bitch about LGBT but the younger generation is much more open to it. I'm a Republican Catholic who is pro gay rights and marriage. Am I a heretic?

No one ever agrees with an entire platform and I'm against a significant portion of the social stuff.

But your vote still goes to a platform that tries to pass anti-gay laws. You can say you are for gay rights, but your vote says otherwise so who gives a shit what you say you are for. It's just to make yourself feel better about voting for your own self interests.
Generalize much? The old fogies bitch about LGBT but the younger generation is much more open to it. I'm a Republican Catholic who is pro gay rights and marriage. Am I a heretic?

No one ever agrees with an entire platform and I'm against a significant portion of the social stuff.

So, are you saying the vast majority of the base wouldn't be supporting Ted "attend a kill the gays rally" Cruz if he was the nominee right now?

Why the hell are you a Republican, explain to us the appeal here, and also explain to us how they're not disasters economically, or how their polices effect the poor, or the fact they continually go after public education.


Now he's talking like an infomercial salesman. He's going to try and sell away our country for three easy payments of $19.95
We're talking about almost half the country. Most people are decent. Sure there are some racist, hateful nutters who are politically conservative, but every ideology has its fringe members who takes things too far or uses the platform as a jumping off point for their own agendas. Don't be led into believing that the entirety of the opposing party is made up of ignorant bigots.

If they're "fringe members", why are they defining the party platform?

You don't get to call someone a "fringe" when you're letting them literally set the policy for the entire group. You can't call the Pope a "fringe element" in Catholicism, for example. You can't call Obama a "fringe element" in the Democratic Party.

At some point you have to accept that this is the party. If you don't agree with it, it's time to leave.


What happened to the pivot? This was his chance to show America his kinder, saner, more electable side.

Instead this shit is like 100% toxic sludge being sprayed from a hose
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