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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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You're probably the one Republican who doesn't.

And whoever mentioned it before, yea, there's super low energy for the AA bits and the LGBTQ bits. High applause for a police state tho. And for making us "great" and "safe".

Generalize much? The old fogies bitch about LGBT but the younger generation is much more open to it. I'm a Republican Catholic who is pro gay rights and marriage. Am I a heretic?

No one ever agrees with an entire platform and I'm against a significant portion of the social stuff.
the theme of the night

Precogs at the onion nailed that one!


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'm not going to tell two people from a minority group they should vote for Hillary instead, especially when they attend Republican rallies with their friends. It's their choice, I respect that because they are my friends.
Friends respect their friends decisions. Because imo friendship comes before politics.

Let me know how they fair after they get shipped off a camp to pray the gay away.
We're talking about almost half the country. Most people are decent. Sure there are some racist, hateful nutters who are politically conservative, but every ideology has its fringe members who takes things too far or uses the platform as a jumping off point for their own agendas. Don't be led into believing that the entirety of the opposing party is made up of ignorant bigots.

"We just support bigots and team up with racists, but not every one of us is a bigot!"

These past 4 days, I've seen pure stupidity. I've seen bigots using feat tactics to rally the dull. Fiscal Conservatives, you said? What fiscal conservatives? This convention, which represents the Republican party, has been 90% fear mongering, 10% economy fear mongering.

"But not all republicans!" Yeah you just support bigots and racists and empower them. Congrats.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
To those defending Drumpf's LGBTQ comments, I'll start to even have an inclining of believing him when the GOP platform is no longer it's most anti-LGBT in it's entire history.

Oh, no doubt. I'm just saying that it was very ballsy to say that in front of this crowd specifically because of how they don't even want to consider putting it on the platform.
The use of Stars of David in anti-Hillary ads, random comments about Jews as greedy money counters, numerous other Nazi and white supremacist references and dog whistles throughout the campaign, etc., etc.

I think the Star of David thing is debatable, but I'm very interested in hearing about these comments about Jews as greedy money counters. I can't see how it would benefit Trump or anyone else in the party to work that into their speeches.


Generalize much? The old fogies bitch about LGBT but the younger generation is much more open to it. I'm a Republican Catholic who is pro gay rights and marriage. Am I a heretic?

No one ever agrees with an entire platform and I'm against a significant portion of the social stuff.

If you vote republican, you are supporting homophobia and transphobia.


He keeps looping around to the same exact fearmongering theme over and over. Even when he stopped, looked at the crowd for a moment, and said "Here's how I'm gonna fix it"... he just said "I'm the only one who can fix it!" and swung right back into listing things to be afraid of.

It's incredible. People don't even want the pretense of policy. They just want someone to list off the titles of a baby boomer's Facebook news feed, say they'll fix it, and nope the fuck out off the stage to USA chants.

They never cared about the fiscal conservative policy. Or maybe, once upon a time, some did. But they certainly don't any longer, as the GOP elite were shocked to find out but those who listened to their voters knew.

This is what remains of the Republican party.


THe entirety of anyone voting for Trump is. They are worthless ignorant bigots who need to have any vestige of influence removed from their grip. Anyone who has watched Trump's rise and has decided it is OK to vote for this authoritarian sociopath is now standing and being counted. They will be held accountable. No quarter for these sick traitors.
You do understand people have voted Republican all their life don't care about any of that right? (Half the country or less than half)What do you suggest with this quartering and being held accountable? That sounds pretty damn sick if you ask me.


I have not used cocaine
He does. But there's no reason you can't have refugees. America has in the past and it will in the future. It has a longterm positive effect on America and the world.

Totally agree. And that's what heard him say he wants. Just do it the legal way and put measures in place to help protect us from allowing some bad apples in.
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