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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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But your vote still goes to a platform that tries to pass anti-gay laws. You can say are for gay rights, but your vote says otherwise so who gives a shit what you say you are for. It's just to make yourself feel better about voting for your own self interests.

When it's not about bigotry, it's about greed and being anti-poor. That's the party


Trump is sniffing glue with his manufacturing stuff. No company will manufacture their goods in America these days, and if they do it'll be overwhelmingly machine-based.
I don't think Gaffers should take away from that moment. It's great to be cynical against Republicans, but that was the first honest moment where a GOP Presidential candidate actually made an appeal for other Republicans to be more welcoming to the LGBTQ community. Inspite of everything else related to Trump, that is a worthwhile step in American progress.

You can think it's insincere, but don't scoff at it just because Trump is a Republican and a fucking moron.

It saw it more as an appeal to end terrorism and extending the scare mongering to gay people.


I'm just surprised that we're not even hearing any crazy, fearmonging solutions to all the shit this base is afraid of. It's just... nothing. He's listing stuff they already feel and know, and offering nothing. I referred to Trump as an empty suit before this speech, and now that almost feels like an understatement.

They think that building a wall and kicking out the Muslims and the "illegal" and we totally swear only the "illegal" immigrants ARE the solutions. Which I find the scariest of all.

Mr Swine

So is Trump going to make wages almost non existent when he takes back the jobs from foreign countries? Are people really going to work for less than what Chinese people are doing now?
THe entirety of anyone voting for Trump is. They are worthless ignorant bigots who need to have any vestige of influence removed from their grip. Anyone who has watched Trump's rise and has decided it is OK to vote for this authoritarian sociopath is now standing and being counted. They will be held accountable. No quarter for these sick traitors.

Sounds harsh, but completely on point. Anyone who supports Trump is a piece of trash human being. The guy has shown is true colors and articulated his sick views ad-nauseum. A decent human being wouldn't support those views and statements, so nobody who votes for Trump is a decent human being, even if they think or pretend that they are. Deep down, they are pieces of shit.


You do understand people have voted Republican all their life don't care about any of that right? (Half the country or less than half)What do you suggest with this quartering and being held accountable? That sounds pretty damn sick if you ask me.

That's actually the mind-boggling thing. You can't just chalk Trump voters up as all being bigots and racists and whatever. There are just too many Trumpers for them to all fit into these marginal groups. This is mainstream, and whether GAF believes it or not, racism isn't ok in the mainstream. So why do these people still vote Trump? Because they can't stand to vote for Hillary.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This seems a little heavy on the gloom and doom, even for an GOP speech. Don't they usually go for something more optimistic during the RNC?
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