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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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So are you keeping the list or what? If my dad is 100% is onboard with trump do I turn him directly into you or is there a Facebook post I should like?
Right? Dude sounds like a creep. Wonder if he'll back track and edit his posts.

Jokes aside, feelings are high. And trump represents hate. I wouldn't take everything at face value.

He will be EVISCERATED in debates.

I cannot wait. I just can't wait. I smile at the thought of him doubling down after Hillary wipes the floor with him.
Man, why is he always screaming? lol that he even complained about that when Hillary did it months ago.
Also, he's having a really hard time handling his nonsense lol. What a shitshow.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
What's the run time on this so far? It has to be 45+ minutes right? He is seriously talking in circles right now.



Generalize much? The old fogies bitch about LGBT but the younger generation is much more open to it. I'm a Republican Catholic who is pro gay rights and marriage. Am I a heretic?

No one ever agrees with an entire platform and I'm against a significant portion of the social stuff.

I get it.

Our lives/rights are expendable for your other pet issues.

It'd be nice if more folks were upfront about this.


THe entirety of anyone voting for Trump is. They are worthless ignorant bigots who need to have any vestige of influence removed from their grip. Anyone who has watched Trump's rise and has decided it is OK to vote for this authoritarian sociopath is now standing and being counted. They will be held accountable. No quarter for these sick traitors.

"We just support bigots and team up with racists, but not every one of us is a bigot!"
A lot of the GOP supporters I know are single issue voters, which is why the party is in such trouble now. Maybe it's pro-life or gun control or economic conservativism they support and they disagree with Hillary's views on the issues strongly enough to vote against her. Some just flat out can't tolerate the idea of her as president. It's not like everybody who votes for the guy is doing so to stick it to non-WASPs, despite what it may sound like among more liberal discussion groups.

Ric Flair

Trump is sniffing glue with his manufacturing stuff. No company will manufacture their goods in America these days, and if they do it'll be overwhelmingly machine-based.
Truly, it's like he's ignoring all the change that's occurred over the past 20 years. Those jobs aren't ever coming back, period.


Wtf is going on. How much longer. Like it just never ends. This speech is the same speech months ago. Like how will you get independents.


You do understand people have voted Republican all their life don't care about any of that right? (Half the country or less than half)What do you suggest with this quartering and being held accountable? That sounds pretty damn sick if you ask me.

So you're suggesting it's a forgivable sin to vote in an authoritarian nutcase who has spouted nothing but xenophobic, racist, bigoted nonsense for this entire cycle because some are just voting for the home team?

I'm sorry, if these people are not self-aware enough to take responsibility for their actions, the rest of us will FORCE them to take responsibility. I already explained in my last post in this topic how we will do it. Unlike Trump, it will be done constitutionally and with time. But it will be done. Until every last one of these psychopaths have their voices removed from the process and they all die out as the last vestige of a racist past that had one more pathetic cry for attention before they were defeated.

Being a lifelong Republican is no excuse for gross negligence. Their time is coming.
If there's one issue that the GOP has to walk back after Trump loses, it's his opposition to global trade. Opposition to global trade agreements is a populist bizarro world that infects both the DNC and the GOP, but only the GOP nominated the anti-trade candidate, while the Democratic party wisely chose Clinton over Sanders.


I think he can tell he's lost the crowd; he seems to be veering off script into Trump classic hyperbole interjections more often the further into it he gets.
Can we stop making Hitler/Nazi comparisons?

The speech is already ridiculous on its own without the unnecessary hyperbole. Otherwise it just comes off like when Republicans compare Obama to Osama Bin Laden.


You do understand people have voted Republican all their life don't care about any of that right?

"I'm voting for bigotry and racism because I have always voted this way" is, if anything, more morally culpable than "I'm voting for bigotry and racism because I honestly believe in it."

Anybody who says they're voting for Trump out of party loyalty should read up on the ninth circle of hell. You're betraying your country and your party by allowing them to be destroyed.
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