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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Can we stop making Hitler/Nazi comparisons?

The speech is already ridiculous on its own without the unnecessary hyperbole. Otherwise it just comes off like when Republicans compare Obama to Osama Bin Laden.

Listen to some of those fringe european fascist/nationalist parties. Their speeches sound exactly like this.
So, are you saying the vast majority of the base wouldn't be supporting Ted "attend a kill the gays rally" Cruz if he was the nominee right now?

Why the hell are you a Republican, explain to us the appeal here, and also explain to us how they're not disasters economically, or how their polices effect the poor, or the fact they continually go after public education.

I'm just going to step out of this thread for the night because I really don't feel like typing out a response. That combined with Amirox threading to kill everyone means it's time to go.

Yes the party of fiscal conservatism is no longer what it was and a lot of them hate gay people for god knows what reason but if some of their views line up more with me than the other ill head that way. I end up more libertarian anyway. Every person decides why they vote based on a complex calculus. The vitriol for anyone not voting a way you want them to makes little sense.

FYI I'm not voting for Trump by any means.
That's actually the mind-boggling thing. You can't just chalk Trump voters up as all being bigots and racists and whatever. There are just too many Trumpers for them to all fit into these marginal groups. This is mainstream, and whether GAF believes it or not, racism isn't ok in the mainstream. So why do these people still vote Trump? Because they can't stand to vote for Hillary.

I can chalk the vast majority of them up as racists, bigots, completely uninformed, and willing to support the worst our political arena has to offer.

So yeah, there's no good excuses you can actually make here.
His speech writer must be in the wings like ugh what are you doing to my beautiful and succinct hate speech. You're drowning it in extra words.
This is crazy.

Trump really is offering the same rationale that Hitler did, the same goals that Hitler offered. He even suggested the same review of wasteful spending that Hitler executed when he got into power!

There is actually a point at which stuff actually starts resembling Hitler.

The guy admitted he'll basically be a dictator. He deserves the comparisons to other dictators, and more.

And again with this "school of choice" bullshit. It largely only helps affluent whites, and no one else.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Hahahaha, holy fuck.


Junior Member
That's actually the mind-boggling thing. You can't just chalk Trump voters up as all being bigots and racists and whatever. There are just too many Trumpers for them to all fit into these marginal groups. This is mainstream, and whether GAF believes it or not, racism isn't ok in the mainstream. So why do these people still vote Trump? Because they can't stand to vote for Hillary.

Yet Trump IS a bigot.

Supporting a bigot means that you also support their bigotry.
Can we stop making Hitler/Nazi comparisons?

The speech is already ridiculous on its own without the unnecessary hyperbole. Otherwise it just comes off like when Republicans compare Obama to Osama Bin Laden.

It's not that far from fascism to be fair.

Proposing military strength to further interests economically, proposing isolationism, proposing radical changes to the political system, proposing military action abroad, blaming minorities, building walls and segregating community, emphasising his main thrust will be law and order.


"you'll be able to choose your own doctors again"

i don't understand this meme? i still go on the bluecross website to find doctors in my network like i always have

>depleted military
>spend more than all other countries combined
how do people believe this shit


A lot of the GOP supporters I know are single issue voters, which is why the party is in such trouble now. Maybe it's pro-life or gun control or economic conservativism they support and they disagree with Hillary's views on the issues strongly enough to vote against her. Some just flat out can't tolerate the idea of her as president. It's not like everybody who votes for the guy is doing so to stick it to non-WASPs, despite what it may sound like among more liberal discussion groups.

You mean they're single issue voters and are voting for a guy who was pro abortion like a few years ago and who is against the TPP, literally the type of deal that is a cornerstone of economic conservatism?

These people will not be forgiven. They are NOT Americans. They are traitors. And they will be held accountable. The way we are going to do it is by continuing to remove them from power, slowly but surely, as the demographics continue to shift and more of these sad assholes die off. It'll be by stacking the court so that conservative ideology can be rejected for the poison it is. It'll be a knife, twisting slowly... and those of us who knew the cancer will sit there grinning at their funerals, celebrating as they fade to dust.
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