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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Can we stop making Hitler/Nazi comparisons?

The speech is already ridiculous on its own without the unnecessary hyperbole. Otherwise it just comes off like when Republicans compare Obama to Osama Bin Laden.
He's literally espousing nationalistic fascism. Not just ghosting it or dog whistling a few elements. He is, point by point, checking all the platform planks of neofascism.

It is normally a hyperbolic comparison but in this case it is actually entirely true.


That's actually the mind-boggling thing. You can't just chalk Trump voters up as all being bigots and racists and whatever. There are just too many Trumpers for them to all fit into these marginal groups. This is mainstream, and whether GAF believes it or not, racism isn't ok in the mainstream. So why do these people still vote Trump? Because they can't stand to vote for Hillary.

I'm sorry if this shatters your world view, but racism has been mainstream for a long ass time now. That has been the republican strategy since Nixon. Rile everyone up against the other, and cash in on the votes.

Edit: The only difference now is that Trump isn't even using dog whistles anymore. He's just flat out being racist.
There you go

If Hillary was not the other choice, it would be a steam rolling by the Democratic side. Too many people hate Hillary, that hate crosses party lines, like there are Democrats that hate Hillary. It's a problem that's rarely discussed here.

Because the rest of Trump is so bad. Like really, really bad.

Given say, a broken arm or chopping off your legs, which do you go for? I don't want my arm broken, but it's better than the latter. What's happening is people are giving you the sideeye for wanting to lose the legs.


"Rebuild our depleted army", what!?

Are they not spending more on the army than the next 10 countries combined?

What is this shit?
Wait...so they should have built a wall when all those Irish and Italians and Germans were streaming into New York in the early 1900s? I mean, there was a ton of gang related killing going on then.

Yeah...that's it... Irish, Italian and German thugs were bad for this country. Yeah, that's it.
I'm just going to step out of this thread for the night because I really don't feel like typing out a response. That combined with Amirox threading to kill everyone means it's time to go.

Yes the party of fiscal conservatism is no longer what it was and a lot of them hate gay people for god knows what reason but if some of their views line up more with me than the other ill head that way. I end up more libertarian anyway. Every person decides why they vote based on a complex calculus. The vitriol for anyone not voting a way you want them to makes little sense.

FYI I'm not voting for Trump by any means.

Oh, it makes plenty of sense to expel vitriol for a party of hate, greed, fear-mongering, war-mongering, economic disasters, anti-education, and the rest of their policies that throw minorities and the poor under the bus.

It's not complex, you just want to excuse to make it sound like it is.


"I am THE ONLY ONE who can fix this" "We need to kick THEM out of OUR country" "We will BUILD A WALL"

I'd make a joke about political correctness and Republicans, except calling Trump a facist is actually being correct about politics.
This speech is exhausting, fuck.

He still keeps going. Just make it short and just say you're gonna do everything for me Trump, it'll be great. Superb.


I really wish Republicans would stop arguing that they care about veterans when they constantly pass laws that make life hard for veterans. Especially for homeless veterans.


BULLSHIT. Every, EVERY politician says they will be the ones to take care of VA's to pander. None of them ever do, even McCain votes down VA bills.



I remember reading people completely discounting Trump this election.
Really hope there's a significant difference in turnout, unbelievable that this much garbage even stands a chance.
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