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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Yep, 8 years of Obama and the dems didn't have shit to offer besides Hillary or Bernie. Pathetic.

Plenty of fantastic dem politicians out there, and besides that, Hillary and Bernie are miles better than goddamn Trump. It's on people that think otherwise to actually offer anything of substance as to why that's not the case.
I got an HMO with Obamacare and I guess no one in my area takes it. Fortunately I have no copay for checkups and All I have to pay for is my medication. No copay for checkups at least but it would suck if I had an emergency and had to drive all that way for primary care. Fortunately no emergencies on my end yet...

So you were given numerous options, picked one that had certain perks but push you to travel. Maybe you should pick a different plan and not act like it was Obamacare that forced you into this position.
Blatantly talking about undoing one of the founding principals of our country with seperation of church and state just seconds after talking about justices who won't interpret a living breathing constitution

Apart from everything.... I love that this happened to Sir Charles on TV.
Fun fact: Comedy Central reran the "Where My Country Gone?" episode of South Park while they waited for this to wrap up and go to tonight's live broadcast of The Daily Show. They're running it a second time now while this circus peanut is still going.

This is too perfect.


Then it sounds like the problem is those people for being so ignorant and blind about what they're pushing. Simple as that. "Single-issue voters" Is another way to say that they're ignorant, tiny people, who can't see the bigger picture.

You mean they're single issue voters and are voting for a guy who was pro abortion like a few years ago and who is against the TPP, literally the type of deal that is a cornerstone of economic conservatism?

These people will not be forgiven. They are NOT Americans. They are traitors. And they will be held accountable. The way we are going to do it is by continuing to remove them from power, slowly but surely, as the demographics continue to shift and more of these sad assholes die off. It'll be by stacking the court so that conservative ideology can be rejected for the poison it is. It'll be a knife, twisting slowly... and those of us who knew the cancer will sit there grinning at their funerals, celebrating as they fade to dust.
I'm only arguing this point because I have friends and family who plan on voting for Trump who don't have a hateful bone in their bodies. They just don't like Hillary and feel she is dishonest or otherwise unfit for presidency. I personally dislike both candidates, so t makes me feel like I can find common ground with both sides here.

Look, all I'm saying is that you should know your enemy. While it may be more comforting to believe that the caricatures of GOP supporters you see here are representative of all of them to make you feel more secure in the righteousness of your beliefs, it is not necessarily the case.


"We need to make it so religious leaders can preach about their political views from the pulpit without losing their tax exempt status.*"

*Offer only valid to Christians
It's not that far from fascism to be fair.

Proposing military strength to further interests economically, proposing isolationism, proposing radical changes to the political system, proposing military action abroad, blaming minorities, building walls and segregating community, emphasising his main thrust will be law and order.

I agree. And I think it's fair to say Trump sounds like a neo-fascist.

I just think when we directly compare Trump to Hitler/Nazis, people tune out and don't really listen to the validity of the argument because Hitler comparisons are so common and overused. I think it's better to be more nuanced and verbose on the particular comparison rather than "Dood, it's hitler.gif lolol"

EDIT: This speech is still going on??? What's our current running time?


Reading comprehension is fundamental. Go ahead, search my name and read the posts in full. See where I advocated for killing everyone. I'm against the death penalty and have suggested killing no one.

Please, learn to read and at least be better than the disgusting icon of new conservatism that Trump has become. You claim you're not voting Trump, good. You're not a traitor. Take that ball and go home, because at least you will not be among those held accountable.
Everytime you say that it sounds like you're making threats. You explained what it meant in regards to politicians but what do you mean by this when talking about regular citizens, because it sounds like a threat bro. Maybe you don't mean it that way and you just need to use different words?


I'm only arguing this point because I have friends and family who plan on voting for Drumpf who don't have a hateful bone in their bodies. They just don't like Hillary and feel she is dishonest or otherwise unfit for presidency. I personally dislike both candidates, so t makes me feel like I can find common ground with both sides here.

Look, all I'm saying is that you should know your enemy. While it may be more comforting to believe that the caricatures of GOP supporters you see here are representative of all of them to make you feel more secure in the righteousness of your beliefs, it is not necessarily the case.

if you vote republican, you are supporting homophobia and transphobic and that's no different from actually being homophobic and transphobic and voting republican because you support their anti-queer values.


Generalize much? The old fogies bitch about LGBT but the younger generation is much more open to it. I'm a Republican Catholic who is pro gay rights and marriage. Am I a heretic?

No one ever agrees with an entire platform and I'm against a significant portion of the social stuff.

The issue here is, you're either supporting people you say you care about or you're actively working against them. The Republican party isn't going to change. They've doubled down hardcore if Drumpf's candidacy and the platform is to be believed.

We're talking about almost half the country. Most people are decent. Sure there are some racist, hateful nutters who are politically conservative, but every ideology has its fringe members who takes things too far or uses the platform as a jumping off point for their own agendas. Don't be led into believing that the entirety of the opposing party is made up of ignorant bigots.

It's telling when the hate-mongering is such a prevalent issue within the right-wing. No other political party in the USA deals with such absurd amounts of hate. Not that the left-wing isn't without it's problems. We have many who pretend to give shit about minorities but try to silence our voices and tell us to get in line when we try to speak about what matters to us. That much is true. But Democrats as a whole aren't anymore near the same or even somewhat similar on the level of hate that Republicans express. It may be much to say the entirety is filled with ignorant bigots. But supporting a platform that is founded entirely on ignorant bigotry does tend to get one labelled an ignorant bigot.

I better tell the the two fiscal Conservative gay men at my job they are not allowed to vote Republican this year.

Republicans are hardly fiscally conservative. They waste millions of taxpayers dollars on ridiculous childish tirades. Not to mention how much they combat programs that help millions of people. Voting for a party that hates you and isn't even "fiscally conservative" is frankly speaking voting against your own self-interest in every sense of the word.

"Thanks for the anti-LBGT platform, evangelials!"

That was my immediate thought, yes.


First tragedy, then farce.
Trump, stop going off script.

This is already taking too long.

Unless you wanna drop an N bomb or something and make this gud
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