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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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"We can't get any of these rock bands to approve songs for the convention."

"The Stones just said we can use 'you can't always get what you want'."



After Ivankas speech I expected Trump to try for something new but he somehow managed to alienate Blacks and other POC, LGBTQ, and Women again and again. Phew, maybe he will get Ivanka for the debates.


Would you accept a new Republican party if the current day party burned away? Or do you only want liberals in office. I think having only one party is pretty dangerous, you need balance. You want a new Republican party that is not racist? Fine I'm cool with that, but if you want it 100% blue for the rest of time? I can't agree with that.

Of course, economic conservatism is not inherently racist or xenophobic. Neither is many things Republicans used to advocate for. There used to be a strong brand of intellectual conservatism that was far more practical, that understood compromise and represented aspects of America that are worth keeping. That would not be anti-science, that would interpret American exceptionalism by increasing funding for research and infrastructure and the type of things that are not always one dimensional "MILITARY+100" ideas.

From the ashes of this dying Republican generation I absolutely want to see a better second party emerge. But at this point the only way to do it is to send them into exile - that is, spend decades without power because the country has shifted away from their ideals. Realizing soul searching and fundamental change is the only way to return to relevancy. Then maybe we can get back to this country working again.


First tragedy, then farce.
Guys, donate what you can to hilldawg tonight if you want to make a real difference.

Let's give her a giant chunk of change tonight and build towards stopping this hate monger.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think they paid any money for the songs. Wasn't this considered a radio transmission or something, so they don't have to ask for permission to use songs? Or something.
So, vote for lowlight? The "we don't want them" wins for me. It's extra awesome/awful because it wasn't scripted. Leave it to Trump to create his own lowlight headline on the fly.

Highlight? Nailed The Wall™! And, uh. Uh... well he screamed a lot, so I assume he was super duper serious about it all! Trade kept the crowd enthusiastic, I guess.
I look forward to everyone here criticizing literally everything at the DNC...oh wait a minute

I'm a proud supporter of Barack Obama. I'm VERY happy with how the past 8 years of my life have gone and I wouldn't mind 8 more years of the same thing.

I honestly believe the problems in the Middle East right now are a direct result of 16 years of Washington, if not going all the way back to father Bush. Not just the past 8 and Hillary's tenure.

So...no, I won't criticize pretty much any of the DNC.

Hell, Trumps own daughter who spoke tonight would probably prefer to be on Hillary's ticket.
"You can't always get what you want."

And with that, the Republican National Convention draws to a close.


So on point.

"We'll make America Great Again", but You Can't Always Get What you Want.
We went down to the demonstration
To get your fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a fifty-amp fuse"

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need


Trump trolling hard.


Guys, donate what you can to hilldawg tonight if you want to make a real difference.

Let's give her a giant chunk of change tonight and build towards stopping this hate monger.

Won't give her money, but she has my vote. I was pretty anti Hillary during the primaries but after the RNC, I will vote for her a x1000 if I could.


Of course, economic conservatism is not inherently racist or xenophobic. Neither is many things Republicans used to advocate for. There used to be a strong brand of intellectual conservatism that was far more practical, that understood compromise and represented aspects of America that are worth keeping. That would not be anti-science, that would interpret American exceptionalism by increasing funding for research and infrastructure and the type of things that are not always one dimensional "MILITARY+100" ideas.

From the ashes of this dying Republican generation I absolutely want to see a better second party emerge. But at this point the only way to do it is to send them into exile - that is, spend decades without power because the country has shifted away from their ideals. Realizing soul searching and fundamental change is the only way to return to relevancy. Then maybe we can get back to this country working again.
Ok fine I can agree with that then, thank you for taking the time to explain.


I'm going to donate a *big* pile of money to Hillary tonight. Trump and the RNC have declared war on everyone, foreign and domestic, who isn't a straight white male.

Trump. Must. Not. Win.


Trump's fucking speech ran so long that the local CBS station is airing their shitty local news broadcast instead of the live Colbert show

Fuck that dude and the RNC and also my local CBS affiliate.


You know, the only reason we didn't hear about any of Drumpf's specific policies tonight is that his plans are complex. Everything has lead to this moment. /s
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