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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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What's with the constant bigging up of the Cavs?


NBA Champions brah. Cleveland is known for having shitty sports teams, but we love them anyway. It only took 50 years, but we finally won one. Over a million people showed up to watch the parade when the team got back to Beleveland.


I really hope most of the delegates revolt. Do the right thing. Some Republicans are sane, I know its a tiny number, but come on.
"You can't drink or bathe in the water still, but hey, justice is coming, at some point"

If justice was coming he'd turn himself in.

Edit - Watching the convention so far it really is remarkable just how much lack of diversity the Republican party has. This party is dead in the next 10 years.


"Republicans hold a record 69 legislatures"

Couldn't possibly be from gerrymandering and voter suppression right?
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