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The Rock vs. Vin Diesel, Who would win?

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Who would win Rock or Vin Diesel, the battle to replace arnold for the biggest action star has begun!!! no you get to pick who the strongest.



DJ Sl4m

Hmm, personally I think the Rock is a much more likeable charachter, but needs to expand his acting a LOT, but so does Vin Diesel.

At least the Rock's charachters stray a tiny bit in personality, the only thing I've seen of Vin Diesel so far is the uber macho act, which is getting old quickly.

But then again, look how far Stallone got in his carrer on the same abilities, but with slurring intact. hehe


DJ Sl4m said:
But then again, look how far Stallone got in his carrer on the same abilities, but with slurring intact. hehe

Come on you can't diss on Stalone.

He both wrote and acted Rocky. Great movie. (especially if you ignore the later one's)

DJ Sl4m

Yea, I love the Rocky series. (till it got a bit too over the top)

I like Staloone, but his abilities aren't that great or flexable.

hmmm, Staloone, such a shame I'm too lazy to go back and edit the typo.


I agree with you on every other movie he has done...except Rocky.

I'm sorry, but he did quite well on that part. Maybe cause he wrote it himself, so it's easier to act it out then? who knows. Either way, from the viewer's stand point, he created a very believable character you cared about.

So in summary, Stallone as Rocky > Vin Diesel, The Rock and you!


Chili Con Carnage!
Well Riddick would kick the ass of any character the Rock has ever played, even if you include the CG scorpion king.

Actually riddick is a much better character than any the rock has ever played too.

Rock = Action Hero
Vin = Action Anti-hero

Vin is the perfect badass, Rock is just a new Arnie minus the original accent.


Rock 6'5" 260lbs Probably a stat in his prime He's probably 240ish now. Wrestling experience (don't laugh)

Vin Diesel 6'2" 180lbs according to most websites. I'd say he could be as high as 200lbs. Used to bounce.

The edge goes to Rocky I say.


Banstick Emeritus
Well, Vin's yet to prove himself in anything beyond Riddick - cool as that character is. While the Rock is:

- the People's Champion
- the man who carried The Rundown to greatness
- pretty bad-ass in the made-for-TV drama Walking Tall
- willing to expand his repetoire (and possibly alienate a good portion of his wrestling fanbase) by playing a gay bodyguard in the Get Shorty sequel

So I suggest you candy-ass jabronis smell what the Rock is cooking.


asking dangerous questions
The Rock is a cool guy - he's got a friendly side that people just love...



See... here is the deal...

On wrestling shows the rock looks small because he is next to bigger guys. I've seen Vin on talk shows and he didn't look big. I've seen the Rock (Stone Cold too) on TV talk shows and he looks HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. The Rock would slaughter Vin... no contest...


Rock would lay the smackdown on his candy ass.

Who saw Rock getting punked? He was just about to kick that guys ass


You now belong to FMT.
Vin gotta be bigger than 180..... I want a movie with Rock and VIn, one bad and one good and they have 3 movies, one movie , one guy wins, the next movie will be the revenge for the loser from the first and the third will be the one that settles it all


I'd go with the Rock, if for no reason other than never wanting to see him on WWE television ever again. Go be a success!


Empire Online in the United Kingdom is reporting that The Rock may be starring in an upcoming movie adaptation of the popular videogame "Doom."

In a quote from Rock himself with the aforementioned website, "Spy-Hunter's great. John Woo's on board to direct. The script should come in about two weeks. I'm very, very excited about that. It's supposed to be shot in Prague and Amsterdam, but... You know how movie-making is. If we have to push it because of the weather and the Christmas vacation, then I'll probably take another movie with Universal called Doom... It's based on the game. Where, without giving the movie away, I play the ultimate (censored). Yeah, it'll be great. But you don't know I'm (censored). Without giving the movie away"


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
The Rock has 10 times the charisma. Just a better actor too. He keeps getting better where Vin seems to have peaked.


The Rock is silly. Sure, I've only seen one movie with him (Scorpion King), and that wasn't to flattering... no talent what so ever.

Riddick 4 life! :p
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