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The Secret World |OT| Everything is True


Junior Member
I kinda want to try this even though AoC was a train wreck to be a part of. It seems like such a neat concept.

How's performance? Is it the same engine AoC ran on?

I'd say this is close to one of the smoother MMO launches there have been. It's completely different to AoC.

They run on the same engine now. They started developing it for AoC, and have continued developing it ever since. Now Anarchy Online, AoC and TSW will be running it soon.
Isnt this the mmo with no leveling/gear or am I thinking of something else? Not sure if I want to jump in because im not sure how the game actually handles these things. Anyone wanna clarify?


Junior Member
Isnt this the mmo with no leveling/gear or am I thinking of something else? Not sure if I want to jump in because im not sure how the game actually handles these things. Anyone wanna clarify?

No levels. No classes. Just different abilities, and a freedom to choose any ability whenever. You gain AP points and SP points that you use to unlock more skills. It works very great. It means you can easily play with different setups, and different starter-weapons. You can even change your entire loadout whenever, except when you're fighting. That means for one battle you can be a healer, and the next you can focus on AoE, and the next you can be a tank


Performance wise this is the refined Age of Conan engine (not that AOC was bad at launch but good engine improvements took place in the first year) running more balanced assets (AoC varied greatly from insane assets all the way down to mediocre).


No levels. No classes. Just different abilities, and a freedom to choose any ability whenever. You gain AP points and SP points that you use to unlock more skills. It works very great. It means you can easily play with different setups, and different starter-weapons. You can even change your entire loadout whenever, except when you're fighting. That means for one battle you can be a healer, and the next you can focus on AoE, and the next you can be a tank

To add to this, there IS gear, but it's tied to your overall skill with the weapon you're using, and you have skills for your 'armor' too (talismans, not visual). So you do gain in power, but it's a relatively short climb for an MMO, and then once you've gotten as deep as you can with one setup you're going for breadth at that point (IE: you can handle everything in the game if you rely purely on swords, but you can be stronger by mixing in say, one passive from 3 other trees as well, and you need to raise all of those seperately from your blades. In the process you'll be unlocking the ability to use builds primarily focused on THOSE weapons as well). But agian, there IS gear, with stats, you won't use the same items for healing as tanking as dpsing, and even then there's stuff like crit, penetration, etc. But you have a ton of inventory space, customizeable bags, and like 20 gearsets you can set up to swap between, so it's not really a hassle to keep track of.


So what is the faction break down looking like on everyone's server? Looks like Templar is the most popular on cerberus with dragon coming in last.

Thinking of rerolling to another faction since I like playing the underdog.
Yea getting to tier 3 of Something Wicked last night was incredibly rewarding because I felt like I paid attention to get there. Can't wait for a completely fresh investigation mission (started something wicked in beta).

Am I crazy for considering just buying the lifetime subscription pack? Funcom typically does the hybrid payment route if at all so I don't think I'd feel burned if they do it in a year. The cost is equivalent to about a year maybe more, and I'd never have to worry about starting up a pay period again etc... Hmmm

Fucking love this game and wish I wasn't at work. Glad I skipped the last beta weekend cause it freshened up the game a bit. I also added a few of you to my friends list.


Oh right, can friend people x server duh. My toon's name is Area (couldn't think of shit. I named it after the street fighter ex character >.> ...)

Only problem with something wicked is that it breaks in any instance when a few people try to do it and fail the last step :( But I felt great for figuring it out even if I can't complete it yet. The voices are so creepy and cool.


I'm actually surprised the Illuminati isn't the top played faction. I chose Illuminati because I like their moto, also they don't give one single fuck.

I figured all there would be a lot more dragon appeal than there is. I guess a more mature userbase on average is going to lead to less of the kind of demographic that would dig em? Templars may be 'religious' but they're also militaristic and DEFINITELY have the most style. I'm only Illuminati because a friend wanted to be and I didn't care, in terms of look templars win hands down and I'd be one otherwise. Couldn't be happier with this choice though, the fact that the illuminati leader literally communicates almost entirely in memes is awesome.

Thanks, patching now :)

How does the game compare now to the beta ?

Good! Not a ton of changes per se, but there are a LOT of investigations that were disabled for testing. They tend to be broken, sadly (almost always in the same way, multiple people fucking up the quest at once leads to it breaking in that instance), but you can usually almost finish them which gives most of the satisfaction, and they do work if you get em to yourself generally.


It's weird since Dragon was almost all the time on top together wuth the Lumies (sorry..) and Templars were really unpopular during the lead up. I guess the two templar beta weekends helped there a bit.

I am quite sad that some of the investigation missions are broken now. That specific proplem never happened during beta because the player count was much lower.

I will be online in a few hours for a bit.
ah man, I wish I hadn't been so timid about buying this game. Watching on streams, it looks like a lot of fun. also playing an mmo at launch is this special kind of chaos that I always enjoy. Gonna jump in sometime next month.
It's weird since Dragon was almost all the time on top together wuth the Lumies (sorry..) and Templars were really unpopular during the lead up. I guess the two templar beta weekends helped there a bit.

I am quite sad that some of the investigation missions are broken now. That specific proplem never happened during beta because the player count was much lower.

I will be online in a few hours for a bit.

Now I'm questioning going Templar... Maybe I will check out Dragon...

I just don't want to go back through the early parts of Kingsmouth again Haha... It would be like my fourth time. Looking into it more Templar is the ideology I "agree" with the least.


Do do all the factions go through the same areas only at the start or all the areas? Do you have stay away from other faction based NPCs? Will they kill you on site or just not talk to you?


So I switched my new Illuminati guy from assault rifle/elemental to assault rifle/blade and some of the elemental passives still work. Like the 7th hit is always a crit one to be precise.

Mind blown. :O


Do do all the factions go through the same areas only at the start or all the areas? Do you have stay away from other faction based NPCs? Will they kill you on site or just not talk to you?

I think all the factions start in the same area. I hope it changes later on, where all three factions are in different areas.


So I switched my new Illuminati guy from assault rifle/elemental to assault rifle/blade and some of the elemental passives still work. Like the 7th hit is always a crit one to be precise.

Mind blown. :O

Yup, unless it specifically states that it requires a certain weapon abilities can be mixed and matched from anywhere on the wheel, by design.


I think all the factions start in the same area. I hope it changes later on, where all three factions are in different areas.

No, all areas are the same for the 3 factions, why would you want zones lock out for two factions? ;) there are differences in some "ranking" missions but I have not encountered them yet.


Some missions are a bit different, ALL debriefings are different (and can tell a lot about your faction contacts, read em), and parts of the story missions are different.


Neo Member
I ran into an interesting bug that seems to be plaguing several other folks as well. I disabled General, LFG, and Help chat channels because I wanted to play in peace for a while...and then I crashed because I attempted to load Google Docs from their in-game browser (guess I'll just alt-tab out to notepad to take notes. Ha.)

Anyway, soon as I go back in, the chat channels I disabled suddenly don't exist anymore. So it's not possible for me to resubscribe to General, LFG and Help. Granted, I'd rather leave them off most of the time, but eventually I'm gonna have to do Polaris hah.

Hopefully that gets remedied soon.


If you relog again they come back, it happens even if you're in them sometimes. I've heard it can take a few tries. still annoying.
been enjoying the game quite a bit. Feel like i need a cabal or at least a consistent group of people to run through these sabatoge/investigation missions as i always get stumped on them/get the most enjoyment. my main is a templar with the same handle as my username (phoenixazure). I'm on cerberus if that makes any difference


Neo Member
If you relog again they come back, it happens even if you're in them sometimes. I've heard it can take a few tries. still annoying.

Yeah, I've relogged 5-6 times over the course of the day and they still don't exist. I tried repairing the client from the launcher, and I'm just about finished patching to see if it did anything.


I haven't had this much fun in an MMO in quite awhile. The quests are fun and some are downright genius. This is a game that wants you to use your brain. More than once I had to scratch my head and ponder in order to get past a quest. Some quests are truly puzzles with nothing but multi-step clues, no map markers.

The character abilities could use some love. None are really fun thus far. I've dedicated myself to the Assault Rifle line. I hear you can actually unlock every ability on one character so that's cool.

The first area may seem like standard old zombie tripe. Stick it out the story really evolves into something that I think most will find interesting.

Yes you are stuck with some standard MMO trappings but so much breaks away from that foundation that I find myself in a state of near constant wonder. I hope the game continues to please.
I'm so close to signing up for a lifetime, how dumb am I people?

I need to play this, but I'm stuck right now, I'm stuck in the menial slop of life.
Great, great game. Atmosphere is so thick, the story interesting and the quests actually don't suck dick! The investigation quests are really fun and make you feel smart.

About lore though; Are all the pieces in the lore of for example "The Buzzing" in chronical order (do I need all the pieces to understand the lore?) or can I read each piece I find as a stand alone text?
Really dumb. Never sign up for lifetime accounts on any game.

Hmm, yes, but it's Funcom. There's a slim chance it will go full F2P, and the cost is equivalent to 13 months of payment, after that there's no charge. It's just paying up front.

For something like SWTOR I could see, or STO, but considering Funcom's hybrid thing I feel it's not as dumb, it's just basically paying for 1 year upfront and then getting bonus years after that.


Neo Member
Great, great game. Atmosphere is so thick, the story interesting and the quests actually don't suck dick! The investigation quests are really fun and make you feel smart.

About lore though; Are all the pieces in the lore of for example "The Buzzing" in chronical order (do I need all the pieces to understand the lore?) or can I read each piece I find as a stand alone text?

I'm pretty sure the lore entries are meant to be one through-written piece, and you're unlocking the various pieces in whatever order you find them. Once you've completed the lore section, the whole thing reads start to finish.
Anybody willing to run me through Inferno? I need some of the gear there and im beyond Polaris (hovering around tier 4) and need that extra oomph.
Man, I cannot find where to buy a weapon or the kits to make weapons of a QL for the mats I have.

edit: Nevermind, found them, at least the weapons. Any hints on getting better QL mats and the kits needed to make those in Kingsmouth? I'm still rolling two QL0 weapons.


Man, I cannot find where to buy a weapon or the kits to make weapons of a QL for the mats I have.

edit: Nevermind, found them, at least the weapons. Any hints on getting better QL mats and the kits needed to make those in Kingsmouth? I'm still rolling two QL0 weapons.

When you break an item for mats it gives you essentially useless stuff, metal in this case. However, stack 5 of those basic items in the crafting area with no toolbox and it'll make one of the next tier up. That should be good enough to get you mats usable by the QL1 kit. For higher, repeat the process (5 lower combine to 1 higher).


Neo Member
Wow, I seem to be master of the detrimental bug finding today. I had just purchased a 40-token blue weapon from the vendor, attempted to combine it with a blue glyph I got as a quest reward. The Assembly interface seemed broken, so I dragged both items back to my inventory and logged out.

Upon logging back in, both items were completely missing from my inventory, and the tokens were still spent.

I submitted a petition, so hopefully something can be done about it.


This thread has a disturbing lack of posts. Still,I bought it. A buddy who played in the beta did the lifetime subscription thing, for whatever that's worth.

I should be in game this time next Tuesday given how slow the patcher is.
Hardly middle of Sunday for the states... :p

I can't help but get addicted to the investigation missions. Currently in Egypt with one queued. Solved it in the first few min of maintenance.


Really dumb. Never sign up for lifetime accounts on any game.

Was worth a few times for me before :) And will with this game I think.

Really liking the game... but 4 hours of maintenance in the middle on sunday? Come on.

I guess it's tough to find a pleasing time to update since it's all one server for all regions.
I hope this fixes some of the bugged quests I want to finish.

edit: egypt? Man you guys are fast :) Or maybe I should wonder off too and do some exploring.
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