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The Secret World |OT| Everything is True


I'm surprised they haven't locked the missions in Kingsmouth that are having issues. The system they have setup should allow for that pretty easily I think. You'll be able to see it but you simply won't be able to get it. Now that I think about it have other games been able to lock quest like this or would they simply remove the npc?

I played for a few hours yesterday and the last missions I did were Horror Show (music made me want a soundtrack of the game's music) and The Raven. Didn't come across this in the beta or it simply wasn't there but did not expect that. I knew some missions would require more action on your part instead of just combat but didn't expect the what went on during this. Same for The Raven. Both missions were pretty involved and I loved that about the game.

So far using a sword and pistol combination with more of a focus on the sword. I have a chaos weapon but still holding off trying to build that up. I wonder if that might help better though since I'm pretty much a tank at the moment I think. Though thankfully there is no negative to using range weapons when in melee range.

I also appreciate that you have to actually learn the game. The lack of tutorials is still an issue for some very basic things (like what the symbols next to a creature mean, how the conning system is suppose to work (what's used to by it to determine if something is easy or not)) but things really clicked with me, and it was the same in the beta to a degree but less so at the time do to the weapon I was using and I was having issues with the game, when I had to go to the firehouse. Just straight up attacking enemies there won't work since they are stronger then ones you've faced until now. However they are doable when you combine all your weapon abilities from the two weapons you should now have. This makes combat more involved as well. This is also where I think you'll start to dodge and should start paying attention to the status effects your attacks do and what to follow up certain other attacks with. I think for about about 20 minutes I just went into the menus and just read descriptions and things made more sense that way. Well mostly. I still have some questions and the help system is not detailed enough to answer the questions I had.

Also don't ignore the Skills menu. I think it can be easy to focus on the ability menu that you forget about the other one. In fact how well you survive greatly depends on that menu since that is where you get upgrades to health, physical protection, the extra damage weapons and magic will do, etc.

I find I'm not in any rush either. The lack of needing to level plays into that if only on a mental level. As well as only being able to take on main mission at a time and only three side missions which aren't that involved. Doubt I'll be on every day though.

However outside of dungeons and PvP the game can largely be played solo it seems. Normally this would bother me as it did in Star Wars: The Old Republic. However the world and how it's designed (the wide open areas and not corridors), the structure of the missions, the story so far makes it easier to overlook.

Equipment. Anyone starting out should be aware of something. Don't spend to much time looking for vendors to buy new equipment (not counting outfits). You can buy starter weapons/items for about 100 (forget what the basic money is called). Other upgrades will be gotten as rewards for missions, crafted (one of the things that needs to be better explained), or purchased from currency I assume you get from PvP (can't even get a window showing what it's called when I look at what quartermasters are selling). Though I guess the quality level of gear is a way to determining what "level range" you are currently end but don't think one should use that to much.

I'll be buying this for sure, just a matter of when though. I just hope more options to better organize the chat channels becomes avaialbe. The option to recolor them is really needed as everything blends together. That or I'll end up having a lot of tabs.


Hmm, the two buggy investigation missions in Kingsmouth are curiously absent from that changelog.

Yeah, and it's annoying that the buggy missions are the ones that you can't really tell if it's bugged or if you're doing it wrong. I'm using the in-game browser more to look for others saying that things are bugged or not rather than actual research :(


Added my name and character to the google spreadsheet list.

Edit: However it will be a while before I fully get into the game after the head start.


Two quests in Kingsmouth I couldn't complete last night
"Men in Black Vans" and "It takes two to Tango"
I just completed without any issues. One of them was listed in the patch notes, mayby server restart resolved the other. Anyway nice to see Funcom patching these!


Men in Black Vans definitely got fixed. It gives some feedback when you mess up now too, making it VASTLY easier to understand what's going on. (I don't really think the name is a spoiler, since it's right in the chat bubble!)


Neo Member
First GAF post!

Me and the wife started playing on Saturday (Daemon server), and we are having a blast. I'm running AR/Blade, and she is running FW/Blood.

I haven't seen much talk on here about decks. Is everyone aware of these? You get a uniform for completeing certain decks. You can find them on the far left side of the ability circle.


Men in Black Vans went through this time, but Something Wicked is still bugged for me. :(

Edit: Nevermind, got it. Waited for the ravens to reset and it worked.

Hope it works for me when I get home. Tried several times to get past 4/5 in Something Wicked couldn't do it. Was such a downer since the quest has been awesome so far.
I just bought the damn game haha, got the wolf preorder - COOL COOL!


but right now the games is downloading 14GB ... usually I get like 2.5MB/sec on something like rapidshare, but the secret world is suuuuper slow! right now it would take 30h to download die 14GB lol I hope this is only because EVERYONE is using the servers right now


Neo Member
but right now the games is downloading 14GB ... usually I get like 2.5MB/sec on something like rapidshare, but the secret world is suuuuper slow! right now it would take 30h to download die 14GB lol I hope this is only because EVERYONE is using the servers right now

When I downloaded it Saturday I was getting my full 2MB/sec. Probably getting hit hard right now.


Neo Member
aw damn, I guess I'll cave. I know it's insanely early to ask this, but is there a specific server with a really strong illuminati faction?

Daemon has a decent Illuminati presence. In PvP, Dragon and Illuminati are about even in terms of wins. Plus the overall community of Daemon is insanly mature. EVERYONE is willing to help new players.


aw damn, I guess I'll cave. I know it's insanely early to ask this, but is there a specific server with a really strong illuminati faction?

I'm on cerberus and before yesterday I was thinking illuminati was 2nd. But saw a lot more Dragon yesterday and they were also kicking ass in pvp as well. So maybe it's Templar > Illuminati = Dragon on cerberus.
Daemon has a decent Illuminati presence. In PvP, Dragon and Illuminati are about even in terms of wins. Plus the overall community of Daemon is insanly mature. EVERYONE is willing to help new players.

Wow, that sounds great. Guess I'll roll there whenever the dl finishes, thanks for the tip.

syko de4d

ah, i am away from home since yesterday and only have my laptop...
I really want to play more tsw after the 2 Days Early Access, but first i must buy it :D


Ugh. Something wicked being bugged wouldn't be so bad if I could have more than one main mission at a time.

syko de4d

Ugh. Something wicked being bugged wouldn't be so bad if I could have more than one main mission at a time.

My quest was not bugged
The Quest from one on my List was bugged

We grouped and he changed to my Dimension and the Quest worked for him


does anybody know what the blood raven does? its in the "initiation-pack" for 15EUR

It's cosmetic-only, so no buffs at all like the 3 pre-order pets.

I got the cat and was like SWEET. Till I saw the other pets in game. :(

Actually, I've got the wolf and while it looks really cool, it just follows you around - no attacking or anything, even though it gives you a buff as though it's doing a little bit of damage. Instead, it whines while you fight. And whines and whines and whines. And then it gets caught on terrain, and eventually it disappears. It's actually about the only thing in the game I'm disappointed with so far.


I haven't seen much talk on here about decks. Is everyone aware of these? You get a uniform for completeing certain decks. You can find them on the far left side of the ability circle.

Im actually going for slayer deck now (assault rifles/blades) after failing to get much done with my own pistols/fists build.


Man in Black Vans works indeed, but I am not sure if the other people just randomly click the parts, or if they are using it to farm the monsters it spawns...


Has anyone here been able to complete the mission Something Wicked since the patch? It's completely screwed up in my instance (Tier 4), but I've read if someone invites me to an instance where they completed it I'll be able to complete it.

I really wish they gave us the ability to just manually switch instances.


Neo Member
What world is everyone on? We should form a Cabal

I'm on Daemon. I started an Illuminati Cabal called "Ethos". Finishing up the website now. Looking for officers who would like to help recruit. Will have a TS3 server soon. PST Kairotic in-game if you're interested! :D


Keep in mind that cabals are Faction specific.
Cross-faction, double agents or whatever may be coming later, but no plans.

edit: Kingsmouth cappy get! Celebrated by a shotgun blast into the air!

lol ;)


The General chat is cross-dimension basically, everyone with a * in front oh his/her nick is from another Dimension.

Nah, the channels are same dimension, the * means that person is visiting, if it were cross dimension it would be SOOO spammed. We confirmed this the first night on Grim :) But still, virtually the entire game is available cross-dimension.


Nah, the channels are same dimension, the * means that person is visiting, if it were cross dimension it would be SOOO spammed. We confirmed this the first night on Grim :) But still, virtually the entire game is available cross-dimension.

Hmm, you may be right about that.
Anyhoo, the game has officially launched early, the floodgates are open. Like now.


I hadn't even heard of this game until today when I accidentally stumbled into a "the end of the beta" gameplay video on youtube. This looks really unique and fun. I hate MMOs for the most part, and the setting and everything about what I'm seeing for this game looks really nice. I think I might pick this up tomorrow.

I assume the press embargo lifts tomorrow? Or are there already reviews out there?

And how big are the areas in the game? This isn't like SWTOR where everything is basically a corridor, is it?


anyone know if you can trade clothes? They go straight into my 'closet'. I wanted to give my Cabal matching jackets but I don't see a way to do this. (besides handing out five dollar bills....)


Has anyone here been able to complete the mission Something Wicked since the patch? It's completely screwed up in my instance (Tier 4), but I've read if someone invites me to an instance where they completed it I'll be able to complete it.

I really wish they gave us the ability to just manually switch instances.

I just tried to complete Something Wicked and it's still broken for me.


so it sounds like this game is a buggy mess. perhaps I should wait....

Wow, way to jump to a conclusion there. A couple of bugged investigation missions does not equal a mess. In fact, this is probably the smoothest MMO launch I've ever experienced, and I've been around since the early days of Ultima Online.
I played this for some hours - its FUN!

All the names I wanted were already taken so I called my guy "Hazelnut" (like Hazel from 30Rock) lol


... I'm on "deamon" if someone wants to know ... btw can you change the dimension?

also I got cought in the raven quest in kings-bla, that one big raven-monster got away and I picked up the feather but then the quest jumped back to tier 2 .........


You have 60 seconds per tier in that quest before the ravens dissappear. Just follow their direction.


Wow, way to jump to a conclusion there. A couple of bugged investigation missions does not equal a mess. In fact, this is probably the smoothest MMO launch I've ever experienced, and I've been around since the early days of Ultima Online.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard that....

Joe Molotov

I'm intrigued by the conspiracy theory/secret societies angle. I'm downloading it tonight and I'll check it out tomorrow.


It's just people getting to the last step and flubbing it up, I think it's been fixed. You'll know if it's broken because there will be multiple of the last set of npcs on top of the same spot, preventing them from functioning.


Yeah. It's only bugged in some instances. So if you come across the bug, ask in general if someone who has completed the quest recently will pull you into their instance. They'll invite you to a group and the game will ask if you want to join them.

I was able to finally finish the quest after doing that.
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